Ibrahim OrtasCukurova University | CU · Department of Soil Science
Ibrahim Ortas
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Ibrahim Ortas currently works at the Department of Soil Science, Cukurova University. Ibrahim does research in Soil Science. Their current project is 'workin on mycorrhizae and carbon sequastration'.
Publications (100)
Plants encounter numerous abiotic and biotic stresses throughout their lives, such as drought, low temperature, disease, and salt stress. Of these stresses, salinity is one of the most common abiotic stresses that pose a threat to agricultural production worldwide (Ortas et al., 2021). Salt stress poses a major problem for plant production on the g...
This report investigates the intricate interplay between the drivers of changes in soil health, along with the pressures and impacts on soil in the 32 European Environment Agency (EEA) member countries, as well as six cooperating countries from the West Balkans, Ukraine, and the UK. It sheds light on the multifaceted challenges facing soil conserva...
Yeşil Gübre Ayşen AKAY Hayvan Gübresi Faruk TOHUMCU Kompost Saime SEFEROĞLU Solucan Gübresi Sevinç YEŞİLYURT Mehmet SERTKAHYA Mikrobiyal Gübreler Kemal DOĞAN Organik Tarım Biliminde Mikorizanın Kullanımı ve Önemi İbrahim ORTAŞ Alg/Yosun Gübresi Somayyeh RAZZAGHI Biyokömür Mahmut TEPECİK
Rapid economic and population growth has led to rising atmospheric greenhouse gas emissions, necessitating adequate soil and crop management for enhanced CO2 absorption. Plant and soil microorganisms have various effects on atmospheric CO2 capturing. Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), a leguminous plant, establishes a symbiotic association with rhizobi...
Effective nutrient and fertilizer management practices play a pivotal role in sustaining agriculture and mitigating the effects of climate change. These practices have a direct influence on soil fertility and crop productivity. This study investigated the long-term impacts of different phosphorus (P) fertilizer doses (0, 50, 100, and 200 kg P2O5 ha...
This study aimed assessing the land degradation status of some soil series of the North Tikrit Agricultural Project using remote sensing data. Part of the project area (246,555) km2 was selected based on variations in soil characteristics and agricultural crops. The study area is located between the longitudes of 43˚ 12′ 30ʹʹ and 43˚ 27′ 30ʹʹ E and...
Bitki ve toprak verilerinin uzun vadeli değişkenlikleri ancak uzun süreli tarla denemeleri araştırmaları ile elde edilebilir. Bitkilerin fotosentez yolu ile tuttuğu karbonun toprağa organik karbon olarak bağlanması ve ekosistem hizmetleri üzerindeki etkilerini belirlemek ve gözlemlemek için yine uzun vadeli tarla denemelerine ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır....
Uzun süreli tarla deneyleri tarımsal ekoloji verileri üretmek için vazgeçilmez bilgi kaynaklarıdır. Başta gübreleme olmak üzere uzun süreli tarım-teknik işlemler sonucunda toprak verimliliğinde meydana gelen değişikliklerin izlenmesi, anlaşılması ve kanıtlanması açısından uzun süreli çakılı denemeler hayati önem taşımaktadır. Arazi kullanımına iliş...
Before the Industrial Revolution, the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere was 280 ppm and in time increasing fossil fuels use increased CO2 concentration up to 416 ppm in a preset time. Meanwhile, increasing population growth (around 8 billion) has also started to put serious pressure on soil ecosystem for more food production demand. With the d...
Climate change and water scarcity necessitate more efficient water use to sustain crop production and ensure food security for the world's growing population. Biochar is widely used as a soil amendment to improve soil functions. However, its impact on soil water storage and water use efficiency (WUE) is dependent on several factors and requires fur...
The studies on soil and water to protect the sustainability of water and soil integrity are of great interest scientifically, ecologically and economically. The bibliometric analysis method is a very important graphical technique to determine the development of processes of many scientific studies in terms of parameters. Studies on sustainable of w...
Recently increasing population growth, degradation of natural resources, global warming and climate changes puts serious pressure on land and water resources. Approximately 70% of the world's freshwater resources are used in agriculture production. For agricultural sustainability, there is a need to store more water in soil profile and maximized ag...
