Indar SugiartoPetra Christian University · Department of Electrical Engineering (JTE)
Indar Sugiarto
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Publications (45)
Some elders prefer to live independently rather than in a nursing home. However, they need to be assisted because of health and safety reasons. We developed an integrated system consisting of a smart home, a mobile robot, and a wearable device, using message queuing telemetry transport (MQTT) protocol to communicate with each other. The smart home...
We present a biologically inspired and scalable
model of the basal ganglia (BG) simulated on the spiking neu-
ral network architecture (SpiNNaker) machine, a biologically
inspired low-power hardware platform allowing parallel, asyn-
chronous computing. Our BG model consists of six cell popula-
tions, where the neuro-computational unit is a conducta...
A factor graph (FG) can be considered as a unified model combining a Bayesian network (BN) and a Markov random field (MRF). The inference mechanism of a FG can be used to perform reasoning under incompleteness and uncertainty, which is a challenging task in many intelligent systems and robotics. Unfortunately, a complete inference mechanism require...
Factor graphs are probabilistic graphical frameworks for modeling complex and dynamic systems. They can be used in a broad range of application domains, from machine learning and robotics, to signal processing and digital communications. One important aspect that makes a factor graph very useful and very promising to be applied widely is its infere...
Deep learning (DL) has been considered as a breakthrough technique in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Conceptually, it relies on a many-layer network that exhibits a hierarchically non-linear processing capability. Some DL architectures such as deep neural networks, deep belief networks and recurrent neural networks have...
This paper presents an approach to provide a Run-time Management (RTM) system for a many-core neuromorphic platform. RTM frameworks are commonly used to achieve an energy saving while satisfying application performance requirements. In commodity processors, the RTM can be implemented by utilizing the output of Performance Monitoring Counters (PMCs)...
This paper presents an approach for improving the overall performance of a general purpose application running as a task graph on a many-core neuromorphic supercomputer. Our task graph framework is based on graceful degradation and amelioration paradigms that strive to achieve high reliability and performance by incorporating fault tolerance and ta...
We present a spiking neural network model of the thalamic Lateral Geniculate Nucleus (LGN) developed on SpiNNaker, which is a state-of-the-art digital neuromorphic hardware built with very-low-power ARM processors. The parallel, event-based data processing in SpiNNaker makes it viable for building massively parallel neuro-computational frameworks....
Much of recent researches in robotics have shifted the focus from traditionally-specific industrial tasks to investigations of new types of robots with alternative ways of controlling them. In this paper, we describe the development of a generic method based on factor graphs to model robot kinematics. We focused on the kinematics aspect of robot co...
There are two important aspects that will play important roles in future manufacturing systems: changeability and human-machine collaboration. The first aspect, changeability, concerns with the ability of production tools to reconfigure themselves to the new manufacturing settings, possibly with unknown prior information, while maintaining their re...
This paper presents a novel method for implementing Factor Graphs in a SpiNNaker neural computing system. The SpiNNaker system provides resources for fine-grained parallelism, designed for implementing a distributed computing system. We present a framework which utilizes available SpiNNaker resources to implement a discrete Factor Graph: a powerful...
This paper presents a probabilistic graphical model in the form of a factor graph to perform hierarchical probabilistic inference by computing kinematics of an omnidirectional mobile robot. We propose applying population coding principles to encode messages transmitted within the factor graph to update the network's internal belief, as inspired by...
When working with probabilistic graphical models we usually have two options to build the model: either using a Bayesian network (BN) or a Markov random field (MRF). However, there exist one more graphical representation which is able to unify the properties of BN and MRF that is called Factor Graph. This paper describes conceptual methods in worki...
This paper describes an alternative method for analyzing robot dynamics using open source software so-called ODE (open dynamic engine). Using ODE, an arm robot can be modeled and simulated in a simple but accurate fashion. The arm robot which is being modeled and simulated in this paper is the Movemaster EX RV-M1 from Mitsubishi. The simulation is...
This paper shows how the systematic approach in software testing using static code analysis method can be used for improving the software quality of a BCI framework. The method is best performed during the development phase of framework programs. In the proposed approach, we evaluate several software metrics which are based on the principles of obj...
A method of displaying robust visual stimulator for P300-BCI is proposed. This visual stimulator plays vital role in BCI system since the evoked potential with duration of 300 ms is mainly affected by the precise timing of each trial. It is preferable that the number of trials must be set as small as possible and it means that the stimulator which...
This paper describes about an alternative module of data acquisition system (DAS), which can be accessed by LabVIEW. The advantage of this DAS module is inexpensive and it has good performance as well as module used in industrial control system. This DAS module is controlled by ATmega64 AVR microcontroller, which will communicate with the LabVIEW b...
