Irwan Mohd Subri

Irwan Mohd Subri
Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia | usim · International Fatwa and Halal Centre (IFFAH)

BA (al-Azhar), S.P.I (UKM) & Ph.D (UIAM)


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August 2012 - December 2012
Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia
  • Mem”bin/ti”kan Anak Tidak Sah Taraf Menurut Perspektif Syarak, Undang-Undang dan Sosial
January 2004 - June 2004
Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
  • Kepakaran Perubatan Dalam Proses Mengeluarkan Fatwa Di Malaysia


Publications (96)
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Sarang Burung Walit (SBW) yang diperbuat daripada air liur burung spesies Aerodramus fuciphagus mempunyai banyak manfaat kesihatan seperti melambatkan proses penuaan serta menguatkan sistem imun manusia. Bagi memaksimumkan penggunaan SBW, hasil sampingan SBW daripada pembersihan awal digunakan oleh pengilang dengan mengekstrak semula glikopeptida y...
In recent years, there has been a rapid growth of the halal pharmaceutical industry, especially in the supply chain of solid oral dosage forms of medication. This article outlines aspects of the Halal Management System (HMS) in the development and production of halal pharmaceuticals. It explains the needs and requirements of HMS and identifies the...
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This study identifies the Muslim Malaysian community’s attitudes towards cupping therapy in contrast with some variables such as: Gender, Age, Residence, Marital status, and Academic achievement. To achieve this goal, the researcher made a questionnaire consisting of 20 paragraphs, and it was distributed electronically randomly, during the period r...
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Water conservation is essential in Islam. The reuse of water for ablution through the process of water treatment is one way of water conservation. However, discussions and debates occurred because the source of water used for the treatment is categorized as musta’mal, which is pure but not purified and may contain mutanajjis water. This article pro...
The COVID-19 virus was discovered in Wuhan, China in December 2019 and has spread to hundreds of countries. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic in Malaysia, thousands have died which warrant multiple preventative measures to be taken. This study will analyze recent literature studies and focusing on controls in Malaysia, and worldwide. It will fur...
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This article applies bibliometric analysis to examine existing works and literature on Halal Cosmetics to explore the concept’s evolving journey since its emergence. This study applies bibliometric approaches such as citation, co-citation, and co-occurrence of author keywords based on a bibliometric analysis of 137 publications extracted from the S...
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Prophetic medicine is one of the parts of Islamic Shariah law as it is mentioned in the hadiths of the Prophet which is one of the sources of Islamic jurisprudence. To avoid any misunderstanding and exploitation in society, these hadiths need to be understood precisely through the method of ‘illah analysis contained in these hadiths. The ‘illah deb...
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Abstrak Fenomena penyakit berjangkit antara faktor yang merencatkan kestabilan sosioekonomi sesebuah masyarakat khususnya populasi miskin. Ia disebabkan aktiviti perekonomian yang terbatas, kos perubatan yang meningkat dan akses fasiliti kesihatan yang terhad. Takaful mikro merupakan antara instrumen kewangan Islam yang menawarkan skim perlindungan...
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There are concerns among some Malaysians about the Pfizer vaccine to curb the spread of the Covid 19 pandemic. Aims and Objectives: This study is aimed at measuring the level of Muslim knowledge in Malaysia on their acceptance of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine brought in by the Malaysian government. Methodology: The study used quantitative methodology...
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During the Covid-19 pandemic, this study examined the level of knowledge and compliance of Malaysian Muslims with the legal decision to distance each prayer by one meter. It is well known in Islam that praying near a congregation (jemaah) is encouraged, but Malaysia's muftis have decided to add a distance of one meter between the prayers to prevent...
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A new type of Coronavirus known as COVID-19 has invaded the world, including Malaysia. According to the World Health Organization (as of March 31, 2020), COVID-19 has caused the deaths of 36,405 victims. This article attempts to discuss the Movement Control Order that has been enforced by the Malaysian government to curb the COVID-19 epidemic. This...
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Peningkatan jumlah institusi dan individu sebagai ejen kutipan zakat di Malaysia pada dasarnya bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kadar kutipan zakat mengikut negeri di samping memudahkan masyarakat untuk menunaikan kewajiban zakat. Walau bagaimanapun, timbul konflik berkaitan dengan kutipan zakat di negeri lain atau merentasi sempadan negeri yang diteta...
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Golongan mukhannath bukanlah sesuatu kelompok masyarakat yang baru wujud. Perbincangan dan perbahasan mengenainya telah pun disentuh oleh para ulama silam dan pengamal perubatan. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pengertian mukhannath daripada perspektif fiqh dan perubatan berpandukan sorotan literatur atau kajian lepas. Kajian berbentuk kuali...
