Ibrahim ElbatalInstitute of Statistical Studies and Research · Mathematical Statistics
Ibrahim Elbatal
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Publications (135)
In this study, we introduce a new extension of the Fréchet distribution known as the new extended Fréchet (NE_Fr) model. The NE_Fr is created by combining the new extended family of distributions and the Fréchet distribution. The NE_Fr has more flexibility than the classical Fréchet distribution and some generalizations of the Fréchet distribution....
In this paper, we present a new heavy-tailed distribution called the heavy-tailed linear failure rate (HTLFR) distribution. Various statistical properties of the proposed distribution are derived, including the quantile function, the median, the ordinary moments, the moment generating function, the incomplete moments and the conditional moments. So...
The importance of (probability) distributions in engineering science is undeniable. They are extensively used in this sector to carry out statistical studies and draw conclusions. In this article, we construct a new trigonometric distribution with support [0, 1] called the truncated inverted arctan power (TIAP) distribution and demonstrate its use...
In this paper, we introduce a new two-parameter lifetime distribution based on the type II Topp-Leone-G family and the inverse length biased exponential distribution which is called the type II Topp-Leone inverse length biased exponential (TIITL-ILBE) distribution. Various statistical properties of the proposed distribution, including the ordinary...
The arctan uniform distribution (AUD) is a brand-new bounded distribution that may be used for modeling a variety of existing bounded real-world datasets. Ranked set sampling (RSS) is a useful technique for parameter estimation when accurate measurement of the observation is challenging and/or expensive. In the current study, the parameter estimato...
This study introduces the Inverse Burr-X Burr-XII (IBXBXII) distribution as a novel
approach for handling asymmetric-bimodal claims and revenues. It explores the distribution’s
statistical properties and evaluates its performance in three contexts. The analysis includes assessing
entropy, highlighting the distribution’s significance in various fiel...
In this paper, we suggest a brand new extension of the inverse Lomax distribution for fitting engineering time data. The newly developed distribution, termed the transmuted Topp–Leone inverse Lomax (TTLILo) distribution, is characterized by an additional shape and transmuted parameters. It is critical to notice that the skewness, kurtosis, and tail...
In the statistical literature, one of the most important subjects that is commonly used is stress-strength reliability, which is defined as δ = P[W < V], where V and W are the strength and stress random variables, respectively, and δ is reliability parameter. Type-II progressive censoring with binomial removal is used in this study to examine the i...
In this article, we intend to introduce and study a new two-parameter distribution as a new extension of the power Topp-Leone (PTL) distribution called the Kavya-Manoharan PTL (KMPTL) distribution. Several mathematical and statistical features of the KMPTL distribution, such as the quantile function, moments, generating function, and incomplete mom...
The dynamic cumulative residual (DCR) entropy is a helpful randomness metric that may be used in survival analysis. A challenging issue in statistics and machine learning is the estimation of entropy measures. This article uses progressive censored type II (PCT-II) samples to estimate the DCR Tsallis entropy (DCRTE) for the moment exponential distr...
In this article, we introduce a new generalization of Kavya-Manoharan Burr X (KMBx) distribution called exponentiated KMBx (EKMBx) distribution. The EKMBx distribution has three parameters, one scale and two shapes. These parameters make it very flexible. The EKMBx distribution contains three sub-models. Some basic statistical features like; the qu...
A new family of distributions called the Kavya-Manoharan Weibull-G (KMW-G) family is proposed based on Kavya-Manoharan G family and Weibull family. Three new special models of this family as; KMW-Lomax (KMWLx), KMW exponential (KMWE) and KMW-Rayleigh (KMWR) distributions are proposed. The shape of the density function for KMWLx can be symmetric or...
Statistical models are useful in explaining and forecasting real-world occurrences. Various extended distributions have been widely employed for modeling data in a variety of fields throughout the last few decades. In this article we introduce a new extension of the Kumaraswamy exponential (KE) model called the Kavya-Manoharan KE (KMKE) distributio...
In this paper, we present the half logistic inverted Nadarajah–Haghigh (HL-INH) distribution, a novel extension of the inverted Nadarajah–Haghigh (INH) distribution. The probability density function (PDF) for the HL-INH distribution might have a unimodal, right skewness, or heavy-tailed shape for numerous parameter values; however, the shape forms...
