Ioan MilicăUniversitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza | UAIC · Department of Romanian Language and Literature and Comparative Literature
Ioan Milică
Associate Professor, PhD
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Ioan MILICĂ works at the Department of Romanian Language and Literature and Comparative Literature, The Faculty of Letters, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, Romania. He is also the general manager of "Mihai Eminescu" Central University Library of Iasi, Romania.
Skills and Expertise
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March 2018 - present
Central University Library "Mihai Eminescu", Iasi, Romania
- Manager
October 2014 - February 2018
February 2014 - present
October 2000 - December 2006
Publications (36)
The international research devoted to the study of recipes is a flourishing area of scientific inquiry. The study of cooking recipes is an emerging scientific area in contemporary Romanian linguistics. The aim of this first part of our research is to grasp, from a semiotic angle, a set of basic features to account for a larger project of culinary t...
Fabrica de fraze [The Discourse Factory] is a journey into the fascinating world of the press in Mihai Eminescu's time. The book captures the personality of the writer as a journalist. The atmosphere of the time is reconstructed through the cultural history of the development of journalism in the 19th century. In the realm of the newspaper, Eminesc...
The scientific work of Ion Simionescu, one of the most important Romanian naturalists, outlines the development of natural sciences prior to the Second World War. The present paper aims at revealing some of the dominant stylistic markers to be found in Ion Simionescu’s writings, with special focus on his editorial contribution to popular science. A...
Rețeaua de metafore care învăluie cunoașterea științifică suscită astăzi interesul multor cercetători. O literatură de specialitate tot mai consistentă semnalează că gîndirea și exprimarea metaforică aduc științei atît beneficii cît și deservicii, astfel că obiectul principal al lucrării de față este de a sonda relevanța unor meta-fore generate de...
The metaphorical network that permeates the scientific knowledge and discourse currently attracts the interest of many researchers. In the light of the growing body of references which reveal that the use of metaphor is both beneficial and detrimental to science, the aim of the present paper is to explore the relevance of some metaphors generated b...
Articolul interoghează teza că Mihai Eminescu (1850–1889), cel mai important scriitor român din secolul al XIX-lea, a valorificat în scrierile sale jurnalistice eșantioane paremiologice culese din vorbirea oamenilor de rînd. În privința sutelor de proverbe prezente în articolele de presă redactate de Eminescu, îmi propun să arăt că scriitorul a nat...
The paper inquires into the idea that Mihai Eminescu (1850–1889)—the most important Romanian writer of the 19th century—featured in his journalistic writings proverbs collected from the speech of common people. Concerning the hundreds of proverbs featured in the press articles penned by Eminescu, I assume that the aforementioned writer naturalised...
I would like to team up with one or more computational linguist(s) interested in frame semantics in order to test the possibility of building a tool for the automatic annotation of proverbs. As I do not have the technical skills to do it myself, any help will be much appreciated and one or more scientific papers could be written if tests are going...
Pe plan internațional, cercetarea științifică a rețetelor formează o arie infloritoare de preocupări. In lingvistica românească actuală, studiul rețetelor culinare constituie o arie emergentă de explorare științifică. Obiectivul acestei prime părți a cercetării noastre este de a surprinde, din unghi semiotic, un set de trăsături in jurul cărora se...
The article resumes some of the most relevant linguistic models that have been suggested for the adequate contextual analysis of proverbs and inquires into the use of proverbs in literary texts with special reference to the tales of Ion Creangă. This Romanian writer from the second half of the 19 th century is frequently regarded as a great artist...
Articolul se concentrează asupra particularităților ce definesc scrisul epistolar românesc în perioada sa de formare și de consolidare. Analiza structurii și trăsăturilor stilistice ale textului epistolar are în vedere compoziția vechilor documente românești, în conformitate cu standardele impuse de formularul creat după model slavon, dar și raport...
The article aims at revealing the features of Romanian letter-writing during its stages of formation and consolidation. The structural and the stylistic analysis of letters is carried out with regard to the composition of the documents written in Old Romanian according to the requirements imposed by the Slavonic template and with regard to the rhet...
Articolul are ca țel prezentarea caracteristicilor de ordin cultural și retoric ale scrisului epistolar, prin urmărirea momentelor esenţiale din evoluţia scrisorii în spaţiul european şi în cel românesc. În epoci succesive, delimitarea cadrelor retorice în care se dezvoltă scrisul epistolar este dirijată de repere distincte, de la canoanele discurs...
The paper aims at revealing the cultural and rhetorical features of the Romanian letter-writing by outlining the key stages in the evolution of the letter in Europe and in the Romanian cultural space. In the subsequent ages, the profile of the rhetorical frame that enabled the development of letter-writing was governed by distinct guidelines, from...
The spread of Christianity determined major cultural changes all over Europe as well as in the entire world. Without further dwelling on the relationships between the new religion and the classical culture, we will show that, in the art of eloquence, the perspective of the fathers of the Christian Church favoured, on the one hand, the survival of s...
Răspîndirea creștinismului a determinat schimbări culturale majore în Europa și în întreaga lume. Fără a insista asupra relațiilor dintre noua religie și cultura clasică, este suficient să arătăm că, în planul artei de a vorbi convingător, perspectiva asumată de părinții Bisericii creștine a favorizat, pe de o parte, supraviețuirea unora dintre luc...
L’analyse des noms populaires roumains des plantes, reflète l’existence d’un riche répertoire de termes qui montrent l’influence profonde du Christianisme. Une variété considérable de mots dérivés et composés ont à leur base des mots qui désignent des réalités de la vie religieuse. Parmi les sources d’appellation importantes il y a la Divinité, la...
In contemporary paremiology, anti-proverb is a word coined by Wolfgang Mieder and it reflects the changes in the word sequence of paremiological units to create humorous or ironical effects. For instance, the Romanian proverb “Ai carte, ai parte” (literally: You have the paper, you have the rights) is usually changed to „N-ai carte, ai parte”, „Ai...
L’objectif de notre étude est d’observer et de décrire quelques valeurs sémantiques du mot roumain croix. Plus précisément, les sens lexicaux considérés proéminents et productifs sont mis en relation de correspondance avec les sens que ce mot a dans les proverbes roumains sur la croix. La tentative d’interpréter les convergences et les contrastes q...
The present study aims at revealing the stylistic values of some Romanian suffixes used to build up lexical families derived from the names of the contemporary politicians. As the online versions of newspapers and magazines allow readers to comment on the published articles, the newly developed means of verbal interaction (via internet) facilitates...
There is a current belief that grammaticalization and the development of expressiveness are opposite linguistics processes. Accepted as such by many scholars, the opposition between the two types of linguistic values – grammatical, on the one hand and expressive, on the other – is summoned to argue that style facts should be considered abnormalitie...
The analysis of the connections between popular and scientific terminologies is an area of research that various contemporary cognitive scientists consider of crucial importance for the description of the linguistic mechanisms used to coin names and for the analysis of the cognitive processes activated during the coinage and the use of a name assig...
There is a current belief that grammaticalization and the development of expressiveness are opposite linguistics processes. Accepted as such by many scholars, the opposition between the two types of linguistic values -grammatical, on the one hand and expressive, on the other -is summoned to argue that style facts should be considered abnormalities...