Ina PinkerHumboldt-Universität zu Berlin | HU Berlin · formerly Department of Crop and Animal Sciences
Ina Pinker
Dr. rer. nat.
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January 2004 - present
Publications (87)
With the aim of optimizing resources in regional production of nutritive valuable leafy vegetables, this study was conducted to obtain more knowledge regarding the interdependencies between light conditions and accumulation of inorganic constituents. The test plant, P. odorata, was cultivated in a climate chamber with fluorescent tubes as the main...
The introgression of wild strawberry species into cultivars helps to avoid or counteract negative domestication effects. Fragaria chiloensis and F. virginiana, the parental species of the cultivated strawberry F. ×ananassa, are first choice for genetic resources due to their direct crossability on the octoploid level. Valuable traits, however, are...
Actaea racemosa L. (syn. Cimicifuga racemosa (L.) Nuttal) or black cohosh is a perennial plant of the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae) growing wild in deciduous forests of North America. Because mature seeds of A. racemosa have a rudimentary embryo and exhibit deep simple epicotyl morphophysiological dormancy, germination is a long-lasting process...
Lobelia is well established as ornamental plant since the 17th century. During the last decades, breeding mainly based on hybridization and resulted in an increasing number of cultivars. Polyploidisation in general is known for its essential contribution to an increased horticultural and ornamental value. In the assortments of Lobelia
erinus diplo...
The present experiments were conducted at Humboldt University of Berlin, Horticultural Plant Systems, Germany during 2012 and 2013 seasons, to clarify the nutrient requirements for regeneration of encapsulated nodal segments of Rosa hybridàKardinal´, as well as define the nutrient losses from the beads during incubation on nutrient-free media. Shoo...
Cleome, oder auch Spinnenblume, ist eine etablierte Zierpflanze für Beet- und Balkonbepflanzung. Sie erinnert durch ihre an langen Filamente hängenden Antheren an eine Spinne, was zu ihrer deutschen Namensgebung beigetragen hat. Seit 2007 wird sie der Gattung TarenayaRafinesque zugeordnet.
Mit ihren zahlreichen Blüten in Weiß über Rosa bis hin zu P...
Eine Kultivierung von Pflanzen im geschützten Anbau bietet die Möglichkeit einer saisonunabhängigen Produktion mit gleichbleibender Qualität. Zugleich kann eine höhere Kontrolle der Kultivierungsbedingungen, insbesondere der Lichtintensität und Lichtspektren, genutzt werden, um Inhaltsstoffgehalte und somit den Nähr- und Gesundheitswert von Pflanze...
Filterkaffee, insbesondere der zurückbleibende Kaffeesatz, wird seit langem von Hobby-gärtnern als Zumischung zum Substrat empfohlen. Es gibt aber nur wenige wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zu diesem Thema.
Ein 7wöchiger Versuch mit Calibrachoa x hybrida ‘Calita Salmon Morn‘ (KW10 bis 17) im Versuchsgewächshaus in Dahlem sollte erste Hinweise auf...
Pelargonium acetosum L'Hér. is a wild species from South Africa with decorative bluish foliage. Only few reports describe crossings between P. acetosum and P. peltatum L'Hér. (or P. ×peltatum). Therefore, information about hybridization barriers is limited. In this study, two different genotypes of Pelargonium acetosum (AC1 and AC2) were crossed wi...
Black cohosh (
racemosa L., syn.
racemosa (L.) NUTTALL) native to eastern North America, is member of the plant family Ranunculaceae. The perennial plants are growing in deciduous woodlands. Products of dried plant rhizomes (Cimicifugae racemosae rhizoma) and lateral roots (Radix Cimicifugae racemosae) mostly from wild-grafted pla...
Cucurbits are among the most important vegetables for cultivation and consumption in Vietnam. This paper focuses on indigenous cucurbits in Vietnam as Cucumis sativus, Momordica charantia and Luffa cylindrica. A survey was conducted in Mekong River Delta
in southern Vietnam, interviewing 1,009 farmers. The results showed that nine cucurbit species...
Somatic embryogenesis is a very effective clonal propagation system in rather slowly multiplying plants as Actaea. However, in Actaea the slow development, asynchronous histodifferentiation and maturation of the somatic embryos are the obstacles for effective multiplication systems. Therefore, in the presented study, the effect of genotype, the inf...
Most of the Asian leafy vegetables and herbs have culinary, nutritional and medicinal importance.
