Ingolf PerniceAlexander von Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft (HIIG), Berlin · Global Constitutionalism and the Internet
Ingolf Pernice
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Publications (41)
The digital revolution is creating new risks, together with multiple opportunities for communication, commerce and political participation. What Ulrich Beck described as the world risk society and what – from another perspective – Jürgen Habermas calls the “postnational constellation” is a challenge to our concepts of society and democracy. Digitis...
The first conference in a transatlantic dialogue on privacy and cyber security, held in November 2017 at HIIG in Berlin, brought together an eminent transdisciplinary group of experts from academia, administration, business and civil society from both sides of the Atlantic. It was carried by the hope to find a deeper understanding of the issues at...
With the progressive digitisation and use, in particular, of the internet of things and artificial intelligence by industries, commerce, financial services, science and education, the public administration, health services as well as individuals, our society and daily life gets more and more dependent on the security of the net: cybersecurity. The...
The digital revolution is creating new risks, together with multiple opportunities for communication, commerce and political participation. What Ulrich Beck described as the world risk society and – from another perspective – Jürgen Habermas calls the “postnational constellation” is a challenge to our concepts of society and democracy. Digitisation...
Misconception of the EU is the reason for increasing scepticism – multilevel constitutionalism: conceptualising the EU as a matter of the citizens – critiques and the defence of multilevel constitutionalism – European treaties as a form of a new supranational social contract – embedded autonomy in a system of divided sovereignty – explaining and en...
Die Verbandsklage im Umweltrecht kommt. In der Folge des Rio-Gipfels 1992 durch die Aarhus-Konvention vereinbart, teilweise in einer europäischen Richtlinie unionsrechtlich verbindlich gemacht, war sie als Forderung an den deutschen Gesetzgeber seit Jahren überfällig. Es geht nicht um eine von außen auferlegte Verpflichtung zum Systembruch im deuts...
Given some important amendments of the European Treaties and recent case-law of the courts at the European and national levels this article seeks to establish to what extent the fundamental right to an effective remedy and judicial protection of rights and freedoms guaranteed by Union law (Article 47 of the European Charter of Fundamental Rights) i...
Die Informationsgesellschaft und die Politik stehen in zunehmend enger Wechselwirkung zueinander. Das Internet ist Auslöser und Katalysator dieses Zusammenspiels. Die Politik begreift allmählich, welche Chancen für Wirtschaft, Bildung und soziale Entwicklung die räumlich unbeschränkte und zeitlich unmittelbare Kommunikation bietet und vor welche He...
With the Lisbon-Judgment of June 2009 the respect granted in Article 4 § 2 TEU, of the national identities of the Member States has become a crucial notion of European constitutional law. The German Federal Constitutional Court connotes the national identity of Germany with the ,,eternity-clause“ in Article 79 § 3 of the German Constitution, so the...
Since years the European Union struggles with its structural and constitutional self-determination in search of a sustainable balance between con-federal and federal options, between inter-governmentalism and supranationalism. This Article understands the Treaty of Lisbon as one step in a long and complex process of constitutionalization in Europe...
When I commented on the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe,1 some years ago, I welcomed it as a major achievement in the constitutional process of the EU not so much because of the substantial
changes made with regard to the Treaty of Nice, but essentially due to the fact that the Constitutional Convention and the
governments of the Memb...
Following the dramatic No votes in the French and Dutch referendums on 29 May and 1 June 2005, a need was felt in the European constitutional law profession to react to the shock.
EuConst invited members of its Board and members of the European Constitutional Law Network to write a short comment about possible and possibly salutary effects of the e...
In federal systems public authority is established by the people and exercised for the people at two levels. The treaties establishing the European Union may be conceptualised as the constitution of a supranational public authority, part of a federal system. And what the European Convention has submitted to the European Council to agree upon is an...
Die Bedeutung des Subsidiaritätsprinzips bei der Anwendung des europäischen Wettbewerbsrechts ist auf vier Ebenen zu betrachten: der unions-verfassungs-rechtlichen, der wettbewerbspolitischen, der praktischen und der institutionellen. Stichworte der Kontroverse um die Kompetenzen zur Anwendung der Wettbewerbsregeln des EG-Vertrags sind:
Der „Eur...
Grundrechtsgehalte des europäischen Gemeinschaftsrechts : e. Beitrag zum gemeinschaftsimmanenten Grundrechtsschutz durch d. Europ. Gerichtshof. - Baden- Baden : Nomos Verl.-Ges., 1979. - 270 S. - Zugl.: Augsburg, Univ., Diss., 1978. - (Schriftenreihe Europäische Wirtschaft ; 96)