Ikha SafitriTanjungpura University | UNTAN · Marine Science
Ikha Safitri
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Publications (85)
Haslea ostrearia is a marine diatom known to produce marennine, a water-soluble blue-green pigment responsible for the greening of oysters in ponds along the French Atlantic coast. This phenomenon occurs seasonally when H. ostrearia blooms in oyster ponds and it increases the economic value of cultured oysters. From an ecological perspective, H. os...
Haslea ostrearia is a marine diatom known to produce marennine, a water-soluble blue-green pigment responsible for the greening of oysters in ponds along the French Atlantic coast. This phenomenon occurs seasonally when H. ostrearia blooms in oyster ponds, and it increases the economic value of cultured oysters. From an ecological perspective, H. o...
Background and aims-The present study aims to describe a new species of pennate blue diatom from the genus Haslea, H. nusantara sp. nov., collected from Semak Daun Island, the Seribu Archipelago, in Indonesian marine waters. Methods-Assessment for species identification was conducted using light microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy and molecula...
Periphyton microalgae live by attaching to the substrate, both natural and artificial substrate. Perifiton plays a significant role as an aquatic environment bioindicator. This study aimed to analyze periphyton microalgae community in a different substrate, natural substrate (stone) and artificial substrate (objeck glass). Furthermore, microalgae p...
Penata Besar Island is designated as one of the Coastal and Small Island Conservation Areas (KKP3K) in West Kalimantan, is a critical site for conserving coral reefs and reef fish. Currently, global climate change and anthropogenic activities have exacerbated coral reef bleaching worldwide. In the context of escalating global climate change and hum...
Temajo Island is renowned for its marine tourism activities and is home to a range of organisms, including algae. Microalgae serve as indicator species, offering insights into the aquatic environment through their species composition and abundance. This study aims to provide preliminary data on the abundance and some ecological indices (diversity,...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsentrasi Total Suspended Solid (TSS) dan pola sebaran sedimen tersuspensi di muara Sungai Peniti, Kabupaten Mempawah, Kalimantan Barat. Titik sampling ditentukan berdasarkan metode purposive sampling. Terdapat 6 stasiun pengambilan sampel yaitu Stasiun 1-3 mewakili daerah muara sungai dan Stasiun 4-6 mew...
The coastal area of Desa Sungai Nibung is a conservation area with high biodiversity. This area has been used for various activities, such as capture and aquaculture fisheries, shipping traffic, and tourism. These activities could affect the waters, ecosystems, and biodiversity condition. Water quality is determined by several parameters, which one...
Pemangkat is a coastal area in Sambas Regency which has a mangrove ecosystem. One of the biota found in mangrove forest areas is the Giant Mudskipper. This fish is often used as an environmental bioindicator due to its characteristics of living in the intertidal zone and being able to absorb and accumulate metals. Heavy metal pollution in marine an...
Desa Bakau Village is a coastal area in Sambas Regency, West Kalimantan, which has the potential for mangrove forests with a high level of diversity. The mangrove ecosystem is a habitat for various types of biota, such as gastropods, generally known as snails. People often consume multiple gastropods using different processing methods. The nutritio...
Cempedak Island is one of the Coastal and Small Islands Conservation Areas (KKP3K) in West Kalimantan has various marine biological resources and important ecosystems, including seagrass. Seagrass is used as the main food source for dugong, potential habitat for various types of organisms, and potential to be developed as marine ecotourism. On the...
Desa Sungai Nibung sebagai salah satu kawasan pesisir di Kabupaten Kubu Raya memiliki potensi sumberdaya alam hayati dengan tingkat keanekaragaman tinggi. Potensi tersebut membuat Desa Sungai Nibung ditetapkan sebagai salah satu Kawasan Konservasi Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil (KKP3K) di Kalimantan barat dengan target konservasi yaitu mangrove. Eko...
Paloh District is a coastal area which directly borders to Sarawak (Malaysia) and the Natuna Sea. This area has the potential for marine and coastal resources, such as mangrove ecosystems, coral reefs and turtles, so it has been designated as one of the conservation areas in West Kalimantan. To date, in the management of KKP3K Paloh, there are stil...
Desa Sungai Nibung is a coastal with high biodiversity, so this village has been designated as a conservation area in West Kalimantan with the main conservation target is mangrove. The mangrove ecosystem has an important ecological role, namely as a habitat for marine and coastal biota. A maintained ecosystem will protect the survival of the biota...
