Inga SereginaRussian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazeva · Department of Agronomic, Biological Chemistry and Radiology
Inga Seregina
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Publications (87)
In the context of increasing anthropogenic impact on the environment, the problem of crop contamination with heavy metals is becoming increasingly important. Heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, mercury and others can accumulate in soil, water and plants, including grain crops. This can lead to a decrease in the quality of products, which can be pot...
The microhardness of individual morphological structures of the hard coat of the seed of Gleditsia triacanthos L. was measured. Measurements were made on the transverse and frontal planes. Based on the differences in the hardness of the two planes, the anisotropy of the seed coat was revealed. The entire seed coat has a special hardness which can b...
The study was carried out to evaluate the effect of a nutrient solution for the rhizogenesis of grape micro–gears in the Murasiga-Skuga medium (MS) with the addition of various concentrations of the drug Tiaton (0.1, 0.15, 0.20 and 0.25 ml/l). In experiments, the effect of different concentrations of the drug Tiaton on the rooting and vegetative gr...
In model experiments in soil culture, the effect of various methods of applying sodium selenite on the formation of yield and amino acid composition of grain varieties of spring wheat Zlata and Ester, depending on water supply conditions, was studied. Sodium selenite was introduced by pre-sowing seed treatment and leaf treatment of vegetative plant...
Peas are an important agricultural crop of great importance in human and animal nutrition. Peas, being a legume crop, help replenish nitrogen reserves in the soil. In field studies of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution of the Federal Scientific Center of Legumes and Goat Crops (Oryol region), the influence of various growth regulato...
The research has studied the effect of humic preparations made on the basis of humified hemp bonfires on the yield and formation of productivity elements of spring soft wheat of the Ester variety. It has been studied that the manufacture of humic preparations from plant residues as a natural material can be one of the methods of rational use of nat...
In the conducted studies, the moorphological and physiological properties of nodule bacteria of lupine were studied. Lupine plants were grown under the conditions of a microfield experiment on a typical medium loamy urban soil. In the study, a pure culture of Bradyrhizobium lupini was isolated. Then, the morphological properties of nodule bacteria...
The research was carried out in order to find ways to optimize the system of protection of spring wheat crops. In the conducted studies, the effect of combinations of sodium selenite and various pesticides, differing in the specifics of action and biological activity, on the yield and quality of spring wheat of the Yubileinaya 80 variety was studie...
The research examined the adaptive abilities of different soybean varieties when grown at a permanent research site at Kabul University. The soil of this study site is a saline loam mixture with a pH of 8.01 and an EC of 0.17. Mineral nutrition conditions were created by introducing complex fertilizer diammonium potassium phosphate and urea. The pl...
The role of biostimulants of growth of various natures in the production process of spring wheat variety Zlata was studied, depending on nitrogen nutrition conditions, and was carried out under field conditions.The experiments assessed the activity of the plant assimilation apparatus and the formation of the yield of wheat plants using biostimulant...
In a model experiment in soil culture, the influence of protective-stimulating complexes of various modifications and methods of their application on the yield of grain beans was studied. As a result of the study, it was revealed that the effectiveness of protective-stimulating complexes depends on the method of their application and component comp...
The researchers of Russian State Agrarian University, Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy in 2013-2016 conducted a long-term stationary experiment to study chemical and toxicological properties of fiber flax, Voskhod variety, growing on sod-podzolic soil in the soil and climate of the Moscow region. Test plots were selected with following crop r...
The paper describes the results obtained on the effectiveness of a new type of magnesium fertilizer Agromag on potato productivity and the quality of its tubers in crop rotation with potatoes during a two-year field experiment. It was revealed that on average over two years, in variants using magnesium fertilizers in increasing doses, potato yields...
In laboratory experiments, the effect of different concentrations of zinc on the growth processes of seedlings of spring wheat cv. Ester was studied. The optimal concentration of zinc for seed treatment before sowing was revealed. The optimal concentration of zinc has a positive effect on the length of sprouts and roots, as well as the photosynthes...
At the present time one of the tasks of modern agricultural industry consists in obtaining the ecologically safe and clean products. Contamination of soils with heavy metals due to an anthropogenic impact drives up their content in the composition of plant products. This shapes not only a reduction in crop yields, but also a deterioration in produc...
