Ilarion Tiu

Ilarion Tiu
Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University | UCDC · Communication and Public Relations



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Publications (46)
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Our research analyses students’ motivation when choosing a Communication and Public Relations faculty, as well as their expectations with regard to this bachelor’s degree specialisation. Our analysis is based on questionnaires used in two Bucharest universities – the National School of Political and Administrative Studies (public university) and th...
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In the summer of 1940, the Greatest Romania disintegrated by successive territorial concessions to the revisionist neighbouring states (USSR – June, Hungary – August and Bulgaria – September). Dictator King Carol II abdicated on 6 September 1940 and a government supported by Nazi Germany was formed. It made up of military and local allies of the Na...
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This study analyzes the results of a sociological survey on the opinions of a group of 150 students on social and political consequences of fire in the Colectiv Club in Bucharest, on 30 October 2015. The research was conducted shortly after the tragedy in the context of street protests and the resignation Ponta government. Respondents had moderate...
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This article analyzes the illegal migration of Romanians in ’80s. The severe economic recession in Romania as well as human rights violation gave rise to a widespread dissatisfaction over the Communist regime among working class. The Romanians tried to leave the country even they were in danger, with the goal to establish in Western Europe or North...
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Between 1973-1981, Romania benefited for loans from the IMF amounting to USD 1667.263 million (excluding interest), money that helped balance the balance of payments deficits. Because the Romanian has consistently refused to provide certain information confidential to the Fund, staff of the IMF imposed conditionality clause , which obliges the gove...
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The purpose of this paper is to identify the extent to which a communist centralized economy managed to become a competitive one by financing its investment plan with loans coming from the capitalist banking system. The objectives of this research are as follows: to identify the main aspects of the negotiations carried out by socialist Romania to j...
În acest capitol voi analiza în ce măsură ziarele apropiate organizației extremiste Mișcarea legionară publicau anunțuri publicitare cu mesaj naționalist. Mă va interesa, de asemenea, ce fel de produse erau promovate prin reclame naționaliste și care erau principalele sintagme utilizate în anunțurile publicitare de acest tip. Am inclus în cercetare...
1. Credinţa care mută munţii 2. Vătafii societăţii multilateral dezvoltate 3. Creatorii în slujba omului nou 4. „Marele salt” românesc 5. La rampa scenei marii politici 6. Aurul fantasmei şi plumbul realităţii 7. Noul umanism socialist 8. Ceauşescu reales la al nşpelea Congres! 9. NU şi NU la perestroika 10. Cabinetul 1 şi Cabinetul 2 11. Partid co...
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1. Erinnerungen an die Deportation 2. In Reschitza, ein Hindernis im Wege des Vergessens 3. Ein Ereignis aus vier Sichtweisen Reschitz - Zusammenfassung der Erinnerungen 4. Das Gedächtnis der Deportierten 5. Die Erinnerungen der Söhne 6. Die Erinnerungen der Nachfahren 7. Das Gedächtnis der Interviewer 8. Das Gedächtnis der Dokumente
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In December 1972, the Romanian Government signed the agreement of accession to the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. In the following years, Romania received investment credits and, consequently, overcame the growth rate of several capitalist states. Nevertheless, the Communist regime in Bucharest chose to expand the economic sectors...
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On 21 of August 1989, when Tadeusz Mazowiecki – one of the leader of the „Solidarity“ trade union (Solidarność) – was appointed to lead the Government, Poland made an important step in falling out the totalitarianism. This event wired the leaders form the Communist Block, who were witnessing how the power get out of their hands. Nicolae Ceaușescu,...
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On the 31st of March 1989, Nicolae Ceaușescu announced that he had paid the whole foreign debts. In the last ten years, Romania had paid 12 thousands millions dollars, which implied great sacrifice and restraints of the food and energy supplied to population. The Communist propaganda presented this event as a great success of the „genuine” of Ceaus...