The unit exponentiated half logistic power series (UEHLPS), a family of compound distributions with bounded support, is introduced in this study. This family is produced by compounding the unit exponentiated half logistic and power series distributions. In the UEHLPS class, some interesting compound distributions can be found. We find formulas for...
A new three-parameter distribution called the type I half-logistic Nadarajah-Haghighi (T IHL N H ) is proposed. We discussed some important mathematical and statistical properties of the new model such as an explicit form of its r th moment, mean deviations,quantile function, Bonferroni and Lorenz curves. The Shannon entropy and Renyi entropy are c...
In this article, we introduce a new extension of the Kumaraswamy (Ku) model, which is called the Kavya Manoharan Kumaraswamy (KMKu) model. The shape forms of the pdf for the KMKu model for various values of parameters are similar to the Ku model. It can be asymmetric, such as bathtub, unimodal, increasing and decreasing. In addition, the shape form...
Abstract: The half-logistic modified Kies exponential (HLMKEx) distribution is a novel three-parameter model that is introduced in the current work to expand the modified Kies exponential distribution and improve its flexibility in modeling real-world data. Due to its versatility, the density function of the HLMKEx distribution offers symmetrical,...
A new two-parameter model is proposed using the Kavya–Manoharan (KM) transformation family and Burr X (BX) distribution. The new model is called the Kavya–Manoharan–Burr X (KMBX) model. The statistical properties are obtained, involving the quantile (QU) function, moment (MOs), incomplete MOs, conditional MOs, MO-generating function, and entropy. B...
It is well known that ranked set sampling (RSS) is superior to conventional simple random sampling (SRS) in that it frequently results in more effective inference techniques. One of the most popular and broadly applicable models for lifetime data is the Weibull distribution. This article proposes different modified goodness-of-fit tests based on th...
Competing risk (CoR) models are frequently disregarded in failure rate analysis, and
traditional statistical approaches are used to study the event of interest. In this paper, we proposed a
new lifetime distribution by generalizing the length biased exponential (LBE) distribution using the
transmuted Topp-Leone-G (TTL-G) family of distributions. Th...
In this article, a four parameter lifetime model called the Topp–Leone modified Weibull distribution is proposed. The suggested distribution can be considered as an alternative to Kumaraswamy Weibull, generalized modified Weibull, extend odd Weibull Lomax, Weibull-Lomax, Marshall-Olkin alpha power extended Weibull and exponentiated generalized alph...
In this article, we investigate a linear system with two components, one of which follows the inverse Weibull (IW) distribution and the other the inverse Rayleigh (IR) distribution, in order to offer a novel modified formulation of the IW model known as the new modified inverse Weibull (NMIW) distribution. The proposed model can represent hazard fu...
In this paper, we exhibit a general family of distributions called alpha power odd generalized exponential family of distributions. The new family is very flexible with increasing, decreasing, J, reversed-J, bathtub shapes. Statistical properties of the family such as quantile, expansion of density function, moments, incomplete moments, mean deviat...
A new three-parameter survival model is proposed using the Kavya–Manoharan (KM) transformation family and the exponentiated Weibull (EW) distribution. The shapes of the pdf for the new model can be asymmetric and symmetric shapes, such as unimodal, decreasing, right-skewed and symmetric. In addition, the shapes of the hrf for the suggested model ca...
The cubic q-rung orthopair fuzzy set (Cq-ROFS) is a basic simplification of several fuzzy notions, including fuzzy set (FS), interval
valued FS (INVFS), intuitionistic FS (INTFS), q-rung orthopair FS (q-ROFS), and INV q-rung orthopair FS (INVq-ROFS). By the
degrees of INVq-ROFS and q-ROFS, Cq-ROFS exposes fuzzy judgement, and this is one of the adv...
: In this article, a new one parameter survival model is proposed using the Kavya–Manoharan
(KM) transformation family and the inverse length biased exponential (ILBE) distribution. Statistical
properties are obtained: quantiles, moments, incomplete moments and moment generating function.
Different types of entropies such as Rényi entropy, Tsallis...
