Ilgar SeyidovAtilim University · Public Relations and Advertising
Ilgar Seyidov
Doctor of Philosophy
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Civil Dialogue, Digital Activism, Civil Society and Media Studies
Publications (39)
As the second Nagorno-Karabakh War, also called the ‘44-Day War’ (between
27.09.2020-10.11.2020) ended, and the ceasefire agreement was signed, the
surrounding Armenian-occupied areas were ceded back to Azerbaijan except
for the Khankendi-centered area in Nagorno-Karabakh region. This area is
predominantly an Armenian-populated region and is intern...
The purpose of this study is to reveal the impact of the different engagement strategies used to respond to the economic, socio-cultural and existential pressures on the purchase intention of the adult consumers and to compare the purchase intentions of the engagement strategies across gender and income. We embodied a scenario-based within-group ex...
Göç ve Sosyal Uyum Süreci: Hatay İli Örneği
The Covid-19 pandemic has affected the world socially, culturally, economically, and politically. Struggling with the Covid-19 virus has become the focal point of the countries. As many studies are being conducted, and new treatment methods are being discussed, the vaccination process continues worldwide. According to the current statistics, 63% of...
The current age is also known as the Big Data Age, which refers to the abundance of varied, complex data and information. While the digitalization process has provided online, non-physical social identities and communication platforms for people, the datafication process has offered the use of data in different areas of humanity effectively and sal...
Demokrasi hem derin bir felsefi konu hem siyasi tartışmaların temel sorunu hem de iyi bir hayat-toplumsal yaşam için anahtar bir kelime olarak asırlar-dır incelenmekte, yorumlanmakta ve üzerine çeşitli teoriler üretilmektedir. Başka ifadeyle, demokrasinin kavramsallaştırılması başlı başına çok boyutlu ve epey karmaşık bir süreçtir. Üstelik demokras...
The internet and development of information technologies brought about the emergence of digital communication tools. In this vein, social media have become a phenomenon in terms of creating informative, interactive, and participatory platforms for the individuals. The social media tools have become prominent not only for public relations or communi...
Technological developments and especially the Internet have shaped the understanding of culture and society. New forms of politics, economy, business and trade have emerged with digital culture. Digital communication tools have provided effective platforms for people not only to communicate with each other, but also to organize against societal pro...
Dijitalleşme ile birlikte iletişim teknolojileri de gelişerek farklı boyutlar kazanmış ve çeşitli işlevleri olan dijital iletişim platformları ortaya çıkmıştır. Dijital platformlar toplumsal, siyasal ve kültürel alanlardaki faaliyetlerin daha çok kişiye ulaşmasında önemli rol oynarken; markaların gündemlerine aldıkları sorunlar hakkındaki aktivist...
Covid-19 salgını gündelik hayat pratiklerini etkilediği kadar bilimsel bilgi üretme biçimlerini,
araştırma konularını şekillendirmekte ve yeni bir külliyatın oluşumunu tetiklemektedir. Bu
açıdan, sosyal bilimler alanında birçok araştırmacının Covid-19 pandemisinin sosyo-kültürel,
siyasal ve psikolojik etkilerini incelemeye başladığı gözlemlenmekted...
Migration has been increasing dramatically both at national and international levels on account of conflicts, political crises, wars, economic problems and such worldwide. UNHCR’s Global Trends Report revealed that estimated 79,5 million people were forcibly displaced only in 2019. Out of 79,5 million people, 45,7 million are internally displaced p...
Soğuk Savaş sonrası “sert güç” kavramının etkisini kaybetmesiyle, diplomasi alanında yeni bir kavram olan “yumuşak güç” ortaya çıkmış ve 1990 yılında
itibaren çeşitli araştırmalarla tartışılmıştır. Yumuşak güç anlayışı temelde baskıcı
ve zorlayıcı güç, kısıtlama uygulamadan yürütülen bir diplomasi sürecini betimlemektedir. Yumuşak güç anlayışı çerç...
İki binli yılların başlamasıyla Web 2.0 uygulamalarının yaygınlaşması, akıllı telefonların üretimi,
yeni iletişim teknolojileri, arama motorları gibi veri depolama ve kullanımı araçlarının artması ile
birlikte veri bolluğu ve çeşitliliği ortaya çıkmıştır. “Büyük Veri” olarak adlandırılan bu geniş ölçekli
devasa bilgi hazinesi; sosyal, kültürel ve s...
According to the statistics of UN, more than 6.5 million people have been internally displaced since the Syrian crisis in 2011. There are also more than 13.1 million people in need in Syria. Approximately 5.6 million people have become refugees in various countries, mostly in Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan. Among the countries welcoming displaced Syri...
The Internet and Web 2.0 have changed the communication and information systems. Social media has emerged as an alternative or a developed version of traditional media. In this respect, journalism is obliged to keep up with the new technology. Social media has become an effective platform for information and news sharing. Traditional understanding...
The political conflicts, regimes, economic crises and such critical problems have led to increase of migration from underdeveloped countries to developed states. UNHCR’s Global Trends Report revealed that estimated 79,5 million people were forcibly displaced in 2019. In total, the number of international migrants has reached 272 million people; 33...
The emergence of the Internet and information technologies have led to formation of new
communication tools and media platforms, which are widely being used by the individuals
worldwide. In this context, appropriate use of digital platform and digital literacy have
become important issues that needs to focus on comprehensively and meticulously. To...
During the Soviet period, the media served as one of the main propagandist tools of the authoritarian regime, using a standardized and monotype media system across the Soviet Republics. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, 15 countries became independent. The transition from Soviet communism to capitalism has led to the reconstruction of economi...
The Internet and technological developments have brought about significant changes in social structures, cultural and political context, economy, education, and communication systems worldwide. In particular, the term data has become a buzzword following the 2000s. This phenomenon has not only changed the epistemological base but also methodologica...
The internet and development of information technologies brought about the emergence of digital communication tools. In this vein, social media have become a phenomenon in terms of creating informative , interactive, and participatory platforms for the individuals. The social media tools have become prominent not only for public relations or commun...
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The Internet and technological developments have brought profound changes in social, cultural, and political structures worldwide. These changes have influenced not only the formal background, but also contextual frame of those structures. Perhaps no field has been more affected than media. The Internet and Web 2.0 technologies have led to the form...
By the rise of digital media tools, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and such have become the widely-used spheres for civic debates and discussions on various social, political and public issues. There are many studies examining the effect of digital media
tools from positive and negative perspectives. Mainstream approach considers digital med...
The purpose of this study is to track the thematic dynamics of civil society development from 1993 to 2018 in comprehensive researches. Owing to their comprehensive theoretical and research designs, only the civil society oriented M.A and PHD theses are included to the main sampling within this study. One of the main question is based on how the is...
Medyada yayınlanan haberler belirli çerçeveler içinde sunulmaktadır. Bu çerçeveler, haberöykülerindeki enformasyonun belli bir ideoloji ve anlatım içinde ‘paketlenme’sini sağlamaktadır.Çerçeveleme kuramı bağlamında farklı konulara odaklı yapılan çok sayıda araştırma, haberçerçevelemesinin kitlelerin medya aracılığıyla enformasyon algısına etkisini...
“Helal Pazar” hizla gelismekte olan oldukca buyuk bir ticarettir. Hem cok uluslu sirketler, hem de Islami firmalar bu pazardan pay alabilmek icin, tuketici ihtiyaclarini ve isteklerini dini kurallara uygun sekilde karsilayacak stratejiler gelistirmektedirler. Turkiye'de de kendisini Islami yasam bicimleri etrafinda tanimlayan tuketicilerin sayisi a...