Inger Kristin HeggdalsvikHøgskulen på Vestlandet, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences · Institute of Welfare and Participation
Inger Kristin Heggdalsvik
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Skills and Expertise
Publications (10)
This paper argues the case for taking a critical realist (CR) approach to social work research. The normativity in social work is often under-communicated in the social sciences, resulting in research tha has an unclear value base as its starting point. Social work practice promotes social change and people's development, empowerment, and liberatio...
This thesis explores how professionals at family counsellor services and child welfare services in Norway understand and assess children at potential risk of care failure when involved in parental high conflict. Enduring parental high conflict presents a significant chalenge in terms of assessment and deciding how best to help individual children,...
This article explores professionals' understanding and experiences of parental high conflicts in Norwegian family counsellor and child welfare services. The data were analysed using reflexive thematic analysis, examining four focus group interviews with a total of 24 professionals. We used tame and wicked problems as a theoretical frame of referenc...
The aim of this article is to explore Norwegian family counselors´ professional assessments when children are at potential
risk due to enduring parental disputes. These disputes present
complex clinical challenges and are often considered being in
a gray area of whether the situation is a family matter or if
there is a need for the assessment o...
Vedvarende og fastlåste konflikter mellom foreldre både før, under og etter et brudd kan være svært belastende og medføre alvorlige konsekvenser for foreldres omsorgsevne og barns omsorgssituasjon. Studier viser at hjelpeapparatet opplever høy konflikt mellom foreldre som utfordrende og vanskelig. Denne artikkelen bygger på en vignettstu...
Barnevernets undersøkelse oppfattes gjerne som selve navet i barnevernets arbeid. I undersøkelsen skal barnevernsarbeideren innhente opplysninger om barnas omsorgssituasjon og ta beslutning om det er grunnlag for å sette inn tiltak. Dette er ofte et krevende metodisk arbeid med sosialfaglige, juridiske og verdimessige utfordringer. Innhenting av re...