Inmaculada Rodríguez-SantallaUniversidad Rey Juan Carlos - Móstoles (Madrid), Spain · Escuela Superior de Ciencias Experimentales y Tecnología
Inmaculada Rodríguez-Santalla
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October 2000 - present
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Mostoles (Madrid), Spain
- Professor
Publications (65)
La duna de Valdevaqueros, ubicada en la costa atlántica de Cádiz, es considerada una de las dunas activas más grandes de Europa. Las actuaciones antrópicas llevadas a cabo en la segunda mitad del siglo XX provocaron un crecimiento desmedido sin que se haya encontrado un método eficaz para estabilizarla. Así, la duna de Valdevaqueros ha sido objeto...
La vulnerabilidad social ante el cambio climático en el ámbito costero es un tema crucial. Los ciudadanos que viven en estas áreas son conocedores del medio y experimentan directamente los efectos del cambio climático. Escuchar sus opiniones y propuestas debería ser un requisito obligatorio en la puesta en marcha de políticas de gestión integral. L...
Las prácticas de campo son actividades presenciales donde los estudiantes aplican en el campo los conocimientos y habilidades adquiridos en el aula. En el caso de la geología, estas prácticas resultan esenciales en su formación, pues toman contacto con el objeto de estudio. En general, los recorridos que diseñan los profesores tienen en cuenta su i...
Coastal lagoons are highly productive transitional water bodies threatened by human factors and vulnerable to global climate change effects. Monitoring biophysical parameters in these ecosystems is crucial for their preservation. In this work, we used Sentinel-2 and Landsat imagery combined with in situ data to (1) develop preliminary algorithms fo...
La cobertura del suelo es un indicador fundamental para identificar los factores que actúan en el desarrollo de la geomorfología de una planicie aluvial. Esta cobertura se caracteriza por el control que ejerce la vegetación en los procesos hidromorfológicos, así como el mantenimiento y estabilidad de los canales. Se presenta un registro sobre la di...
Coastal wetlands are valuable and sensitive environments that are among the most productive yet highly threatened systems in the world [...]
More than twenty years after the last mining operations were completed in the Hiendelaencina Mining District, it is necessary to carry out a geochemical characterisation of the tailings stored in two contiguous mine ponds. Both have significant amounts of quartz, siderite, barite and muscovite and show significant contents of As, Ba, Pb, Sb and Zn....
The Hiendelaencina district in Spain was the most important silver producer in Europe during 1844–1925. At the end of the 20th century, with mines having closed, some waste rock dumps were reprocessed, and the sludge from the flotation process was stored in two tailings ponds. When this activity ceased, the residues began to be eroded and disperse....
The present work focuses on the recent morphological changes recorded in the Ebro River delta, by using aerial photographs in the last six decades and by analyzing changes in the main constitutive features through geomorphological maps. Geomorphological maps of the years 1956 and 2017 are here presented. The results obtained give very valuable clue...
The present work focuses on the recent morphological changes recorded in the Ebro River delta, by using aerial photographs in the last six decades and by analyzing changes in the main constitutive features through geomorphological maps. Geomorphological maps of the years 1956 and 2017 are here presented. The results obtained give very valuable clue...
Coastal wetlands are dynamic ecosystems that exist at the interface between land and sea. They represent environments with a great diversity of habitats and communities, high carbon sequestration capacity and a wide range of ecosystem services. In the Mediterranean, the largest coastal wetlands are found in deltaic areas like that of the Ebro River...
This paper analyses the coastal changes between the harbours of Castellón and Sagunto from 1956 until the present day. Images of the coastline in different years have been obtained from various sources (aerial photographs, satellite images, orthophotos) in order to estimate and compare the rates of shoreline advance and retreat. The results indicat...
The aim of this work is to apply a vulnerability index in the dune field located in the Riumar urban zone at the mouth of the Ebro River. This dune field represents the natural barrier of the El Garxal coastal lagoon system. The index used integrates the dimensions of exposure, suscep-tibility, and resilience from the analysis of 19 variables. The...
Dear Colleagues,
Coastal wetlands are valuable and sensitive environments that are among the most productive yet highly threatened systems in the world. The complexity of coastal wetland systems can be better understood within the context of the biogeomorphology that includes the coastal landscapes of which they are a part. One of the most importa...
The Apure river is the largest tributary of the Orinoco river basin in the Venezuelan plains, it transports considerable amounts of sediments in the range of coarse sand to clay, and its distribution is fundamental to understand the processes of sedimentation in the different fluvial environments. However, little attention has been given to its sed...
La Banya spit, located at the south of the River Ebro Delta, is a sandy formation, developed by annexation of bars forming successive beach ridges, which are oriented and modeled by the eastern and southern waves. The initial ridges run parallel to the coastline, and above them small dunes developed, the crests of which are oriented by dominant win...
