Inkeri RissanenTampere University | UTA · Faculty of Education and Culture
Inkeri Rissanen
Doctor of Theology, Master of Education
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January 2017 - present
August 2010 - July 2014
Publications (47)
Tässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan monikielisen oppilaan oman äidinkielen (OÄK) opettajien yhteiskunnallista päämäärätietoisuutta yhteiskunnallisten tavoitteiden ja yhteiskunnallisen toiminnan näkökulmista. Tutkimus perustuu oman äidinkielen opettajien haastatteluihin (N=20), jotka on analysoitu laadullisen sisällönanalyysin keinoin. Tutkimuksen peru...
Decades of research has demonstrated the power of growth mindsets (i.e. belief in the malleability of the qualities of humans) to shape people’s ways of making sense of their socio-cultural reality and influence their ways of thinking about and acting towards change. Yet, research which connects mindsets with climate action or sustainability behavi...
This article centres on young people’s experiences of climate change education (CCE). There is much written on CCE (e.g. what it is, what it should be, how it should be taught, where it should
be taught), but there is little exploring young people’s views on learning about climate and the climate crisis. This Spotlight On article considers data co...
Kulttuureja koskevat asenteet ja uskomukset ovat kulttuurienvälisien valmiuksien keskeinen osa-alue. Artikkelissa peruskoulun opettajien (N = 273) kulttuurienvälisiä valmiuksia lähestytään sosiaalipsykologian kentällä laajemmin tutkittujen kulttuuria koskevien arkiteorioiden eli multikulturalismin, polykulturalismin ja värisokeuden näkökulmasta. Tu...
This study investigates the life purposes and values of higher education students in the Netherlands and Finland (nDutch = 663, nFin = 846). The theoretical framework is built on the conceptualisation of life purpose by Damon et al. as well as Schwartz’s values model. The study adopted a convergent mixed methods design analysing qualitative and qua...
Tämän tutkimuksen lähtökohtana on käsitys päämäärätietoisesta opettajasta opettajankoulutuksen tavoitteena. Päämäärätietoinen opettaja kokee työnsä henkilökohtaisesti merkitykselliseksi ja on pitkäaikaisesti sitoutunut antamaan panoksensa oppilaiden ja yhteiskunnan hyväksi. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin opettajaopiskelijoiden (N=500) tulevalle työlle...
Given the increasing interest in academic citizenship in higher education, this study examines the civic purposes of higher education students in two European countries, namely the Netherlands and Finland, and relations between students’ worldviews and their civic purposes. The majority of students was categorized as so-called disengaged or dreamer...
The challenge of tackling climate change calls for transformative educational approaches which prepare young people to navigate ongoing and future crises, loading heavy expectations on the shoulders of education (Reid 2019). Climate change education (CCE) refers to such teaching and learning that is connected to climate change. Yet, CCE is more tha...
Education researchers aware of the acute nature of ecological crises increasingly stress the necessity to promote worldview transformation in and through education policy and practice. In this article, we elaborate ideas of worldview transformation as the ground for truly effective environmental and climate change education, and discuss how these i...
Manifestations of educational inequity in diversifying societies have led to a wide acknowledgement of the need to develop all teachers’ competencies to work in the context of diversity. The domain of beliefs and attitudes is generally included as one key component of teachers’ intercultural competence, but there is little consensus over what the c...
This chapter focuses on the experiences and perspectives of Muslim teachers, who serve informally as “cultural brokers” in Finnish and Swedish schools. It begins by reviewing research on minority teachers and their roles as cultural mediators, as well as on Muslims in European public education. After that, the contexts, methodology and results of a...
Cultural heterogenisation of classrooms and existing achievement gaps have led to an acknowledgement of the need to develop teachers' intercultural competencies. A growth mindset (a belief that intelligence, personality and other such qualities can be cultivated) predicts positive intergroup attitudes and reduces stereotyping, but has not been rese...