Paloh District is a turtle conservation area designated by the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. This conservation area is managed by local community groups and the WWF-Indonesia Foundation under the authority of the West Kalimantan Province Maritime and Fisheries Service. Turtles are protected biota because of their endangered status. Ho...
Mangrove Pering sebagai salah satu kawasan yang terletak di pesisir Kecamatan Bunguran Timur memiliki potensi ekosistem mangrove. Kawasan tersebut memiliki peran penting secara ekologi sebagai habitat berbagai jenis biota akuatik, salah satunya kepiting bakau (Scylla sp.). Biota tersebut terdistribusi luas di Indonesia, termasuk kawasan mangrove Pe...
Teluk Bengkolan (Kabupaten Kubu Raya, Kalimantan Barat) merupakan kawasan laut semi tertutup (estuaria) serta memiliki kondisi ekosistem mangrove sangat baik dan memiliki potensi ekonomi yang sangat tinggi. Meskipun demikian, terdapat dilema yang membebani usaha peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat pesisir Teluk Bengkolan. Peran Program Studi Ilmu...
Pulau Cempedak adalah salah satu pulau kecil di Kalimantan Barat yang memiliki keanekaragaman yang tinggi untuk jenis lamun. Lamun memiliki peran ekologi, yaitu penyediaan makanan, perangkap bakteri patogen, pengaturan iklim, penyerap karbon dan habitat biota akuatik. Keberadaan lamun semakin menurun dengan adanya perubahan lingkungan dan aktivitas...
Kerang bambu (Solen sp) merupakan jenis moluska yang hidup pada daerah pesisir dengan substrat dasar berupa pasir berlumpur. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui kelimpahan kerang bambu yang ada di Pantai Mutiara Kecamatan Sukadana. Pengambilan data penelitian dilakukan menggunakan metode sistematik sampling dengan penarikan secara horizont...
Mangrove sebagai salah satu ekosistem pesisir memiliki peran ekologis penting dalam upaya mitigasi pemanasan global yaitu sebagai penyerap karbon. Desa Sungai Bakau Kecil Kabupaten Mempawah memiliki vegetasi mangrove yang tumbuh secara alami maupun hasil penanaman. Ekosistem mangrove tersebut dapat berperan sebagai parameter blue carbon dengan meng...
Sponge Haliclona Sp is a member of the phylum porifera class Demospongia which is found living in the waters of the spermonde coral reefs of South Sulawesi. Its interaction with various microorganisms that live in the waters causes the formation of various kinds of active compounds and biological activities that are important in the world of health...
Ocean Day atau hari laut sedunia diperingati setiap tanggal 8 Juni, bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran tentang peran penting laut dan sumberdaya alam bagi kehidupan manusia, permasalahan, serta aksi kita dalam melindungi potensi yang ada untuk pembangunan secara berkelanjutan. Salah satu kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh Program Studi Ilmu Kelautan...
Desa Sungai Nibung adalah salah satu desa yang termasuk dalam kawasan minapolitan Teluk Pakedai, merupakan salah satu pesisir yang memiliki keanekaragaman biota laut yang sangat tinggi. Dengan kawasan perairan yang teduh, kawasan pesisir desa Nibung ini menjadi tempat berteduh bagi kapal-kapal nelayan yang terkendala gelombang tinggi di laut lepas...
Plastic waste has become a national and international issue. Plastic waste will degrade into smaller sizes, such as microplastics. Microplastic contamination can occur in coastal and marine areas which can have a negative impact on the environment, disrupting the balance of the ecosystem and aquatic biota. Sungai Jebung located in the coastal area...
Desa Sungai Nyirih, as one of the coastal villages in Jawai District, West Kalimantan, has the potential for a mangrove ecosystem with a diversity of aquatic biota, including bivalves. Most of the coastal communities in West Kalimantan catch and consume shellfish because it contains high nutrients. Therefore, shellfish can be an alternative source...
Sampah plastik laut merupakan masalah lingkungan global dan kompleks yang berdampak pada ekosistem dan kehidupan manusia. Plastik bersifat persisten dan membutuhkan waktu lama untuk terdekomposisi. Keberadaan mikroplastik dapat terakumulasi di dalam tubuh biota melaui rantai makanan. Mikroplastik ini juga menjadi masalah bagi kawasan pesisir Kalima...