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After the “rebellion” from 21-23 January 1941, the leaders of Legionary movement ran to Germany to protect against general Ion Antonescu’s repression. They hoped that Adolf Hitler will support legionaries to reorganize and, eventually, to take over control of Romania. But the Nazis banned political activity of Legionary movement, and isolated the a...
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At the beginning of 1989, the Western Civil Society expressed its most together with violation of the human rights as well as Romanians’ free of movement triggered a huge backlash toward the regime. An extensive civil action called Operation Villages Romanian began in Belgium and, after that, in the rest of Western Europe. At the same time, in the...
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In the 11th of March 1989, BBC and Radio Free Europe simultaneously broadcasted a letter signed by the six seniors of the Communist Party in which they were strongly criticizing the Ceaușescu’s politics. They blamed him for his dictatorial tendency in exerting the presidential power and for the international isolation of Romania. The leader of the...
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The official papers of the Romanian Communist Party came into possession of Army that had evacuated them form the Central Committee’s headquarters during December 1989 Revolution. Gen. (r) Nicolae Spiroiu, the minister of National Defense from 1991 to 1994, explains in an interview what were the causes of that fact and why it took so long for the d...
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On the 31of January 1989, the diplomat Mircea Răceanu was arrested while he was getting to the US Embassy in Bucharest. He was accused for betrayal and sent it to death. We present an official paper that is the position of Nicolae Ceaușescu toward Mircea Răceanu’s case, during the meeting of Executive Political Committee of Central Committee of Rom...
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Spiridon Cândea was one of the prominent public personalities of the Transylvanian Orthodox Church since the 1918’s Unification. Discovered and promoted by the Metropolitan Nicolae Bălan, he attended the most prestigious Greek and German theology institutes of that time. Moreover, he joined in the Legionary Movement and become an important leader o...
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On 21st of September 1939, after Poland had been attacked by Germany (on 1st of September 1939), a terrible piece of news worried the Western chancelleries about the fate of Eastern Europe. The Romanian Prime Minister, Armand Călinescu, had been killed by a group of legionnaires. Armand Călinescu was not only the ruler of the Romanian Government, b...
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After the November-1946 elections, the leaders of the Legionary Movement decided to stop observing the protocol with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, negotiated in late 1945 by Nicolae Petrașcu with the Communist Party officials. The authorities initiated campaigns for arresting active legionaries, which caused a panic behaviour among the adepts o...
This article is a short presentation about Romanian Communist Party leader’s opinion on the role of writers in media. According with Marxist-Leninist doctrine, the writer is an agent of regime in society. In first years after 1948, the writers need publish articles and novels about Soviet-Romanian fraternity and hard work of urban and rural proleta...
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Statul comunist român îşi exercita controlul asupra presei în virtutea rolului său de proprietar şi de îndrumător ideologic. În consecinţă, mass-media nu se putea dezvolta liber. Partidul comunist urmărea ca mesajele transmise prin mijloacele de comunicare în masă să fie consonante cu obiectivele sale. Aşadar, singurul factor care influenţa dinamic...
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This article describes how Romanian Communist Party obtained the control of massmedia between 1948 and 1989. Like any totalitarian regime, the communist state put into control printing press, radio and television through centralized institutions: General Direction of Press and Printings (1949-1977) and Council of Socialist Culture and Education (19...
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1. Generalul „Armatei“ Partidului 2. Al doilea om în partid 3. În avangarda luptei cu duşmanul de clasă 4. Cerberul Partidului 5. În centrul conflictelor din CAER 6. Ceauşescu, vânător de agenţi sovietici în România 7. „Porumbelul păcii“ şi inamicul Moscovei 8. Dej a murit, trăiască Nicolae Ceauşescu! 9. „Ciocanul proletar“ la primul său congres 10...
After the November-1946 elections, the leaders of the Legionary Movement decided to stop observing the protocol with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, negotiated in late 1945 by Nicolae Petraș with the Communist Party officials. The authorities initiated campaigns for arresting active legionaries, which caused a panic behaviour among the adepts of...
