Igor Kononenko

Igor Kononenko
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" | KhPI · Strategic management

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor


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Igor V. Kononenko - Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine, Professor of the Strategic Management Department of National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute". Under his direction, computerized simulation models of Ukraine's socio-economic development were developed in 1994, 1998, and 2008. The verification based on statistical information showed the high accuracy of the forecasts of the main tendencies of the development.
Additional affiliations
September 2000 - May 2020
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"
  • Head of Department
  • Prepared and delivered lectures on “Methodology of Project Management”, “Program and Portfolio Management”, “Strategic Management and Forecasting”, “Socio-economic Systems Development Management”, “Creation of Projects and Programs of Socio-economic Systems Development”, - Supervised and prepared 10 candidates of sciences (Ph.D.), - Headed the team of developers of the strategy of industrial development in the Development Strategy of the Kharkiv Region until 2020.
September 1995 - December 1995
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
  • National expert
  • Prepared and performed 11 investment projects of Kharkiv and Lugansk Regions enterprises in compliance with the UNIDO requirements. The projects were advertised by the UNIDO all over the world.
March 1994 - August 2000
Institute of Machinery and Systems (IM&S) of the Ministry of Industrial Policy and National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  • Managing Director
  • - Developed the theory of computerized management over the development of socio-economic systems. - A computerized system to support decision making in Ukraine’s tractor- and truck-building industry has been developed. - Made a computerized model of the socio-economic development of Ukraine. Was in charge of the formation of long-term forecasts of the main indices of the development of Ukraine in 1994. The verification based upon statistical information showed the high accuracy of the forecasts
September 1989 - December 1992
Kharkiv State Polytechnic University
Field of study
  • Automation of technological processes and productions in industry
September 1974 - December 1979
Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics
Field of study
  • Technical cybernetics and information theory
September 1967 - February 1973
Kharkiv Aviation Institute
Field of study
  • Radio electronic systems