However, intensive cultivation systems, necessary for rising market demand, are rarely
investigated. Perilla frutescens (L.) Britt. (Lamiaceae) is an Asian herbaceous plant native to
mountainous areas from India to China but mainly cultivated and consu...
Microspore culture provides a convenient system for haploid production in
breeding programmes. This technique has been used successfully in many plant
species, including wheat, barley, and tobacco, but little information has been reported
about microspore culture in Petunia. Therefore, in this study, important factors
affecting microspore culture w...
Effects of two coloured plastic films (‘Half Minus Green 248’ and ‘Pale Lavender 136’) with different values of photosynthetically active radiation (‘Half Minus Green 248’: 120 ± 49 µmol m−2s−1, ‘Pale Lavender136’: 83 ± 38 µmol m−2s−1) and light spectra on growth, fresh and dry matter, nutrient solution uptake and secondary metabolites of Perilla f...
Clonal propagation of selected high value plants is a prerequisite for establishing field cultivation of medicinal plants so far rarely bred, such as Actaea racemosa L. Micropropagation in Actaea has been already described via somatic embryogenesis from hypocotyl segments. Due to the fact that somatic embryos developed from hypocotyl segments are n...
Micropropagation of selected Ptilotus clones was investigated. Shoot multiplication was possible on a modified Murashige and Skoog medium (half-strength macroelements) with 2.2 or 4.4 µM BAP and 2.85 µM IAA with up to 3.4 shoots per explant in P. exaltatus and 1.8 shoots per explant in P. nobilis. Rooting in five P. exaltatus clones was induced on...
In the last decade, investigations were carried out to analyze the effects of biostimulators (e.g., humate, lactate, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens ssp. plantarum, formerly Bacillus subtilis) in hydroponic systems especially under stress conditions (nutrient deficiency, temperature, salt, and pH stress) on the growth of different vegetables (tomatoes,...
Influence of blue, green and red light spectra on the growth and internal quality of Polygonum odoratum (Lour.) was investigated. The experiments with additional LED light were carried out in greenhouse and in climate chambers. The plants were cultivated with PAR ranging from 150 up to 200 µmol m-2 s-1, supplied by sunlight or fluorescent tubes, re...
Ex vitro and in vitro germination in relation to seed quality, cryopreservation and seedling regeneration were
examined following liquid nitrogen storage of Jatropha curcas seeds and zygotic embryonic axes. Six seed
weight categories were used: (1) ≤ 0.399 g; (2) 0.400 - 0.499 g; (3) 0.500 - 0.599 g; (4) 0.600 - 0.699 g; (5) 0.700 - 0.799 g; (6) ≥...
Diversity of plant morphology is a result of interaction between genetic factors and environment. To identify the differences between accessions of bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.), morphological characterisation were tested for its suitability. Quantitative, qualitative and pseudo-qualitative traits were evaluated for distinctness and the mor...
Bitter gourd has importance as vegetable and medicinal plant as well. Because of the fast ripening process long distance transportation is difficult and therefore local production should be developed. Protocols for bitter gourd cultivation in greenhouses in temperate regions are missing. The aim was to investigate the potential of typical cultivati...
Intensive cultivation systems are rarely investigated regarding their effects on Asian leafy vegetables and herbs having culinary, nutritional and medicinal importance. There are different possibilities to cultivate leafy vegetables and herbs in greenhouses using hydroponics as substrate-culture and aeroponics, and there are clear results regarding...
Tissue culture techniques enable mass propagation of elite cultivars of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.). The main limitations for date palm in vitro multiplication are the low rates achieved using solidified medium and the long period needed to produce acclimatized plantlets. This research focuses on the comparison between different culture type...
Usually anther culture is used for haploid production but it may also have potential for developing plants with various ploidy levels which can be used in plant breeding programmes. Flower buds of Petunia ‘Purple Wave’ were distributed into 3 groups (4-6, 7-10 and 11-14 mm bud length) to investigate their morphogenetic competence. Five pre-treatmen...
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of salt stress on callus proliferation, somatic embryo formation and conversion of ‘Zaghlool’ date palm in vitro. For callus proliferation, 200 mg portions of date palm embryogenic callus were subjected to MS medium with 10 mg/L 2.4-D, 3 mg/L 2iP and 1.5 g/L activated charcoal supplied with differe...
Salinity is a major problem in irrigated agriculture especially in the arid and semi-arid environments. Although date palm is considered as a high salt tolerant tree, limited information is available relating to the differences in salt tolerance among the cultivars. The aim of this study was to investigate the differences in resistance to NaCl stre...