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This article analyzes how political prisoners from communist Romania survived after release. They don’t allow rejoining in jobs had before imprisonment, and their families suffered regime oppression to. Authorities monitored private and public lives of former political prisoners to the end of communist era. The study is based on documents from Roma...
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This article analyzed how classical theories about collective memory apply on the case of Germans from Romania deported in Soviet Union from 1945 to 1949. The study was utilized for the Introduction of the book: Lavinia Betea, Cristina Diac, Florin-Răzvan Mihai, Ilarion Ţiu (2012). Lungul drum spre nicăieri. Germanii din România deportați în URSS [...
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1. Şapte ani de-acasă 2. Şcoala vieţii şi şcoala primară 3. Botezul politicii ilegale 4. Partidul şi Ceauşescu copilăreau împreună 5. Activist în mişcarea antifascistă 6. Troika patimilor revoluţionare: arestare, anchetă, închisoare 7. Tainele închisorilor şi metamorfozele iubirii 8. „Trăiască eliberarea Basarabiei!“ 9. Lenuţa lui Briceag 10. Parti...
1. Mişcarea legionară la sfârşitul celui de-al doilea război mondial 2. Forme de activitate clandestină după „pactul de neutralitate“ 3. Mişcarea legionară în detenţie 4. Mişcarea legionară după graţierea pedepselor politice din 1964
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This article analyzes the illegal migration of Romanians in 1989. Depression and human rights violation favor working class dissatisfaction about communist regime. The Romanians tries to leave the country against any danger, with the goal to establish in Western Europe or North America. Based on the data collected from The National Council for the...
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This article analyzes the illegal migration of Romanians in 1989. Depression and human rights violation favor working class dissatisfaction about communist regime. The Romanians tries to leave the country against any danger, with the goal to establish in Western Europe or North America. Based on the data collected from The National Council for the...
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This article analyzes the illegal migration of Romanians in 1989. Depression and human rights violation favor working class dissatisfaction about communist regime. The Romanians tries to leave the country against any danger, with the goal to establish in Western Europe or North America. Based on the data collected from The National Council for the...
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The National Government in Vienna was set up at the end of 1944, on the initiative of Germany, with the assistance of the legionary emigration in the Reich. Through this executive in exile the Nazi leaders were aiming to cause turmoil behind the front lines after the coup d’Etat of 23 August 1944. As the Cabinet in Vienna was not representative fro...
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This article analyzes some of the reasons why the Romanian students agree with the capital punishment. Based on the data collected through social survey (N=177), our research tests two main variables that are supposed to form the public opinion about capital punishment: religious attitudes and conformity to majority tendencies. Statistical analyses...
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This article analyzes some of the reasons why the Romanian students agree with the death penalty. Based on the data collected through social survey (N=177), our research tests two main variables that are supposed to form the public opinion about death penalty: religious attitudes and conformity to majority tendencies. Statistical analyses suggested...
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1. The Internal Crisis 2. The New Elite 3. The Clandestine Period 4. The Governing of the Legionary Movement 5. The National-Legionary Government 6. “The Legionary Rebellion” 7. The Eastern Front 8. “The Exiled”
1. Solia lui Brejnev 2. Ziua mândriei naţionale 3. „Ne exprimăm deplina adeziune” 4. Strict secret – între Brejnev şi Ceauşescu
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1. Guvernul național-legionar 2. „Rebeliunea legionară“ 3. Războiul din Est 4. „Exilații“
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1. Criza internă 2. Noua elită 3. Clandestinitate 4. Mișcarea legionară la guvernare
Rezistenţa la comunizare a debutat în judeţele din vestul României în primii ani după instalarea guvernului condus de către dr. Petru Groza (6 martie 1945). Iniţial au recaţionat la perspectiva instaurării unui stat de tip sovietic cetăţenii maghiari. Începând cu iulie 1946, Siguranţa a început să monitorizeze activitatea diverselor organizaţii cul...


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