This article proposes a new lifetime-generated family of distributions called the sineexponentiated Weibull-H (SEW-H) family, which is derived from two well-established families of
distributions of entirely different nature: the sine-G (S-G) and the exponentiated Weibull-H (EW-H)
families. Three new special models of this family include the sine-ex...
e purpose of this study is to present the Marshall-Olkin extended Gompertz Makeham (MOEGM) lifetime distribution, which has four parameters. As a result, we will describe some of the structural elements that are introduced for this model. e maximum likelihood approach is used to estimate the model parameters, and it is well known that likelihood es...
A new class of statistical distributions called the Type II half-Logistic odd Fréchet-G class
is proposed. The new class is a continuation of the unusual Fréchet class. This class is analytically
feasible and could be used to evaluate real-world data effectively. The new suggested class of
distributions has many new symmetrical and asymmetrical sub...
The Truncated Cauchy Power Weibull-G class is presented as a new family of distributions.
Unique models for this family are presented in this paper. The statistical aspects of the family are
explored, including the expansion of the density function, moments, incomplete moments (IMOs),
residual life and reversed residual life functions, and entropy....
COVID-19, a new coronavirus illness, initially reported in China in
December 2019 has spread around the world. COVID-19 coronavirus
has evolved into a worldwide health hazard, quickly infecting humans.
Controlling the outbreak is crucial, and scientists have continued
to look at potential treatments. COVID-19 can also be defeated with
supportive tr...
This work will address the problem of estimating the parameters for the Nadaraj ah–Haghighi (NH) distribution using progressive Type-1 censoring (PT1C) utilizing Bayesian and non-Bayesian approaches. To apply PT1C, censoring times for each stage of censoring needed to be known before the experiment started. To solve this issue of censoring time sel...
A two-parameter continuous distribution, namely, power-modified Lindley (PML), is proposed. Various structural properties of the new distribution, including moments, moment-generating function, conditional moments, mean deviations, mean residual lifetime, and mean past lifetime, are provided. The reliability of a system is discussed when the streng...
In this work, a novel lifespan model is introduced and investigated. The new distribution is referred to as the alpha power Erlang truncated exponential distribution. Various properties of the proposed distribution are obtained including, quantiles (Q U), moments (M O), conditional moments (CM O), mean residual life (MR E L) function, mean inactivi...
In this paper, a new flexible generator of continuous lifespan models referred to as the Topp-Leone Weibull G (TLWG) family is developed and studied. Several mathematical characteristics have been investigated. The new hazard rate of the new model can be “monotonically increasing,” “monotonically decreasing,” “bathtub,” and “J shape.” The Farlie Gu...
A novel family of produced distributions, odd inverse power generalized Weibull generated distributions, is introduced. Various mathematics structural properties for the odd inverse power generalized Weibull generated family are computed. Numerical analysis for mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis is performed. The new family contains many new mo...
This paper is devoted to a new lifetime distribution having three parameters by compound the exponential model and the transmuted Topp-Leone-G. The new proposed model is called the transmuted Topp-Leone exponential model; it is useful in lifetime data and reliability. The new model is very flexible; its pdf can be right skewness, unimodal, and decr...
In parametric statistical modeling and inference, it is critical to develop generalizations of existing statistical distributions to make them more flexible in modeling real data sets. Thus , this paper contributes to the subject by investigating a new flexible and versatile generalized family of distributions defined from the alliance of the famil...
In this paper, we present a new family of continuous distributions known as the type I half logistic Burr X-G. The proposed family’s essential mathematical properties, such as quantile function (QuFu), moments (Mo), incomplete moments (InMo), mean deviation (MeD), Lorenz (Lo) and Bonferroni (Bo) curves, and entropy (En), are provided. Special model...
The truncated Cauchy power odd Fréchet-G family of distributions is presented in this article. This family’s unique models are launched. Statistical properties of the new family are proposed, such as density function expansion, moments, incomplete moments, mean deviation, Bonferroni and Lorenz curves, and entropy. We investigate the maximum likelih...
A new lifetime distribution with two parameters, known as the sine half-logistic inverse Rayleigh distribution, is proposed and studied as an extension of the half-logistic inverse Rayleigh model. The sine half-logistic inverse Rayleigh model is a new inverse Rayleigh distribution extension. In the application section, we show that the sine half-lo...
