Igor RudenkoKyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
Igor Rudenko
Doctor of Engineering Sciences
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Publications (79)
The development of reactive powder concretes based on alkali-activated cements for the construction and protection of critical infrastructure is of woldwide importance for improving the safety of their exploitation. The factors influencing the kinetics of strength gain and drying shrinkage of reactive powder concretes using sodium silicate pentahyd...
The implementation of alkali-activated Portland cements (or alkali-activated slag cement as per the Ukrainian National Standard DSTU B V.2.7-181:2009) in materials for repair and retrofitting (repair concretes and mortars, shotcrete concretes, reactive powder concretes) is effective is due to their conformity with modern trends in construction. The...
The development of reactive powder concretes based on alkali-activated cements for the construction and protection of critical infrastructure is of worldwide importance for improving the safety of their exploitation. The factors influencing the kinetics of strength gain and drying shrinkage of reactive powder concretes using sodium silicate pentahy...
The ways to keep under regulation the early-age hydration and setting behavior of the common cements containing slag per EN 197-1:2011 and activated with sodium metasilicate were discovered and the results are discussed. The alkaline activation of these cements using sodium metasilicate is one of the ways to escape the strength loss in the cement s...
The article discusses approaches to the formation of compositions of alkali-activated decorative Portland slag cements containing Portland cement type CEM1 5...45% with high performance and decorative properties. The optimization of the compositions of decorative alkali-activated Portland slag cements was carried out using statistical methods for d...
The use of seawater as mixing water in concrete is motivated by an increasing danger of freshwater shortages. The factors restricting its use in concrete include a high risk of concrete structure
degradation as well as steel reinforcement corrosion initiated by the chlorides and sulphates in
seawater. The objective of this study is to evaluate the...
A critical analysis of alkali-activated cements as sustainable materials demonstrates their advantages compared to traditional Portland cements. It also makes it possible to identify the main drivers of alkaline activation in the production of cements for mortars and concretes used in repairing building construction. These materials are effective f...
This paper covers the design of binder formulations and technology for low-energy building materials based on alkaline aluminosilicate binders developed for special uses. The microstructure of the binders was investigated using scanning electron and atomic force microscopy examination techniques. The identification of phase compositions was perform...
У світовій будівельній практиці все більше зростає потреба у високоміцних бетонах з інтенсивним набором міцності у ранні строки у зв'язку підвищенням вимог до фізикомеханічних та експлуатаційних характеристик бетонів та прагненням до скорочення термінівбудівництва. Лужно-активовані цементи, виготовлені з використанням силікатів натрію, здатні демон...
The article is dedicated to concrete protection, exploited in sulfate mediums. Protective surface coating based on based on zeolite-like binder was proposed as a mean to restrict SO42- ions transport in concrete. It was demonstrated that the coating with a 3 mm thickness provides total protection of concrete. The ions transport in concrete dependin...
The paper covers the development of formulations and technology for low-energy building mineral materials based on the alkaline alumino-silicate binder (further, the binder), which are appropriate for special purposes, namely for temperature-insulating composites. It was proposed an approach to mix design of the binder under various curing conditio...
The application of blast furnace cements with minor clinker constituent is an actual task due to their conformity with modern tendencies of sustainable development. The alkali metal compounds were proposed to increase activity of CEM III/C. The aim of the research was to investigate the effects of technological factors on porous structure of alkali...
Concrete and reinforced concrete building structures (for example, such as tunnels) lose carrying ability in case of high‐temperature fire action. The aim of the research is to study the prevention of reinforced concrete structures (for example, such as tunnels) under fire action in case of using the proposed coating based on the alkaline aluminosi...
To ensure the durability of constructions is current world tendency of building industry. It’s well known that the periodical effect of chlorine-containing aqueous environment and carbonation under the action of atmospheric carbonic gas causes the most risk of the corrosion of steel reinforcement. The carbonation contributes toward releasing the bo...
In world practice, the need for high-strength concrete with an intensive gain of early strength is due to an increase in requirements for characteristics of concrete and the desire to shorten the construction period. Alkali-activated cement, based on soluble sodium silicates (SSS), can demonstrate high strength and rapid gain due to the nano-modify...
The article discusses approaches to the formation of the composition of slag-alkali cements when using high-modulus solution glass as an alkaline component, represented by a commercial product in the form of a liquid. The aim of this work was to study the effect of modifying additives, the silicate module of sodium hydrosilicates and technology mod...
Factors determining minimization of the inuence of sulfate environments on concrete and risk of corrosion of
embedded steel reinforcement have been analyzed. Coatings based on alkaline aluminosilicate binders were
proposed to prevent transport of the sulfate ions into concrete. The formation of water resistant zeolite-like
matrices on the alkal...