Publications (89)
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The article's subject is models and methods for ranking candidates for an IT project team with uncertainty regarding competencies and requirements. The aim is to improve the quality of the IT project team by creating and applying models and a method for formalizing the task of multi-criteria ranking of candidates for the team, taking into account t...
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The choice of a project portfolio management approach has a significant impact on the effectiveness of the organization. However, each organization that carries out project activities must not only choose a project portfolio management approach, but also the degree to which its capabilities are used. This degree determines an organization's level o...
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The purpose of the paper is to create and apply a method for selecting the maturity level of an organization in the field of project portfolio management. A method for assessing the maturity level of an organization in the field of project portfolio management is proposed. The method is based on assessing the application of principles, functions, l...
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Project portfolio management has evolved in recent decades from an empirical field to a field with advanced management technologies, including the active use of information technology. A number of standards and guidelines for project portfolio management have been created. Many dozens of specialized software tools have been developed. The effective...
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The subject of the study in this paper is models and methods of optimization of the organization's project portfolio for the planning period, considering the effects of the previously made decisions. Project portfolio optimization is one of the responsible and complex tasks by company's top management solves. Based on the analysis of the known work...
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Increasingly frequent changes in demand for products, reducing product life cycles, changes in the business environment during a crisis, the innovative nature of projects, the complexity of forecasting external and internal conditions, the impact of the human factor lead to increased uncertainty and inability to plan team activities with a given de...
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Several experts' surveys show that the success indicators of a new product in the market have a strong positive correlation with the performance of project portfolio management in organizations, and the success of the project is strongly related to the maturity of portfolio management. At the same time, it is noted that the existing portfolio manag...
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From September 2020 to April 2022, the “DIGI-WOMEN, digital entrepreneurship tools and support for women entrepreneurs” project is being implemented within the “Erasmus +” program. Project coordinator is the University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria. Project partners are National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”,...
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The use of agile approaches in software development requires the project team to be multifunctional and self‑organized in order to respond effectively to changing project requirements. Therefore information technology project team creation requires a special method. The purpose of the work is to develop a method of IT-project team creation by maxim...
A project team is one of the most important elements of the success of software development projects and company maturity in total. Effective use of agile project management approaches requires a highly qualified, motivated, cross-functional project team. The work is devoted to the analysis of approaches that allow forming of a development team tak...
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Among the approaches to project management that are widely used in the world, the PMBoK standard should be noted. Training project managers for this standard is widespread. Business games can be applied to consolidate the knowledge gained during the study of the standard, as well as to master the approaches to decision making when using it. An anal...
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The portfolio optimization is an important phase in projects portfolios management, as it allows achieving the maximum possible results with limited resources. Publications on the project portfolios optimization include both works on portfolio optimization for a specific point in time, i.e. optimization in statics, and papers in the field of portfo...
The purpose of the article is to create the project portfolio optimization mathematical model for the planned period, which would take into account the receipt and expenditure of funds over time, the social effect of the portfolio, the risks associated with its implementation, restrictions on the availability of funding, and the necessary sequence...
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Background and Purpose: The selection of a “right” project management methodology for a particular project represents a problem of great importance. Its solution affects crucial project parameters like cost, duration, product quality, and the project’s success in general. The purpose of this study is to present a method for the formation of the pro...
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Розвиток сучасної освіти безпосередньо пов'язаний з упровадженням інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій. Створення і застосування таких технологій відбувається шляхом реалізації відповідних проєктів. Проєкти в галузі інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій відрізняються складністю і великою вартістю, а для їх здійснення необхідні висококваліфікован...
Conference Paper
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Особливості розробки мобільного веб-застосунку з вибору методології управління проектом
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Проведен анализ последних исследований и публикаций, посвященных проблеме выбора методологии управления для определенного проекта и исследованию влияния применяемой методологии на успех проекта. На основе проведенного анализа установлена необходимость автоматизации решения задачи выбора методологии для конкретного проекта. В качестве подхода для ре...
Conference Paper
The methodology which is used to manage a certain project has a considerable influence on the laboriousness and cost of management, as well as the risks associated with this project. The greatest positive effect could be achieved by the creation an individual methodology for a complex, expensive and responsible project. The paper proposes the metho...
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An analysis of the literature on the creation and application of hybrid project management methodologies on the basis of fully plan-driven and Agile methodologies is made. It is shown that every year the volume of application of methodologies, which combines the advantages of fully plan-driven and Agile approaches is growing. To create a special me...
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An analysis of the literature on the creation and application of hybrid project management methodologies on the basis of fully plan-driven and Agile methodologies is made. It is shown that every year the volume of application of methodologies, which combines the advantages of fully plan-driven and Agile approaches is growing. To create a special me...
Conference Paper
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In this study, a method for forming the component composition of the project management guide is proposed, which consists of several stages. At the first stage, a generalized body of knowledge on project management is created and maintained in an up-to-date state. This body of knowledge is formed from the most popular methodologies, standards, and...
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Literature analysis of works that devoted to research of the selection a project management approach and development of effective methods for this problem solution is given. Mathematical model and method for selection of project management approach with fuzzy concepts of applicability of existing approaches are proposed. The selection is made of su...
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During the years of independence, Azerbaijan has demonstrated outstanding achievements. According to the World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Index in the 2015-2016 takes pride 40th place among all countries of the world. GDP per capita increased by 56 times. At the same time, the population has grown by a third, which also indicates the hea...
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Abstract. To manage a complex, expensive or responsible project, it is advisable to create its methodology, which would best take into account the specific of the project, qualification of the team, and features of the environment. The goal is to form a generalized body of knowledge in project management of the most widely applied and recognized st...
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To manage a complex, expensive or responsible project, it is advisable to create its methodology, which would best take into account the specific of the project, qualification of the team, and features of the environment. The goal is to form a generalized body of knowledge in project management of the most widely applied and recognized standards, g...
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The problem of the project implementation simulation is considered. A specific methodology is applied for its management. It is assumed that the methodology for project management is obtained by means of synthesis method, which is proposed in previous works. The project on creation of the computer program is considered. For managing it, two alterna...