In this article, we introduce a new one-parameter model, which is named sine inverted exponential (SIE) distribution. e SIE distribution is a new extension of the inverse exponential (IE) distribution. e SIE distribution aims to provide the SIE model for data-fitting purposes. e SIE distribution is more flexible than the inverted exponential (IE) m...
In this paper, we proposed and studied a new family of continuous distributions generated from the extended exponential distribution called as odd extended exponential-G family. Some special models of this family are introduced. Various structural properties of the new family, which hold for any baseline model, are derived including the quantile fu...
In this paper, a promising modeling strategy for data fitting is derived from a new general class of univariate continuous distributions. This class is governed by an original logarithmically-exponential one-parameter transformation which has the ability to enhance some modeling capabilities of any parental distribution. In relation to the current...
In this paper, we introduce a new flexible generator of continuous distributions called
the transmuted Burr X-G (TBX-G) family to extend and increase the flexibility of the Burr X
generator. General statistical properties of the TBX-G family are calculated. One special sub-model namely, TBX-exponential distribution is studied in details. We discu...
This paper considers three special cases: Exponential, Rayleigh and Lindley of a family of generalized distributions, called alpha power Weibull G (APW-G) family. Some essential and valuable statistical properties of the family of distributions are obtained. The proposed distributions are very flexible and can be used to model data with decreasing,...
An alternative measure of uncertainty related to residual lifetime function is the dynamic cumulative residual entropy which plays a significant role in reliability and survival analysis. This article deals with estimating dynamic cumulative residual Ré nyi entropy (DCRRE) for Lomax distribution using maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods of esti...
This paper proposes the new three-parameter type I half-logistic inverse Weibull (TIHLIW) distribution which generalizes the inverse Weibull model. The density function of the TIHLIW can be expressed as a linear combination of the inverse Weibull densities. Some mathematical quantities of the proposed TIHLIW model are derived. Four estimation metho...
Recent studies have highlighted the statistical relevance and applicability of trigonometric distributions for the modeling of various phenomena. This paper contributes to the subject by investigating a new trigono-metric family of distributions defined from the alliance of the families known as sine-G and Topp-Leone generated (TL-G), inspiring the...
A new extended Kumaraswamy distribution, namely, the Kumaraswamy Marshall-Olkin length-biased exponential distribution is introduced and studied. Statistical properties including moments, generating function and mean residual life are discussed. The maximum likelihood method is used to estimate the model parameters. I. Elbatal and M. Elgarhy 114 Fi...
A new three parameter life model called the Topp-Leone Erlang-truncated exponential distribution x TLETE distribution is proposed. Various properties of the new model including moments, generating function and mean deviation of the new distribution are derived. The maximum likelihood method is used to estimate the model parameters. The usefulne...
This paper proposes a new flexible four-parameter model called Marshall-Olkin power generalized Weibull (MOPGW) distribution which provides symmetrical, reversed-J shaped, left-skewed and right-skewed densities, and bathtub, unimodal, increasing, constant, decreasing, J shaped, and reversed-J shaped hazard rates. Some of the MOPGW structural proper...
The last years, the odd Fréchet-G family has been considered with success in various statistical applications. This notoriety can be explained by its simple and flexible exponential-odd structure quite different to the other existing families, with the use of only one additional parameter. In counter part, some of its statistical properties suffer...
We define and study a new family of distributions, called generalized Burr XII power series class, by compounding the generalized Burr XII and power series distributions. Several properties of the new family are derived. The maximum likelihood estimation method is used to estimate the model parameters. The importance and potentiality of the new fam...
We introduce and study the beta exponentiated Nadarajah-Haghighi model, which has increasing, decreasing, upside-down bathtub and bathtub shaped hazard functions. Some of its mathematical properties are determined including a power series for the quantile function. We perform a Monte Carlo simulation study to assess the finite sample behavior of th...
A new four-parameter distribution called the beta Lindley-geometric distribution is proposed. The hazard rate function of the new model can be constant, decreasing, increasing, upside down bathtub or bathtub failure rate shapes. Various structural properties including of the new distribution are derived. The estimation of the model parameters is pe...
In this paper we introduce a new lifetime distribution called type I half-logistic modified Weibull distribution. We investigate some mathematical properties including ordinary and conditional moments, Bonferroni and Lorenz curves, mean deviations and residual and reversed residual life functions. The maximum likelihood method is used to estimate t...