В монографії наведено результати досліджень, спрямованих
на визначення критеріїв вибору і закономірностей впливу ефективних
пластифікуючих добавок та отриманих на їх основі багатофункціональних
комплексних добавок на процеси структуроутворення лужних цементів
системи Na2O–CaO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O. Запропоновано механізм пластифікуючої
і модифікуючої...
Decorative cements have always been in high demand in the construction industryand the demand for them and the requirements for their performance are constantly growing. Butdecorative cements based on white clinker Portland cement have the same disadvantages astraditional Portland cement, namely: high energy intensity, low environmental friendlines...
The use of blast furnace cement is an effective way to meet the requirements of sustainable development. However, CEM III/C is characterized by slow strength gain. The problem can be worse for plasticized reinforced blast furnace cement concretes mixed with sea water in view of shorter durability. The mitigation of corrosion in plasticized blast fu...
Factors determining minimization of the influence of sulfate environments on concrete and risk of corrosion of embedded steel reinforcement have been analyzed. Coatings based on alkaline aluminosilicate binders were proposed to prevent transport of the sulfate ions into concrete. The formation of water resistant zeolite-like matrices on the alkalin...
Increasing the durability of concrete and reinforced concrete structures according to the criterion of crack resistance is a relevant task of construction materials science. To solve this task, this paper proposes effective solutions for adjusting thermofinite characteristics of alkali-activated slag cement (ASC) by using surfactants of various che...
Durability of reinforced concrete is one of the main demands in civil engineering.Operating conditions, particularly in aggressive mediums, determine durability of constructions.Sulfate mediums are among the most aggressive ones which cause steel reinforcement corrosion. Themodern requirements for high consistency fresh concretes are governed by pr...
Optimization of complex shrinkage-reducing additives (further, SRA’s), consisting of ordinary portland cement clinker (further, OPC clinker), salt-electrolyte and surfactants, is provided for prevention of steel reinforcement corrosion due to shrinkage mitigation in alkali-activated slag cement (further, AASC) fine concrete. Modification of AASC by...
Concretes mixed with seawater are characterised by enhanced performances, but action of chlorides and sulfates ensures the risk of reinforcement corrosion. Application of high consistency fresh concretes ensures changes in hardened concrete structure that causes the problem of steel reinforcement passive state ensuring. Thus mixing of plasticized c...
Modern trends in construction industry in terms of efficient use of raw materials and energy, implying a responsible attitude to environment, predetermine application of alkali-activated slag cement concrete (further, AASC concrete). It’s well-known the increased risk of steel reinforcement corrosion is caused by mixing concretes with seawater, pre...
The relevance of alkali activated slag cement (AASC) concretes for structures operated in seawater is due to their enhanced resistance in aggressive environments. The application of high consistency fresh concretes is accompanied by negative changes in their structure with higher penetration of aggressive environments. Thus, the methods to prevent...
This paper proposes a technique to prevent the corrosion of steel reinforcement in concrete based on slag cement (SC) activated by Na(K) salts of strong acids (SSA) in the composition of by-pass cement kiln dust (BP). The technique implies using additional modifiers in the form of the Portland cement CEM I 42,5 R and the calcium-aluminate admixture...
Complex multifunctional additive (further, CA) which consists of aluminum powder, surfactant, salt-electrolyte (NaNO 3 ) and calcium sulfate hemihydrate (CaSO 4 ·0.5H 2 O) is proposed for ensuring necessary properties of anchoring grouts based on alkali-activated portland cement (further, AAPC) presented by the system «ordinary portland cement clin...
Запропоновано комплексні багатофункціональні добавки на основі солей-електролітів NaNO3, Na2SO4 і Na3PO4, що забезпечують зменшення усадки дрібнозернистого бетону на основі шлаколужного цементу з 0,984 до 0,560-0,605 мм/м, 0,625-0,640 мм/м і 0,713-0,700 мм/м відповідно. Зменшення деформацій усадки дрібнозернистих бетонів розглядається як засіб запо...
The paper is devoted to mitigation of steel reinforcement corrosion in alkali-activated slag cement (further, AASC) concretes, based on soluble sodium silicates (further, SSS’s), obtained from high consistensy concrete mixes. Enhancement of AASC fine concretes crack resistance due to modification by complex shrinkage-reducing additives (further, SR...
The application of alkali activated portland cement (further, AAPC) for anchoring grouts was investigated with obtaining of non-shrinking high performance cementing systems. The AAPC system "ordinary portland cement clinker – sodium metasilicate" was modified by the complexes of mineral and organic compounds to ensure specified properties of anchor...