This research analyses coastal changes between the harbours of Castellón and Sagunto from 1956 to present day. Coastline data from different years has been obtained from aerial photographs, satellite images and orthophotos in order to estimate and compare rates of shoreline advance and retreat. After digitizing the shoreline, statistics were obtain...
El campo dunar de la playa de Riumar y su continuación en el frente costero de El Garxal, en la margen izquierda de la desembocadura del río Ebro, han seguido una evolución rápida, asociada a los cambios que el propio sistema deltaico ha experimentado, especialmente desde mediados del siglo XX. El cambio del punto de desagüe del río debido a la ape...
El proyecto EMODnet tiene su origen en el año 2007 a partir de una iniciativa de la Comisión Europea en el marco del Horizonte 2020, al objeto de desarrollar una Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales (IDE) europea que incluyera información orientada a caracterizar el medio marino y costero. A tal efecto, se han desarrollado diferentes proyectos: EMOD...
The delta of the Ebro River is located on the Spain Mediterranean coast, in Tarragona province, about 170 km southwest of Barcelona (Fig. 20.1). It is one of the largest deltas of the Mediterranean, began to develop when the last post-glacial eustatic sea level rise was attained (Maldonado in El delta del Ebro: estudio sedimentológico y estratigráf...
The Ebro Delta is one of the most significant coastal sedimentary formations in Spain, not only for being the largest and most important delta in the country, but also for presenting several active dune fields on it. In addition, other ecosystems such as salt marshes and lagoons contribute to conform a characteristic and unique habitat.
Rocky coasts, widely present along the world shorelines, have been studied from different points of view. Some sectors of rocky coast at Catalonia has been mapped and described by several authors along time. This paper includes a revision of those studies and analyzes some topographical data in order to obtain a global geomorphological characteriza...
EMODnet es una iniciativa de la Comisión Europea (“Estrategia para el Conocimiento
Marino 2020”) creada con el fin de desarrollar una infraestructura europea de datos marinos y facilitar el uso y acceso a la información a organismos gubernamentales, la industria y centros de investigación.
Uno de los elementos que identifica al delta del Ebro es la presencia de campos dunares más o menos extendidos en la práctica totalidad de su litoral. Si bien, su desarrollo y conservación se encuentran muy amenazados, en las flechas que limitan al delta por el norte y por el sur, su presencia es característica. Desde el punto de vista ambiental, u...
One-Line shoreline evolution models have been used as a tool to understand and forecast long-term coastal evolution. However, in some coastal environments, where the influence of the wind is important, the limitations of existing models preclude its direct application to characterize its effect on sediment transport processes. To fill this knowledg...
Coastal dunes are sedimentary environments characterized by their high dynamism. Their evolution is determined by sedimentary exchanges between the beach-dune subsystems and the dune dynamics itself. Knowledge about these exchanges is important to prioritize management and conservation strategies of these environments. The aim of this work is the i...
From a geological perspective, deltas are ephemeral geomorphic systems whose development is controlled by the sensitive equilibrium between fluvial sediment supply, global sea level, wave-induced energy and regional subsidence. Once this equilibrium is lost, the delta may start to retreat and eventually disappear. The ephemeral character of deltas...
Currently, dune field surveying is employed to assess dune net volume changes and their accretion and erosion patterns. In dune fields with complex sediment sources and sink interactions such as El Fangar Spit (Ebro Delta, Spain), it is difficult to establish the sediment input and output with only net volume changes estimated by dune field surveyi...
Se analizaron los cambios de canal en la planicie de inundación del sistema anastomosado del curso medio del Río Apure, Venezuela, con la finalidad de establecer los movimientos laterales de las márgenes del río. Además, se analizó la variación multitemporal de los cambios en la dinámica geomorfológica del patrón de canal durante un periodo de evol...
Dune systems have a complex dynamics which is difficult to model purely physical due to the no linearity of the wind shear stress estimation, the complexity of the dune systems geomorphology and the difficult to obtain real world field data to test them. Cellular models offer an interesting alternative approach with simple data entry requirements a...
The longshore sediment transport is one of the most determinant processes in the evolution of littoral spits and therefore its estimates has a very important role in the study of these coastal landforms evolution and forecast. The aim of this work is to compare the longshore drift estimated by three independent methods (coastline evolution, energy...
This special issue of Geo-Marine Letters presents selected contributions from the 6th Spanish Conference on Coastal Geomorphology held from 7–9 September 2011 in Tarragona, Spain. The guest editors are Isabel Montoya Montes, Maria J. Sánchez García and Inmaculada Rodríguez Santalla. These conferences on coastal geomorphology are held biannually and...