Desa Jawai Laut is a coastal village in Sambas Regency, West Kalimantan with the potential of marine waters that can support the community's economy. One of the activities carried out is the seaweed cultivation of Eucheuma cottonii using the longline method. The development of cultivation activities can be supported by optimal water conditions to s...
The problem of plastic waste does not only occur in Indonesia but has become a global issue. The world's production of plastic waste is expected to increase every year. Plastic is persistent and takes a long time to degrade into smaller sizes. Microplastic contamination can be found in coastal and marine areas. These conditions have an impact on th...
Desa Sungai Nibung merupakan salah satu wilayah pesisir di Kabupaten Kubu Raya, yang telah ditetapkan sebagai salah satu kawasan konservasi di Kubu Raya. Pesisir Desa Sungai Nibung memiliki potensi sumberdaya alam dengan tingkat keanekaragaman tinggi, salah satunya mangrove. Mangrove memiliki peran penting secara ekologi dan ekonomi. Namun, pemanfa...
Mangrove forests in Desa Bakau, Sambas Regency, West Kalimantan play an important role as a habitat for various types of aquatic biota, one of them being gastropods. Gastropods are reported to have a wide distribution in both inland and marine waters. Local people catch them for sale and consumption. An inventory of gastropod species in the mangrov...
PROXIMATE ANALYSIS AND ESSENTIAL MINERALS CONTENT OF GASTROPODA Turbo setosus FROM LEMUKUTAN ISLAND, WEST BORNEO. Turbo setosus is a species of the gastropod class that has a wavy shell with circular lines on its surface. Because it is easy to find, this type of snail is widely used in the food sector. The nutritional value of Turbo setosus is also...
Lemukutan Island has the potential of natural resources with a high level of diversity, including phytoplankton. Lemukutan Island has been developed as a marine tourism destination and other activities. A way to monitor water conditions is by observing physical, chemical, and biological parameters. This study aimed to determine the community struct...
Mangrove vegetation has a wide range of distribution on the Indonesian coast, including Pemangkat, Sambas Regency, and West Kalimantan. Near this area, there are various activities, such as industrial, fishing, and shipping which are possible sources of heavy metal pollution. Water pollution caused by heavy metals is one of the serious problems. Th...
Pulau Lemukutan yang terletak di Kabupaten Bengkayang, Kalimantan Barat berpotensi menjadi sentra budidaya rumput laut. Perairan Pulau Lemukutan memiliki keanekaragaman jenis rumput laut dengan tingkat penyebaran luas. Salah satu jenis yang dibudidayakan oleh masayarakat lokal adalah Eucheuma cottonii. Masyarakat melakukan budidaya dengan menggunak...
Acaudina molpadioides pernah ditemukan terdampar di Paloh, Sambas pada Juli dan September 2021. Teripang ini diketahui memiliki potensi sebagai aktivitas antioksidan. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis metabolit sekunder, aktivitas antioksidan dan toksisitas dari ekstrak etanol teripang A. molpadioides asal Paloh, Samb...
Desa Sungai Nibung is a village located in Teluk Pakedai District, Kubu Raya Regency, West Kalimantan. This village is one of the conservation areas established by the Regional Government of West Kalimantan Province in 2020. Desa Sungai Nibung has a high diversity of natural resources, one of which is gastropods. Gastropods are organisms that act a...
Handsanitizer adalah produk antiseptik tangan yang pemakaiannya praktis. Produk ini semakin popular penggunaannya selama berlangsungnya pandemi Covid 19. Pada umumnya, produk ini mengandung alkohol sebagai bahan antiseptik utamanya, sehingga jika pemakaian dalam jangka waktu lama dengan intensitas yang tinggi akan menyebabkan iritasi, kekeringan ku...
Salah satu komoditas unggulan Kalimantan Barat di bidang holtikultura adalah buah Nanas dengan jumlah produksi sebesar 76.400 ton pada tahun 2019. Buah Nanas dijual dalam kondisi segar maupun berbagai jenis olahan. Pengembangan hasil olahan nanas berpotensi memberikan kontribusi pada peningkatan volume sampah organik di Kalimantan Barat. Sampah men...
Desa Sungai Nibung, Kubu Raya Regency, has been designated as one of the conservation areas in West Kalimantan. The coastal area of this village has potential of natural resources with a high level of diversity, including bivalves. Local community catch and sell bivalves for consumption. It is due to their high nutritional content, so that they are...