Tunnel effects in 250 years of strawberry breeding history resulted in high performance cultivars with reduction in quality traits connected with flavour and resistances. Genetic resources for important traits are found in wild species such as Fragaria vesca. Mutation breeding of F. vesca up to an octoploid chromosome set is necessary for cross-bre...
Vietnam, a country in Southeast Asia with an enormous richness in genetic resources,
counts about 12,000 plant species, and more than 19 percent of them have been used
in daily life of the inhabitants. Nevertheless, the various resources are seriously extinct
or threatened by climate change and human activities. Therefore, it is very important
to f...
The availability of fertilisers for organic farming is often limited and not standardised. In Germany, high amounts of uncleaned sheep wool are available. Because of the high amount of nutrients - especially nitrogen -, sheep wool pellets could be used as multi-functional fertiliser in vegetable and flower cultivations. Four sheep wool pellet types...
Minitubers with a size of more than 20 mm produced directly from in vitro plantlets using an aeroponic system could be considered as high quality seed potatoes. The aim of the present work was to investigate the effect of plant density (25, 35 and 50 plants per m2) on minituber production in aeroponics. The aeroponic cultivation system consisted of...
Syria, located at the eastern side of the Mediterranean Sea, has a unique potential and richness in genetic diversity. There are over 3150 plant species among them world-wide important plants, e.g. almond, apple, date palm, pear, pistachio, and olive. Because of numerous man-made and natural pressures, losses in biological diversity especially for...
This study was conducted to develop a protocol for somatic embryogenesis in shoot-tip-explants of date palm ‘Zaghlool’. Explants formed callus on MS media containing 50 and 100 mg/L 2,4-D or 50 mg/L picloram with 3 mg/L 2iP and 1.5 or 3 g/L activated charcoal. On MS medium with picloram, embryogenic callus was induced while on medium cont...
Potato minitubers can be produced using aeroponics with advantages that the aeroponically produced seed potato can be harvested at any time and size that the grower requires. In this regard, methodology for the production of minitubers using aeroponics is presented. Plantlets of two cultivars Marfona and Benella were produced in vitro. The plantlet...
Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) is one of the fruit crops in the Middle East with high economical importance. In the near future a high number of young date palms will be necessary for Syrian farmers. The traditional vegetative propagation by using offshoots is limited by the few number of offshoots produced per plant in its whole life. Propagat...
Droplet-vitrification method was applied to shoot tips of micropropagated Fragaria ×ananassa Duch. cv. ‘Senga Sengana’. Shoot tips of 2-3 mm in length were precultured in sucrose enriched media for 24 and 48h. Subsequently, shoot tips were transferred into 6 µl droplets of PVS2 vitrification solution for 20 min and plunged afterwards into liquid ni...
Recently, rapid multiplication systems have been developed in potato
micropropagation using liquid media in Temporary Immersion System (TIS)
culture. Most of these researches focused on the effect of Temporary Immersion
System on microtuber production rather than on shoot multiplication. The aim of
the present work was to investigate the effect of...
The droplet-vitrification method was applied to shoot tips of micropropagated strawberry plants (Fragaria x ananassa DUCH. cvs. 'Senga Sengana', 'Korona' and 'Aroma'). Shoot tips of 2 - 3 mm in length were precultured in sucrose (0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0 M) enriched media for 24 and 48 h. Subsequently, they were transferred into 6 microl droplets...
The development of an Asian (subsp. orientale) and a European (subsp. occidentale) eggplant genotype was studied under greenhouse conditions to evaluate their productivity potential. The Dutch cultivar ‘Ritmo’ (RZ) and the Asian clone ‘1507’ were investigated from May to August 2006. In this experiment, two hydroponic systems the ‘Substrate Culture...
Applications of biostimulators are reported to reduce abiotic stress in plants. The physiological effect of these substances, however, is little investigated so far. In our previous experiments, we used a bioactive complex containing K-humate, LACTOFOL, and Bacillus subtilis FZB24 with positive effects on plant growth and yield. These experiments a...
Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) is of considerably importance in Asia, Africa and Mediterranean countries. The consumption of eggplant in middle Europe is increasing and diversification of eggplant assortment is required. We are studying the behaviour of both native and bred eggplant genotypes under greenhouse conditions to evaluate their productiv...
The paper presents results of experiments aimed at in vivo and in vitro propagation of Fabiana imbricata, an Andean evergreen shrub with impressive ornamental characteristics. Two ornamental types were studied: with white and with violet flowers. Both in vivo and in vitro propagation methods were successful. The mean rooting of the cuttings was 87%...
