Igor Bychkov

Igor Bychkov
Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory, Russian Academy of Sciences



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Publications (173)
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The article addresses the problem of increasing the capacity of the Baikal–Amur Mainline, which is part of the Northern Eurasian Corridor and provides the shortest route from Europe to the countries of the Asia-Pacific region via the ports of the Russian Far East. A key focus of the study is the Severobaikalsk section, which currently operates as a...
The relevance of the study is due to the need to provide the governing bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with tools that allow identifying key problems and priority areas for sustainable development of the socio-, eco- and technosphere of each territory, taking into account the characteristics of natural and geographical...
Conference Paper
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The paper presents the results of research obtained within the framework of a large scientific project "Fundamentals, methods and technologies of digital monitoring and forecasting of the ecological situation of the Baikal natural territory". The project is aimed at creating new methods and technologies for integrated environmental monitoring and f...
Conference Paper
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The paper presents an approach to solve the problem of reducing complexity of representing hierarchical control systems of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV), their models and interaction with external objects, as well as hardware in the form of information objects. For this purpose, a specialized environment for research is being developed, incl...
The Baikal Natural Territory (BNT) and Khuvsgul region have similar environmental problems. It is relevant to carry out integrated scientific studies and monitor the state of the components of the natural environment in these areas. This paper presents the results of a number of joint Russian–Mongolian projects aimed at studying and developing new...
Исследования в области создания специализированных вычислительных комплексов дляробототехнических комплексов (РТК) ведутся во многих мировых научных центрах и в томчисле в нашей стране. Развитие возможностей сенсорных систем, систем глобальной навигации, рост вычислительной мощности и совершенствование алгоритмов позволяют созда-вать бортовые вычис...
Unknown actuator failures are inevitable in practical systems. At the same time, time delay exists in many physical actuators, and the system performance will be affected by such actuator delay and faults. However, the results of studies that attempt to compensate for unknown failures of actuators with time delay are still very limited. In this pap...
Статья посвящена проблеме интеллектуализации обработки и анализа данных в исследовании процессов функционирования микросетей как экологически чистых и ресурсосберегающих систем энергетики. Процесс моделирования взаимодействия микросетей реализуется мультиагентной системой. Рассмотрены структура мультиагентной системы, средства ее построения, назнач...
Статья посвящена проблемам взаимодействия сервисов, создаваемых разными разработчиками при формировании информационно-аналитических систем поддержки научных исследований. Для унификации параметров вычислительных сервисов предложены требования и рекомендации к создаваемым сервисам. Рассмотрены компоненты разработанной авторами цифровой платформы эко...
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Abstract Forecasts of the forest ecosystem dynamics are important for environmental protection and forest resource management. Such forecasts can support decisions about where and how to restore damaged forests and plan felling, and in forest conservation. Forest landscape models (FLM) are used to predict changes in forests at the landscape level....
Проанализированы характерные особенности и выделены проблемы мониторинга лесов Байкальской природной территории. Предложен подход цифровой трансформации мониторинга лесных ресурсов с использованием сервис-ориентированной парадигмы, инфраструктурного подхода, декларативных спецификаций, а также сквозных и Web-технологий сбора и обработки больших объ...
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Various combinations of neural network parameters and sets of input data for satellite image classification are considered in the article. The training set is completed with a NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index) and local binary patterns. Testing of classifiers created on a different number of epochs and samples is carried out. Values of...
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Рассматриваются различные задачи планирования стратегий и управления группой мо-бильных роботов в сложных динамических условиях при неполной информации о внешней среде.Представлены подходы к решению задач составления эффективного рабочего расписания вусловиях непостоянного состава действующей группы, поиска источника нестационарногополя концентраци...
Conference Paper
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В работе рассмотрена цифровая платформа, предназначенная для прогнозирования возникновения лесных пожаров. Платформа объединяет базы данных, сервисы обработки и анализа разноформатных данных. Результатом реализации станет повышение объективности оценки пожарной опасности в лесу. The paper considers a digital platform designed to predict the occurr...