Desa Bakau is located in Sambas Regency, West Kalimantan which has the potential for mangrove forests with an area of ± 305 Ha. Ecologically, mangrove forests have various roles, one of them is as a habitat for various types of aquatic biota, including gastropods. Several gastropods have important economic value for the community as food and medici...
Sargassum belongs to Phaeophyceae is widely distributed in Indonesian waters, including Kabung Island. Seaweed has bioactive compounds that potential to be developed. In the health sector, one of the global problems that still increasing is the bacterial infection. This condition leads us to explore antibiotic from natural resources to overcome thi...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui rendemen dan aktivitas antioksidan pada rumput laut Turbinaria sp. dengan menggunakan pelarut organik yang berbeda. Rendemen ekstrak rumput laut Turbinaria sp. dihitung berdasarkan berat sampel setelah proses evaporasi terhadap berat kering awal sampel (berat kering bahan baku). Uji antioksidan dilakukan de...
Naturally, the human body has tolerance to free radical attacks. However, the natural antioxidant ability will decrease when exposure to free radicals from within and outside the body occurs intensively. Antioxidants play potential preventive role to protect the body from damage associated with oxidative stress by free radicals. One of the potentia...
Xestospongia sp. is a barrel sponge belonging to the phylum porifera of the class Demospongia. This sponge abundant in coral reefs ecosystem. It is a filter feeder where the filtering of nutrients available in the environment occurs in the pores along the body. Various microorganisms in the seawater were exposed to sponges, so that they can produce...
Lemukutan Island in West Kalimantan has marine natural resources with a high level of diversity such as seagrass, coral reefs, macroalgae, and gastropods. Gastropods are one of the largest Mollusc phylum groups that are abundant in the waters of Lemukutan Island. Several types of gastropods have been reported to have high economic value and high nu...
Caulerpa is a green macroalgae found on Lemukutan Island, West Kalimantan. Caulerpa contains bioactive compounds that have potential to inhibit the alpha-glucosidase enzyme for people with diabetes mellitus. Inhibition of the alpha-glucosidase enzyme will have an impact on delaying glucose absorption. In addition, it is necessary to carry out a tox...
Masker peel off merupakan sediaan kosmetik perawatan kulit wajah yang berbentuk gel dan mempunyai keunggulan dalam penggunaan yaitu mudah dilepas atau dikelupaskan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan aktivitas antioksidan dari masker peel off rumput laut Sargassum asal Pulau Lemukutan yang dikombinasikan dari bengkoang. Metode yang diguna...
Pencemaran logam berat merupakan isu global dan menjadi permasalahan yang memerlukan penanganan dari berbagai pihak. Hal ini disebabkan karena logam berat bersifat toksik terhadap lingkungan dan makhluk hidup serta tidak dapat diuraikan dengan bantuan mikroorganisme. Pada umumnya, sumber utama pencemaran logam berat disebabkan oleh masuknya limbah...
Caulerpa racemosa belongs to Chlorophyceae grow abundantly along Indonesian waters, including Kabung Island, West Kalimantan. This species has important role and is able to synthesize a wide range of bioactive compounds that are potential to be developed. However, their existence have not been used optimally. This study aims to determine the bioact...
Sargassum termasuk ke dalam golongan Phaeophyceae, karena mengandung pigmen fukosantin. Sargassum mengandung senyawa bioaktif yang dimanfaatkan di berbagai bidang seperti makanan, minuman, kosmetik, farmasi. Sargassum juga telah dilaporkan mengandung nutrisi tinggi seperti karbohidrat, protein, lemak, dan vitamin. Selain itu, Sargassum juga mempuny...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas bivalvia dan parameter lingkungan perairan di Desa Pemangkat Kota, Kecamatan Pemangkat, Kabupaten Sambas. Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan pada bulan September sampai Oktober 2019 dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling untuk menentukan titik stasiun penelitian berdasarkan rona ling...
Macroalgae is marine biological resources that play a crucial role and have an important economic value. They synthesize bioactive compounds with different kind of biological activities, such as antioxidant, antitumor, including antibacterial. In the health sector, infectious diseases from bacteria is one of the problems that still increasing. In a...