The use of organic and completely compostable substrates is of rising interest in hydroponics. In Germany unclean sheepwool is available as waste material. The objective of this experiment was to investigate the development and yield of cucumber grown on sheepwool slabs in comparison with peat slabs, coconut fibre slabs, perlite and rockwool slabs....
Since a long time Cimicifuga has been used for therapeutic purposes. The demand for the plant drug Cimicifugae rhizoma has been increased tremendously during the last years. This study aimed to develop a method for somatic embryogenesis in Cimicifuga. Hypocotyl segments were used as explants and cultivated for 2 to 18 weeks on a modified medium acc...
and ‘Pargro’ and Perlite) and a synthetic substrate (Polyurethane Foam ‘Aggrofoam’) have been used in a recirculating nutrient solution system (Deep-flow-technique) for acclimatization of in vitro plants of Echinodorus aschersonianus Graebner, a tropical aquarium plant. Plant survival and growth were influenced by the substrate used. For evaluation...
Water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica Forssk.), family Convolvulaceae, is one of the most important vegetables in the tropics of South-East-Asia as well as in Japan, Australia and some regions of Africa. This leafy vegetable has high nutritional value and is well adapted to the ecological conditions in tropical countries and in the market especially duri...
Asia can be considered as a main gene centre for vegetables. In countries like Vietnam, vegetables and spicy herbs are obligatory compounds of the daily diet. They are reported to provide a high amount of vitamins and bioactive substances. Nevertheless, indigenous vegetables (IVs) are underestimated concerning their nutritional and economical value...
Light on multiplication and shoot development of in vitro shoot cultures of Amelanchier lamarckii and Tilia cordata was investigated at three photosynthetic active photon flux densities (PPFD): 22, 37 and 86 μmol m-2 s-1, applied in intervals of 100 ms light/100 ms dark (Chopper-Light) and with the continuous light (control) for a photoperiod of 16...
The aim of the present study was to investigate the importance of the preculture conditions including the vitrification solution on the survival of Rosa shoot tips cryopreserved using a combined vitrification-droplet procedure. In vitro grown roses (Rosa hybrida L.) cv. “Fairy” and wild roses (Rosa sp.) shoot tips were used for cryopreservation. Pr...
Shoot tips obtained from in vitro Rosa plants (three cultivars) were successfully cryopreserved by a combined droplet vitrification method and subsequently shoots
regenerated. The excised shoot tips (1–4mm long) were incubated in a liquid MS medium supplemented with 2.5mgl−1 thiamine, 0.2mgl−1 biotin, 0.2mgl−1 pyridoxine, 0.25mgl−1 6-benzylaminopur...
The aim of the experiments was to investigate the effect of application of a well soluble Fe-humate (HUMIRON®) on rhizosphere and leaves, respectively, on the growth and yield of cucumbers (Cucumis sativus cv. Jessica). HUMIRON® type R (extracted from Russian coal) and G (extracted from German coal) were compared. In the first experiment three diff...
Biostimulators could be used to stabilize hydroponical systems and to counteract stress situations. The experiment aimed to investigate the effect of lactic acid (LACTOFOL O), K-Humate and Bacillus subtilis as biostimulators in substrate culture of Cucumis sativus cv. Jessica. All substances were applied separately or in combination on leaves and r...
Our experiments aimed to develop a method of encapsulation of Dendranthema nodal segments of that can be used for non-sterile sowing. Shoot cultures of six genotypes of Dendranthema x grandiflora (Ramat.) were cultivated on modified MS medium and subcultured in 6-week-intervals. For encapsulation, 4- to 5-mm-long nodal segments were isolated 5 week...
Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) is in the 4th rank of vegetable crops (FAO, 1999) and of considerably importance in Asia, Africa and Mediterranean countries; and considered to have medical properties. The consumption of eggplant in middle Europe is increasing. We are studying the behavior of both native and bred eggplant genotypes under greenhouse...
Seven clones of water spinach have been developed from seeds by means of micropropagation. These clones were cultivated in hydroponics with nutrient-film-techniques in recirculating nutrient solution in greenhouse. Mean temperatures ranged from 22 to 26°C and PAR was between 17 and 122W m-2. Clones have been distinguished by shoot number per plant,...
