Ildikó RudnákHungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Ildikó Rudnák
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Skills and Expertise
Publications (45)
With the global development of the regional mobility of education, Hungary has gradually become a priority country for overseas students to pursue tertiary education. Meanwhile, the experience of studying abroad can prepare international students to engage in international business and new entrepreneurial activities around the world. In this contex...
Abstract: The frequent world changes raised by globalization, new technology development, and the increase in migration movements have generated an immensely diversified workforce. To face these challenges, managers started to seek the best strategies to effectively run this mixed environment and implement the leading diversity management policies...
This study investigates the role of conflict management climate (CMC) as a mediator between trust and employees' engagement. The study surveyed international employees who work in Hungary. The study aimed to determine how perceived trust affects employees' engagement through CMC's mediating effects. 355 participants joined in filling the questionna...
In the context of organizational change, employees can have different reactions, where some of them accept and engage with it, and others completely refuse and resist it. Hence, companies should permanently settle for the best and introduce a fruitful leadership style along with a good change management strategy to ensure the company’s prolonged su...
Jelen tanulmány a magyar közszféra és a versenyszféra munkaerőpiaci elvárásait, valamint a munkavállalók belépésekor és később megszerzett kompetenciáit vizsgálja. A szakirodalmi részben a magyar munkaerőpiac két nagy szegmensét – köz- és a versenyszféra – mutatják be a szerzők a munkaerőpiaci kompetenciákkal kapcsolatos kutatások és modellek tükré...
In recent years, the sense of responsibility among companies and organizations has increased manifold because of external pressure towards environmental sustainability. There are several measures taken by the organizations to work in a green or eco-friendly manner, and among these measures, green human resources management has become an important p...
With the emerge of COVID-19 pandemic in Hungary, Hungarian universities have decided to opt for online teaching methods even for foreign language courses. This sudden change has required a better understanding of students' behaviors in classes also to view the importance of their feedback to enhance teaching quality and teachers' effectiveness. The...
While some conflict can serve as a more sophisticated stimulus to student achievement, significant or unresolved conflict can delay or even frustrate even the best-planned curriculum. The aim of our study is to get a clear picture of the conflicts with whom and to what extent the international students studying on our campuses have conflicts that a...
This study evaluates local tourism in Iran, focusing on domestic travel. The initial analysis explores the broader role In our study we provide a literature review on the relationship between employee engagement and effectiveness, exploring recent human resource trends. We briefly introduce HR trends for the 21st century, such as sustainable and gr...
Given the dynamic business world and influential trends shaping how companies function, resulting in resistance, anxiety, and confusion, thereby affecting employees’ performance and well-being, it is crucial to adopt an effective leadership approach. This study aims to explore how transformational leadership impacts employees’ affective commitment...
Tanulmányunkban a középiskolások kulturális intelligenciáját (CQ) vizsgáltuk, aminek ismerete és tudatos használata a globalizált, a sokszínű, de súrlódásokkal teli környezet kihívásaira lehet egyik eszköz. A vállalati szféra már egy ideje felismerte ennek fontosságát, versenyképes funkcióját és előnyeit, viszont az oktatásban, különösen a középisk...
This paper explores the changing paradigms in Human Resource Management (HRM) and current trends within the context of South Africa. The evolution of HRM globally is discussed, emphasizing the shift from administrative tasks to a strategic partnership approach. Sustainable HRM, integrating environmental, social, and economic considerations, is also...
Economic globalization is the development characteristic and advantage of modern economy, especially the in-depth development of knowledge economy and people-oriented era, which has become the decisive factor of the world economy in the 21st century. In this context, competition among countries increasingly revolves around the quantity, quality and...
The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of Syrian refugee entrepreneurs operating in the Turkish textile industry on job satisfaction and organizational commitment of refugee employees. It is foreseen that refugees working informally may become permanent. This image shakes not only the social order but also the economic balance. A signi...
In my study, after a general introduction to the training method, I discuss its important role in higher education and link it to the learning pyramid theory. I will describe the so-called T-subjects integrated in the curriculum of our university (Hungarian Agricultural and Life Sciences University, MATE), which are implemented in the economics maj...
Today, with the rapid development of China's economy, leadership is an important factor in promoting the progress of enterprises. And leadership traits accompanied by the complexity of gender differences further affect organizational climate and business performance. In the traditional concept, men are more inclined to be leaders because they have...
The aim of this study is to demonstrate the importance of Cultural Intelligence (CQ) in management performance through measurable performance assessment. In an empirical study, "Cultural Intelligence and Management Competencies", managers provided a self-assessment and their subordinates also reported on their performance. Correlation analysis of t...
This research aimed to provide a better comprehension of link between cultural dimensions and leadership styles of managers in Turkey based on previous studies in the literature which draws on both international and Turkish research. We have done this by clarifying concept of cross-cultural leadership, cross-cultural studies related to cultural dim...
In this study, we examine the labour market of the public and private sectors, as well as the willingness to move from one to another based on specific factors, such as age or working position. Our research concerns the Hungarian labour market. It is important to determine the reasons behind employees deciding to switch from one sector to the other...
In recent years, Hungary has seen a dramatic increase in the number of international students, particularly since the government launched a scholarship program to encourage more talented overseas students to study at Hungarian universities. The mobilities of these students have notably increased their participation in part-time jobs or internships...