The article describes the effect of new organomineral protective-stimulating complexes based on technical hemp bonfires in various modifications on the yield and realization of elements of potential productivity of spring soft wheat of the Ester variety under optimal growing conditions and under conditions of oxidative stress caused by a violation...
The effect of various doses and forms of magnesium-containing fertilizers on the production process of winter rapeseed plants was studied in field experiments. It was found that the combined use of Agromag magnesium-containing fertilizers contributed to an increase in the yield of winter rapeseed plants. An increase in the dose of magnesium-contain...
The article presents the data of laboratory results on the study of the effect of phytoregulators on changes in the activity of peroxidase enzyme isoforms in dry seeds of malting barley and during their germination. It was found that the use of phytoregulators in dry grains increases the activity of peroxidase isoforms.
In laboratory experiments with resting and germinated seeds of spring wheat, the effect of various biological preparations on the activity of catalase isoforms was studied. In the experiments, the activity of catalase isoforms was determined at pH = 5.5, 7.0, 8.0 using a phosphate buffer system (1/15 M phosphate buffer). The activity of catalase en...
The influence of various ways of using silicon in the form of potassium silicate on the yield of spring wheat under the conditions of model agrocenosis has been studied. To address the issues raised, a vegetative experiment was carried out in the soil culture. Studied two ways of making potassium silicate by treating seeds before sowing and applyin...
In a vegetation experiment with soybean plants of the Svapa and Mageva varieties and in a field experiment with bean plants of the Geliada and Shokoladnitsa varieties, we studied the effect of pre-sowing treatment of the seeds of these plants with Rizotorfin and Epin-extra on the nitrogenase activity of the nodules of these plants and their ultrast...
The influence of foliar selenium fertilization of vegetative plants of leaf radish on the quality of finished products is considered. The object of the study is a variety of leaf radish VR–Tv-28 of South Korean selection. Scheme of experience: NPK (background) – control option; NPK + BUT Se 0.0005%; NPK + BUT Se 0.001%; NPK + BUT Se 0.002%; (seleni...
Lupinus is a very diverse genus with many species. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of different methods of application of sodium selenite on the nutritional value of white lupine variety Degas. The highest effect on the content of crude protein was obtained by spraying vegetating plants before the beginning of the flowering pha...
In 2017-2019, we conducted the field and vegetation experiments at the field station of Russian State Agrarian University, Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy to study the effect of sodium selenite on the yield and grain quality indicators of white lupine, Dega variety, and spring wheat, Yubileynaya-80 variety. The best way found to use selenium...
The use of phytoregulators is a modern way of producing crops to increase yields and product quality. The components of phytoregulators have a beneficial effect on the growth and development of plants and help to withstand unfavorable environmental factors, stress, lack of mineral nutrition, soil fatigue, and the action of a wide range of pesticide...
The paper presents studies of the enzymatic activity of barley grains of different varieties. In experiments with different varieties of malting barley, the activity of isoforms of amylolytic enzymes was determined at pH = 5.5, 7.0, 8.0 using a phosphate buffer system (1/15 M phosphate buffer). The activity of enzymes in the germinated grain was de...
Background. Malting, during which the activity of various enzymes significantly increases in the germinating barley grain, is of great importance in the brewing industry. During the germination of barley seeds under standard conditions, the formation of an active complex of enzymes amylases, proteases, cytases, oxidoreductases, dissolving endo-sper...
In short-term vegetative experiment studied the effect of the different combinations of nitrogen and zinc fertilizers on the chlorophyll content in the leaves of spring wheat plants of the Zlata variety. It is established that application of nitrogen fertilizers together with zinc in most combinations contributed to stabilization of synthesis proce...
In the research, the influence of protective-stimulating complexes on the growth and development of spring wheat plants of the Ester variety when grown in various water supply conditions was studied. The effect of protective-stimulating complexes of various compositions on the dynamics of biomass accumulation and assimilation surface of spring whea...