Предложен подход цифровой трансформации экологического мониторинга оз. Хубсугул и его прилегающих территорий с использованием сервис-ориентированной парадигмы, инфраструктурного подхода, декларативных спецификаций, а также сквозных и Web-технологий сбора и обработки больших объемов тематических пространственно-временных данных. An approach of digi...
Предложен подход к имитационному моделированию работы природосберегающего оборудования инфраструктурных объектов, расположенных на Байкальской природной территории. Разработаны инструментальные средства, базирующиеся на микросервисной архитектуре, с помощью которых осуществляются подготовка и проведение крупномасштабных экспериментов в гетерогенной...
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Baikal Natural Territory (BNT) is the territory that adjacent to Lake Baikal, which is a unique natural object and, in accordance with the UNESCO Convention, a "World Natural Heritage". Baikal is in the central part of the Baikal Rift Zone (BRZ) – the most active seismic zone located in the middle of Russia. The development of the BRZ leads to the...
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The rapid development of marine robotic technology in recent decades has resulted in significant improvements in the self-sufficiency of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). However, simple scenario-based approaches are no longer sufficient when it comes to ensuring the efficient interaction of multiple autonomous vehicles in complex dynamic miss...
This paper introduces a novel mission-planning scheme to coordinate a heterogeneous team of mobile robots under fuel and communication constraints. The proposed scheme has a two-level structure, where the upper level is responsible for scheduling team communication, recharging and regrouping activities, while the lower level provides plans and rout...
Deploying monitors appropriately is of great significance for the performance of the vehicle emission remote sensing system. For the state-of-the-art deployment method, the redundancy of the deployed monitors should also be decreased to save economic budget; besides, its feasibility is limited due to the ignoring of the unbalanced characteristic of...
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This article is dedicated to ecological monitoring of Siberia. The regional features of environmental problems are presented, and an integrated approach to the organization of digital monitoring as a tool for understanding what is happening and its forecasting is proposed. An approach to the digitalization of environmental monitoring based on digit...
Robust detection of patterns at low signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) is a fundamental challenge of analysing high-frequency data, particularly in water quality monitoring. When conducting water quality data analysis, an indispensable step is to clean the data noise. In this paper, a new method named ADAPTIVE-EWT-MFE, based on empirical wavelet transfo...
Conference Paper
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The paper considers the problem of forest resources monitoring over large areas on the example of the Baikal natural territory. As the main data source, we use Sentinel-2 remote sensing data due to their regularity, broad coverage, multispectral parameters of the resulting image. The Random forest and Support Vector Machines (SVM) machine learning...
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The paper considers a problem of classifying Sentinel-2 multispectral satellite images for environmental monitoring of the Baikal Natural Territory (BNT). The specificity of the BNT required the creation of a new set of 12 classes, which takes into account current problems. The set was formed in such a way that the areas corresponding to these cl...
Nowadays, the development and use of workflow-based applications (distributed applied software packages) are some of the key challenges in terms of preparing and carrying out large-scale scientific experiments in distributed environments with heterogeneous computing resources. The environment resources can be represented by clusters of personal com...
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Nowadays, developing and applying advanced digital technologies for monitoring protected natural territories are critical problems. Collecting, digitalizing, storing, and analyzing spatiotemporal data on various aspects of the life cycle of such territories play a significant role in monitoring. Often, data processing requires the utilization of hi...
Nowadays, tools for designing scientific applications often do not implement the required continuous integration capabilities of the applied software. Therefore, such overheads as the application development time and experiment execution makespan are substantially increased. In this regard, we propose a new approach to developing scientific applica...
Nowadays, the development of scalable scientific and applied applications is one of the key challenges for modern distributed environments that include heterogeneous computing resources. Clusters of personal computers, high-performance systems of public access supercomputer centers, or cloud platforms often represent these resources. Usually, clust...
In recent years, water quality monitoring has been crucial to improve water resource protection and management. Under the relevant laws and regulations, environmental protection department agencies monitor lakes, streams, rivers, and other types of water bodies to assess water quality conditions. The valid and high-quality data generated from these...
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We propose a new lobster-inspired chemotaxis decentralized control strategy for monitoring a non-stationary concentration field using a team of nonholonomic mobile robots. The task of the team is to locate and trace the movement of the point (or points) with the highest field value (i.e. source), provided that the robots are not aware of the dynami...
