Igor E. BerinskiiTel Aviv University | TAU · School of Mechanical Engineering
Igor E. Berinskii
Doctor of Philosophy
Looking for MSc / PhD students and postdocs to work in various projects in computational mechanics of discrete systems.
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Igor E. Berinskii currently works at the School of Mechanical Engineering, Tel Aviv University. Igor does research in Materials Science, Solid Mechanics, and Dynamics of Mechanical Systems. His current studies are devoted to multiscale mechanics of solids, particle methods in mechanics of solids, nonlinear dynamics. The studies are applied to 2D materials such as graphene and MoS2, lattice artificial materials, NEMS and MEMS, and biomaterials.
Additional affiliations
October 2015 - December 2018
June 2006 - September 2015
September 2012 - September 2015
Publications (45)
We discuss the dynamics of a relatively simple origami-inspired structure considering discrete and continuum models. The latter was derived as a certain limit of the discrete model. Here we analyze small in-plane deformations and related equations of infinitesimal motions. For both models, dispersion relations were derived and compared. The compari...
The extracellular matrix (ECM) is a fibrous network supporting biological cells and provides them a medium for interaction. Cells modify the ECM by applying traction forces, and these forces can propagate to long ranges and establish a mechanism of mechanical communication between neighboring cells. Previous studies have mainly focused on analysis...
Fast progress in additive manufacturing will allow artificial random materials to mimic biological media such as extracellular matrix (ECM). The elastic properties of ECM and its behavior under the external stretching essentially influence cells’ communication. Hence, proper tuning of the fiber properties and their arrangement is essential and can...
We study the evolution of initial temperature profiles in a two-dimensional isolated harmonic graphene lattice. Two heat transfer problems are solved analytically and numerically. In the first problem, the evolution of a spatially sinusoidal initial temperature profile is considered. This profile is usually generated in real experiments based on th...
In this work, we investigated the effective elastic properties of a fiber periodic network. The randomly distributed network of the linear elastic elements represents the extracellular matrix on a microscopic level. In order to measure how the local anisotropy is changed at the scale of a cell, the square network samples were stretched up to 50% an...
Single-layer molybdenum disulfide (SLMoS2) is a promising two-dimensional material with a wide range of possible applications in NEMS. We develop a coarse-grained model combining the atoms of crystal lattice into rigid 'grains'. The interaction between the grains is based on Stillinger-Weber potential with parameters recalculated to fulfill the ela...
Elastic properties of two-dimensional cellular lattice materials are studied using a discrete model. The model is based on a representation of the lattice as a set of interacting nodes. A potential of interaction between the nodes is calibrated such that to simulate elastic linking. The analytical homogenization based on the Cauchy-Born rule allows...
One of the major challenges in computational mechanics of materials remains to bridge the length-scale and time-scale gaps between the computational and experimental methods to study the microstructure of materials. Traditional molecular dynamics is a powerful tool at the nanoscale, but it does not allow to simulate such mechanical experiments as A...
Elastic properties of two–dimensional cellular lattice materials are studied using a discrete model. The model is based on a representation of the lattice as a set of interacting nodes. A potential of interaction between the nodes is calibrated such that to simulate elastic linking. The analytical homogenization based on Cauchy–Born rule allowed de...
Single–layer molybdenum disulfide (SLMoS2) is a promising two–dimensional material with a wide range of possible applications in NEMS. Traditional molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of SLMoS2 are very time–consuming and cannot be applied to the real microscopic–level systems. We develop a coarse–grained model combining the atoms of crystal lattice...
We study dynamical phenomena in a harmonic graphene (honeycomb) lattice, consisting of equal particles connected by linear and angular springs. Equations of in-plane motion for the lattice are derived. Initial conditions typical for molecular dynamic modelling are considered. Particles have random initial velocities and zero displacements. In this...
Numerous studies proposed the possible use of auxetic periodic structures in engineering applications. The regular cellular structures with several nodes in a unit cell of the lattice are referred to as multilattices. In this work, a homogenization procedure was applied to three types of plane multilattices: conventional and re-entrant honeycombs (...
Elastic behavior of single-layer molybdenum disulfide (SLMoS2) is studied. A potential describing the interaction between atoms of material was developed. This potential includes the torque interaction in addition to the classical force interaction. It was demonstrated, that both Mo-Mo and S-S interactions could be regarded as pair Morse force inte...
Bi-material composites with nacre inspired brick and mortar microstructures, characterized by stiff elements of one phase with high aspect ratio separated by thin layers of the second one, are considered. Such microstructure is proved to provide an efficient solution for the problem of a crack arrest. However, contrary to the case of a homogeneous...
We consider parallel splitting of a strip composed of two different chains. As a waveguide, the dissimilar-chain structure radically differs from the well-studied identical-chain system. It is characterized by three speeds of the long waves, c 1 and c 2 for the separate chains, and c + = (c 2 1 + c 2 2)/2 for the intact strip where the chains are c...
We consider a parallel splitting of Tomson's double-chain system (Thomson, R., Hsieh, C., and Rana, V., 1971. Lattice Trapping of Fracture Cracks. J. Applied Physics 42(8), 3154-3160) but for different chains in both the quasi-static and dynamic regimes. The latter system represents a more complex waveguide characterized by three wave speeds, two f...