Soil organic matter (SOM) management to sustain soil quality requires integrated management practices. The goal of our study was to evaluate the long-term (1996 to 2012) effects of annual chemi-cal fertilization and various organic amendments on soil biological and chemical properties and labil-ity of carbon and nitrogen as indicator of SOM managem...
Investigations of carbon dynamics of Eucalyptus and Phragmites feedstock’s made biochar amendments require laboratory soil incubations that provide controlled conditions. The aim was to evaluate the effects of two different biochar amendments on carbon mineralization potential of two different soils. Biochars were produced at 550 °C from the Eucaly...
Determining how soil-crop management practices affect phosphorus partition and lability in soil may further our understanding of the soil P cycle. The objective of the work was to assessed the long-term effect of P fertilization on different soil P fractions. This study evaluated changes in soil P fractions as affected by long-term P fertilization...
A completely randomized factorial experiment was conducted to evaluate the growth and biomass production of single- and mixed crop species inoculated with mycorrhizae. Radish, (R ), safflower (SF), pearl-millet (PM), mustard (M), field peas ( (FP), faba-bean (FB), common vetch (CV), and berseem clover (BC) and their blends as R-SF-PM-M, FP-FB-CV-BC...
Soil salinization and drought are major and growing ecological problems. They limit the productivity of crop plants cultivated on more than 20% of total agricultural lands worldwide. Global climate changes and sequences of agriculture-related management practices would induce salinity to more than 50% of the arable land by 2050. Excess salt in soil...
Long-term agricultural research with annual and perennial cropping systems provides significant insight into the carbon sequestration potential of agriculture in the East Mediterranean region of Anatolia. This study explored the effect of different application rates of phosphorus (P) fertilizer on the storage and quality of soil organic carbon (SOC...
Long-term agricultural research with annual and perennial cropping systems
provides significant insight into the carbon sequestration potential of agri�culture in the East Mediterranean region of Anatolia. This study explored the
effect of different application rates of phosphorus (P) fertilizer on the storage
and quality of soil organic carbon...
Long-term agricultural research with annual and perennial cropping systems provides significant insight into the carbon sequestration potential of agriculture in the East Mediterranean region of Anatolia. This study explored the effect of different application rates of phosphorus (P) fertilizer on the storage and quality of soil organic carbon (SOC...
The soils of Central Anatolia contain a high clay content, pH and low fertility, especially zinc (Zn) and phosphorus (P) levels, and this region also experiences less precipitation; consequently, crop production is primarily limited due to Zn and P deficiency. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of inoculating selected s...
In 2001, a long term Satsuma Mandarin experiment was set up in Menzilat soil series. Glomus mosseae, Glomus etunicatum, Glomus clarium, Glomus caledonium and a cocktail of mycorrhizal species were applied to one-year-old sour orange seedlings during transplant to the field. Since 2004, the yield per tree was recorded every year and every year in Ma...
Citrus, cherry, plum, peach, apple, pear, nectarine, apricot, grape, kiwifruit, pomegranate, fig, olive and pistachio along with several native fruits such as wild black cherry and pecan are important temperate horticultural fruit species which are of keen interest to farmers. The roots of these species are naturally inoculated with mycorrhizal fun...
The soils of the Çukurova Region (Eastern Mediterranean coast of Turkey) have high clay, pH and lime content; consequently, crop production is limited as zinc (Zn) and phosphorus (P) deficiency are common problems in citrus plantations. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of a single selected arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) and indig...
Soil fertility in the semi-arid Mediterranean region is poor and mycorrhizal inoculation could be an important agricultural strategy for reducing fertilizer use and also increase the food quality. To evaluate the substantial reliance of selective horticultural crops on arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, a field experiment was conducted in the Medit...
It is necessary to know the nutrient requirement of citrus plants during the growing period to ensure optimal growth. As fertilizers are limited and expensive, in addition to the unknown long-term environmental aspect, it is good practice to use plant rhizosphere mechanisms, such as mycorrhizal inoculation, to enhance growth. As citrus plants depen...
The atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration has increased by 31 % since the onset of industrial revolution around 1850, from 280 ppm/year to 400 ppm/year in 2013. Chemical fertilizers, pesticides, tillage, irrigation and seed use improvements have increased agricultural production. Moreover, agricultural mismanagement may have affected atmos...
The use of maize (Zea mays L.) genotypes that are able to utilize nutrients efficiently is an important strategy in the management of plant nutritional status; it is of particular importance with regard to potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg), due to their high requirement and influence on plant growth. The influence of K and Mg fertilizers on certain...
Salicornia is a leafless C3 annual halophyte with a greatest economic potential. A field study was
conducted to evaluate Salicornia (Salicornia europaea) biomass production and feed quality and its
effect on soil quality in the Mediterranean Karatas-Adana region of the Southern Turkey. Salicornia
biomass, groundwater, and soils were randomly sample...
Salicornia is a leafless C3 annual halophyte with a greatest economic potential. A field study was
conducted to evaluate Salicornia (Salicornia europaea) biomass production and feed quality and its
effect on soil quality in the Mediterranean Karatas-Adana region of the Southern Turkey. Salicornia
biomass, groundwater, and soils were randomly sample...
In the natural ecosystem, rhizospheric soils have various biological organisms to favour the plant growth, nutrient absorption, stress tolerance, disease prevention, carbon capturing and many more. These organisms include mycorrhizal fungi, bacteria, actinomycetes, etc. which solubilize nutrients and assist the plants in uptaking by roots. Among th...
The objective of this study was to investigate the acclimatization and performance of banana (Dwarf Cavendish) in two substrates inoculated with different AM fungi (Glomus. caledonium and G. macrocarpun) and assess the plantlets dependency on inoculation for phosphorus (P) and zinc (Zn) uptake along with biomass development. In addition, to investi...
Climate change poses a fundamental threat to humanity, and thus solutions for both mitigation and adaptation strategies are becoming increasingly necessary. Biochar can offer a range of environmental services, such as reclamation of degraded land, improvement of soil fertility and carbon sequestration. However, it also raises questions, regarding s...
The partial sterilization of soil eliminates useful microorganisms resulting in reduced growth of mycorrhizae-dependent citrus plants, which are often unresponsive to the application of fertilizer. Research was conducted to test the hypothesis that indigenous mycorrhizae inoculation is as efficient as selected mycorrhizal inoculation under sterile...
Salicornia is a leafless C3 annual halophyte known as an alternate forage crop. A field study
was conducted in the Mediterranean Karatas-Adana region of the Southern Turkey to evaluate the
biomass production and feed quality of naturally grown Salicornia europaea and its effects on soil
quality under protection. Salicornia biomass, groundwater an...
Mycorrhizal symbiosis is the one of the most important relationship between microbiota and plants to sustain plant nutrition in relatively unfavourable conditions. Somehow this relation is threatened by time, therefore, definition of the factors effecting mycorrhizal symbiosis has become essential. The aim of this study was to determine the differe...
More than 90 % of terrestrial plants form symbiotic association with mycorrhizae which develop and promote cooperation belowground in rhizosphere. Mycorrhizal fungi produces spores in the soil and vegetative propagules in root fragments which respond to stimulation of root exudates in the rhizosphere. As a result, symbiotic relationship takes place...
Persimmon (Diospyros kaki Thunb.) is grown in many parts of the world that display subtropical climate conditions, including Turkey. There are 2 common rootstocks used in its production: D. kaki and D. virginiana Thunb. Arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM), a symbiosis between plant roots and members of an ancient phylum of fungi, Glomeromycota, improves roo...
To develop informed decisions on practical adaptation strategies in the WANA region, breakout groups were constituted for four different sectors: Crops; Livestock, Grasslands and Rangelands; Land Use, Forestry, Fisheries and Aquaculture; and Institutions, Policy and Cooperation. Summaries of the discussions in the different breakout groups are pres...
The population of West Asia was merely 51 millions in 1950, and progressively increased to 232 million in 2010 and is projected to increase to 560 million by 2050, with an average growth rate of 2.1 % per annum. The rapid increase in population will increase pressure on the finite soil resources, which are also being converted to other uses. The pr...
