Irfan Yuhadi

Irfan Yuhadi
Independent Researcher · Ilmu Hadits

Doctor of Philosophy


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Publications (14)
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The purpose of this research is to find phenomena, positive implications and negative implications of the Covid-19 pandemic on Muslim women religiosity. Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, tests men with a touch of fear, loss of property, and death. Among the forms of testing for men is the presence of disease plague. Corona virus disease (Covid-19) b...
Among the implications of the rapid development of information technology is a shift in moral value in society, both on a micro and macro scale. So that a religious approach is needed through hadith qudsi education to overcome this. Hadith qudsi give many motivations to humans to do good and stay away from various bad things. Therefore, it is neces...
Education is a virtue that makes scientific regeneration work. Through education the quality of understanding can be improved. So that slowly the ignorance that exists in a community can be eliminated. Social change can be realized through continuous education. Especially if the education given to the community is qudsi hadith that are sourced from...
Parenting encompasses everything related to the duties of parents in educating and raising their children. Hadith-based parenting is the parents’ skill in nurturing and educating their children based on the guidance of the hadiths of Prophet – peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. Every child has an inherent character realized into their behavi...
In human life, it always revolves between happiness and sadness, ease and difficulty, even life and death. All the calamities that occur have been determined by Allah in the Lawh al-Mahfuz. Not a single disaster befell someone except with the permission of Allah. Allah will give guidance to the heart of believers to be patient in accepting calamiti...
Food amid humans is a great pleasure in the world because food is one of the sources of human life. Allah is the Rabb who gives food to humans to relieve their hunger. Among the characteristics of the occupants of Heaven is that they often feed the needy. Situbondo Regency is located on the north coast of Java, in the Tapal Kuda (Horseshoe) area. T...
Food amid humans is a great pleasure in the world because food is one of the sources of human life. Allah is the Rabb who gives food to humans to relieve their hunger. Among the characteristics of the occupants of Heaven is that they often feed the needy. Situbondo Regency is located on the north coast of Java, in the TapalKuda (Horseshoe) area. Th...
Pakaian berfungsi untuk menutup aurat anak Adam dan juga sebagai perhiasan bagi mereka. Seorang muslim hendaknya menggunakan pakaian yang indah, namun tidak boleh berlebih-lebihan dan tidak diiringi rasa sombong ketika memakainya. Isbal secara istilah adalah memanjangkan, melabuhkan dan menjulurkan pakaian hingga menutupi mata kaki dan menyentuh ta...
Clothing serves to cover the nakedness of Adam’s children and also as jewelry for them. A muslim should wear beautiful clothes, but should not be excessive and not accompanied by a sense of arrogance when wearing them. The term isbal means lengthening, anchoring and extending clothes to cover the ankles and touching the ground, either because of ar...
The word “sarapan” (breakfast) comes from the word “sarap” which is added a suffix “an.” The word “sarap” is a verb which means eating something in the morning. Breakfast is food that is eaten in the morning before doing activities and it is eaten approximately one third of the food in a day. Breakfast gives a lot of benefits for the health of our...
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala makes a woman something beautiful in the eyes of men. One of Satan's temptations for men is a woman's problem. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala also ordered the Muslim women to wear hijab by wearing a veil that could cover their heads and chests. Tegal Besar is a sub-district in the Kaliwates sub-district of Jember, East Java. Th...
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala menjadikan wanita sebagai sesuatu yang indah dalam pandangan laki-laki. Salah satu godaan setan bagi kaum laki-laki adalah masalah wanita. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala juga memerintahkan kepada para muslimah agar berhijab dengan mengenakan kerudung yang dapat menutupi kepala dan dada-dada mereka. Tegal Besar adalah sebuah kel...
Al-Quran merupakan sebuah kitab suci yang berisi petunjuk bagi manusia sekaligus pembeda antara kebaikan dengan keburukan. Di dalam Al-Quran terdapat perintah untuk melakukan kebaikan dan ada pula perintah untuk menjauhi berbagai keburukan. Oleh karena itu, maka orang- orang yang beriman perlu diingatkan dengan pesan-pesan dalam Al-Quran. Di era mo...
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Seiring berkembangnya zaman yang memunculkan banyak transformasi dari segala sisi, hal tersebut turut berdampak pada minat pengkajian ilmu hadits yang semakin berfluktuasi. Walaupun saat ini kian muncul komunitas-komunitas yang mengkampanyekan pentingnya mempelajari hadits, bahkan di antaranya ada yang memanfaatkan media digital, akan tetapi hal te...


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