Finland has a rather unique model of non-confessional worldview education that draws on pupils’ “own worldview”. Internationally this model has been applauded for ensuring freedom of religion and belief, but in Finland it is regularly debated. In this chapter we employ a wider notion of worldview education that takes into account the role of worldv...
Universities worldwide are beginning to counter the prevailing neo-liberal ideology by paying renewed attention to the moral development of students and fostering their life purposes. This mixed methods study investigates the life purposes of higher education students in four institutions in the Netherlands (nDutch = 663) and Finland (nFinnish = 84...
This mixed methods study explored German (n = 477) and Finnish (n = 379) student teachers' color-blind, multiculturalist, and polyculturalist diversity beliefs. Statistical analyses identified polyculturalism and multiculturalism as the most prominent diversity beliefs among the student teachers and detected associations between diversity belief pr...
Tässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan oman äidinkielen (OÄK) opettajien kokemuksia osallisuudestaan työyhteisössä. Teoreettisena viitekehyksenä on kielellisesti ja kulttuurisesti vastuullinen pedagogiikka. Artikkeli perustuu kyselyaineistoon (N=47), joka on analysoitu laadullisen sisällönanalyysin keinoin hyödyntäen Atlas.ti-ohjelmaa. OÄK-opettajien osa...
Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin opettajien kulttuuria koskevia arkiteorioita (värisokeus, multikulturalismi ja polykulturalismi), sosiaalisen oikeudenmukaisuuden orientaatiota ja kulttuurisesti moninaisten oppilasryhmien opettamiseen liittyvää motivationaalista orientaatiota kyselyaineiston (N = 504) sekä tilastollisten
menetelmien avulla. Tarka...
This article presents a study of five teachers at a Finnish elementary school who implemented and evaluated growth mindset pedagogy (GMP). The teachers received GMP training and conducted student interventions in their classrooms. We analyzed the impact of GMP on the teacher’s pedagogical thinking and practices and found significant differences bet...
In this chapter, we will discuss key questions regarding religious education in Finnish state schools today. Recent years have shown that issues related to dialogue, citizenship skills, social integration have moved into the forefront when discussing religious education (Jackson 2014a). Similarly, several researchers have analysed the challenges th...
This study explores head teachers' and cultural brokers' views of school-Muslim parent collaboration in Finland and Sweden. The data includes semi-structured interviews with school heads (n=20) and Muslim cultural brokers (n=16). The theoretical background leans on the theorizing of cultural capital originating from Bourdieu and on more recent conc...
This chapter seeks take part in an emerging research where religion is approached as a whole school endeavor. Previous research and policy recommendations typically focused on teaching about religion in school, but the accommodation of religious diversity in the wider school culture merits more attention. Based on observations in our multiple case...
The purpose of this volume is to enrich and complement the discussion concerning religion in education by contextualising the respective phenomena in the current Finnish educational policy and practice, as well as by drawing together empirical and theoretical observations from several case analyses. Even though international comparative studies are...
In many European societies, including Finland, negotiations around pluralism and secularism often revolve around the question of Islam and Muslims. In the Finnish context, questions on the inclusion of Muslims are particularly acute due to the exceptionally negative attitudes among Finns toward Islam and Muslims. In this chapter I will bring togeth...
Mainstream scholarly approaches to improving equity in education, including culturally responsive education, promote multicultural recognition of diversity and abandon color-blindness as an ineffective strategy. The social psychological literature affords a more nuanced understanding of the merits of different diversity ideologies. However, these r...
Artikkelissa tarkastellaan tyttöyden rakentumista ala-asteikäisten tyttöjen kertomana. Tutkittavat kirjoittivat eläytymismenetelmätarinoita, joissa he pohtivat tyttöyden normatiivista ja toisaalta normien vastaista rakentamista.
In many European countries religious education in school, regardless of its organizational model, is commonly given two important tasks: supporting students’ identity development and educating for tolerance. This is the case also in Finland, where there is a general consensus that religious education should contribute to social cohesion, but at the...