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Tulang haiwan adalah antara bahan penting yang digunakan sebagai karbon aktif bagi menapis kotoran air, dan dijadikan bio seramik bagi membekalkan kalsium pada air. Kebanyakan tulang dalam industri diperolehi dari sumber yang haram atau diragui status halalnya. Justeru, objektif kajian ini menganalisis penggunaan tulang haiwan dalam produk penapis...
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This paper is about a review on membrane water treatment according to Islamic and science perspectives. Nowadays, water as the most precious human right facing many issues regarding its misuse leading to critical water shortage and contaminated. Various methods have been introduced to tackle this water issue. One of the aspect is by having water tr...
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Abstrak Memahami Maqasid Syariah merupakan tuntutan asas bagi setiap mufti. Hal ini kerana mufti bertanggungjawab dalam hal-hal menjelaskan fatwa kepada masyarakat. Bagi menjawab persoalan masyarakat, jawapan yang dikemukakan mestilah selari dengan pendekatan Maqasid Syariah. Antara tuntutan Maqasid Syariah dalam fatwa ialah meraikan maslahah dan m...
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Pengurusan perihal zakat adalah tertakluk kepada kuasa dan pandangan pemerintah setempat. Di Malaysia, Majlis Agama Islam Negeri (MAIN) negeri-negeri adalah pemerintah yang berkuasa dalam pengurusan zakat termasuklah berkaitan kutipan zakat masyarakat setempat. Berdasarkan tinjauan semasa, semua MAIN telah melantik ejen atau amil yang bertauliah da...
Brunei Darussalam is one of Middle East countries that placed Islam as the religion of the federation which stated in it constitution. The islamic administration in Brunei authorized Mazhab Syafi’i as the main methodology in deriving hukum including any issues related with zakat management. Hence, the objective of this research is one of the exposu...
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Recent studies around the world have shown that there is an increment of maternal mortality due to the rising incidence of blood clot complication or commonly known as venous thromboembolism in pregnancies and during confinement. Women with high risk pregnancies are treated with low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) as the effective anti coagulant ei...
This research work seeks to bring into view the status quo of the Yoruba customary system of inheritance, which is to some extent opposed to the Islamic legal system of inheritance. This is because it is observed that the Yoruba customary system is characterized by some oppression and injustice. Some eligible persons are being deprived their shares...
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This research work seeks to bring into view the status quo of the Yoruba customary system of inheritance, which is to some extent opposed to the Islamic legal system of inheritance. This is because it is observed that the Yoruba customary system is characterized by some oppression and injustice. Some eligible persons are being deprived their shares...
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Introduction. Male-to-female transgender individuals are known as mak nyahs in Malaysia. Akin to many other countries, mak nyahs face discriminations in securing proper employment, thus many end up in sex trade, exposing them to HIV-related high risk behaviours. This paper aims to investigate the knowledge, attitude, and risk behaviours in HIV/AIDS...
This article examines decision of the Federal Territory Syarie Consultation Committee on the issue of iktikaf in surau (prayer rooms). There are two different degicionc (fatwa) in thic iccue: the flrct allowc iktikaf to be done in the surau. However, after twelve years, this opinion was reversed and since then iktikaf in surau was no longer allowed...
SARS epidemic that swept around the world gave a fear that it is a dangerous virus that can be fatal if not treated immediately. Various ways have been taken by the countries affected by the epidemic, including Malaysia, to prevent the epidemic from spreading further. This case discusses the preventive steps to be taken in dealing with SARS. Next,...
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Islam has gained a place in the hearts of non-Muslim communities. As a proof, statistics released by the Syarie Lawyers Association of Malaysia recorded an increase in the number of converts up to 76,663 people all over Malaysia in 2000 until 2009. There are various factors that motivated these people to Islam. For example, some are impressed with...
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Converts is one of the group which obtained a portion of zakat after asnaf and poor groups and registed zakat collecters (amil). Systematic distribution of zakat can give justice to those who are eligible to receive zakat donations as converts. Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (MAIWP) as an institution that responsible for managing the zakat...
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The difference of thinking leads to diversity of the use of the term for particular issue. There is a wide term used to the new convert to Islam as convert Muslim, new brothers and sisters, a brother Muslim, reverted Muslim and mualaf. However, the question arises regarding the most appropriate term to use for this group either in everyday conversa...
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Conversion to Islam among the new converts in Malaysia increasing every year. This positive development should be given proper attention, especially in terms of welfare, social support and increase their understanding of Islam, with the intention that they have not turn them back to their religion of origin. Zakat institution is one of the institut...
