Irmeli Palmberg

Irmeli Palmberg
Åbo Akademi University · Department of Teacher Education



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Publications (46)
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Biologia eläväksi – Biologian didaktiikka on monipuolinen johdatus haasteelliseen aiheeseen eli biologian opetukseen, opiskeluun ja oppimiseen. Se on tarkoitettu yleissivistävän koulun opettajaksi tähtääville opiskelijoille ja koulussa jo toimiville opettajille. Kirja sopii myös lisämateriaaliksi kaikille, jotka haluavat kehittyä opettajana ja kehi...
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Teachers need knowledge of species and species identification skills for teaching the structure and function of ecosystems, and the principles of biodiversity and its role in sustainability. The aim of this study is to analyze Nordic student teachers' views on the most efficient methods and strategies to teach and learn species and species identifi...
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Teachers need knowledge of species and species identification skills for teaching the structure and function of ecosystems, and the principles of biodiversity and its role in sustainability. The aim of this study is to analyze Nordic student teachers’ views on the most efficient methods and strategies to teach and learn species and species identifi...
People’s knowledge about nature, their interest in nature, their nature experiences, and their values and emotions regarding nature are factors that promote people’s positive views on environmental issues and sustainability. Knowing the variation and patterns in teachers’ and student teachers’ views is an essential step in considering the ways in w...
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Ihmiset tavoittelevat hyvää elämää. Hyvän elämän tavoittelun tavat liittyvät siihen, mitä syömme, kuinka asumme, millä liikumme ja kuinka kulutamme tavaroita ja palveluita. Elämään tyytyväisyyden ja kestävien elämäntapojen välisen yhteisvaihtelun tutkiminen voi auttaa hahmottamaan kokonaisvaltaisemmin kestävää kehitystä edistävän kasvatuksen ja kou...
Tavoitteena oli selvittää kyselylomakkeella ja haastatteluin aineenopettajaopis- kelijoiden käsityksiä pedagogisissa opinnoissa saamistaan kestävän kehityksen valmiuksista (opintojen kattavuudesta ja hyödyllisyydestä) ja mahdollisuuksis- taan vaikuttaa oppijoiden ympäristövastuulliseen käyttäytymiseen. Tulosten mukaan opiskelijat pitävät kestävän...
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Sustainability is a complex concept including ecological, economic and social dimensions, which in turn involve several aspects that are interrelated in a complex way, such as cultural, health and political aspects. Systems thinking, which focuses on a system’s interrelated parts, could therefore help people understand the complexity of sustainabil...
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Sustainability is a complex concept including ecological, economic and social dimensions, which in turn involve several aspects that are interrelated in a complex way, such as cultural, health and political aspects. Systems thinking, which focuses on a system’s interrelated parts, could therefore help people understand the complexity of sustainabil...
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Sustainability is internationally often emphasized as an essential aim of higher education, but more as a principle than on the practical level. This is also obvious in the academic education of primary teachers in Finland. Therefore, it is a great challenge for Finnish teachers to include sustainability in their teaching and everyday life in schoo...
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There are very few studies concerning the importance of teaching methods in biology education and environmental education including outdoor education for promoting sustainability at the levels of primary and secondary schools and pre-service teacher education. The material was selected using special keywords from biology and sustainable education i...
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Tiivistelmä Ihmisen biologia sekä ekologiset prosessit ja ilmiöt ovat kansainvälisen tutkimuk- sen mukaan vaikeasti hallittavia sisältöalueita biologiassa. Tässä kvalitatiivisessa tutkimuksessa selvitetään luokanopettajaksi (n=164) ja biologian ja maantieteen aineenopettajaksi opiskelevien (n=53) biologisen ja maantieteellisen tiedon hal- lintaa se...
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Students’ and student teachers’ decreasing interest in and knowledge of science are, according to many national and international assessments, alarming trends in the Nordic countries. This quantitative and qualitative study of student teachers’ knowledge of core concepts and processes in ecology confirms the low level of student teachers’ understan...
Students’ and student teachers’ decreasing interest in and knowledge of science are, according to many national and international assessments, alarming trends in the Nordic countries. This quantitative and qualitative study of student teachers’ knowledge of core concepts and processes in ecology confirms the low level of student teachers’ understan...
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This study aims to find higher education students’ perceptions about environmental issues and how the perceptions are related to perceptions of media coverage. This study investigates higher education students’ perceptions of the seriousness of environmental issues and their relation to perceptions of media coverage. Higher education students perce...
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Knowledge of species, interest in nature, and nature experiences are the factors that best promote interest in and understanding of environmental issues, biodiversity and sustainable life. The aim of this study is to investigate how well student teachers identify common local species, their interest in and ideas about species identification, and th...
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According to previous research, pupils and students regard genetics as a very difficult subject. They find it abstract, and the use of many concepts at several different levels in the same textbook makes it difficult for them to understand. Teaching methods and ways of working have been criticised as part of the problem. The aim of this study is to...
