Imme Scholz

Imme Scholz
Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik

Professor Dr


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Publications (64)
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This book gathers renowned researchers and policymakers from all continents who have accompanied Dirk Messner’s professional life in science and policy advice. Their articles and essays cover topics related to the ideational spheres and practice-oriented spaces which have consistently characterised Dirk Messner’s career. These include steps at the...
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In 2020 and beyond, the Group of Twenty (G20) must invigorate its implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and respond to the COVID-19 crisis. Both challenges are global in nature and require a universal, integrated, and transformative response. Thus, the G20 should: (1) reorient its political agenda following the 2019 Global S...
The conceptual and legal relationship between human rights, human development and environmental protection is not a straightforward one. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Climate Agreement adopted in 2015 link improvements in human development to human rights and to mitigating global changes in climate and the environment. T...
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The world of international cooperation is in transition. Global power shifts and the rise of populism have made the world multipolar, but not necessarily more multilateral. The traditional North–South aid system is being called into question, while transnational challenges are affecting all countries and require stronger global partnerships. In thi...
A major motive of Development Studies is to understand the root causes of poverty and its reproduction and how social inequalities emerge and are stabilized. Most research on social inequalities today largely ignores the environmental dimension of changes in human development. Recent environmental research shows that the cumulative environmental im...
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Zusammenfassung Ausgehend von der Beobachtung zunehmender grenzüberschreitender Interdependenzen zwischen Gesellschaften, von Problemzusammenhängen und Politikfeldern führt der Aufsatz den Begriff des globalen Gemeinwohls als normativen und analytischen Rahmen für Entwicklungsforschung und -politik sowie Zusammenarbeit für globale Nachhaltigkeit im...
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In 2018 the G20 has the opportunity to streamline its commitment to the 2030 Agenda into its processes and practices with concrete actions. First, the G20 should task the Development Working Group with creating a common template to report on the SDGs that could replace other reporting formats within the G20. Here, the G20 has an opportunity to inno...
One major objective of the German G20 presidency in 2016/17 was to promote the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are essential to addressing the collective challenges faced by the world. Without G20 countries, these challenges cannot be tackled effectively. Putting t...
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Zusammenfassung Kooperation für globale Nachhaltigkeit sollte ein weiter an Bedeutung gewinnendes Politikfeld der kommenden Bundesregierung werden. Die Umsetzung der Agenda 2030 sollte deshalb für Entwürfe eines Koalitionsvertrages ein zentrales Anliegen sein, um den nach außen gerichteten Politiken Orientierung zu geben. Wir geben für vier Bereich...
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) calls on all parties to protect the climate system in accordance with their common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities. This principle of equity was formulated at the United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro in 1...
Relevance of adaptation to climate change The Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has shown that climate change seriously threatens poverty reduction and economic growth in developing countries. According to the IPCC, there is a high level of agreement and much evidence indicating that with current clima...
Editor’s note: This paper is a contribution to the ‘Policy Debate’ section of International Development Policy. In this section, academics, policy-makers and practioners engage in a dialogue on global development challenges. Papers are copy-edited but not peer-reviewed. Instead, the initial thematic contribution is followed by critical comments and...
In der letzten Dekade ist das Einkommen von etwa einer Milliarde Menschen so stark gewachsen, dass vom „Wachstum einer globalen Mittelschicht“ gesprochen wird. Im Folgenden werden drei Fragen beantwortet: In welcher Hinsicht können die neuen Mittelschichten tatsächlich als Mittelschichten im klassischen Sinne verstanden werden? Welche wirtschaftlic...
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Once again, the international community focuses on the preservation of Amazonian forests, in particular through a bundle of initiatives grouped under the term of REDD+. Initially focusing on reducing carbon emissions, the REDD+ process became increasingly linked with developmental goals that represent the primary interest of all Amazon countries. I...