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The spread of Islam in Malaysia had a positive impact against the increasing number of converts. Before embracing Islam, someone should know the conversion procedures to prevent any problems arise after becoming a Muslim. Having converted to Islam, the development of a new convert was very important to ensure they are on the right path. Association...
Conference Paper
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Fatwa mempunyai nilai dan kedudukan tersendiri dalam Islam. Namun, kemuliaan fatwa ini turut berhadapan dengan risiko kerana mereka yang memberikan fatwa itu merupakan pihak pengesah tentang hukum-hakam Tuhan. Kesalahan-kesalahan individu ini dalam memberikan fatwa akan menatijahkan impak negatif di dunia dan akhirat. Bagi menangani risiko ini, par...
Conference Paper
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Fatwa mempunyai nilai dan kedudukan tersendiri dalam Islam. Namun, kemuliaan fatwa ini turut berhadapan dengan risiko kerana mereka yang memberikan fatwa itu merupakan pihak pengesah tentang hukum-hakam Tuhan. Kesalahan-kesalahan individu ini dalam memberikan fatwa akan menatijahkan impak negatif di dunia dan akhirat. Bagi menangani risiko ini, par...
Deer antler velvet is one of the important ingredients used in traditional medicine by many Asean countries including Malaysia. However, there is doubt regarding the halalness of the medicine derived from deer antler velvet taken alive due to the conflict of fatwa. The objective of this paper is to analyse the position of medicine derives from deer...
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يتحرّى هذا المقال القضايا الأخلاقيّة القانونيّة إزاء إنهاء الحمل بسبب الثلاسيميّة مع التركيز على ما قد تفضّل به مقاصد الشريعة تكاملا مع النظام الأخلاقيّ. كانت الدراسة من الأهمّيةّ بمكان؛ لأنها تتصدّى لبعض القضايا المعاصرة التي يهتمّ بها العلماء المتخصّصون في المجال الطبّيّ والشريعة الإسلاميّة. والرجاء أنّها ستكون عونا مفيدا للعلماء المسلمين في المه...
Flood that occurred in December 2014 has been categorized as the worst in Malaysia. The disaster has involved more than 100,000 people who experienced with the destruction of property and livelihoods. The victims need immediate help to restore their life back to normal. The situation was categorized as an urgency that requires the use of Islamic Le...
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At the end of 2014, Malaysia was hit by an extraordinary and massive flood which affected mainly on its east coast region. The victims, who accounted as more than two hundred thousand people were rescued and placed at flood relief centers. Situation at the relief centers were very challenging and they were closely related to many aqidah’s concept,...
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At the end of 2014, Malaysia was hit by an extraordinary and massive flood which affected mainly on its east coast region. The victims, who accounted as more than two hundred thousand people were rescued and placed at flood relief centers. At the relief centres, there were a lot of situations that related closely to Fiqh discipline such as ritual p...
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Converts is categorised as those entitled to receive zakat in Islam. There are differences in the interpretation of the definition of converts who can influence the distribution of zakat management. The differences that may exist are either non-Muslims that Islam is also likely to be eligible to receive zakat or not. Thus, the objective of this art...
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This article discusses the importance of comparative religion in the mualaf management module in Negeri Sembilan from the perspectives of both: Mad'u and Da'i. Comparative religion is a discipline of study which discusses comparatively the histories, beliefs, practices, ethics and many other religious aspects between two or more religions. In the I...
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Based on the statistics released by the Syarie Lawyers Association of Malaysia in 2012 shows that an increase rate of muslim conversion is a total of 76, 663 people between 2002 until the year 2010, thus, it is proving good acceptance of Islam from the non-Muslims. Those who recently embraced Islam in ‘urf’ called convert and has the right in share...
The appointment of a mufti amongst the women is a new issue to be discussed. Throughout the history of the institution of fatwa in Malaysia, woman has never been appointed as mufti even though there is no prohibition either in Islamic law and the laws of Malaysia which states that women cannot be appointed as mufti. This article aims to seek the vi...
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At the end of 2014, Malaysia was hit by an extraordinary and massive flood which affected mainly on its east coast region. The victims, who accounted as more than two hundred thousand people were rescued and placed at flood relief centers. This pilot study was conducted to gather issues related to aqidah at relief centers in the Temerloh and Maran...
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Natural disaster happened around the world causing destruction to the environment and mankind. All of these natural disasters also happened during the time of Prophet and his Companions. Natural disasters that often experienced in our country is flood. This phenomenon that happened previously has causing chaos to many people. The floods began with...
