Ignacio Fradejas-GarcíaUniversity of Oviedo | UNIOVI · Sociology
Ignacio Fradejas-García
Researching (im)mobilities, informality and humanitarianism in Europe and beyond.
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Ignacio works as Assistant Professor at the University of Oviedo. With extensive fieldwork experience in The Gambia, Chile, Morocco, Haiti, RD Congo, Turkey, Romania and Spain, he does research in migration, transnationalism, (im)mobilities, humanitarianism and informality. He holds a PhD in social anthropology (Autonomous University of Barcelona) and he has worked as post-doc at the University of Iceland.
Publications (44)
This article analyses cause lawyering as a critical form of resistance to uneven European Union (EU) mobility regimes. Grounded in the proclamation of a migration crisis during 2020–21 in the Canary Islands, Spain, when newly arrived racialized migrants in irregular situations faced different types of (im)mobilization during their transits to conti...
Llamada a panelistas para el #Simposio 25: ¿Crisis migratoria en las Islas Canarias? Regímenes de (in)movilidad, poscolonialidad y resistencias fronterizas
Vennmaker software was created as a tool for actor-centered and interactive networks. It has many options that users can implement at different stages of their studies. Documentation is available showing how to use it technically and the steps to follow for its correct use. However, less has been documented about the experience of using it in field...
In this introductory article, we critically analyze which rules govern human mobility and how mobility regulations and codes are resisted, transgressed, broken, and remade. To play by the rules of mobility means to follow habits and laws governed by social norms and institutional control. Our point of departure is that social and institutional mobi...
Precarious migrants must cope with various restrictions and exceptional policies while challenging anti-migrant images and crisis discourses. Using the concept infrapolitical mobilities, this article draws attention to minor acts that resist and/or navigate the constraints imposed by the racialization and criminalization of migrant (im)mobilities....
In Europe, increased precarity characterises the lives of many people, making crisis-talk especially appealing as a framing mechanism to naturalise anti-migration policies within the EU. In 2020–2021, the EU and the Spanish government proclaimed a migration crisis and immobilised in dehumanising conditions a few thousand African migrants who had ju...
En este artículo analizamos los regímenes de in/movilidad producidos en las Islas Canarias como respuesta a un aumento en la llegada no autorizada de personas migrantes por vía marítima desde África del Oeste entre 2018 y 2023. Categorizada en el año 2020 como “crisis migratoria”, el gobierno español, de acuerdo con la Unión Europea, intentó inmovi...
This chapter critically analyses the effects that emergent horizontal and peripheral intra-EU migratory mobilities have in the making of Europe from below at its internal margins. The case study draws on the migrant labourers of the so-called ‘farm of Europe,’ a vast agro-industrial district in the South of Spain. This marginal area exhibits the un...
La pandemia de COVID-19 ha provocado cambios sin precedentes en la atención y cuidado de las personas enfermas y en el tratamiento de los cuerpos difuntos. Este artículo analiza las experiencias del personal sanitario de hospitales y residencias de mayores, así como de familiares de personas que fallecieron durante los primeros meses de la pandemia...
The so-called ‘sea of plastic’ in Almería, Spain, is a 450km² area devoted to intensive greenhouse farming managed by 10,000 small farmers who employ a labour force of 50,000 workers, mostly immigrants from Africa and eastern Europe. Romanian immigrants arrived at the beginning of 2000s and have occupied various positions within this agro-industria...
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to unprecedented changes in the accompaniment of the sick, the dead, and their loved ones. This article analyses the intertwined accompaniment practices performed by health professionals working in hospitals and nursing homes and by the relatives of those who died or striving during the first few months of the pandemic...
Post-Weberian definitions see the state–individual relationship as a “do ut des” one. The state grants protection, education, medical care, and its citizens contribute labour, compliance, and taxes. When this does not occur, it is generally accepted that the citizens are deviating from state goals. However, there are cases where lack of compliance...
Thanks to the latest developments in network-oriented sampling, it is now possible to measure “transnational social fields,” or emergent social structures that connect places or regions in different countries. These structures are instrumental in explaining sociocultural phenomena like the emergence of ethnic or demographic enclaves, social and eco...
This chapter explores the relationship between (im)mobility and informality by analyzing how informal practices evolve when people migrate and move within transnational social fields. The livelihood perspective allows us to analyze informality and (im)mobility as strategies that individuals and households perform to make a living, including the rol...
En el present text relatem l’experiència i implicacions a diferents nivells de la tasca editorial en aquests temps afectats per la pandèmia.
In this article we focus on individuals’ structural embeddedness in transnational social fields (TSFs) and examine how this is related to patterns of international mobility. The main argument is that the structure of TSFs matters for (im)mobility trajectories, and thus all actors (migrants, non‐migrants, and returnees) need to be examined as a whol...
La etnografía de Smita Yadav nos cuenta la historia de los Gond, una tribu indígena de la India que ha sido desplazada tras la creación de una reserva para tigres y cuyas familias se están ganando la vida en la economía informal, obviando la ayuda o la presencia del estado. La autora examina en detalle la historia oral y las instituciones sociales...
Publicado el libro “Transformaciones y retos de la movilidad de los Europeos del Este en España: Treinta años después de la caída del muro de Berlín: 1989-2019” Editorial Tirant lo Blanch.
This article unpacks informal practices related to modernity’s quintessential mobility machine: the car. Based on ethnographic fieldwork among low-wage Romanian immigrants in Spain who maintain transnational connections with their regions of origin in Romania, this paper addresses the role of the automobile system and of informal practices in migra...
