Ionut Cristian Scurtu

Ionut Cristian Scurtu
Ionut Cristian verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Ionut Cristian verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Mircea cel Batran Naval Academy · Department of Tactics and Naval Armament

Doctor of Engineering
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January 2016 - December 2016
Mircea cel Batran Naval Academy
  • Head of Department
November 2011 - December 2015
Mircea cel Batran Naval Academy
  • Instructor
July 2012 - September 2015
Constanta Maritime University
  • PhD
June 2006 - July 2010
Mircea cel Batran Naval Academy
Field of study
  • mechanical engineeering


Publications (223)
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This article presents the evolution of greenhouse gas emissions from different types of ships. Since the total decarbonization of the maritime sector is being pursued worldwide, it is important to analyse which are the ships with the highest greenhouse gas emissions and to present methods by which these values can be reduced. Thus, starting from th...
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Member of Scientific Board - Maritime Transport and Logistics Trends 2025 (MTLT2025) This conference serves as a platform to explore cutting-edge innovations, foster collaborations, and discuss emerging challenges in the maritime and logistics sectors. With a focus on sustainability, digitalization, and t...
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International Advisory Board al prestigiosului Thermal Science
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Keynote Speaker la International Conference on Infrastructure and Construction Engineering (ICICE2025), Amsterdam, între 9-11 iunie 2025,
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The current study seeks to explore the underexamined or potentially under-researched social dimensions of circular economy (CE) in the context of buildings. Utilising a meta-synthesis approach, this paper builds on the two primary theoretical frameworks in the well-being literature: the eudaimonic and hedonic perspectives. The analysis of the selec...
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Single walled (6,0) gold substituted SiC nanotube systems were studied by first principles modeling. We observed the electronic structures of SiC nanomaterials are significantly modified by the introduction of gold, and SiC:Au nanotube exhibits magnetic response. While the configurations of single walled (6,0) gold substituted SiC NTs, the energy g...
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In this work, we aimed to examine the first-principles study of correlation between chemical environment and ferromagnetism, and Curie temperature of CoxZn1-xSe and NixZn1-xSe diluted magnetic semiconductors for different concentrations of impurity atoms. The calculations are implemented by the norm-concerving FHI pseudopotential method within the...
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Basic Equations and Concepts in Fluid Mechanics - Online version for students
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Introduction to hydrodynamics - Online version for students
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Hydrodinamics Theoretical aspects - Online version for students
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Theoretical aspects 2 Online version for students
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Similitude - Online version for students
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Effects of Hull Shape on Seakeeping and Maneuverability
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Wave Resistance and Its Impact on High-Speed Vessels (ONLINE COURSE MATERIALS)
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The Bernoulli Principle and Its Utilization in Submarine Periscopes (ONLINE COURSE MATERIALS)
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Importance of Predicting Ship Performance Predicting ship performance is essential for several key reasons: 1. Fuel Efficiency:  Fuel consumption is one of the largest operating costs for ships.  Accurate predictions help optimize hull shapes and propulsion systems, reducing drag and improving fuel efficiency.  The maritime industry is increasin...
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Analysing fluid flow: basic principles and applications to ship design (ONLINE COURSE MATERIALS)
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Sea Load Dynamics and Structural Integrity of Naval Vessels (ONLINE COURSE MATERIALS)
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Citation map Web of Science for SCURTU Ionut Cristian in September 2024
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Evaluarea cunoștințelor conform prevederilor Legii 129/2019 (sesiunea de instruire mai 2024)
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D2024 - Seminar de legislatie ANEVAR
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Training seminar: INTRODUCING ASAP'S CAPABILITIES: ELECTRON NANO-TRANSPORT WITH NEGF FORMALISM -ORGANISED BY SIMUNE- WWW.SIMUNEATOMISTICS.COM Ionuț-Cristian Scurtu's Participation in the SIMUNE-Organized Seminar The seminar provided an excellent platform for knowledge exchange and advanced techniques, contributing to increased productivity, cost re...
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Some physical properties of M-doped (M = Ag, Au) single-walled (6,0) silicon-carbide nanotubes (SWSiCNTs) were studied by first-principles simulations based on density functional theory within local spin density approximation. The band structures, density of states, and the influence of defects on the magnetism are studied for the Ag- and Au-doped...
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Ferromagnetism in single-walled (6,0) GaN(SiC):Ag nanotubes were studied based on ab initio simulations within a pseudopotential method. For the GaN:Ag single-walled nanosystems, the width of the band gap reduces with the increase of dopant concentration. While Ag-doped SiC nanotubes, the band gap of majority-spin states decrease and these systems...