In this article we take up the two-fold task of creating a framework for a growth mindset pedagogy on the basis of our previous studies and exploring the critical points of this pedagogy in the classroom of a mixed-mindset teacher. The data include classroom observations and stimulated recall interviews. The results show how a teacher who is social...
This study examines negotiations on Muslims’ inclusive citizenship in Finnish and Swedish comprehensive schools. The data include interviews with Muslim parents and Muslim teachers (n = 8 in both countries), who serve as cultural brokers in public schools and mediate negotiations on the terms of inclusion. The study utilizes the notion of post-secu...
In this article, we examine how narratives of religious traditions are used as resources in religious education (RE) and compare practices from Evangelic Lutheran religious education (LRE) and Islamic religious education (IRE) in Finnish public schools. The sacredness of narratives from holy books entails that there can be contestations over their...
Implicit theories concerning the malleability of human qualities are known to have a powerful impact on motivation and learning, but their role in moral education is an under-researched topic. In this qualitative case study, we examined the impact of implicit theories on four Finnish teachers' practices of teaching morally and in teaching morality....
Based on classroom observations and semi-structured interviews with teachers, parents and students, this comparative study looks at how social cohesion is promoted in Islamic Religious Education (IRE) lessons in Muslim schools in Ireland and non-faith schools in Finland. The study analyses teaching in the following areas: intra-religious cohesion;...
This qualitative case study examines teachers’ implicit meaning systems built around their core beliefs on the malleability of human qualities. Previous research has demonstrated the influence of students’ implicit theories on motivation and achievement and has presented successful interventions for students. However, research on teachers’ implicit...
In scholarly discussions, developing intercultural competencies, with intercultural sensitivity as their core, is an acknowledged aim of teacher education. Religion forms a foundational part in many cultures, and its prominence in the public sphere is increasing. However, educational research and practice have largely disregarded religious diversit...
This article examines intercultural sensitivity of Finnish teachers (N = 1008) and students (N = 1000) with a 23-item Intercultural Sensitivity Scale Questionnaire (ICSSQ). The questionnaire is based on Bennett’s (Education for the intercultural experience, Intercultural Press, Yarmouth, 1993) Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity, which...
Although there is much discussion of educational needs and how to integrate Muslim students into modern Western contexts, there is a shortage of research on teachers’ attitudes about these issues. Finland offers a particularly interesting context for research, given its relatively new, small, yet rapidly growing Muslim population, its prominence of...
In the Finnish National core curricula for religions, the aims of religious socialisation have been replaced with aims of personal identity development. This shift of aims is also prevalent in many other countries, but the practical implications of it are not clear. This paper presents the results of a case study examining different ways of support...
What kinds of negotiation processes are involved in teaching and studying Islam in a modern liberal context? How can the common aims attached to liberal religious education in contemporary European multicultural societies be pursued in single-faith education? This book contributes to the search for legitimate and successful forms of religious educa...
The study examined the ethical sensitivity of Finnish teachers ( N = 864 ) using a 28-item Ethical Sensitivity Scale Questionnaire (ESSQ). The psychometric qualities of this instrument were analyzed, as were the differences in self-reported ethical sensitivity between practicing and student teachers and teachers of different subjects. The results s...
The challenges of contemporary multicultural societies have resulted in changing aims for religious education and the necessity to adjust teacher education accordingly. The processes of negotiation related to the coexistence of different religious and cultural groups are intertwined in the Finnish curriculum for religious education. This case study...
This paper presents the results of a qualitative case study examining Muslim students’ ways of perceiving and dealing with difference. The study is motivated by the need, expressed in previous literature, to achieve more elaborate comprehension of the relation between tolerance and religiosity. Deeper understanding of these dynamics is pursued by c...
The aim of developing students’ willingness to encounter difference has increasingly affected the designs of religious education in modern pluralistic societies. However, opinions concerning the best possible way to pursue this goal abound: hence, there is a strong need for empirical research. In this study, the possibilities of single-faith educat...