People around the globe rely on informal practices to resist, survive, care and relate to each other beyond the control and coercive presence of institutions and states. In the EU, regimes of mobility at multiple scales affect various people on the move who are pushed into informality in order to acquire social mobility while having to combat borde...
Este texto presenta un número especial dedicado a etnografiar los primeros meses de la pandemia provocada por el virus SARS-CoV-2 y las consecuentes medidas de aislamiento y distancia social. Basados en materiales empíricos recogidos entre marzo y mayo del año 2020, los textos etnográficos muestran con viveza la enorme singularidad de este período....
This text introduces a special issue dedicated to compiling ethnographic accounts of the first months of the pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the consequent isolation and social distancing measures. Based on empirical materials collected between March and May of 2020, the ethnographic texts vividly show the uniqueness of this period. It...
Este texto y la sección especial que introduce tienen un triple objetivo. Por una parte, se intenta describir qué se ha hecho desde la antropología social y cultural en Asturias, tanto a nivel de investigación como de organización formal. Por otro lado, trata de responder a qué se está investigando hoy en día en la región. Por último, se ambiciona...
Este artículo analiza la inclusión del enfoque de género en la operación humanitaria en respuesta al conflicto en el norte de Siria y coordinada desde Turquía bajo el paraguas de Naciones Unidas. La investigación se enmarca en los estudios sobre género y acción humanitaria, además de enlazar con la vindicación de los derechos humanos de las mujeres...
This paper explores how the United Nations (UN) system promotes mobilities for some employees while limiting the physical and social mobility of others. To this purpose, we take an ethnographic and comparative approach between four UN duty stations: the UN main offices in Geneva (Switzerland) and Vienna (Austria); and the UN field offices in Goma (...
Short essay with reflections on Ruben Andersson's book 'No Go World' in a bookforum organized by Allegra Lab: Anthropology, Law, Art & World.
El texto introductorio de esta sección especial se divide en dos partes. Por un lado, se exponen las motivaciones para proponer una revisita a los clásicos y se introducen los dos textos de la sección especial, llamada "Revisitando a los clásicos", conectando con la presentación de una nueva sección llamada "Reimpresión", la cual publicará textos c...
en In response to the Syrian conflict, the biggest humanitarian challenge since the Second World War, aid organisations have set up large‐scale cross‐border operations. Aid convoys and workers within Syria have become targets, forcing most operations to be carried out remotely from the Turkish border city of Gaziantep, a ‘little Aleppo’ hosting mor...
Review in Spanish of “The Global Encyclopaedia of Informality:
Understanding Social and Cultural Complexity" by Alena Ledeneva (Ed.)
Entre las salidas profesionales ofertadas para las personas graduadas en ciencias sociales
siempre aparecerá un epígrafe que dice, a grandes rasgos: tercer sector, ONGs y organismos
internacionales. Sin embargo, se sabe muy poco de la labor que realizan estos trabajadores,
más allá de los retratos estereotipados y los imaginarios asistenciales q...
Power to the Pedals tells the story of Wenzday Jane, a Cambridge, Massachusetts, resident and her company Metro Pedal Power, a local cargo service that uses only pedal-powered vehicles. The business Wenzday founded is part of a wider movement exploring new horizons in urban life, seeking to integrate the values of sustainability and environmental p...
Blog post about humanitarian remoteness following a thematic thread on #remoteness at https://allegralaboratory.net takes some steps towards addressing the return of remoteness from a variety of angles.
The post argument is further developep in the article:
Fradejas-García, I. (2019) Humanitarian remoteness: aid work practices from ‘little Aleppo...
La literatura crítica con el humanitarismo ha emergido en el ámbito político internacional para quedarse. Cambiando el clásico enfoque en los beneficiarios, las políticas y los programas para pasar a indagar sobre las organizaciones y los tra-bajadores humanitarios, Liisa Malkki ha hecho una gran contribución a esta literatura profundizando en el p...
Review in Spanish of the Liisa H. Malkki's book: "The Need to Help. The Domestic Arts of International Humanitarism". Durham and London: Duke University Press. 2015. ISBN: 978-0-8223-5932-6
La literatura crítica con el humanitarismo ha emergido en el ámbito político internacional para quedarse. Renombrados científicos sociales como Didier Fassin (2012) o Thomas G. Weiss (2016), entre otros, han trabajado sobre los efectos de las intervenciones humanitarias desde diferentes ángulos. Cambiando el clásico enfoque en los beneficiarios, la...
Desde el cambio de milenio los trabajadores del sector de la ayuda humanitaria y de la cooperación internacional han despertado una respetable atención académica, generando un nuevo corpus que analiza sus problemáticas y prácticas específicas. Peaceland es la metáfora que utiliza la autora de este libro, Séverine Autesserre, para agrupar a la comun...
Desde el cambio de milenio los trabajadores del sector de la ayuda humanitaria y de la cooperación internacional han despertado una respetable atención académica, generando un nuevo corpus que analiza sus problemáticas y prácticas específicas. Peaceland es la metáfora que utiliza la autora de este libro, Séverine Autesserre, para agrupar a la comun...
In this paper, through an ethnographic case, we describe and discuss the role that currently plays the descendent principles in the access to land ownership among the Aymara farmers in the highland region of Arica-Parinacota region at the northern Chile. In particular, we investigate the continued validity of the highland model of patrilineage and...
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