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Der anthropogene Klimawandel ist ein gesellschaftliches Problem, das allein mit natur- und ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Modellen und Methoden nur unzureichend analysierbar ist. Um die Folgen des Klimawandels zu verstehen sowie wirksame und sozial gerechte Klimaschutz- und Anpassungsmaßnahmen entwickeln zu können, ist die sozialwissenschaftliche Fors...
The evident correlation of climate impacts and poverty poses a particular challenge for the Southern African region: climatically, the region is warming up faster than the rest of the world, and socio-economically it is one of the world's poorest and most vulnerable regions. With its land and water resources already under stress, the double bind of...
The fast growing anchor countries have become key players in mitigating global environmental change. China is a very particular anchor country. The size, scope and quality of the environmental degradation associated with its dramatic economic growth is much larger than that of all the other anchor countries. Despite being regarded as an all-embraci...
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There is more to sustainable forest management than reduced impact logging. Partnerships between multiple actors are needed in order to create the institutional context for good forest governance and sustainable forest management and stimulate the necessary local community involvement. The idea behind this is that the parties would be able to achie...
Economic growth and structural change have turned China into the largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the world. The country has no international commitments to reduce its emissions, but it has developed domestic policies and climate-relevant capacities which do have mitigative effects. Economic and political reforms have supported capacity devel...
Even without a global convention on the right to water, national water policies and politics are already heavily influenced by global environmental governance processes in other areas, e.g. climate change and biodiversity, which offer many opportunities for linking national water policies to global policies aiming at sustainability. These processes...
Until the 1980s, deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon had largely been the result of public policies (incentives, investment). Since the 1990s, with basic infrastructure installed and cattle-ranching turned profitable due to innovations, deforestation has relied on its own endogenous dynamics. To stop this trend, politics will have to use both tra...
Vor dem Hintergrund der bestehenden Konventionen für den Klimaschutz, die Erhaltung der Biodiversität und die Desertifikationsbekämpfung beschäftigt sich der Beitrag mit der Verrechtlichung der internationalen Waldpolitik und möglichen Optionen. Im Zentrum der Auseinandersetzung um ein völkerrechtlich verbindliches Instrument steht die Frage, inwie...
The competitiveness of the tropical wood is going through some fundamental changes. On one hand, the participation of tropical wood in the world market is falling, as well as its real prices. On the other hand, the number of consumers, who are concerned with the environment, is increasing both the industrialized countries and in the markets of the...
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In den Industrieländern werden von den Verbrauchern zunehmend Anforderungen an Produkte gestellt: sie sollen weder die Umwelt noch die Gesundheit belasten. Diese veränderten Ansprüche dürften Auswirkungen auf die Hersteller auch im Ausland haben. Welche positiven und negativen Aspekte sind damit für die Entwicklungsländer verbunden?
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Forest protection and natural resource management are a priority in inter- national and German cooperation with Brazil due to the extent and the rich biodiversity of its rainforests which make their preservation an issue of global relevance. In order to support Brazilian efforts in this policy area, the Pilot Programme to Conserve the Brazilian Rai...
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"Wie wird im deutschen Bundeshaushalt über die relative Bedeutung von internationaler Zusammenarbeit entschieden und welche Priorität wird dabei den entsprechenden Ausgaben beigemessen? Diese Fragen werden anhand der Analyse zweier Politikfelder untersucht, die in der deutschen internationalen Zusammenarbeit eine wichtige Rolle spielen: dem Kampf g...
"The object of the present report was not to look more closely into the interfaces between the Rio conventions but to weigh the benefits of international cooperation based on conventions against other forms (e.g. bilateral development cooperation). The most important approach of bi- and multilateral development cooperation in the forest sector cons...
"Protection of tropical forests is essential, for reasons bound up with the need to protect endangered species and the climate. The earth's largest uninterrupted tropical forest is to be found in Brazil's Amazon region. While the dynamics of deforestation has decelerated as compared with the 1970s and 1980s, there is nevertheless no reason to sound...


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