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Adeverinta pentru seminarii/conferinte: Asigurarea calitatii in activitatea de evaluare a bunurilor 06.11.2023 Noutati si perspective ale activitatii de evaluare 02.11.2023 Evaluarea terenurilor. Metoda comparatiei directe 31.10.2023
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MasterClass de Scriere și Publicare Academică Data: 11 iunie 2024 Interval orar: 14:00 – 17:30 Loc de desfășurare: Academia Navală „Mircea cel Bătrân”, Constanța, Aula universitară „Viceamiral Ion Coandă” (prezență fizică)
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Diploma de excelenta in coordonarea studentilor la sesiunea de comunicari a UDJG
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In recent years, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles have become increasingly prominent in the global business landscape. Yet, in Romania, the journey towards meaningful ESG implementation has hit stumbling blocks, with companies lagging notably behind their international counterparts in transparency and reporting.
We investigated the electronic and magnetic properties of pure and defected single-wall (6,0) chiral ZnO nanotubes. In a consecutive DFT-LSDA+U electronic structure simulation, influence on the nature and origin of ferromagnetism (FM) are studied for an Ag-doped single-walled ZnO nanotube system. The configurations with zinc host atoms replaced by...
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This paper presents performed Ansys CFX numerical simulation on WindFloat structures. The model of WindFloat was designed according to real use dimensions in DesignModeller in open sea simulation approach. Inside paper content marine loads acting offshore structures are presented according ABS rules and hydrodynamic response presented as RAO functi...
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Mechanics - Lecture Presentation Material (Student version)
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Certificate of participation in 4th International Altamira Materials and Devices Encounter (EMDA).
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Certificat de participare Sea-Conf 2023 nr2
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Certificat de participare Sea-Conf 2023 nr1
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CERTIFICAT de INOVATOR Multi-use Floating Platform for Emergency Situations inregistrata la Academia de Studii Economice din Moldova in data de 16.10.2023
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The International Conference on Materials Science and Manufacturing (ICMSM 2023), will be held in Turkey during November 17-18, 2023 in online VIRTUAL format. The conference will serve as an international forum to present and exchange technological advances and research results in the field of materials science and manufacturing. ICMSM focuses on t...
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Scurtu I C - Invited Speaker in 4th International Altamira Materials and Devices Encounter (EMDA) Invited Speaker in conference:
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The International Conference on Materials Science and Manufacturing (ICMSM 2023), will be held in Turkey during November 17-18, 2023 in online VIRTUAL format. The conference will serve as an international forum to present and exchange technological advances and research results in the field of materials science and manufacturing. We warmly welcome...
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2023 International Conference on Materials Science and Manufacturing Karaman, Turkey - November 17-18, 2023 Scurtu Ionut Cristian - Invited Speaker
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ALTAMIRA 2023 Scurtu Ionut Cristian - Invited Speaker The International Altamira Materials and Devices Encounter (EMDA) will be held at Altamira, Tamaulipas | 16 – 17 | November 2023
This study aims to expose the role of point absorber converters and how these converters use wave energy to create electricity. Starting from general information about converters, the study aims to classify them according to constructive criteria and define the mode of operation of one point absorber converter. The provisions presented in this stud...
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Diploma of Gold Medal - 2nd edition of the International Exhibition of Innovation and Technology Transfer EXCELLENT IDEA - 2023
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Editorial Board Member of Journal of Materials and Manufacturing (JMM) - Scurtu Ionut Cristian
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Keynote speaker in ICMSM2023 - International Conference on Materials Science and Manufacturing (ICMSM 2023), will be held in Turkey during November 17-18, 2023
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CERTIFICATE attesting member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Marine Technology and Environment ISSN (Print): 1844-6116 ISSN (Online): 2501-8795 (from Volume 2/2016 to present). We certificate as Mr. Prof. PhD Eng., LT (NAVY) Ionuț-Cristian SCURTU , from Mircea cel Batran Naval Academy, MBNA,Constanta, ROMANIA is Honorary member of the Editoria...
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Google Scholar profile for Scurtu Ionut Cristian link
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Mecanica. Note de curs. Note de curs destinate studentilor din domeniul ingineresc cu un continut adaptat nevoilor de invatare ale anului 2023. Technium Books publish all content in open access, promoting the exchange of ideas and knowledge in a globalized world. Technium Books encompasses all the benefits of open access—high availability and visib...
