Irina Dinu

Irina Dinu
GeoEcoMar | NIRD GeoEcoMar · Coastal Research and Management



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January 2010 - present
  • Senior Researcher
January 2000 - present
University of Bucharest


Publications (23)
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Sea level rise (SLR) is a major concern for Europe, where 30 million people live in the historical 1-in-100-year event flood coastal plains. The latest IPCC assessment reports provide a literature review on past and projected SLR, and their key findings are synthesized here with a focus on Europe. The present paper complements IPCC reports and cont...
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Sea level rise (SLR) is a major concern for Europe, where 30 million people live in the historical 1-in-100-year event flood coastal plains. The latest IPCC assessment reports provide a literature review on past and projected SLR, and their key findings are synthesized here with a focus on Europe. The present paper complements IPCC reports and cont...
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The presence of seagrass along the Romanian coast is currently seen as an important component of the marine ecosystem. Moreover, seagrass meadows play an additional wave energy dissipation role that has also to be considered among other ecosystem services. Assessing the impact of a seagrass meadow on the local hydrodynamics is needed to present an...
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This volume contains the main results of the EC FP7 “The Ocean of Tomorrow” Project CoCoNet, divided in two sections: 1) a set of guidelines to design networks of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean and the Black Seas; 2) a smart wind chart that will allow evaluating the possibility of installing Offshore Wind Farms in both seas. The concep...
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In recent decades, human interventions along the Danube River have played a major influence on the reduction of sediment supply along the Danube Delta coast, which is nowadays affected by erosion on its widest part. The Danube Delta coast is part of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, thus being designated to preserve its typical natural habitats....
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The coastal dynamics along the Romanian Black Sea coast is strongly influenced by the wind forcing and by the Danube freshwater and sediment discharge. Temperature and salinity fields may also influence the formation of coastal currents. A 3D hydrodynamic model has been used to analyze the distribution of coastal currents during winter and summer,...
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Human interventions have drastically altered the hydrologic regime of the Razelm - Sinoe Lagoon System. Over the past four decades, following the closure of the main inlet (Gura Portiței) and the engineering of the other main communication inlets and channels, significant changes have occurred in the hydrological regime. This major disruption of th...
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An integrated approach was used to understand how wind and freshwater input influence the water circulation along the Romanian Black Sea coast. Field data from different ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) surveys in the area of the delta were combined with a 3D finite element model. The model SHYFEM (Shallow Water HYdrodynamic Finite Element...
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DISCUSSION CONCERNING THE CURRENT CIRCULATION ALONG THE ROMANIAN BLACK SEA COAST Abstract. An integrated approach was used to understand how wind and freshwater input influence the water circulation along the Romanian Black Sea coast. Field data from different ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) surveys in the area of the delta were combined...
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An integrated approach was used to understand how wind and freshwater input influence the water circulation along the Romanian Black Sea coast. Field data from different ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) surveys in the area of the delta were combined with a 3D finite element model. The model SHYFEM (Shallow Water HYdrodynamic Finite Element...
Constanta city is located on the Black Sea coast in the eastern part of the Romanian South Dobrogea region. Global warming in the Dobrogea region promotes drought conditions that decrease groundwater levels and increase abstraction rates in the shallow unconfined aquifers (loess deposits and karstified Sarmatian limestones) being used for public su...
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Abstract. The main aim of this study is the understanding on how winds and freshwater inputs influence the currents circulation along the Romanian coast. It is a “sensitivity” study of how the Romanian coastal circulation varies changing the main forcings acting on it. In order to do this, a finite element model of the entire Black Sea was used, ha...
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This study is focused on the southern Romanian coast, confined by the city of Constan?a (north) and Vama Veche village, at the border with Bulgaria (south). Here the coastal morphology is influenced by nearshore current circulation, disrupted during the last few decades by severe human interventions, such as building groins, jetties and other coast...
The Constanţa Harbor is located along three structural blocks: Constanţa, South Constanţa and Eforie - Techirghiol, with different hydrogeological characteristics. This paper presents the main sources for drinking water supply of the Constanţa Harbor. A new abstraction well was proposed and installed, to intercept the Upper Jurassic – Lower Cretace...
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Several natural groundwater discharges in Vrancea seismic area were inferred to originate in the mixing between two distinct end-members: seasonally variable inflows of meteoric freshwater, and deep-origin saline fluids of a remarkably constant composition. However, prior to two rather strong Vrancea earthquakes (mb = 5.8 and 5.3 respectively), the...
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This paper presents the results of the study carried out in two areas of the Danube – Black Sea canal, concerning the slope instability of the right bank. The information achieved during the site works, as the inclinometric, geoelectrical and topographical measurements offer a better knowledge and understanding of the factors responsible for the la...
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Pollution of the Danube – Black Sea and Poarta Albă – Midia – Năvodari canals is possible due to various sources, such as wastewater from different industrial units, sewage water discharged directly in the canals or along the tributary valleys, navigation, pipelines for the transport of petroleum products. Groundwater flow modeling has provided a u...
The water supply in the Romanian counties of Olt and Vàlcea is mainly from groundwater from a deep aquifer system in Pliocene formations. Isotope analyses have been used to establish the supply area of the deep aquifer system. The age of the groundwater has been estimated for two samples by using 14C analysis. A simplified numerical model for a nor...
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The subsurface geological investigation of the Oil Terminal South area (Constanţa, Romania) pointed out that the hydrocarbon contamination of the shallow aquifer is largely governed by the phreatic water flow pattern. In turn, the water flow is controlled by the Lower Pleistocene paleo-relief, which determines the existence of two main water flow d...


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