This work is devoted to elastic properties of two-dimensional materials. A triangular crystal lattice was considered as an example of the two-dimensional structure. In-plane elastic properties of such a lattice with Lennard–Jones interaction among the particles were investigated as the functions of the curvature radius in three-dimensional space. I...
A two–parametric mechanical model is proposed to describe a class of auxetic cellular materials. The microstructure of these materials varies from the regular to re–entrant honeycombs with change of the angle between the nodes of material's lattice. An interaction among the nodes is described by combination of longitudinal and torsional springs. Ef...
Elastic networks model is used to model a class of two–dimensional cellular structures including re–entrant and regular honeycombs is considered. Two mechanical parameters (longitudinal stiffness and torsional stiffness) are used to describe the interaction between the nodes in a lattice for a given geometry. Effective properties with emphasis on t...
The goal of this study is to construct simple electromechanical models of nanoresonators as mass detectors. A major obstacle in the achievement of sufficient measurement accuracy for the resonant frequency associated with the adsorption of additional mass onto the graphene layer is a low quality factor of the oscillatory system containing the graph...
We present a new mechanical model of interatomic bonds, which can be used to describe the elastic properties of the carbon allotropes, such as graphite, diamond, fullerene, and carbon nanotubes. The interatomic bond is modeled by a hyperboloid–shape truss structure. The elastic characteristics of this bond are determined. Previous known structural...
This paper is devoted to the application of the pair torque interaction potential for the simulation of the elastic behavior of a promising two-dimensional material: single layer molybdenium disulphide (SLMoS2). It is demonstrated that both Mo–Mo and S–S interactions can be regarded as pair force interactions with sufficient accuracy. Using both ex...
Основной целью исследования является построение достаточно простых электромеханических моделей нанорезонаторов - детекторов массы. Одним из основных препятствий для получения достаточной точности измерения резонансной частоты, связанной с прилипанием дополнительной массы к графеновому слою, является низкая добротность колебательной системы, содержа...
An asymptotic procedure is developed to obtain governing two-dimensional nonlinear equations as a result of the continuum limits of the original discrete hexagonal lattice model. Possible continualization is analyzed on the basis of linearized discrete equations. New weakly nonlinear continuum equations for plane and weakly transverse disturbed she...
Due to their excellent mechanical properties and extra high electroconductivity, suspended graphene sheets recently were proposed as perspective working elements of nanosystems. This work is devoted to derivation of natural frequencies of such sheets. Two different approaches are proposed. The first one is based on representation of the graphene sh...
We consider a fundamentally new scheme of graphene resonator, namely, a differential resonator, which provides a significantly increased sensitivity to the mass deposited on it. The differential resonator consists of two parallel graphene sheets located one over the other, the upper (basic) sheet and the lower (supplementary) sheet. The layers are...
The paper proposes a discrete mechanical model of monolayer graphene. A relation between parameters of the model and elastic characteristics of its equivalent continuum is derived by comparing the energy of small strains on micro-and macroscales. The relation allows one to determine the microscale interaction parameters from experimental data and,...
We describe a new, in principle, layout of a graphene resonator—a differential resonator, which makes it possible to increase substantially its sensitivity to the mass deposited on it. The differential resonator consists of two parallel graphene films, which are fastened in insulating supports; the lower film is arranged over the conducting surface...
A nanoresonator based on a graphene layer is investigated as an electromechanical oscillatory system. Mechanical oscillations are excited in it by a high-frequency alternating electric field. A nanoresonator is considered as a capacitor with kinematically varying capacity of the determined transverse deformation of the graphene layer as one of its...
В настоящее время имеется большое количество
работ, посвященных изучению наноэлектромеха
нических резонаторов на основе графена [1–4]. Ос
новная проблема при создании резонатора как
детектора осаждаемой частицы – чувствитель
ность резонатора к массе частицы. Эта чувстви
тельность определяется изменением собственной
частоты резонатора при осажде...
Graphene is a monolayer of carbon atoms packed into a two-dimensional honeycomb lattice. This allotrope can be considered as mother of all graphitic forms of carbon. The elastic in-plane properties of graphene are studied. Nowadays graphene often is simulated as a two–dimensional elastic continuum. It is shown in this work that if this continuum ha...
The elastic properties of diatomic crystals are considered. An approach is proposed that permits calculating the elastic characteristics
of crystals by using the interatomic interaction parameters specified as many-particle potentials, i.e., potentials that take
into account the effect of the environment on the diatomic interaction. The many-partic...
In this paper the effects of oblique impact loading of brittle rocks are investigated. The drilling process in hard rocks is simulated using particles dynamics (PD). The rock sample and impactor are described by particles with different bond strength. Impact is generated by applying a dynamical force to the impactor. The results are compared with t...
The purpose of this investigation is to construct a stable model of graphene (monolayer of graphite) using microstructure analysis and to connect param-eters of this model with the macro parameters such as Young modulus and Poisson ratio. It is well-known that usage of central interaction can lead to instability of graphene lattice. A model of inte...
The aim of the present paper is to construct and study a model of pair moment interaction between carbon atoms in the two-dimensional
graphite lattice. The carbon atom is modeled by a structure consisting of three rigidly connected mass points located at the
vertices of an equilateral triangle. The interaction between mass points is described by a...
The main goal of this investigation is to construct and investigate a math- ematical model for interaction between carbon atoms in hexagonal graphite lattice. The 2D layer of graphite lattice is considered. The model is based on usage of moment interactions. Carbon atom is simulated by three rigidly bounded material points located at the vertices o...