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Member of Science Committee for International Conference on Materials Science and Manufacturing (ICMSM 2023), Turkey, November 17-18, 2023 Link
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The navigation on the Black Sea raises some specific issues that need to be considered, to ensure maximum safety conditions for the ship, crew, and cargo throughout the voyage. Under the current conditions of the global maritime market having a high degree of concurrency, respectively the problem of reducing fuel consumption and reducing the time n...
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Member in TERERD 2023 Conference organized by University “POLITEHNICA” of Bucharest Faculty of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics. Member of International Scientific Committee & Chairmen for Online Sesion Track 2 15.00-17.00 date: 09.06.2023.
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This author profile is generated by Scopus for Scurtu, Ionut Cristian Academia Navala "Mircea cel Batran", Romania, Constanta 57211681410 Author Identifier
Geographic Citation Map WOS for Scurtu Ionut Cristian Amazing feature in WOS dashboard.
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Skid design was successfully prepared in various projects. The main goal of this paper is to study the loads of the skid during transport with low cost and good efficiency. These properties were presented at ambient temperature (20) o C. The loads were studied for the presented structure with the most common skid design from practice in naval equip...
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The impact of the progress in the field of military transportation needs more and more equipment and various tasks to be done in short time. Lifting analysis for a skid from HEB160 is provided with the modern software technologies. The research problem was based on a discussion of the skid loads while lifting10t military equipment. The simulation,...
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Note de curs Mecanica Fluidelor Versiune pentru studenti
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NOTE DE CURS MECANICA Format electronic pentru platforma universitatii
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Review of ship behavior characteristics when operating at sea Paper published in ErihPlus
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Member in Academy of Scientific and Educational Studies. Publication Expert for ASESCONGRESS.COM
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Web of Science Export for my profile Ionut Cristian Scurtu - Citation report published in PDF
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Screw compressors belong to the group of positive displacement machines, which are widely used in various industries due to the advantages of these compressors compared to other industrial compressors. The distance between the moving and fixed parts of the rotating equipment is inevitable. This distance causes current leakage in all types of compre...
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are designed to circulate the air in the rooms on board, usually without heat treatment or humidity. Ventilation systems consist of machines that provide the energy for air circulation (fans), main ducts connected to the suction and exhaust of the fans, branches and distribution components. For machinery spaces related to ships, ventilation systems...
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WECANet Conference from 6-7 March 2023 in Ghent, Belgium TOPICS FOR ABSTRACT SUBMISSION PER WORKING GROUP: Working Group 1: Numerical hydrodynamic modelling for WECs, WEC arrays/farms and wave energy resources Array modelling of wave energy converters Spectral domain modelling of WECs Design of benchmarks (combined with activities related to W...
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Dimensions Profile for SCURTU IONUT CRISTIAN link
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DIPLOMĂ Se acordă pentru Scurtu Ionut Cristian drept recunoaştere a participării la Şcoala de Vară ,,Modelele de ecuații structurale – SEM – de la novice la expert,, (29 august -3 septembrie 2022)
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Large emissions in ports create high air pollution levels during ship operation. The existing rules and regulations aiming the air pollution within the shipping industry are urging for identifying solution for cleaning the exhaust gases while ship is operated in port. The study presented in the article is based on actual maritime restrictive framew...
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Ocean-meteorological buoys are floating structures deployed in the ocean for sampling different parameters of the marine environment. Adequate choice of the buoy's characteristics, depending on the environmental conditions in the anchorage area, is an essential requirement for anticipating its evolution in both standard and extreme conditions, as w...
Acknowledgment to Reviewers of JMSE in 2020 Journal of Marine Science and Engineering; Basel Vol. 9, Iss. 2, (2021): 110. DOI:10.3390/jmse9020110 Peer review is the driving force of journal development, and reviewers are gatekeepers who ensure that JMSE maintains its standards for the high quality of its published papers. Thanks to the cooperation...
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The following article is about the analysis of different Inert Gas Systems, both used in marine practice and those that are not widely implemented. These systems are designed for supplying the cargo tanks of oil tankers and chemical tankers with inert gas in order to reduce the concentration of oxygen to the levels, at which the combustion is not p...
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The article discusses the features of the development and application of a digital twin for the diagnostics of technical systems. Special attention is paid to the choice of the most appropriate type of digital twin. Also, in the process of research, a functional diagram of the interaction of the digital twin and the process under study was built. I...
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Basin research involves the practical realization of the scale structure and the analysis of the results according to the studied models and working frequency. The obtained measurements are close in value to those of the numerical simulations, this confirming the numerical results obtained with Ansys Fluent. The analysis carried out on the non-conv...