This article discusses the use of animal bones in bone China products from halal and haram perspective. The main problem of the study due to the public confusion as a result of the difference views on halal and haram status of bone China products. The objectives of the study are to analyze the Shariah’s view and current fatwa on the law of utilizin...
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Physiological changes in pregnancy makes the pregnancy is in hypercoagulable state. The risk further increase as the pregnant women had other associated medical comorbidity. The problem statement of this paper has commenced when recent 2016/2017 statistic in Malaysia revealed that the principal cause of maternal death in pregnancy is Venous Thrombo...
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Islam has set certain rules in the distribution of inheritance including customary land. In the meantime, local culture has its own distinctive approach to the issue of customary land different from the faraid method. This study examines the extent to which this local culture or uruf can be adopted in the issue of customary land distribution, espec...
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Issue of illegitimate child is among matters discussed in Malaysia whether from the point of fiqh or law. This article analyzes some of the Terengganu Shariah High Court decisions concerning illegitimate child. The decisions are studied from the point of whether it is contrary to the fatwa of State Fatwa Committee or not. This article uses qualitat...
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p> Background : Medical professionalism can be defined as a set of values, behaviours and relationships. Thus it is imperative that professionalism is incorporated into the undergraduate curriculum. In Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, medical professionalism is integrated throughout the 6-year medical programme through courses in Fundamental Islami...
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Male-to-female transgenders are discriminated in Malaysia due to their gender expression, their involvement in the sex trade, and the high prevalence of HIV infection in this community. They are burdened by many health issues including HIV and sexually transmitted diseases, psychiatric problems, substance abuse, and complications resulting from fem...
Nowadays, dry volume measure like sa’ (gantang/) has been obsolete for use for trade and thus misunderstanding about its conversion to modern metric unit has increased. In Malaysia, the sa’ is still being referred for the purpose of zakat payment but converted to weight rather than volume albeit the fact that it is a dry volume measure. The objecti...
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Discussions on the appointment of woman as mufti in Malaysia are new and uncommon. In the history of the institutions of fatwa in Malaysia, woman has never been appointed as mufti, however there aren’t any, neither in the Islamic nor Malaysia laws prohibiting women from issuing fatwas and being a mufti. This study was aim at finding the views of Fa...
Conference Paper
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Abstrak: Pembangunan asnaf melalui pendidikan merupakan satu strategi penting yang boleh dilaksanakan bagi mengubah kehidupan golongan ini daripada kepompong kemiskinan. Ia merupakan satu proses peningkatan nilai diri yang perlu berlaku sepanjang hayat. Justeru itu, kajian ini dijalankan bagi mengenal pasti keperluan kepada agihan zakat secara inte...
Penggunaan pendekatan agama Islam dalam mengubah persepsi transgender ke atas gaya hidup berisiko tinggi mendapat HIV
Male-to-female transgenders are discriminated in Malaysia due to their gender expression, their involvement in the sex trade, and the high prevalence of HIV infection in this community. They are burdened by many health issues including HIV and sexually transmitted diseases, psychiatric problems, substance abuse, and complications resulting from fem...
Conference Paper
Male-to-female transgenders are discriminated in Malaysia due to their gender expression, their involvement in the sex trade, and the high prevalence of HIV infection in this community. They are burdened by many health issues including HIV and sexually transmitted diseases, psychiatric problems, substance abuse, and complications resulting from fem...
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A ceramic product derived from the bones of non-halal animal has become an issue for Muslims in terms of its status whether it is halal or haram. The status can be determined by scrutinizing the transformation process or namely as istiḥālah either a complete change (istiḥālah kāmilah) or an incomplete change (istiḥālah ghayr kāmilah). This research...
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New Muslims have to go through three different phases in the course of embracing Islam. The three phases are pre-conversion, conversion and post-conversion. The purpose of this paper is to seek understanding of what the new Muslims have to go through in embracing Islam. Focus groups and surveys were conducted to reveal the phenomena new Muslims enc...
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Modul Pertandingan Sukan dan Peraduan Patuh Syariah merupakan modul komprehensif yang membincangkan secara terperinci mengenai garis panduan pertandingan sukan dan peraduan patuh syariah. Modul ini menggabungkan empat aspek utama iaitu konsep sukan dalam Islam, etika pakaian sukan menurut syarak, garis panduan pertandingan sukan dan peraduan patuh...
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At the end of 2014, Malaysia was hit by an extraordinary and massive flood which affected mainly on its east coast region. The victims, who accounted as more than two hundred thousand people were rescued and placed at flood relief centers. This pilot study was conducted to gather issues related to aqidah at relief centers in the Temerloh and Maran...
