Inger Pauline LandsemUiT The Arctic University of Norway · Institute of Health and Caring Sciences
Inger Pauline Landsem
PhD, Postdoctoral fellow & Associate professor in Nursing and Health Science
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Publications (34)
The Tromsø Intervention Study on Preterms evaluates an early, sensitizing intervention given to parents of prematurely born children (birth-weight < 2000 g). The current study investigated the potential influence of the intervention on children's self-reported and parental proxy-reported quality of life (QoL) at children's age of nine.
It is well documented that heightened levels of parenting stress have a negative influence on children’s socio-emotional and behavioral development. Parenting stress may therefore be regarded as an outcome variable in its own right. This study investigated whether a sensitizing intervention influences stress reported by parents of prematurely born...
spesialsykepleier med master i helsefag K unnskap om nyfødtes kroppsspråk er grunnleggende for å forstå hva et nyfødt barn formidler av styrke og sårbarhet i samspillet med sine omsorgsgivere. Det nyfødte barnets kroppsspråk er sterkt preget av barnets nevrologiske modenhet og internasjonalt er Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale, NBAS (1) en aner...
This study examined whether the Mother-Infant Transaction Program prevents behavioral problems among preterm children (birth weight < 2000 g) until age 9. The program was administered to 72 preterms, while 74 preterms and 75 full-terms formed control groups (N = 221). Behavior was reported by parents (Child Behavior Checklist) and teachers (Teacher...
Parental cognitions, stress, depression, and infant regulatory challenges might reinforce each other in the early parent–infant relationship. A transactional model was used as a framework to investigate these relationships. Two hundred and twenty pregnant women and their partners were recruited during pregnancy and followed 7 months postnatally in...
Many parents report the transition from hospital to home as challenging after the birth of a preterm-born child. This study investigates parental perceptions of community-based follow-up services after hospital discharge, alterations in parental self-efficacy during the early months at home, the prevalence of depressive symptoms among pa...
Maintaining normal growth even though the child is under treatment for leukemia is essential. The treatment is s two year long process and treatment side effects and lived experiences with a life-threatening disease will inflict growth. Systematical follow-up and medical interventions are paramount to maintain healthy weight gain. The review will s...
Dette essayet omhandler spedbarnstrøst. Hvorfor trøst er så betydningsfullt for spedbarnet, og hvordan omsorgspersoners kapasitet til å trøste påvirkes av intuitiv adferd, kultur og nyere forskning og erfaringsbasert kunnskap. Trøst i denne livsfasen er innspunnet i grunnleggende omsorg, og barnet behøver hyppig støtte til å dempe uhensiktsmessig a...
Parental bonding to their infant is important for healthy parent-infant interaction and infant development. Characteristics in the parents affect how they bond to their newborn. Parental cognitions such as repetitive negative thinking, a thinking style associated with mental health issues, and cognitive dispositions, e.g., mood-congruent attentiona...
This scoping review focuses on infant sleep-related factors and themes that are relevant when health practitioners provide preventive health services to expectant and new parents.
A systematic literature search in CINAHL, PubMed, and PsycINFO, published in 2010 or later, identified 1661 records. The search was further narrowed t...
Research protocol for the study: Infant sleep as a topic in healthcare guidance of parents, prenatal and the first 6 months postnatal. A scoping review
The purpose of the present study was to examine vulnerability factors in expecting parents that might lead to mental illness in the perinatal period. Specifically, we studied how parental early adversity, attentional bias to infant faces, repetitive negative thinking, and demographic factors, were associated with pre- and postnatal depressive sympt...
Families can experience the postpartum period as overwhelming and many report a special need for support. The Newborn Behavioral Observation (NBO) aims to promote a positive parent-infant relationship by sensitising parents to the infant's signals. This article evaluates the NBO as a universal preventive intervention within the regular...
The quality of maternal-infant bonding is related to important child outcomes. The literature has assumed that the ability to form relationships is a relatively stable trait, and research studies have suggested that a mother's attachment style in close adult relationships is related to mother-infant bonding. The transition to parenthoo...
A randomized controlled trial study recruited 146 preterm born children, either to participate in a modified version of the Mother–Infant Transaction Program (MITP-m) or to receive the usual follow-up services, before and after discharge from a neonatal intensive care unit. This follow-up study investigates whether MITP participation is associated...
Background Families can experience the postpartum period as overwhelming and many report a special need for support. The Newborn Behavioral Observation (NBO) aims to promote a positive parent-infant relationship by sensitising parents to the infant’s signals. This article evaluates the NBO as a universal preventive intervention within the regular w...
Background: Families can experience the postpartum period as overwhelming and many report a special need for support. The Newborn Behavioral Observation (NBO) aims to promote a positive parent-infant relationship by sensitising parents to the infant’s signals. This article evaluates the NBO as a universal preventive intervention within the regular...
The quality of an expectant mother’s bonding to the fetus has been shown to be associated with important developmental outcomes. Previous studies suggest that bonding quality is predicted by, for example, social support, psychological well-being, and depression. However, little is known regarding the role of maternal cognition in materna...
The Tromsø Intervention Study on Preterms (TISP) randomized 146 preterm-born children either to the Mother-Infant Transaction Program (MITP) or to a preterm control group. Previously, significant reductions of child behavior problems and maternal stress have been reported in the intervention group. This follow-up study examines whether the MITP may...
The Norwegian NBO training program has been completed in several municipalities across Norway, mainly targeting public health nurses and midwives working in well-baby clinics. The NBO trainer team has developed an online tool, which is used as an addition to the on-campus teaching to aid practitioners in completing the program and succeed as NBO-Ob...
Postpartum depression (PPD) is a prevalent disorder. Studying the factors related to PPD will help to identify families at risk and provide preventive interventions. This can in turn improve the developmental trajectories for the children. Several previous studies have investigated risk factors for PPD. However, few studies have focuse...
The Tromsø Intervention Study on Preterms (TISP) started in 1999 and we may now present results on children's socio-emotional and behavioural development, parental wellbeing and perceptions of the children's quality of life until children's age of nine.
Tema for denne masteroppgaven er hvordan sykepleiere gjenkjenner noe som smertefullt hos det svært fortidligfødte barnet som behandles i neonatale intensivavdelinger. Studien fokuserer på sykepleiernes arbeid med de nyfødte barn som er yngre enn 28 svangerskapsuker. Disse barnas overlevelsesmuligheter har økt betydelig de siste 20 årene. I samme ti...