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Executive Editor for International Journal of Instruction, Technology, and Social sciences Link for page:
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Air temperature is one of the most important parameters that contribute to weather variability over time, being influenced by the flow of solar radiation, the general circulation of currents in the atmosphere relief. The present paper analyzes the minimum, maximum, and mean temperatures in Dobrogea, on the Romanian Black Sea coastal area, aiming to...
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Mecanica Fluidelor. Note de curs Note de curs destinate studentilor din domeniul ingineresc cu un continut adaptat nevoilor de invatare ale anului 2022. Technium Books publish all content in open access, promoting the exchange of ideas and knowledge in a globalized world. Technium Books encompasses all the benefits of open access—high availability...
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Tugboat operations present a high degree of risk and to prevent accidents, the crew must know and manage very well all the necessary maneuvers. Stability is a critical aspect for the safety of tugboats and towing operations, so recently new international regulations have been developed. The tugboats perform several functions, the main one being pul...
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Piezoelectric materials, due to their electromechanical coupling properties, are widely used as actuators and sensors in intelligent structures to control vibrations and bends of multilayer sheets with piezoelectric layers. In this paper, the response of free vibrations of a multilayer composite shell with the new Generalized Differential Quadratur...
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In recent decades, a multitude of numerical methods has been developed to support analytical and experimental research, optimizing and adding value to them, through a low cost compared to the experiment and a short time to obtain results. The Ansys Fluent program allows the visualization of the various curves and the values of all the parameters th...
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Mamber in ASES CONFERENCE 19-21 August 2022, Turkey Program and website below:
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The Mechanics of penetration investigate the interactions between projectiles and targets. The Mechanics of penetration were initially developed with military motives and were used in the design and manufacture of durable military vehicles, warships, protective vests, bulletproof panels, satellite protective equipment, nuclear reactor protection us...
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In the current article, we will use a CFD approach for the scrubber wash water dilution simulation, by considering the current MEPC (Marine Environment Protection Committee, a subsidiary of IMO—International Maritime Organization) regulations that are in force. The necessity for scrubber wash water pH modelling and its importance in the current env...
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During activity 1.1. included in Platmarisc project authors collected information for initial evaluation for ship behavior characteristics when operating at sea. Identification of loads and their influence on the behavior of marine intervention platforms is one of the main contributions of the article. As first step in modelling of the 3D ship we w...
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Web Of Science Certificate - An Introduction to Peer Review
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Certificate Erasmus+ Lithuanian Maritime Academy 28/03/2022 - 01/04/2022
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The article discusses the possibilities of applying neurocybemetics approaches for the implementation of intelligent prediction of the risk of failure of components of ship technical means of autonomous sea surface ships. In the course of the research, a method was proposed that allows one to build a formal model of the observed units and equipment...
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The article is devoted to the analysis of the features of the diagnostics and interpretation of the signals of a complex dynamic system of a ship power plant (SPP) based on fractal analysis. During the analysis, the Hurst exponent was calculated and the wavelet decomposition of the signals being analyzed was carried out. The proposed approach is un...
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VERIFIED REVIEWS for Scurtu Ionut Cristian - "Mircea cel Batran" Naval Academy Peer review summary
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Prezentare Curs Mecanica Fluidelor. Document de 110 pagini redactat in limba romana pentru uzul studentilor.
During the operation of power plants based on gas turbine installations of ships, imbalances in the axes of the connected shafts of ship units inevitably occur, which have a negative impact on the reliability and performance of the main turbo-gear units. To compensate for these distortions, the design of a gear coupling with a combined longitudinal...
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Prezentare Curs Hidrodinamică şi teoria valurilor Document de 171 pagini redactat in limba romana pentru uzul studentilor.
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Prezentare Curs Mecanica Document de 175 pagini redactat in limba romana pentru uzul studentilor.
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Prezentare Curs ORGANE DE MAŞINI ŞI MECANISME Document de 284 pagini redactat in limba romana pentru uzul studentilor.
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Large emissions in ports create high air pollution levels during ship operation. The existing rules and regulations aiming the air pollution within the shipping industry are urging for identifying solution for cleaning the exhaust gases while ship is operated in port. The study presented in the article is based on actual maritime restrictive framew...
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A gas turbine engine (GTE) with a free power turbine driven by an electric generator is considered. The GTE has an automatic computerized control system (ACS). The fuel for the gas turbine engine is natural gas. The fuel dosage is managed by computer in the moment of ignition, during the start and the idle operation of gas turbine engine.