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ABSTRAK Penghujung tahun 2014, Malaysia khususnya di pantai Timur telah dilanda banjir besar yang luar biasa. Mangsa-mangsa yang dipindahkan dan ditempatkan di pusat pemindahan melebihi dua ratus ribu orang. Situasi yang penuh dengan cabaran dan dugaan itu amat berkait berkait rapat dengan konsep-konsep aqidah seperti iman terhadap Qada dan Qadar,...
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ABSTRAK Penghujung tahun 2014, Malaysia khususnya di pantai Timur telah dilanda banjir besar yang luar biasa. Mangsa-mangsa yang dipindahkan dan ditempatkan di pusat penempatan melebihi dua ratus ribu orang. Di pusat-pusat penempatan itu, terdapat beberapa keadaan yang berkait rapat dengan Fiqh seperti cara bersuci, kaedah mengerjakan solat, batasa...
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At the end of 2014, Malaysia was hit by an extraordinary and massive flood which affected mainly on its east coast region. The victims, who accounted as more than two hundred thousand people were rescued and placed at flood relief centers. This pilot study was conducted to gather issues related to fiqh at relief centers in the Temerloh district, Pa...
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Abstrak Terdapat banyak salah tanggapan terhadap imunisasi atau vaksin yang telah diterbitkan secara atas talian seperti blog, laman-lamn sesawang dan disebarkan melalui media sosial. Namun kebanyakannya tidak boleh disahkan dan agak provokatif (Musa Mohd Nordin, 2014). Situasi ini mengakibatkan masyarakat awam meragui dan tidak memberi vaksin kepa...
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This article focuses on the concept of tanning (dibagh) according to Syara’ and its application in the present day especially in the Malaysian halal industry. The objective of this research is to see whether the current application of tanning (dibagh) in industry is in accordance with Syara’. The authors used two research methods which are library...
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Converts is categorised as those entitled to receive zakat in Islam. There are differences in the interpretation of the definition of converts who can influence the distribution of zakat management. The differences that may exist are either non-Muslims that Islam is also likely to be eligible to receive zakat or not. Thus, the objective of this art...
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Isu anak tak sah taraf antara perkara yang dibincangkan di Malaysia sama ada dari sudut fiqah atau undang-undang. Artikel ini menganalisa beberapa keputusan Mahkamah Syariah Tinggi Terengganu tentang anak tak sah taraf. Ia dikaji dari sudut sama ada ia bertentangan dengan fatwa Jawatankuasa Fatwa Negeri Terengganu atau tidak. Artikel ini menggunaka...
Conference Paper
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Kertas kerja ini membincangkan mengenai isu penggunaan tulang haiwan dalam produk penapis air dan pandangan syarak mengenainya. Umumnya, tulang haiwan adalah antara bahan penting yang digunakan sebagai karbon aktif bagi menapis kotoran air, dan dijadikan bio seramik bagi membekalkan kalsium pada air. Kebanyakan tulang dalam industri diperolehi dari...
Conference Paper
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Abstrak Sebagai sebuah jabatan yang bertanggungjawab dalam menyampaikan fatwa kepada masyarakat, Jabatan Mufti sangat komited menjalankan tugasnya dengan menggunakan pelbagai wasilah termasuklah media komunikasi. Namun begitu masih terdapat masyarakat muslim yang belum cakna dengan kewujudan fatwa yang seharusya menjadi undang-undang utama bagi mer...
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A review of the literature has shown that several aspects of hospital management in Malaysia do not comply with Islamic laws, for example, the choice of drugs and medical personnel-patient relationship of different gender. These two important issues need to be addressed wisely and discreetly in order to preserve Malaysia's status as an Islamic coun...
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Although hospitals’ management currently observe all general rules set by the government nevertheless, there are certain short comings on the part of management, as it lacks comliance with the requirement of Shari’ah in respects of selection of medicine, the relations between the patients and the doctors of differnt gender, and the lack of the know...
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Artikel ini memfokuskan kajian tentang isu Anak Tak Sah Taraf di Malaysia dengan merujuk dan menganalisa kes-kes yang diputuskan di Mahkamah Syariah. Setelah meneliti beberapa penghakiman di Mahkamah Syariah yang melibatkan kes berkaitan Anak Tak Sah Taraf, penulis mendapati bahawa Mahkamah Syariah mempunyai dua pendekatan dalam kes melibatkan perm...
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This article presents the use of creative ideas in teaching Shariah Studies. Among the creative ideas implemented and may be utilised is the method of role playing, done by assigning topics to students which they would then act out. The study conducted a survey questionnaire using purposive sampling to 100 students registering for the subject Mabah...