Soil management practices significantly impact soil aggregation and carbon (C) dynamics. Organic fertilizer and mycorrhizal inoculation also affect aggregate stability and soil C pool. Thus, this study was designed to assess the effects of inorganic and organic fertilizer treatments (control, chemical fertilizer, animal manure, compost, and compost...
Mycorrhizae application plays an important role regarding the yield, development and nutrient uptake of pepper plant (Capsicum annuum L.), especially in soils with high phosphorus fixation capacity. The objective of the study was to determine the effect of two mycorrhizal species and three different P doses on pepper growth in an iron oxide and car...
Arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM) associations are of great importance in horticultural seedling quality in the Mediterranean region, but information on host dependence and host responsiveness to the fungi species is scarce. Thus, this study was designed to assess the effects of several mycorrhizal fungi species and their cocktail on tomato (Solanum lyco...
Nutrient deficiency, especially zinc (Zn) and phosphorus (P), is a common nutritional problem for the production of some crops in Turkey. This problem results in the application of increasing amounts of several fertilizers. Mycorrhizal inoculation or the indigenous potential of mycorrhizae in the soil is a critical factor in crop production under l...
Fertilizers are among major contributors to the production of aboveground and belowground biomass. Soil organic carbon (SOC) concentration is an important factor affecting crop productivity in semiarid clayey soils of low fertility. A long-term experiment was established in 1998 on a Vertisol in the Mediterranean coast of Turkey, to assess the effe...
The potential effect of indigenous and selected mycorrhizal fungal inoculation and phosphorus (P) treatment on plant growth, yield, root infection and inoculation effectiveness (IE) were tested with and without methyl bromide (MBr) for three successive years under field conditions. In 1997–1999, twelve plant species were used as host plants in a Me...
This study was undertaken to evaluate the effects of several mycorrhizal fungi species and their cocktail on eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) seedling growth, P and Zn uptake. Three greenhouse experiments were continued consecutively for 3 years to evaluate the effects of several mycorrhizal species (Glomus species) on eggplant seedling production a...
Effects of six tillage practices on some soil microbiological properties and crop yields were evaluated for a clay soil (Typic Haploxererts) under semi-arid Mediterranean conditions in a three year study (2006-2009). The experiment was designed as a completely randomized-block with three replications. Treatments were: conventional tillage with resi...
A greenhouse experiment was conducted at the University of Çukurova, Rhisosphere Lab, Adana, Turkey, on a growth medium to assess the impact of several selected mycorrhiza including indigenous AMF-maize hybrid combinations on spore production, plant growth and nutrient uptake. In the experiment, six maize (Zea mays L.) (Luce, Vero, Darva, Pegasso,...
We screened the mycorrhizal species for an inoculum protocol would green pepper seedling production and compensate for nutrient deficiency. Three greenhouse studies (on three successive years) were conducted under nursery conditions using five arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and their mixture. The AM fungi, Glomus mosseae, G. clarum, G. caledoniu...
Plant communities associated with the agricultural landscape are gradually getting impoverished and even eradicated and replaced by poor species in many places of the world. A large number of studies are now available about the interactions between root and the soil system. However, influence of plants on aggregate stability remains to be a complex...
The effectiveness of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizas (AM) (Glomus mosseae, Glomus etinicatum, Glomus fasciculatum and Glomus Caledonium) on plant development of soilless grown muskmelon was investigated. Plants were cultivated in a plastic house, in perlite substrate. Investigated plant growth parameters were plant height, stem diameter, number of...
The presence of indigenous mycorrhizal fungi may have significant effects on the growth and on the root morphology of plants, under arid and semi arid soil conditions. Lentil and wheat are the traditional crops grown in Southeastern Turkey. In this study soil samples from the Harran plain were collected from the 0-15 cm surface layer under wheat or...
The effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on growth and nutrient uptake of micropropagated cherry rootstocks was evaluated during acclimatization and plant establishment. Two commonly used cherry rootstocks, 'Edabriz' and 'Gisela 5', were propagated through tissue culture and grown in a greenhouse for 16 weeks. Plantlets were inoculated with...
The effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal (AM) fungus species Glomus mosseae and Glomus intraradices on growth and leaf nutrition status of grapevine rootstocks, '5 BB' (Vitis berlandieri x Vitis riparia), '1613 C' (Vitis solonis x Vitis riparia cv. `Gloire de Montpellier'), '41 B' (Viris vinifera L. cv. `Chasselas' x Vitis berlandieri) and Vitis vinif...
The aim of study was to search the effect of mycorrhizal inoculation on soilless growth condition. Two greenhouse experiments evaluated the effect of mycorrhizal inoculation with two species (Glomus caledonium and Glomus clarum) and three different inoculation treatments (sowing, transplanting and sowing+transplanting and control-without mycorrhiza...
Pistacia is a common wild plant in the Southeast Anatolia part of Turkey. The experiment was planned to screen and select the most suitable arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM) for enhancing Pistacia species seedling growth by improving phosphorus (P) and zinc (Zn) uptake. This study was carried out under greenhouse condition at the Department of Soil Scien...
Mycorrhizal dependency was studied in 23 wild emmer (Triticum turgidum subsp. dicoccoides) accessions originating from ecologically and geographically different locations in the Fertile Crescent covering Israel, Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria. Wild emmer accessions were grown with mycorrhizae (Glomus mosseae) and non- mycorrhizae under greenhou...
Mycorrhizal fungi species Glomus fasciculatum was used to determine its effects on tomato growth, yield, fruit properties, nutrient uptake and substrate ion accumulation of plants grown hydroponically under open and re-cycling (closed) perlite substrate. AM inoculation in both open and closed soilless systems did not increasingly influence the vege...
In vitro propagated fig genotype 01-IN-06 plants (which were propagated and rooted in the MS free media) were used to screen the most suitable arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi for enhancing plant growth by improving nutrient uptake under glasshouse conditions. G. mossea, G. etunicatum, G. intraradices, G. macrocarpium, G. caledonium, G. margarita, G. c...
– The effect of mycorrhizal inoculation on nitrogen fixing and non-fixing plant growth and macro-and micro-nutrient uptake were observed under field conditions. Several field experiments were set up on the research farm of Çukurova University (Eastern Mediterranean region). In one experiment clover, lentil, onion, garlic, chickpea and horse-bean pl...
The effect of mycorrhizae species and phosphorus (P) fertilizer on garlic (Allium sativum L.) growth, yield–quality, and P uptake under high P accumulated non-sterile field conditions were studied. Experiments were conducted for two successive years under field conditions of Menzilat soil series (Typic xerofluvent) at the Research Farm of the Unive...
Citrus cultivation is expected to expand in the Çukurova Region (East Mediterranean coast of Turkey). The aim of this study was to screen and select the most suitable arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM) for enhancing citrus growth by improving phosphorus (P) and zinc (Zn) uptake of plants. This study was carried out in a glasshouse at the Department of Soi...
Since most of the Central Anatolian soils are P and Zn deficient, mycorrhizae may help plants to obtain sufficient nutrients from the soil without the need to apply additional chemical fertilizers. As far as is known, some plants are strongly mycorrhizal dependent for P nutrition, but less is known about the mycorrhizal dependence with Zn nutrition...
Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) was grown for 40 days in. rhizocylinder (a growth container which permitted access to rh zosphere and nonrhizosphere soil), in two soils of low P status. Soils were fertilized with different rates of ammonium and nitrate and supplemented with 40 mg phosphorus (P) kg(-1) and inoculated with either Glomus mosseae (Nicol. and...
Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) plants were grown in split pots in three Rothamsted soils with different soil pH values and phosphorus (P) contents. Ammonium addition resulted in higher plant dry weight and P content than comparable nitrate treatments. The pH of soils in the rhizosphere (0.51-mm average thickness) differed from the bulk soil depending...
Addition of organic materials of various origins to soil has been one of the most common rehabilitation practices to improve soil physical properties. Mycorrhiza has been known to play a significant role in forming stable soil aggregates. In this study, a 5-year field experiment was conducted to explore the role of mycorrhizal inoculation and organ...