In a working BCI framework, all aspects must be considered as an integral part that contributes to the successful operation of a BCI system. This also includes the development of robust but flexible stimulator, especially the one that closely related to the feedback of a BCI system. This paper describes a novel approach in providing flexible visual...
Paper ini membahas tentang pengembangan sistem SMS Web Application di Laboratorium Telematika,
Universitas Kristen Petra Surabaya. Sistem tersebut dibangun dengan memanfaatkan Gammu sebagai
aplikasi SMS Gateway, PHP sebagai bahasa pemrograman untuk membuat SMS web application dan
MySQL sebagai database server. Layanan-layanan yang dikembangkan pada...
Paper ini membahas pembuatan aplikasi mLab. Aplikasi ini dibuat agar pengguna dapat mengakses
informasi dari Sistem Informasi Laboratorium Telematika, Universitas Kristen Petra secara mobile
melalui mobile phone.
Aplikasi mLab ini merupakan aplikasi SMS berbasis J2ME yang berdiri sendiri dan tidak terintegrasi
dengan aplikasi SMS built-in pada mobi...
Brain-computer interface (BCI) systems enable communication without movement. It is unclear why some BCI approaches or parameters are less effective with some users. This study elucidates BCI demographics by exploring correlations among BCI performance, personal preferences, and different subject factors such as age or gender. Results showed that m...
This paper describes LSE method for improving Takagi-Sugeno neuro-fuzzy model for a multi-input and multi-output system using a set of data (Mackey-Glass chaotic time series). The performance of the generated model is verified using certain set of validation / test data. The LSE method is used to compute the consequent parameters of Takagi-Sugeno n...
Dalam paper ini, sebuah program stimulator yang memanfaatkan fitur-fitur DirectX telah dibuat dan diuji performansinya. Program stimulator ini menghasilkan animasi berupa gambar 2D yang berkedip dengan frekuensi stabil di bawah 30Hz. Kestabilan frekuensi ini sangat penting bagi sistem BCI dengan teknik SSVEP. Pengujian dengan melibatkan empat orang...
This paper shows an example of a stochastic approach to study the impact of distributed generation (DG) on the network constraints (congestions) in power systems. We assume the DG units to be customer-owned, so that they can be connected to or disconnected from the power system by their owners at random. Therefore, the DG units generate power in a...
Abstrak. Pembuatan simulasi dan pemodelan untuk pelajaran fisika, terutama mekanika, akan memberikan daya tarik tersendiri karena visualisasi yang diberikan dapat membantu siswa untuk lebih memahami tentang pelajaran tersebut. Masalahnya adalah bagaimana membuat sebuah simulasi dari pemodelan yang robust untuk sebuah sistem mekanika tanpa harus men...
Spatial filtering method and fast Fourier transform (FFT) based spectrum estimation method are applied to reveal the presence of steady state visual evoked potential (SSVEP) in multiple-electrodes electroencephalogram (EEG) signals used in Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) system. The SSVEP responses are elicited by visual stimuli in the form of flick...
Data Reduction Techniques have been developed to support a complex system which produces or requires a big amount of data. Sometimes, this bulky data require more spaces other than that provided by the system's memory. So, we need a method for reducing this huge data without loosing the original information. Thus, reconstruction from the reduced da...
Dalam paper ini dipaparkan sistem keamanan memanfaatkan teknologi kamera (dalam hal ini berupa webcam), dua buah motor sebagai penggerak kamera beserta rangkaian driver-nya, sebuah komputer server, dan beberapa komputer client. Webcam dihubungkan dengan komputer server dan kemudian mengirimkan data video tersebut ke komputer client melalui protokol...
Dalam pengelolaan sistem informasi Laboratorium
Telematika Universitas Kristen Petra, dibutuhkan sarana
yang dapat membantu para asisten atau laboran untuk
mengelolah informasi. Dan juga sarana yang dapat
memudahkan mahasiswa untuk mengakses informasi yang
berkaitan dengan kegiatan praktikum. Oleh karena itu
dikembangkan sistem informasi e-lab yang...
Dalam pembuatan situs berbasis open source CMS
(content management system), kreativitas dan
produktivitasnya dapat ditingkatkan dengan
memanfaatkan modul-modul tambahan untuk menambah
fungsionalitas dari fungsi-fungsi pokok yang tersedia
dalam program utama CMS tersebut. CMS berbasis
Joomla! menggunakan konsep yang disebut extension
untuk melengkap...