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From this article the reader can find information regarding ship stabilization technology. Types of stabilization system, comparison between different types of gyrostabilizers, the technical features that differentiate modern marine gyrostabilizer products, advantages and disadvantages of active stabilizers. Shipping is one of the world’s most poll...


Questions (150)
Hello ResearchGate community,
I hope this message finds you all well in 2025. I am Ionut Cristian Scurtu, with a strong background in Environmental Sciences, Engineering, Energy & Fuels, and Materials Science, currently based at the Mircea cel Batran Naval Academy and Constanta Maritime University.
With a portfolio of 27 publications indexed in Web of Science and an H-index of 4, my research primarily focuses on innovative solutions for sustainable development and technological advancements. I am eager to expand my network and collaborate with like-minded researchers who are committed to making a significant impact through scientific research.
I believe that through collaborative efforts, we can enhance our research profiles and contribute more effectively to our fields. Whether it's sharing resources, co-authoring articles, or developing new research proposals, there is tremendous potential in partnership.
I invite all interested researchers to connect with me here on ResearchGate or directly through my Web of Science profile (O-2089-2018). Let's discuss how we can work together to create research that not only advances our understanding but also provides practical solutions to global challenges.
Looking forward to your thoughts and hoping to collaborate soon!
Best regards, Ionut Cristian Scurtu
See my profile:
With loyalty and trust in my coauthors, I will keep growing my list of publications and expanding my network of collaborators. My coauthors gain great value by working with me as a strong partner in publishing.
In 2025, we will build on the foundation we’ve created and continue our journey forward.
Feel free to share this message with your trusted colleagues!
During winter, we face significant challenges such as cold walls and condensation, even with 10 cm insulation. To address these issues, what simulation techniques can be employed to optimize heat transfer in building systems? Additionally, I’d like to perform calculations using specialized software—what tools would you recommend for this purpose?
How can I determine the governing equations for these processes, and what bibliography would you recommend for identifying the most accessible simulation solutions to address how the additional transport terms for chemical species and heat generation influence the general form of the Navier-Stokes equations in turbulent combustion, as well as the numerical methods best suited to capture the interactions between reaction chemistry and fluid dynamics?
Does anyone have some sources and can share them for a scientific collaboration/ simulation in Ansys?
Where can I obtain temperature sensors (such as thermocouples and IR cameras), pressure sensors, and gas analyzers (for CO₂, O₂, CO, NOₓ, and H₂O)? These will be used in Bucharest, Romania, and we are prepared to cover the costs for transportation, consumables, and equipment rental as part of an energy study on propulsion systems.
We are studying combustion processes as well as evaporation and condensation processes, focusing on energy usage and related aspects. Is anyone working on a similar topic and open to discussing a potential scientific collaboration?
I need to know TRL 7 (Technology readiness level 7) details.
How to prove that results are TRL7? How to check TRL7 results?
Failed ESG Implementation in Romania - has any discussions in the researchgate?
Where to find a simulation for propellers in ANSYS CFX or Fluent?
See what I already done below:
I need a tutorial for a simulation for water entraped in ports with various depth and various currents at the port entry.
Where I can find a similar simulation?
ANSYS FLUENT - I need to generate variable wind speeds with rapid changes in velocity.
How to add winds in ANSYS to simulate a hurricane?
Or how to get a variable wind speed and direction input?
In my country (Romania) the Dimensions profile is not so relevant.
What about your country?
Can Matlab software modelate ship data like: propulsion force, ship resistance, hydrodynamic coefficients?
I need to software to easily verify and compute ship data. Any models for this?
There is a website lurking on the WWW from an outfit that calls itself ‘DOAJ Publications’ or ‘Doaj publisher’. They have a Twitter account too.
Please note that this company is not affiliated with us in any way nor sanctioned by us.
We have emailed the company to ask them to stop using the DOAJ name as we think it is being used to deliberately mislead people.
If you can help raise awareness by sharing this message, we’d be grateful.
What is the future of green energy and its potential for meeting our energy needs?
What do you think? It will be solar, wind or wave?
I found this article related to MPDI complaining of SCOPUS and WOS via Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Lithuania.
Did they succeed to present SOPUS and WOS vulnerabilities?
See details below:
Paper link:
3.3. Coverage of Regional and Non-English Literature
Over the years, both Scopus and WoS were repeatedly shown to be biased toward sources that were published in the English language and providing relatively poor coverage of regional literature.
Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus: The Titans of Bibliographic Information in Today’s Academic World
📷by📷Rminta Pranckutėa
Scientific Information Department, Library, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Saulėtekio Ave. 14, LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania
Publications 2021, 9(1), 12;