In vegetation experiment investigated influence of the combination of nitrogen and zinc fertilizers on yield and productivity elements of spring wheat under drought conditions. There are presented results of analysis of acquired data. It was revealed that the highest efficiency of nitrogen-zinc fertilizers under drought conditions achieving in appl...
In field studies, the influence of various environmentally friendly plant growth bioregulators was studied when growing carrots (Daucus carota L.) of the Vitamin 6 variety. Various concentrations of growth regulators were studied, which allow obtaining the maximum possible yield of carrot plants under given growing conditions.
In laboratory experiments, the effect of various growth biological preparations on the activity of peroxidase isoforms in dormant seeds and during their germination was studied. In the experiment, at pH = 5.5, 7.0, 8.0, the activity of enzyme isoforms was determined using a phosphate-buffer system (1/15 M). The activity of isoforms of the peroxidas...
The selection of technological parameters for nanoparticle formulation represents a complicated development phase. Therefore, the statistical analysis based on Box–Behnken methodology is widely used to optimize technological processes, including poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanoparticle formulation. In this study, we applied a two-level three-fact...
To study the effect of sodium Selenite application different methods on the yield of spring wheat varieties, depending on the conditions of water supply, a series of vegetation experiments in accordance with the methodology were carried out. The object of the study is spring wheat of the Zlata variety (Triticum aestivum L.). It was found that the e...
The aim of the research was to study the sodium selenite using various methods effect on the yield and quality of Degas variety white lupine grain. To solve these issues microfield experiment on the experimental plot of the Department of agronomic, biological chemistry and radiology of the Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agric...
Background: Currently, technologies that provide the energy and nutritional value of agricultural crops under extreme growing condishions have the greatest advantage. Much research is devoted to the study of the effect of brassinosteroids and their analogs, as well as zircon, which have a multifunctional effect on the yield and the formation of ele...
Systematic investigations of the impact of nitric acid, inorganic salts and organic compounds on the decrease in the analytical signals in the analysis of whole blood, serum and urine by mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma are performed. Two strategies for the sample pretreatment – dilution by different organic mixtures and acidic min...
Objectives: The goal of this study was to develop sample preparation method and validate the HPLC method for precise determination of paclitaxel (Ptx) in PLGA submicron particles conjugated with protein vector molecule.
Methods: Ptx loaded PLGA submicron particles were formulated by a single emulsification method. PLGA submicron particles were conj...
Natural sources of noble metals (Ru, Rh, Pd, Os, Ir, Pt, Au) are exhaustible, thus the extraction of metal from anthropogenic sources seems very promising. This work presents an investigation of new N-heterocyclic sorbents based on polyvinylpyridine for reversible extraction of noble metals from complex matrix solutions. This type of sorbents shows...
Geochemical studies of sarmatian clays and silts of the Kerch Strait and the Taman Peninsula to determine the paleogeographic features of their formation were researched for the first time. Proxies for paleosalinity and paleobatimetry were built using geochemical data to specify previous reconstructions. Two regressive (early Sarmatian; from the mi...
For the development of physical and chemical bases of complex technology of sludge processing it is necessary to know in the form of what compounds vanadium is in the dump sludge and at what stage of processing they were formed. The present work studies the behavior of vanadium in the existing technological chain (with the investigation of industri...
Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry with the preliminary hydride generation (HG-ICP-OES) techniques were used for the determination of chalcophile elements in sulfide-bearing rocks after different sample pretreatment. As and Se in the hydrochloric acid leaching solutions...
In model experiments in soil culture, the effect of different methods of treatment with sodium selenite on the photosynthetic activity of spring wheat variety Zlata was studied under extreme growing conditions. Under drought conditions, the inhibition of the growth of the photosynthetic surface of spring wheat plants was revealed. Under conditions...
An effective analytical technique was developed for noble metals (NMs) determination, including Ru, Rh, Pd, Ir, Pt and Au, in solutions following geological sample digestion using reversible sorption preconcentration on hyper-crosslinked polystyrene and inductively coupled plasma – mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). For the first time, noble metals' chlor...