The essence of the problem related to proper deformations in
alkali-activated cements (AAC) complicated with high content
of gel-like hydrate formations was analyzed. Cement types diametrically
opposite in their compositions and, accordingly, in the
content of gel phases during hydration, that is, the alkali-acti�-
vated portland cement (AAPC) and...
The peculiarity of alkali-activated slag cements (further, AASC’s) is increased proper deformations, which can cause increased cracking and reduced durability of structure. The paper is devoted to manage AASC’s proper deformations. The main task was to determine the composition of complex additives (further, CA’s) in system «ordinary portland cemen...
The application of alkali activated portland cement (further, AAPC) for anchoring grouts was investigated with obtaining of non-shrinking high performance cementing systems. The AAPC system "ordinary portland cement clinker – sodium metasilicate" was modified by the complexes of mineral and organic compounds to ensure specified properties of anchor...
Functionality of mortar and concrete mixes is regulated by surfactants, which act as plasticizers. The molecular structure of these admixtures can be changed during hydration of alkali-activated cements (AAC). The objective was to determine the chemical nature of plasticizers effective for property modification of mortars and concretes based on AAC...
Рассмотрена способность бетона на основе щелочных цементов к проявлению эффекта самовосстановления структуры по изменению показателей пористости. Показано, что в таких цементах увеличение содержания гранулированного доменного шлака от 50 до 100 % и соответствующее увеличение щелочного компонента определяет уменьшение объема открытых капиллярных пор...
Functionality of mortar and concrete mixes is regulated substantially by surfactants, which act as plasticizers. The molecular structure of these admixtures can be changed or they can reveal insufficient adsorption during hydration of alkali-activated cements (AAC).
The objective was to determine the chemical nature of plasticizers effective for pr...
Properties of dry mixes for anchoring application (increasing of mortars strength, adhesion, volume stability etc.) based on alkali activated Portland cement (AAPC) are influenced by different factors. One of them is application of chemical admixtures with different functionality. Adhesive properties are mainly achieved by redispersible polymer pow...
Nowadays, alkali-activated cements (AACs) are the most promising alternatives to ordinary portland cement (OPC). Such cements characterized by better strength and corrosion resistance that determine improved durability of materials based on them. However, the shrinkage of AAC systems is noticeably higher compared with OPC. The purpose of this work...
Functionality of mortar and concrete mixes is regulated by surfactants, which act as plasticizers. The molecular structure of these admixtures can be changed during hydration of alkali-activated cements (AAC). The objective was to determine the chemical nature of plasticizers effective for property modification of mortars and concretes based on AAC...
Досліджений вплив поверхнево-активних речовин зазначених типів у складі КД на початок витривалості, тривалість періоду індукції та міцність лужного цементу з вмістом доменної гранули (далі - шлак) від 50 до 100 % у складі алюмосилікатного компонента. При заміщенні лужного компонента метасилікатом натрію тривалість індукційного періоду істотно не зм...
Formation of properties of high performance concretes with good durability, not depending upon cement type used, is connected with a possibility to regulate phase composition of hydration products, pore structure and morphology of cement stone structural units at the early stages of hydration. A specific feature of the alkali-activated cements is t...
Alkali-activated cements (AACs) nowadays are the most promising alternatives to ordinary portland cement (OPC). Such cements characterized by better strength and corrosion resistance that determine improved durability of materials. However, the shrinkage of AAC systems is noticeably higher compare with OPC. The purpose of this work was to study the...
The problem of plasticization of alkaline cements was analyzed and the ways of its solution were offered. The problem is related to the structural instability of a number of chemical admixtures that are effective in plasticisation of clinker cements in the highly alkaline media of hardening cement. Superplasticizers based on polyesters lose their s...
The article presents the structure formation of alkali-activated slag cements, hydrated by high-modulus sodium silicate hydrate, with the application of thermokinetic method. The kinetics of strength and features of structure of cement stone, the influence of modifiers on structure formation for advanced crack resistance of fast-hardening high-stre...
The physical-mechanical and deformable properties of slag-alkali concrete with the use of gold-bearing ore flotation waste have been studied. It is shown that slag-based cement concretes using gold-bearing ore flotation waste are characterized by increased tensile bending strength and frost resistance, lower modulus of elasticity, and greater resis...
The paper covers results of studies on porosity, freeze/thaw resistance of alkali-activated slag
cement (AAC) concrete depending upon composition of AAC and chemical admixtures.