With the rapid development of the global economy, international exchanges and cooperation have become increasingly close, which has promoted many companies in various countries to conduct transnational operations. Facing the new form of world economic integration, many Chinese companies are quietly going abroad and actively participating in interna...
In this article, the stock management activities and stock levels of a pharmaceutical wholesaler will be analysed. Stocks play a significant role in both material flow processes and the supply chain. If the quantity of stocks is not adequate, stockout or overstocking may occur. Companies can take various measures to ensure uninterrupted supply, and...
With the fact that studying abroad has gradually become the priority choice for students to pursue higher education, the number of international students is undergoing dramatic growth. However, little is known about the entrepreneurship of this growing group. Moreover, a considerable number of researchers propose that entrepreneurial self-efficacy...
The telecommunication sector is one of the most rapidly growing sectors in the world. The COVID-19 pandemic has created an increased dependence of customers on telecommunications to continue their work and studies. The increased usage of internet and telecom services during the COVID-19 pandemic has brought many risks and challenges for the telecom...
The performance of the employees and productivity of each individual, in general, have been badly affected because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Organizational citizenship behavior is regarded as an interpretation of the performance of the employee which is essential to contribute more to the organization’s processes and success. Therefore, to increase...
Abstract. In recent decades, more and more international students, including paid and scholarship-funded students coming to study in Hungary, most of them are studying in higher education institutions. The experience of studying abroad has not only broadened foreign students' horizons, but also increased their entrepreneurial awareness to a certain...
In the course of the research, we examined the impact of the selection and training system of a Hungarian automotive company on organizational performance, which together ensure the future development of the company. It contributes to the optimization of sales, purchasing and logistics processes, ensures customer satisfaction and the success of the...
With the economic globalization, the development of Chinese enterprises and employees' demand for leadership performance of leaders is constantly changing. And the leadership of female leaders or female characteristics has been gradually proved to be more in line with the future development of the enterprise. Due to the continuous growth of the num...
Along with the digital world, business management models adapt to this area and reshape their processes according to this century. This digital shaping no longer appears only in marketing departments but also human resources are at the center of this digitalized world. In this era where human structure and behavioral patterns have changed, that is,...
With the development of Chinese economy, private enterprises have gradually become the backbone of the competitive market. At the same time, with the rapid development of private enterprises, the incentive of internal employees has been paid more and more attention. Then, the establishment of an effective incentive mechanism is a necessary conditio...
In the modern scientific world, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its widespread use are being broadly investigated. However, while some countries have already excelled in implementing AI in the business environment, others are in the stage of developing and learning the process. Hungary is one of the countries where AI is expected to have a bright...
The main aim of this study is to analyze the fact of cultural dimensions on HR in multinational companies, where they are located in Turkey, to see if there is a correlation result between power distance and individualism\collectivism dimensions for an only HR department, rather than including the whole departments of companies. The article examine...
This paper summarizes the main findings of the literature on 'trust in organizations', relying mainly on the latest publications. The definitions, forms and development possibilities of trust used exclusively at the organizational level are discussed in more detail, so the names of classical authors appear in this section as well.In addition to bui...
Jelen tanulmány arra keresi a választ, hogy a kulturális sokk tünetei-amit a klasszikus kultúrakutatók írtak le, elemeztek-miként jelennek meg napjainkban. A konvergencia víziója, miszerint az ezredfordulóra az egész világ egy nagy globális falu lesz, már a megjelenésekor is megosztottságot hozott (egyesek vonzónak, mások visszataszítónak találták)...
A beilleszkedés és befogadás folyamata, interakciói több szegmensben léteznek, mint gondolnánk. A jelenségek felismerése általában akkor tudatosul bennünk, amikor már a nehézségeik kezelése a feladat. Jelen tanulmány azzal a céllal íródott, hogy világosan determinálja a három fogalom tartalmát a hazai és külföldi szakirodalom segítségével. Mind gaz...
This article is a demographic summary of a research database capturing the reasons that young Hungarians have left to work abroad, their typical age, target country, and their planned duration of overseas work. It is the preliminary product of the processing of research data collected over 4 years from interviews with more than 380 young Hungarians...
Acknowledgements The authors (1) wish to thank the anonymous respondents who provided the data used for this study, which allowed to increase the value of this article; (2) express their gratitude to James Whittle for English language proofreading and linguistic advice; (3) appreciate the editors to adjust the text to the requirements of the journa...
A munkahelyi hatékonyságot számos tényező befolyásolja, ezek egyike a kulturális intelligencia, melynek szintje a más kultúrába való sikeres beilleszkedést és hatékonyságot jelzi. A CQ kutatása 1997-ben kezdődött. A kulturális intelligencia négy képességkörből (ösztönzés, tudás, stratégia, akció) áll össze, amelyek együttesen határozzák meg a CQ ér...
Egy oktatási intézményben, a Szent István Egyetemen, multikulturalitással foglalkozó, az oktatók számára szervezett tréning elméleti és vizsgálati eredményeit tárjuk fel. Aktualitását a növekvő külföldi hallgatói létszám szolgáltatja, ami nemcsak az angol nyelven oktatott tanórák számának növekedését jelenti, hanem az intézmény humán erőforrásának...