Eko enzim adalah cairan hasil fermentasi limbah organik berupa kulit/daging buah-buahan dan sayuran dengan menggunakan substrat gula aren atau sari tebu (molase) dan air dengan perbandingan 3 : 1 : 10, selama waktu 3–6 bulan. Enzim yang dihasilkan berupa cairan kental berwarna coklat tua dan bau asam yang kuat. Enzim ini memiliki manfaat yang besar...
Free radicals contribute to human health problem resulting in various human diseases, including central nervous system injury, cancer, inflammations, and the decrease of organ function related to oxidation. This condition has encouraged the effort of finding new natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory sources. Macroalgae act as excellent natural...
Acaudina molpadioides was found along the coast of Paloh, Sambas Regency, West Kalimantan in recent months. This sea cucumber known as one of the typical foods of the coastal community of Karimun. This species has similarities with Paracaudina sp. belonging to the Caudinidae family. Proximate content, essential minerals and heavy metal contaminatio...
The waters of Lemukutan Island have the potential of natural resources, including seaweed. Since 2011, Lemukutan Island has been the largest seaweed cultivation center in West Kalimantan. However, the Covid-19 pandemic has attacked all sectors and caused a decline in prices for fishery-based food commodities. This condition causes the farmers to su...
Kesehatan adalah salah satu berkah yang sangat berharga dalam kehidupan. Kondisi pandemi Covid-19 telah melahirkan budaya 3M dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, yaitu memakai masker, menjaga jarak dan mencuci tangan. Mencuci tangan menggunakan handsanitizer merupakan cara yang praktis untuk membunuh mikroorganisme. Namun, handsanitizer yang tersedia di pa...
Kecamatan Teluk Batang mengalami pertumbuhan penduduk setiap tahunnya, dimana salah satu dari sembilan bahan pokok yang dikonsumsi oleh seluruh lapisan masyarakatnya adalah minyak goreng. Pada umumnya, minyak goreng yang dikonsumsi adalah minyak kelapa yang dapat digunakan sebanyak 1-3 kali penggorengan. Namun, penggunaan secara berulang-ulang akan...
Phytoplankton plays an important role in marine ecosystems as primary producer, as the basis of food chains and the food web, and are widely used as bioindicators to monitor water condition. The study of phytoplankton is the primary interest to explore aquatic resources for blue biotechnology applications in conditions as a live feed, antibacterial...
Sargassum policystum is one of the genus Sargassum from the brown macroalgae group which has an abundance of chemical constituents of fucoidan, fucoxanthin, phenolic acids and alginate which have important biological activities, such as antioxidants and antibacterials. This species thrives in the waters of Kabung Island, Bengkayang, West Kalimantan...
We present the results of the first ever research on biodiversity and biogeography of marine benthic diatoms from coral reefs of the tropical islands of Indonesia, including West Borneo, East Java, South Celebes, Komodo, Rinca and Flores. The sampled islands offer a broad range of coral reef microhabitats and host diatom assemblages from seaweeds,...
In Batu Ampar, the charcoal industry, West Kalimantan, used Rhizophora sp. mangrove to produce liquid acid with mangrove stem bark waste as a side product. Pyrolysis of liquid smoke of mangrove stem bark waste at a temperature of 4000C for 6 hours resulted in a yield of 33.97% with pH, specific gravity, and color were 2.8, 1.004, and brown, respect...
Mangrove are plants that can survive in extreme areas with high salinity levels and have an important role for marine organisms. Mangrove are also a parameters that can absorb carbon much higher than other forest types. The purpose of this research was to observe mangrove community structures. This research was conducted from February to March 2020...
Ale-ale are popular clams in the coastal area of Ketapang. The local community uses the clams as food, one of which is in the form of fermented products. In the fermentation process, the nutritional content of course will be different from fresh ale-ale because it has gone through the preservation process. One of the goals of processing it into fer...
Estuaries are biogeochemical hot spots; they receive large inputs of nutrients from land and oceans to support high primary productivity rates. Estuaries also as a place for waste disposal allowing the accumulation that endangers the environment and organisms. Water quality assessment can be done by analyzing physical, chemical, and biological char...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas mikroalga epifit pada Padina dan Caulerpa, kualitas lingkungan perairan dan korelasi kepadatan mikroalga epifit dengan parameter lingkungan perairan di Pulau Kabung Kalimantan Barat. Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober 2019 dengan menggunakan metode survei dan penentuan s...
