Iliyana KrishkovaIndependent Researcher · Agrotechnology, plant protection and economics on crops
Iliyana Krishkova
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Publications (17)
The investigation was conducted during the period 2018-2021 in an experimental plantation of the Institute of Agriculture – Kyustendil, Bulgaria with plum (Prunus domestica L.) cv. ʻStanleyʼ. The planting was created in 2013. Planting distances were 5x5 m. The following fertilization variants were investigated: V1 – unfertilized – (control), V2 – c...
CITE AS: Blagoeva, T., Kabadzhova, M., Krishkova, I. (2023). Influence of pruning types to increase apple yields. Journal of Mountain Agriculture on the Balkans, 26 (3), 198-215.
A B S T R A C T: Ябълката (Malus domestica Borkh.) е един от основните овощни видове, отглеждани в България, която заема едно от първите места по площ и производство на пл...
CITE AS: Kabadzhova, М., Krishkova, I. (2022) Evolution of apple production in the post-macrosocial transformation period. In: Innovative development of agricultural business and rural areas, Publishing Complex-UNWE, Sofia, 234-242.
The apple is the most widespread fruit species of the temperate climate and has great economic importance. It is char...
Fruit production is a significant component of Bulgarian agriculture. Unfortunately, its development has been widely criticized due to farmer's lack of knowledge of modern technological solutions and a lack of necessary state support. Nevertheless, fruit production has shown signs of progress. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of th...
The present study was conducted in an experimental biologically managed plantation, created in the autumn of 2010 in the experimental station field at Kostinbrod, affiliated to the Institute of Agriculture (Kyustendil, Bulgaria), during the period 2017–2018. The experiment was set up with raspberry plants of the Willamette variety by the method of...
2016-2018 година в Институт по земеделие-Кюстендил в пло-додаващо ябълково насаждение от сортовете Златна Превъзходна, Грени Смит и Флорина, присадени на клоновата подложка ММ 106. Дърветата са засадени на разстояние 4,5х3,0 m. Изпитани са три варианта на зимна резитба за плододаване: Вариант I-контурна , Вариант II-контурна + просветляваща (контро...
The experiment was carried out during the period 2014-2016 at the Institute of Agriculture - Kyustendil using ʻFlorinaʼ and ʻFreedomʼ cvs. grafted on seedling rootstocks of Winter Gold Pearmain and wild apple cultivated in a high density plantation with trees of the same cultivars on clonal rootstocks MM 106 (in the row) and M 9 and Marga Hndzor (M...
To determine the influence of rootstock-cultivars combinations on growth and reproductive behavior of sweet cherry trees an experiment was conducted in the Institute of Agriculture, Kyustendil, Bulgaria. A plantation with the cultivars 'Regina', 'Katalin', 'Summit', 'Sunburst', 'Koralize', 'Naprumi', 'Merchant', 'Kordia' and 'Hedelfinger' was estab...
The influence of two types of pruning, a voluminous crown with different numbers of skeletal branches (5–6 and 15–18) of trees of the sour cherry cultivar Erdi Bötermö on the growth characteristics, chemical composition of the fruits and leaves, and the economic performance was examined. The investigations were carried out during the period 2006–20...
A comparative investigation of the growth and reproductive parameters of trees of the cherry cultivars Kozerska, Stella, and Stefania with five different cutting heights of the stem and summer pruning was conducted during the period 2008–2014. The cultivars were grafted on mahaleb rootstock and planted at a spacing of 5 x 5 m. The growth of the tre...