Deltas are complex systems that can be affected by the alteration of any factors that interfere in their dynamic. Knowledge of these systems allows managers and scientists to model and establish the ecosystem state. This study is focused on the sand bars located in the Ebro delta coast. These sand bars constitute a natural sediment deposit to prote...
The weathered and fractured conglomerate cliffs of Mont Roig del Camp constitute a rock fall hazard for the
surrounding pocket beaches and, therefore, for the population that frequent them, especially over the summer.
Landslide susceptibility of the cliff has been assessed using the Rock Engineering System method (RES). The determinant
and triggeri...
Longshore sediment plays a major role in coastal evolution; however its quantification still rely on empirical formulas calibrated with disparate field techniques. This work aims to evaluate and compare the longshore drift estimated by empirical formulations and experimental predictors. In order to achieve this objective it was carried out a field...
Dune activity or stability has usually been studied over long time periods; however, this may not reflect changes that occur in the short term, especially for highly active dunefields. Extreme wind conditions that are generated near the Strait of Gibraltar (SW Spain) have given rise to the transgressive Valdevaqueros dunefield. The current work foc...
Geología. Fac. Ciencias del Mar.11510 Puerto Real (Cádiz). Resumen En el presente trabajo se ha realizado un análisis evolutivo de las distintas unidades geomorfológicas presentes en la desembocadura del delta del Ebro con el objetivo de evaluar, mediante la metodología de análisis de cambios, las variaciones más relevantes que tienen lugar en dich...
The accident and sink of the tank ship Prestige, that occurred offshore of the Galicia coast (northwest Spain) on November
2002, caused a large oil spill with important ecological and economic consequences for the Galician and Cantabrian littoral.
Different data sets obtained through monitoring of the oil spill by over flight observation, satellite...
The increasing amount of people that every year visits the coastal areas makes necessary to carry out a detailed analysis The increasing amount of people that every year visits the coastal areas makes necessary to carry out a detailed analysis
of all the processes that occur in these areas, in order to avoid the damages that the natural processes c...
The advance of the Valdevaqueros transgressive dune has resulted in gradual invasion of the adjacent road and ecosystem. Despite restoration and control activities performed within the last decades, strong winds have favoured dune destabilisation. Topographic surveys of five profiles were carried out in the research area from 1995 to 2006 to study...
The littoral is the area where marine and terrestrial processes superpose and interact. Limits of their respective actions are imprecise, as processes which are characteristic of each of these environments do overlap. This particular characteristic makes the littoral zone complex and vulnerable to human activity, which in many cases, causes irretri...
Ground penetrating radar is a non-invasive technique that allows the study of the structure of dune Systems when outcrops are limited or protected. GPR response of sand dunes of the Holocene aeolian dunes of the Ebro River Delta (Spain) has been analyzed in this study in order to: characterise their internal architecture, determine their developmen...
This paper presents an analysis of the dune field dynamics of El Fangar Spit in the Ebro Delta (Spain), associating it with the internal structure of dunes carried out with ground-penetrating radar and supported by data from topographic DGPS. These analyses are of great importance to ascertain the state of the internal structure of dunes as an impo...
Resumen: El presente trabajo muestra los cambios ocurridos en un tramo de la costa almeriense comprendido entre San Juan de los Terreros y las playas de Vera. El análisis ha tenido en cuenta la transformación de los usos del suelo, así como la variación de la línea de costa a medio (50 años) y a corto plazo (7 años). Las fuentes de información util...
The coastline of the province of Cadiz (SW Spain) retains a magnificent example of sustainable profitability of the sea, as much as, a natural and historical treasure: the �corrales�. These structures are weirs built of stone walls whose top level allows for the entry of fish during high tide and a closed exit and easy fishing during low tide. The...
Located in Tarifa, near the Strait of Gibraltar, the migration of Valdevaqueros dune was controlled by sand extractions for building purpose. As the Spanish Shore Act was approved in 1988, the sale of sand was forbidden and the dune started to move forward, burying the leeward pine wood and the only road to
Maspalomas village.
Consequently, six top...
The aim of this chapter is to present the methodology used for the stretch of coast between the ports of Castellón and Sagunto,
in order to introduce and compare all the factors related to that coast for its Integral Management. The methodology has been
developed so that it can be generalized to any other stretches of coast, given the modifications...
In this paper some of the results obtained in the study of coastal evolution of Ebro Delta will be shown. The research refers to the geomorphologic evolution of the "Fangar Peninsula" and its adjacent beaches (Marquesa and Pal Beaches) and has focussed to evaluate quantitative and qualitative information about the sediment transport distribution pr...