Physical methods are becoming more and more important as an important preventive, therapeutic and diagnostic factor. This explains the interest of health authorities in these methods. The development of physical methods of treatment and diagnostics began in our country in the years after the October Revolution. Instead of the 4 physiotherapy instit...
The automatic service composition is discussed in the article. The method is proposed for building the service composition based on the processing of statistical data on individual applying services (tasks) by users. The method is based on linking tasks to each other, determining data dependencies, parameters of services whose values are rigidly se...
Conference Paper
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Monitoring the distribution of vehicle exhaust emissions within the city is a very challenging problem since it is affected by many complex factors, such as spatial-temporal correlation and the other environment conditions. In addition, the technology of using sensors to directly monitor vehicle exhaust emissions is still in the initial stage, and...
Conference Paper
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Forecasting of air pollutant concentration, which is influenced by air pollution accumulation, traffic flow and industrial emissions, has attracted extensive attention for decades. In this paper, we propose a spatio-temporal attention convolutional long short term memory neural networks (Attention-CNN-LSTM) for air pollutant concentration forecasti...
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Forest is the most important natural resource of the Baikal natural territory (BNT), which ensuring sustainable development of the ecological system of Lake Baikal, performing water protection, soil protection and water regulation functions. The article describes the issues of transition to a new technological order - the creation of a digital fore...
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An essential requirement for achieving a high level of performance, autonomy, and reliability of a multi-robot system performing joint long-term operations in an unstructured environment is an advanced control system. In general, the robot’s control system is designed to be hierarchical and consists of several subsystems. To unify the interaction o...
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The paper describes a method and tools for prototyping components of intelligent systems. These means are the parts of the PESoT technology based on generative and visual programming as well as the model transformations. The proposed method redefines the main stages and models of the standardized model-driven approach, in particular, Model Driven A...
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Execution of large-scale search and survey operations by groups of autonomous mobile robots requires the ability to respond to unforeseen events of different nature in a quick and efficient manner. In order to achieve this requirement, the available information about recent changes should be spread among all active group members as soon as possible...
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Among the micro-logistic transport systems, railway stations should be highlighted, such as one of the most important transport infrastructure elements. The efficiency of the transport industry as a whole depends on the quality of their operation. Such systems have a complex multi-level structure, and the incoming traffic flow often has a stochasti...
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The Baikal Natural Territory includes Lake Baikal, its water protection zone, the basin within the territory of the Russian Federation, adjacent specially protected natural areas, and also the territory adjacent to the lake up to 200 kilometers wide to the west and northwest of it. The development of decisions to solve environmental problems of Bai...
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We present a cloud storage for collaborations of small and medium-sized experiments in the field of particle astrophysics. This storage provides a unified interface for accessing data from different experiments. In this article, we will focus on the capabilities of the storage for processing user requests for data, as well as on some technical deta...
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The paper represents new means of the Orlando Tools framework. This framework is used as the basis of an integrated software environment for developing distributed applied software packages. The additional means are focused on mitigating various types of uncertainties arising from the job distribution in an integrated computing environment. They pr...
Irkutsk region in the Siberian region is classified as the most hazardous region with a large number of hazardous industrial facilities and large-scale damage zones. The most significant natural hazards are floods, forest fires, earthquakes, and freezing temperatures. The purpose of this paper is to assess the natural, technogenic, ecological, and...
Conference Paper
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This paper describes a platform approach to the organization of digital environmental monitoring of the forest resources of the Baikal natural territory (BNT), some characteristics of the current state of forests in the BNT and schemes of organization of state environmental monitoring in a traditional format. Some features and problems of forest re...
Efficient and autonomous execution of large-scale missions using a group of robots implies the use of an advanced control system, usually consisting of multiple subsystems arranged in a hierarchy. For the purpose of unification of interaction of separate subsystems, an event-based cooperative control framework for robot teams is developed. In the p...
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Effective solving complex mathematical modeling problems is based on the use of high-performance computing. Clouds, grids, and public access supercomputer centers are commonly used platforms. Their integration into a unified environment provides possibilities for carrying out mass large-scale scientific experiments and efficient scalable resource a...