The sorption behavior of Np(V) and Cs(I) on natural and acid-treated bentonite-like clay of Ostro-zhanskoe deposit (Belarus) was studied in a wide range of radionuclide concentrations and pH values of the suspension. The sorption equilibrium with both radionuclides is attained within the first minutes of the interac¬tion. The sorption behavior on t...
The results of a systematic study of sorption systems for the reversible group extraction of Ru, Rh, Pd, Ir, and Pt and their subsequent determination by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry are presented. The sorption system includes an sorbent, a reagent, and a desorbing solution. Purolite MN-200, НP, and Styrosorb hypercrosslinked polyst...
The problems of detecting and accounting for spectral and nonspectral interferences arising in the determination of a wide range of elements in biological and pharmaceutical samples by inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry are discussed. We studied the features of the effect of matrix components on the accuracy of the results of analysis of...
The sorption of Cs⁺ onto raw Kutch clay (India) over a wide range of concentrations and pH levels was studied and compared with its sorption onto the well-studied FEBEX clay (Spain). The principal clay mineral in both samples is montmorillonite. Non-linear sorption isotherms were measured for both clays. The shapes of the isotherms prompted the use...
New sorption systems based on a series of super-crosslinked polystyrenes of brands HP and Styrosorb for the concentration of Ru from the solutions obtained after decomposition of rocks are studied. To extract Ru according to a reversed-phase mechanism, aromatic amines (methylbenzylamine (MBA), dimethylbenzylamine (DMBA), dibenzylmethylamine (DBMA))...
Various spectroscopic techniques and different sample pretreatment schemes were used for the characterization of the uniquely rich Tomtor REE-Nb ores and for the technological solutions used for hydro-metallurgy processing of these ores. The ranges of the target analyte concentrations available for the techniques used, XRF, MP-AES and ICP-MS, were...
It has been found that leaching of AmIII from the surface after the sorption is characterized by slow kinetics; over 10 days are required to reach a dynamic equilibrium in the system. The leaching process is accompanied by the formation of Am-containing phosphate phase on the sorbent surface. Annealing the sample at 400 °C for 5 h after sorption re...
Samples of technogenic raw materials are studied by spectroscopic methods. The chemical composition of a roast slag and a charge of vanadium production is analyzed by the X-ray fluorescence method (XRF). The possibilities of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy are studied for determination of the oxidation state of elements in technogenic raw material...
Complex research of technogenic raw material samples is carried out. Using the methods of X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence analysis, the chemical and phase compositions of roasted vanadium slag and slime are established. The compounds of the base elements are extracted sequentially according to a three-stage scheme recommended by the Europe...
Targeted delivery of anticancer drugs to brain tumors, especially glioblastoma multiform, which is the most frequent and aggressive types, is one of the important objectives in nanomedicine. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and its receptor type II (VEGFR2) are promising targets, because they are overexpressed by not only core cells but al...
Title components of type (II) and (IV) are readily obtained from aminopropargylic alcohols under elevated temperature within a short time.
Acid retardation on the sorbents as a technique for reduction of the acidity of the solutions prior to their analysis by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry was proposed and investigated. The proposed scheme provides substantial separation of the analytes and nitric acid, which allows direct introduction of the eluates in plasma without di...
Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) is widely used in the analysis of biological samples (whole blood, serum, blood plasma, urine, tissues, etc.) and pharmaceutical drugs. The shortcomings of this method related to spectral and non-spectral interferences are manifested in full measure in determination of the target analytes in the...
A facile one-pot approach based on a thermally induced metal- and solvent-free 5-endo-dig cyclization reaction of the amino propargylic alcohols in combination with Dess-Martin periodinane-promoted oxidative dearomatization of 4,5,6,7-tetrahydroindole intermediates provides an efficient and robust access to 5,6-dihydro-1H-indol-2(4H)ones. Green, re...
The reversible sorption preconcentration of noble metals (NMs) prior to their determination by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) was investigated. Six new hypercrosslinked polystyrene sorbents were tested. The dependence of the degree of NMs sorption on the average degree of polymer network crosslinking and pore diameters was...
A novel approach to quantification of Ga and Zn modifiers in advanced materials based on zinc oxide is presented. The approach includes a combination of total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) for determination and validation of the results. It is suggested to use aqueous standards for th...