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The media, as a source of information, is supposed to have a significant role in effecting people's environmental knowledge and attitudes. The purpose of this study was to find students' perceptions of environmental issues as presented in the media and how students in Finland, Lithuania and Sweden used these media sources in the matters related to...
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Alarming trends in science in Nordic schools, indicating a diminishing interest among students, a lack of knowledge and competence among teachers as well as a decreasing amount of science in teacher education sparked this study of student teachers in Denmark, Finland and Sweden. This quantitative and qualitative study of teacher students’ views of...
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According to recent research, the knowledge of species, interest in nature, and nature experiences arethe factors that best promote interest in and understanding of environmental issues and sustainable life style. However, during the past 20 years the knowledge of species has decreased alarmingly among pupils, but also among their teachers. The aim...
Students after graduating school must have both, knowledge and basic skills for ac-tive life-action, which includes their ability to evaluate their knowledge and skills for usabil-ity both in everyday life and in future. In this article knowledge of different problems within science education and its usability for future life, evaluated by the Latv...
The gastrodermal cell types of Microstomum lineare (Turbellaria, Macrostomida) were studied by electron microscopy. Their immunoreactivity (IR) to bovine pancreatic peptide (BPP), FMRF-amide and vasotocin, somatostatin, neurotensin, ACTH, CCK, bombesin, secretin, gastrin/CCK and insulin antisera was tested by light microscopic immunocytochemical me...
Different environmental educational programmes (field trips, hiking, camps, adventure activities) are, through personal experiences, aimed to develop pupils’ affective relationship to the natural environment, their environmental sensitivity and outdoor behaviour, as well as their social relationships. The present study discusses the results of expe...
The microturbellarian Microstomum lineare bears two pairs of glandulo-sensory organs, i.e. epidermal pigmented eyespots and ciliated pits. The ciliated pits are bottle-shaped grooves which open to the lateral margins of the worm. The walls of each pit consist mainly of two kinds of cells. The first, dominant cell type is placed postero-laterally al...
The ultrastructure of three types of sense receptors in the anterior end of Stenostomum leucops is described. Type I is characterized by abundant branching microvilli and ciliary rootlets but a lack of cilia. Type II possesses a short cilium with aberrant axonema. Type III has a cilium protruding from an invagination, a long rootlet and a collar of...
General body sensitivity to light is present in Stenostomum leucops, expressed as increased activity and locomotion of resting animals by exposure to light. The sensory structures involved have not been identified so far. The head of S. leucops bears sensory cells in the ciliary pits, along the epithelium and in connection to the brain lobes. Two t...
Autoradiography, immunocytochemistry, and microscopy were employed to study stem cells and their fates in experimentally decapitated and in asexually reproducing specimens of Microstomum lineare (O. F. Mller). Differentiation of the nervous system in developing zooids was monitored by the appearance of immunoreactivity to the neuropeptide FMRF/RF-a...
A combination of microscopical, immunocytochemical, and autoradiographic techniques were employed to study stem cells and their fates during asexual reproduction and regeneration in two microturbellarians,Microstomum lineare (Macrostomida) andStenostomum leucops (Catenulida). Special attention was paid to the development of the immunoreactivity (IR...
The development of immunoreactivity (IR)_in the nervous system of asexually reproducing Microstomum lineare has been studied by a combination of simultaneous and double immunostaining with antisera to 5-HT and RF-amide, as well as with monoclonal antibodies to SCPB (molluscan small cardiactive peptide). Immunoreactivity appears in a distinct sequen...
The development of immunoreactivity (IR) in the nervous system of asexually reproducing Microstomum lineare has been studied by a combination of simultaneous and double immunostaining with antisera to 5-HT and RF-amide, as well as with monoclonal antibodies to SCPB (molluscan small cardioactive peptide). Immunoreactivity appears in a distinct seque...
Using transmission electron microscopy and serial sections with light-microscopic autoradiography, I have investigated the ultrastructure of wound healing, the distribution of cells preparing for proliferation, and the fates of cells labelled with exogenous tritiated thymidine ([3H]T) in Microstomum lineare undergoing wound healing and regeneration...
The innervation of the division zone in the asexually reproducing Microstomum lineare (Turbellaria) was studied by light and electron microscopy. Nerve fibres presumed to be peptidergic form a circumferential belt and longitudinal nerve fibres and nerve swellings join the circumferential belt from opposite directions. Peptidergic nervous influence...
The distribution of cells preparing for proliferation during asexual reproduction by paratomy in Microstomum lineare (Turbellaria) was investigated using the technique of exogenous tritiated thymidine ([H]T) labelling and routine electron microscopy. The subsequent fates of labelled cells in developing and mature zooids were followed by fixing tiss...
The eyespots of Microstomum lineare were studied by electron microscopy, light microscopy, and fluorescence microscopy. Each eyespot consists of two ciliary photoreceptor cells shielded by pigment cells and additional sensory cells. The photoreceptor cells are characterized by a distal intracellular cavity lined with 50-100 interwoven cilia. The ot...
The nervous system (NS) of Microstomum lineare (Turbellaria, Macrostomida) was studied by electron and light microscopy, combined with fluorescence histochemistry (Falck-Hillarp method for biogenic monoamines). The NS is primitively organized, with a bilobed brain, two lateral nerve cords lacking commissures, and peripheral nerve cells scattered al...


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