Freeze-thaw resistance was assessed by a number of cycles of alternate freezing/thawing in
aqueous solution of NaCl at t= - (50 ± 5) °C until 5% loss of compressive strengt...
The purpose of study the results of which are reported and discussed in this paper was to analyze state-of-the-art with regard to plasticizing alkaline cements and to develop solutions for the use of plasticized alkaline cements in contemporary concretes. A necessity to plasticize alkaline cements arises from structural instability of some chemical...
One of the most important characteristics of grouting mortars (GM) is consistency and its retention over time. Necessity to increase depth of wells is connected with rise of temperature and pressure, which causes need in GM with appropriate rheological properties. In this context the purpose of this study was complete solution of following tasks: r...
One of the most important characteristics of grouting mortars (GM) is consistency and its retention over time. Necessity to increase depth of wells is connected with rise of temperature and pressure, which causes need in GM with appropriate rheological properties. In this context the purpose of this study was complete solution of following tasks: r...
Dry mixes (DM) are commonly used because of their high quality performance and workability. To a great extent, achieved properties of DM are due to presence of macromolecular compounds in their compositions including cellulose ethers (CE) and dispersible polymer powders (DPP). Mineral binders in DM are mainly presented by calcium compounds. Current...
The usage of surface-active agents (SAA) is known as the most effective factor to change the yield stress of cement suspensions,
to control the speed of hydration (the duration of induction period), to change the pore structure of cement stone and, accordingly,
to improve the technological properties of ready-mixed fresh concrete, to control slump...
The usage of surface-active agents (SAA) is known as the most effective factor to change the yield stress of cement suspensions, to control the speed of hydration (the duration of induction period), to change the pore structure of cement stone and, accordingly, to improve the technological properties of ready-mixed fresh concrete, to control slump...
Dry mixes for anchoring application should have characteristics that are difficult to achieve. For instance, workability retention time should be longer than 4 min, compressive strength – ≥ 10 MPa (after 6 hours), ≥ 20 MPa (after 24 hours), ≥ 40 MPa (after 28 days); tensile strength in bending – 2.0 MPa (after 6 hours), ≥ 2.5 MPa (after 24 hours),...
The paper concerns analysis of theoretical and experimental studies, according to which, in conditions of artificial stone making for buildings purposes (cement, concrete), synthesis of alkaline aluminosilicates similar to natural minerals of zeolitic group occurs. Presence of such new formations in hydration products of standartized type alkaline...
Usage of slag Portland cement (SPC) in modern construction allows not only to reduce energy consumption for production of cementitious systems, but to solve partially the problem of waste products disposal as well. However cements with high content of slag are characterized by slow setting and relatively low strength in early ages. These drawbacks...
Chemical modification of alkali-activated slag cements (AASC) is an open question and a promising area for research due to unique properties of these cements and necessity for dissemination in construction. This is justified by fact that traditional types of main active ingredients in superplasticizers structure are stable only in medium with pH≤12...
Slag alkaline cements [1, 2] , in accordance with standard requirements, are characterized by a set of properties that are highly advantageous over the clinker cements. These properties (high strength, corrosion-, heat resistance, adhesion) are attributed to a lack of portlandite and character of hydration products in the system R2O – RO – Al2O3 –...
Development of heat-corrosion resistant masonry mortars based on slag alkaline cements is the result of previous researches. The mortars are produced by dry mixes technology and used for masonry chimneys and furnaces. Slag alkaline composition consists of granulated blast-furnace slag, soda ash and portland cement. Well known, complex admixture bas...
The efficiency in alkaline fine-grained concretes of plasticizers based on polyols, including in presence of lignosulphonates (LST) was investigated. Except plasticizing effect, the influence of admixtures on mobility of fresh concrete in time and strength of concrete were analysed. The admixture composition was optimized according to the complex o...
The increased attention of researchers to the massive concrete (reinforced concrete) structures is due to the architectural and functional features of modern buildings and new possibilities of concrete. Concrete for these structures must meet the basic provisions of the concept of high-performance concrete, providing:
• high technological fresh con...
Development of heat-corrosion resistant masonry mortars based on slag alkaline cements is the result of previous researches. The mortars are produced by dry mixes technology and used for masonry chimneys and furnaces. Slag alkaline composition consists of granulated blast-furnace slag, soda ash and portland cement. Well known, complex admixture bas...
The main problems connected with it usage are common for naphthalene superplasticizers, i.e. slump loss, in particular at heightened temperatures, sharp response to overdosages and definite limitations in compatibility with other additives. Among factors influencing the slump loss of superplasticized concrete mixes, the instability of activity of c...