An approach to determination of modifying additives in new materials based on SnO2 in solutions using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) after microwave digestion in a mixture of acids is proposed. On the basis of the studies performed, a method of determination of Au and Sb is developed with RSD = 0.06 and 0.08, respectively. Th...
A sample of the Ulu-Telyak oxidized manganese ore is studied by using various methods of elemental and phase analysis. The chemical and X-ray diffraction methods established that this sample contains mostly oxidized manganese in the form of minerals of the psilomelane-vernadite group. To determine the average degree of oxidation of manganese in ore...
The elemental impurities contained in the composition of the pharmaceutical dose forms are known to be capable of interacting with their active substances and excipients and of catalyzing their degradation; thereby, they alter stability of the drug products and exert toxic effects on the human tissues. The present publication was designed to report...
The work presents an approach to determination of palladium and ruthenium in advanced materials on the basis of tin dioxide by the ICP–MS and TRXF methods. A technique of microwave-assisted decomposition of the sample in mixtured acids is developed. The metrological characteristics of ruthenium and palladium determination are calculated.
Melittin is a membrane-active peptide from bee venom with promising antimicrobial and anticancer activity. Herein we report on a simple and selective method for labeling of the tryptophan residue in melittin by the organometallic fragment [(C5 H5 )Ru](+) in aqueous solution and in air. Ruthenium coordination does not disturb the secondary structure...
Binding to plasma proteins is one of the major metabolic pathways of metallodrugs. In the case of platinum-based anticancer drugs, it is the interaction with serum albumin that affects most strongly their in vivo behavior. Since both the configuration, i.e. cis-trans-isomerism, and the nature of leaving groups have an effect on the reactivity of Pt...
Results of analyzing dead motor catalysts and products of their recycling (alloy and slag) for platinum group metals (PGM) are compared. The following methods were applied: x-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF), atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) and mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-MS). The sensitivity of the XRF was found insu...
The reversible sorption preconcentration of noble metals (NMs) using different schemes "sorbent-reagent-eluent" was investigated. The extraction of Au, Pd, Pt, Ir, Rh and Ru chlorocomplexes from hydrochloric acid solutions on hyper-crosslinked polysterene MN-200 in the form of ion associates with tributylamine (TBA) and 4-(n-octyl)diethylenetriamin...
The application of an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) assay for quantifying in vitro binding of a gallium-based anticancer drug, tris(8-quinolinolato)gallium(III), to serum albumin and transferrin and in human serum is described. The distribution of the drug between the protein-rich and protein-free fractions was assessed via...
A procedure for the determination of gallium in biological fluids by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry was developed. The detection limits of gallium calculated from the 3s value were 60 ng/L for urine, 32 ng/L for a model solution of intestinal juice, and 50 ng/L for serum. The accuracy of the procedure was tested using a standard addit...
Sorption preconcentration of rare earth elements prior to introduction in inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry is developed. For the first time Pol-DETATA sorbent was used for REEs preconcentration after digestion of wide classes of rock samples. The developed technique is based on lithium metaborate fusion, preconcentration on Pol-DETATA s...
The paper presents data on the content of 22 microelements in drinking water of Tula and the Tula region, of Moscow and St. Petersburg. The intake of microelements by human body with drinking water in these regions has been calculated. The role of drinking water in supply of human body with microelements in each of these regions has been estimated.
Different methods of rock sample digestion for final analysis by ICP-MS technique are investigated. It is shown that only basic rocks can be quantitatively digested in a microwave (MW) field with the mixture of HF and HNO(3) acids at 210°C for 60 min. The addition of HCl and H(3)BO(3) provides complete digestion of andesites and some types of grani...
Urine analysis gives an insight into the excretion of the administered drug which is related to its reactivity and toxicity. In this work, the capability of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) to measure ultratrace metal levels was utilized for rapid assaying of gallium originating from the novel gallium anticancer drug, tris(8-qu...
Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry was used to analyze diagnostic substrates from newborns and primary school-aged
children. We studied urine and blood samples of children aged from several days to 2 months and hair samples of primary school-aged
children. Methods for the collection of blood and urine sample were investigated using variou...