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In this paper, a simulation model for evaluating the effect of application of a project management methodology is proposed. The model reflects performance of project product creation processes and management processes. This model is constructed by extending simple Petri nets apparatus and simulates the work of project team, which is engaged in soft...
Conference Paper
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A simulation model for evaluating the effect of application of a project management methodology is proposed. The model reflects performance of project product creation processes and management processes. This model is constructed by extending simple Petri nets apparatus and simulates the work of project team, which is engaged in software developmen...
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To manage a complex, expensive or responsible project, it is advisable to create its methodology, which would best take into account the specific of the project, qualification of the team, and features of the environment. The goal is to form a generalized body of knowledge in project management of the most widely applied and recognized standards, g...
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The definition of a “project management methodology” is clarified. A method of the project management methodology synthesis for a particular project with fuzzy input data is proposed. The method involves the development of a generalized project management methodology. Based on the information presented in the generalized methodology, an expert or a...
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Literature analysis concerning the selection or creation a project management methodology is performed. Creating a "complete" methodology is proposed which can be applied for managing projects with any complexity, various degrees of responsibility for results and different predictability of the requirements. For the formation of a "complete" method...
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The present article deals with the development of a generalized body of knowledge in project management. In this paper, a set of processes of this generalized body of knowledge is formed. The set of processes is created on the basis of standard PMBOK by using the standard ISO 21500, plan-driven methodology PRINCE2, SWEBOK Guide as well as Agile met...
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The regularity of a country’s GDP growth rate changes affecting capital investment volume into its economy for countries with a different economic state was proposed. One of the features of this regularity is as follows: there is an obvious increase of capital investment providing that GDP growth rate exceeds a certain threshold. Moreover, this inc...
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The paper deals with the task of the project management methodology selection. Using a particular management methodology may influence the basic project characteristics, namely, implementation time and cost, quality of the project products or stages, risks associated with the project implementation, towards both decrease and increase of these chara...
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The article describes software "ScopePro" that created to solve problem of multi-criteria optimization of project scope by the method of concessions and to select a project management methodology. Application architecture is represented by component diagram. Graphic user interface for entering and editing characteristics of the project is reflected...
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The paper deals with the task of the project management methodology selection. Using a particular management methodology may influence the basic project characteristics, namely, implementation time and cost, quality of the project products or stages, risks associated with the project implementation, towards both decrease and increase of these chara...
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The problem of selecting the methodology to manage the company's projects or a specific project is reviewed. The authors suggest the methods to select methodology that are designated for application under the conditions of different degrees of awareness of the decision-maker about the existing methodologies, their advantages and weaknesses, about t...
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Описаны модели и методы, которые информационно поддерживают разработку стратегии организации, позволяют оптимизировать портфель проектов и содержание проектов при нечетких исходных данных.
Conference Paper
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The task of selecting the methodology for managing a specific project is analyzed. The method, consisting of 2 stages, is suggested. At the first stage a project manager has to fill out a questionnaire. Based on the obtained results, a corresponding project management methodology is suggested. The second stage is devoted to evaluation of the work c...
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The paper presents a mathematical model and method of the structural project scope optimization with fuzzy input data, which includes five objective functions. One of the functions reflects the profit for the entire project product life cycle. The other reflects the time of its realization. The third is the cost of the project. The fourth is the va...
Conference Paper
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The paper presents a mathematical model of the structural optimization of the project scope, which includes five objective functions. One of the functions reflects the profit for the entire project life cycle. The others reflect the time of its realization, the cost of the project, the value of the generalized indicator of project product quality a...
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The method of multi criteria optimization of industry development plans is proposed in the article based on the method of minimax for searching a compromise solution
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The problem of modeling the impact of the state-level projects implementation on introduction of the newest technologies is considered in this paper. To solve this problem the simulation model of scientific and technological development of economic activity types of Ukraine is developed. This model is proposed for optimization of development plans...
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The problem of the planning of the Ukrainian branch of industry development which is presented with the imitation model of scientific-technological development of economic activities is considered in this article. The model of optimization of plans for the development of a particular branch of industry with three criteria and algorithmic and analyt...
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The paper describes further development of the model of a project content optimization problem where fulfillment of project deadline and costs of its implementation is required. The model includes constraints on quality of a product after completion of certain stages of the project. The paper also describes the method that was created to solve this...
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Project portfolio optimization model and method that make possible to select the optimal variants of project portfolio for each year of planned period were developed
Conference Paper
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There is a wide class of planning tasks in which possible technologies of works execution and their combinations can be succeeded by the alternative variants. These variants can be represented as network models. The dependences between scope, time and cost of works execution are discrete. The goal of this work is to create effective methods for the...
Conference Paper
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Rule of GDP growth rate change influence on fixed capital investments into the country's economy was found. This rule is demonstrated on the example of economic processes behavior in 32 European countries, Japan, Canada, Australia and the USA. These countries were divided into groups according to the World Bank classification based on GNI per capit...
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Предложены математическая модель и метод минимизации сроков выполнения работ по проекту при ограничениях на возможное финансирование на отдельных этапах при заданных альтернативных вариантах фрагментов сетевых моделей работ. Разработанные и описанные в статье модель и метод могут быть использованы при планировании содержания, сроков и стоимости про...
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The monograph introduces the methodology of Production-Economic Systems Development Management. The methodology is based on the application of models and methods of computerized forecasting and planning. Method of forecasting models structure selection according to the H-criterion is introduced and investigated. The method combines advantages of he...
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A model and an algorithm of optimization of a standard-size product series on the basis of a two-criterion statement are described and their use for the determination of rational types of trucks in Ukraine is considered.
Nonstationary random processes are considered that have expectation varying with time. Variation of expectation is assumed to be described by a deterministic analytical model on which noise with parameters independent on time is superimposed. An algorithm is developed for prediction of nonstationary random processes with using bootstrap estimation....
An algorithm for forecasting nonstationary random processes that is based on a combination of the advantages of algorithms that use external criteria and of the bootstrap estimation algorithm is developed. A comparative numerical investigation of the proposed algorithm is performed and demonstrates its effectiveness.


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