The consumption of vegetables in Vietnam increased in the past decade and nowadays,
for example, each person in Hanoi (adult and children) consumes about 37–50 kg of vegetables per year. It is nevertheless much fewer than in other countries in the world (e.g. Germany 81 kg per capita). Vegetable production of the whole country have to reach 11.59 m...
Stem development of shoot cultures from Amelanchier lamarckii on multiplication medium was investigated concerning shoot length, leaf number, stem diameter and xylem development after 4 to 7 weeks. Shoot length was classified in five different shoot length classes. Shoot length, leaf number, stem diameter as well as formation of secondary xylem inc...
The influence of different temperature regimes on in vitro multiplication of shoot cultures of Prunus glandulosa 'Alboplena' und Tilia cordata 'Wega' was investigated. The cultures were propagated on a modified Murashige and Skoog medium, at a PAR of 46 μmol m-2s-1 16 hours per day. Standard temperature was 22°C during lighting period and 20°C duri...
After the optimum in vitro media for regeneration and rooting were established for the rootstocks Rosa chinensis ‘Major’ and R. rubiginosa as well as the cultivars ’Kardinal’ and ’Kiss’ of R. hybrida, the effects of sodium chloride (NaCl) on their growth were investigated. Damage on the leaves and wilting of the plants in vitro were observed 14 day...
The interaction of stem quality and rooting was studied in easy-to-root and difficult-to-root shoot cultures. Stem properties and rooting performance were affected considerably by the duration of the last subculture on multiplication medium. Stem tissue matured during the extended last subculture and starch was accumulated. These processes were mor...
Chopper-Light, a special form of intermittent light, was applied to shoot cultures of deciduous woody plants. Growth parameters such as multiplication rate and biomass production showed that these shoot cultures could be cultured with half or even a third of lighting energy without a decline of these essential parameters. Light conditions were comp...
Verschiedene Araceen zeigen auch in vitro nur eine langsame Entwicklung, was die Effizienz der Vermehrungssysteme einschränkt. Sie reagieren oft nicht auf das gebräuchlichste Cytokinin, 6-Benzylaminopurin, so dass sehr hohe Konzentrationen davon angewendet werden. Wachstumsdepressionen oder Veränderungen im Wachstum und in der Blütenbildung bei Pfl...
Trotz umfangreicher Experimente auf dem Gebiet der Gewebekultur stellt die In-vitro-Bewurzelung einiger verholzender Pflanzenarten noch vielfach ein ungelöstes Problem dar. Dabei erfolgt die Regulation der Bewurzelungsprozesse fast ausschließlich über die Zusammensetzung des Nährmediums. Literaturangaben in Verbindung mit den ersten eigenen Versuch...
Prunus serrulata 'Kanzan' , ein sehr attraktives Blütengehölz, wird xenovegetativ vermehrt und zeigt nur eine geringe Neigung zur Adventivwurzelbildung.
Eine Möglichkeit, Mutterpflanzen mit einer erhöhten Bereitschaft zur Bewurzelung zu gewinnen, bietet die Mikrovermehrung.
Auch nach der In-vitro-Vermehrung stellt die Bewurzelung bei einigen Gehölzen ein großes Problem dar, das durch die Veränderung der Nährmedienzusammensetzung nicht gelöst werden kann. Es ist bekannt, dass Licht im roten Spektralbereich die Wurzelbildung fördern kann (PINKER et al., 1989; BRITZ, 1990). Da Laserlicht monochromatisch und intensiv ist,...
Acclimatization - as a process during which the photosynthetic apparatus needs to develop and the water balance needs to stabilize - means severe stress on in vitro plants. While the changes in the physiological and morphological properties of leaves (PREECE and SUTTER 1991), as well as the morphology and functional efficiency of in vitro roots (Mc...
Bewurzelung und Akklimatisation in vitro vermehrter Pflanzen stellen trotz intensiver Untersuchungen noch immer schwierige Etappen der Mikrovermehrung dar. Neben Gattungen, bei denen die Akklimatisation ohne größere Probleme ablaufen kann, wie Syringa und Rhododendron (JACOB et al. 1991, WALDENMAIER und SCHMIDT 1990), sind bei einigen Gehölzen groß...
The influence of light of different spectral composition and levels of irradiance (2-40 Wm-2) on adventitious root formation (ARF) in birch shoot segments was investigated. Spontaneous rooting of shoot segments occurred
in segments with intact apical or axillary meristems. Concerning ARF shoot meristems could be substituted by application of
Berlin, Humboldt-Univ., Diss. A, 1984 (Nicht f.d. Austausch).