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The paper addresses path planning and path-following problems in an unknown complex environment for an underactuated autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). The AUV is required to follow a given reference path represented as a sequence of smoothly joined lines and arcs, bypassing obstacles encountered on the path. A two-level control system is propose...
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Currently, the processing of scientific data in astroparticle physics is based on various distributed technologies, the most common of which are Grid and cloud computing. The most frequently discussed approaches are focused on large and even very large scientific experiments, such as Cherenkov Telescope Array. We, by contrast, offer a solution desi...
Conference Paper
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An approach to digital transformation of environmental monitoring of the Baikal natural territory is proposed, using digital platforms and a service-oriented paradigm, an infrastructure approach, declarative specifications, as well as end-to-end and Web-based technologies for collecting and processing large volumes of spatial and temporal data, whi...
Conference Paper
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A high level of team situational awareness is essential during complex, large-scale missions of autonomous mobile robots. When a situation appears that needs inter-agent interaction for cooperative decision-making, the basic understanding of the current conditions ought to be identical within the group. To achieve this requirement, all emergent inf...
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The paper addresses practical challenges related to the development and application of distributed software packages of the Orlando Tools framework to solve real problems. Such packages include a special class of scientific applications characterized by a wide class of problem solvers, modular structure of software, algorithmic knowledge implemente...
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This article presents a package for analyzing the energy system vulnerability developed with new technology for continuous integration, delivery, and deployment of applied software. It implements a framework that allows combining and optimally using various methods for modelling energy systems and provides the comprehensive assessment of their vuln...
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We represent a new approach to the development and use of a subject-oriented heterogeneous distributed computing environment for solving large-scale problems of energy security research. Both the development of scalable applications (distributed applied software packages) and the computing resources integration are conducted using the Orlando Tools...
Conference Paper
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The directions of the formation of a digital environmental monitoring system for Lake Baikal and its coastal territory are considered. An approach to its digitalization is proposed, based on the use of a service-oriented paradigm, infrastructure approach, and Web technologies. The collection of large volumes of digital data (Big Data) of environmen...
We examine the current problems of Lake Baikal level regulation. A comparative analysis is made of the changes in the lake level, the range of its fluctuations and in the intra-annual amplitude for the 120-year-long period of observations in natural and regulated conditions. The period 2014–2017 with an extremely low water level is analyzed. It is...
Conference Paper
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The paper addresses the relevant problem of data preparation for testing modules of scientific applications. Such testing requires the multiple executions of modules with different parameters for various scenarios of solving problems in applications. Often, data sources for parameters used for problem-solving are subject data (experimental results,...
Conference Paper
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The complexity of exhaustive problems with the properties of large-scale, openness, unpredictable dynamics, and component mobility determines the relevance of developing microservice-oriented software for their solving in a hybrid computational environment. We propose an approach for adapting to this environment both the existing software and new o...
Conference Paper
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The problem considered in this paper is to produce both routes and refuelling schedules for a heterogeneous fleet of autonomous mobile vehicles that provide efficient group work performance in large-scale persistent monitoring missions. In the model, the route for the group of vehicles must be determined on the extended time period to ensure regula...
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German-Russian Astroparticle Data Life Cycle Initiative is an international project whose aim is to develop a distributed data storage system that aggregates data from the storage systems of different astroparticle experiments. The prototype of such a system, which is called the Astroparticle Physics Distributed Data Storage (APPDS), has been being...
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A data life cycle (DLC) is a high-level data processing pipeline that involves data acquisition, event reconstruction, data analysis, publication, archiving, and sharing. For astroparticle physics a DLC is particularly important due to the geographical and content diversity of the research field. A dedicated and experiment spanning analysis and dat...
The German-Russian Astroparticle Data Life Cycle Initiative is an international project launched in 2018. The Initiative aims to develop technologies that provide a unified approach to data management, as well as to demonstrate their applicability on the example of two large astrophysical experiments - KASCADE and TAIGA. One of the key points of th...
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Today, the operating TAIGA (Tunka Advanced Instrument for cosmic rays and Gamma Astronomy) experiment continuously produces and accumulates a large volume of raw astroparticle data. To be available for the scientific community these data should be well-described and formally characterized. The use of metadata makes it possible to search for and to...