Iñaki Goirizelaia

Iñaki Goirizelaia
University of the Basque Country | UPV/EHU


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Publications (19)
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2020an, teknologiak bultzatutako gizarte batean bizi gara, eta datuak komunikatzeko sistemak funtsezkoak bihurtu dira gure eguneroko bizitzaren alderdi guztietan. Covid19-k erakutsi digu ezezagunak eszenatoki eta bizimodu berrietara eraman gaitzakeela, duela hilabete batzuk imajinatu ere ezin genituenak. Gaur egun, pertsonen, enpresen eta erakundee...
When there is a need to compare the characteristics of several similar global communications systems, security is often an important factor to consider in the comparison. However, in most situations it is difficult to deduce whether a system is more secure than other; and it is even more difficult to deduce how much more secure a system is compared...
Conference Paper
Due to the rapid growth of computer networks and advances in cryptography, Electronic Voting Systems are becoming a real option for voters. These systems must fulfil requirements such as accuracy, invulnerability, privacy, verifiability, convenience, flexibility and mobility, protected by the required security schemes. Those requirements guarantee...
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This article presents Demotek, a multi-agent prototype for an electronic voting system based on optical character recognition technology. Trade-offs in voter training, ease of use, security, and coercion across various systems are considered for the purpose of recognizing achievable improvements. Based on the use of N-version programming techniques...
This paper describes a new electronic secure voting system based on automatic paper ballot reading. It presents how the system is organized, it also describes our OCR system and how it is implemented to read paper ballots, and it ends showing some experimental results. The first step of the OCR system consists in extracting from each character seve...
In this paper we present the work developed on off-line signature verification as a continuation of a previous work using Left-to-Right Hidden Markov Models (LR-HMM) in order to extend those models to the field of static or off-line signature processing using results provided by image connectivity analysis. The chain encoding of perimeter points fo...
Conference Paper
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� Abstract— A new method for low complexity image coding is presented, that permits different settings and great scalability in the generation of the final bit stream. This coding presents a continuous- tone still image compression system that groups loss and lossless compression making use of finite arithmetic reversible transforms. Both transform...
In this paper we present the work developed on off-line signature verification using Hidden Markov Models (HMM). HMM is a well-known technique used by other biometric features, for instance, in speaker recognition and dynamic or on-line signature verification. Our goal here is to extend Left-to-Right (LR)-HMM to the field of static or off-line sign...
Conference Paper
A secret and secure ballot is the core of every democracy. We all feel proud of being able to decide the future of our countries by making appropriate use of our right to vote in an election. However, how can we improve the efficiency of the voting process? Democratic governments should have mechanisms which ensure the integrity, security and priva...
Conference Paper
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The handwritten signature is the expression of the will and consent in daily operations such as banking transactions, access control, contracts, etc. However, since signing is a behavioral feature it is not invariant; we do not always sign at the same speed, in the same position or at the same orientation. In order to reduce the errors caused in ve...
Conference Paper
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Most people are used to signing documents and because of this, it is a trusted and natural method for user identity verification, reducing the cost of password maintenance and decreasing the risk of eBusiness fraud. In the proposed system, identity is securely verified and an authentic electronic signature is created using biometric dynamic signatu...
Informazio eta Komunikazio Teknologiak maila guztietako irakaskun-tza aldatzen ari dira erabat, unibertsitatean zein oinarrizko hezkuntzan, eta, noski, etengabeko prestakuntza ere ez da ahaztu behar [1]. Unibertsita-teetako, ikastoletako eta eskoletako irakasleek, ikasleek eta administrazioko langileek egunero erabiltzen dituzte Informazio eta Komu...
Conference Paper
This paper presents a new method for signing digital images using high frequency components to guide the way digital watermarks are inserted in the image. Although this is not a new idea, we implement it working in the spatial domain, which means a more efficient algorithm and less processing time. We use a user's configurable line segment chain to...
This paper describes a money paper quality control system based on image processing techniques. The system inspects paper sheet dimensions and verifies whether the money paper has any surface quality or dimensional defect (holes, stains, correct mark positioning,…) while it is moving at a very high speed 20-100 m/min. Due to this high advancing spe...


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