Hutan mangrove merupakan ekosistem pesisir yang memiliki peran penting sebagai habitat, tempat mencari makan, pemijahan, dan pembesaran berbagai jenis organisme akuatik, seperti ikan, moluska, dan crustacea, termasuk kepiting. Kepiting bakau (Scylla sp.) ditemukan melimpah di ekosistem mangrove sebagai spesies kunci. Kelimpahan kepiting bakau dipen...
Pesisir Pulau Kabung merupakan wilayah Desa Karimunting Kabupaten Bengkayang yang berpenduduk sekitar 300 Kepala Keluarga dengan mata pencaharian utamanya adalah bernelayan. Kondisi perairan yang sangat beresiko karena cuaca buruk seperti gelombang kuat, tidak memungkinkan untuk melaut, sehingga menimbulkan kegiatan baru bagi masyarakat untuk berke...
The coastal area of Kabung Island is an area of Karimunting Village, Bengkayang Regency, which has a population of around 300 families, whose main livelihood is fishing. Water conditions are very risky due to bad weather, such as strong waves, making it impossible to go to sea, causing new activities for people to plant gardens by utilizing makeshi...
Ekosistem mangrove merupakan salah satu ekosistem pesisir perairan tropis yang memiliki tingkat produktivitas primer yang tinggi dan memiliki manfaat serta peranan penting bagi organisme akuatik juga bagi kepentingan manusia. Salah satu peran penting hutan mangrove sebagai penyerap dan penyimpan karbon dalam upaya penanggulangan pemanasan global. D...
Kabupaten Mempawah merupakan salah satu daerah pesisir Kalimantan Barat yang memiliki ekosistem mangrove buatan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di perairan mangrove Desa Pasir Kabupaten Mempawah dengan tujuan untuk dapat mengetahui keanekaragaman jenis ikan dan kualitas perairan mangrove Desa Pasir. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada bulan Agustus 2017. Asp...
Mikroalga epifit merupakan organisme bentik yang hidup menempel pada berbagai habitat atau substrat makroalga. Kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman jenis mikroalga berpotensi sebagai bioindikator pencemar kualitas perairan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas mikroalga epifit berasosiasi pada padina sp. di perairan Desa Sepempang,...
Mikroalga epifit merupakan organisme yang dapat hidup menempel pada substrat seperti makroalga. Epifit memiliki peran penting dalam meningkatkan produktivitas primer dan bioindikator perairan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas mikroalga epifit berasosiasi pada Sargassum sp. di perairan Desa Sepempang, Kabupaten Natuna....
Tembakul or mudskipper has the ability to adapt the condition of tidal area trough walking on the mud. The purpose of this research, wich held on February – March 2019 at Pasir Village Mempawah Regency, are to found out the species of tembakul on that area, with its abundance and the characteristic of its habitat. Sample taken from 3 sampling sites...
Ekosistem mangrove memiliki fungsi ekologis yang penting dalam upaya mitigasi pemanasan global yaitu sebagai penyerap karbon. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas dan laju produksi karbon dari serasah daun mangrove di Kuala Singkawang Kalimantan Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan transek kuadran untuk ukuran 10 m x 1...
Asap cair mengandung senyawa asam, fenol dan karbonil yang dapat berfungsi sebagai antibakteri. Sifat antibakteri asap cair tersebut diharapkan dapat menjadi alternatif pengganti pengawet yang berbahaya bagi pangan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui aktivitas antibakteri asap cair limbah kulit batang mangrove terhadap bakteri Escherichi...
Several health conditions, including aging, joint inflammations, cancer, and the decrease of organ function related to oxidation, have encouraged the investigation of antioxidants' natural sources. Seaweed is one of the marine commodities that has become the focus of researchers, particularly in correlation to health, such as medicines, functional...
Marine macroalgae are potential sources as carbohydrate alternative, food additive, and bioactive compounds with antioxidant activity. The biological activity is strongly influenced by the type and phenolic compounds concentration. Tropical brown algae Padina pavonica L. was found with a large abundance in Kabung Island, West Kalimantan. The object...
Research on the antioxidant and antibacterial activity of the isolated protein of Niphates sp. sponge origin Spermonde aquatic of South Sulawesi had been conducted. Determination of antimicrobial activity was based on the formation of inhibition zones/cleared areas surrounding the isolated protein for two tested bacteria, i.e., Bacillus subtilis an...