Ian Rutherford

Ian Rutherford
University of Reading · Department of Classics


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Publications (78)
This volume brings together studies on Greek animal sacrifice by foremost experts in Greek language, literature and material culture. Readers will benefit from the synthesis of new evidence and approaches with a re-evaluation of twentieth-century theories on sacrifice. The chapters range across the whole of antiquity and go beyond the Greek world t...
The term “twelve gods” (δώδεkα θεoί) refers to a set of the twelve most important Greek deities, especially in so far as they were worshiped together; the earliest attested cults of the twelve gods are in Athens in the late sixth century bce and at Olympia in the fifth. Groups of twelve gods are well attested in Late Bronze Age Anatolia, and it is...
Today, Stesichorus is generally seen as an author of weighty poems in epic style, but in the nineteenth century it was a common view that he invented the genre of romance, and perhaps also that of pastoral poetry. Th is view can be traced back to Karl Otfried Müller’s History of the Literature of Ancient Greece: These are the earliest instances in...
co-édité avec I. Rutherford et I. Yakubovich ; actes du colloque de Reading (10-11 juin 2011)
DingelJ., Scholastica materia: Untersuchungen zu den Declamationes minores und derinstitutio oratoria Quintilians (Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte xxx). Berlin and New York: de Gruyter, 1988. Pp. xii + 186. ISBN 3-11-011462-3. - Volume 80 - Ian Rutherford
Defined at its broadest, a pilgrimage is a journey of unusual length to a sacred place for a religious reason, a phenomenon found in almost all societies, past and present.
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This article has no abstract.
Myth in Choral SongFunctions of Myth in Choral SongInnovationConclusion Further Reading
Egypt in Greek MythGreek Myth and Egyptian MythEgyptian Tales in GreeceInterpretationsFurther Reading
Theoroi and Mustai - Dimitrova(N.M.)Theoroi and Initiates in Samothrace. The Epigraphical Evidence. (Hesperia Supplement 37.) Pp. xvi + 280, ills, maps. Princeton, NJ: The American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 2008. Paper, £35, US$55. ISBN: 978-0-87661-537-9. - Volume 61 Issue 1 - Ian Rutherford
Mycenaean religion means the religion of mainland Greece in the Late Helladic (LH) period, when we know from the evidence of Linear B that the language of administration was Greek. The principal centers in this period are Mycenae and Pylos in the Peloponnese, Thebes in Boeotia, and Knossos in Crete, which Greeks must have taken over sometime around...
In Heliodorus’ Aethiopica, Calasiris famously makes the claim that Homer himself was an Egyptian, born in Egyptian Thebes, the son of the god Hermes who slept with his mother when she was performing an incubation in his temple, something that can be seen in a hidden allusion (ainigma) contained in the Homeric poems about the nature of the gods whic...
For at least a thousand years Greek cities took part in religious activities outside their territory by sending sacred delegates to represent them. The delegates are usually called the?roi, literally ‘observers’, and a delegation made up of the?roi, or the action of taking part in one, is called the?ri?. This is the first comprehensive study of the...
The 'Theārion of the Pythian one' referred to in Pindar's Nemean 3 has emerged in recent scholarship as a central focus of debate in Aeginetan studies. There is general agreement that this must have been the meeting place for Aeginetan theāroi, one of whose principal functions was liaising with Delphi. This chapter discusses the significance of thi...
In the proem of Plato’s Timaeus, Critias comes close to implying that the best legal system is the Egyptian one. He reports the tradition told by the Egyptian priests to Solon and thence passed down in his family according to which certain principles (nomoi) of the Egyptian political system, notably the distinction of citizens into castes, are surv...
Although recent scholarship has focused on the city-state as the context for the production of Greek poetry, for poets and performers travel was more the norm than the exception. This book traces this central aspect of ancient culture from its roots in the near Eastern societies which preceded the Greeks, through the way in which early semi-mythica...
THE ARISTODAMA DECREES The poetess Aristodama, daughter of Amyntas, was most likely born in the third quarter of the third century BCE in Smyrna on the west coast of Asia Minor. Many Greeks believed that Homer had been born in Smyrna, and even if Aristodama's Smyrna was a recreated city – Homer's Smyrna was destroyed in the early sixth century BCE...
This book is an innovative collection of seventeen essays by leading scholars of ancient religion on aspects of pilgrimage in Greek and Roman and Early Christian Antiquity. The period covered is roughly from 500BC till 400AD, and the types of pilgrimage studied is very broad, ranging from state delegations that are more or less politically motivate...
This chapter takes as its subject Herodotus' account of contemporary pilgrimage by Egyptians to temples in the Egyptian Delta, particularly pilgrimage to the town of Boubastis where there was a celebrated temple of the goddess Bastet-Artemis. As a source for Egyptian pilgrimage, at least before the Hellenistic and Roman periods, Herodotus' account...
The term ‘theoric network’ can be understood either as a network made up of all the cities that send festival delegates (theoroi) to one particular festival, together with the city that organizes the festival itself, or as the overall ‘hyper-network’, comprising the sum of all such theoric networks. The paper explores the issue of whether contempor...
Literature - Latacz(J.)Troy and Homer. Toward a Solution of an Old Mystery. Oxford UP, 2004. Pp. xvii + 342, illus., maps. £25. 9780199263080. Finkelberg(M.)Greeks and Pre-Greeks. Aegean Prehistory and Greek Heroic Tradition. Cambridge UP, 2005. Pp. xv + 203. illus., maps. £48. 9780521852166. - Volume 127 - Ian Rutherford
Perlman(P.)City and Sanctuary in Ancient Greece. The Theorodokia in the Peloponnese.(Hypomnemata 121.) Pp. 327. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 2000. Paper, €54. ISBN 3-525-25218-8. - Volume 56 Issue 2 - IAN RUTHERFORD
INTRODUCTION: PANHELLENIC POETIC the genealogical poetry, of which the Catalogue is one example, must have evolved over many centuries, and it seems likely that it is at least as old, if not older than, epic narrative poetry. Or perhaps we should think of two parallel traditions: narrative poetry, focusing on the deeds of men, the κλέα ἀνδρῶν, and...
This chapter is concerned with song-dance in the context of Athenian statepilgrimage or theoria. It offers a reconstruction of the various possible types of theoric chorus before considering the kinds of choral performance that might have accompanied Athenian sacred delegations to Delphi and Delos. It argues that the extant part of Pindar's Paian 5...
Focusing on written texts, this book provides an introduction to the evidence of bilingualism in the ancient Mediterranean world. Language contact intruded into virtually every aspect of ancient life, including literature, philosophy, law, medicine, provincial administration, army, magic and trade, and topics which have been fashionable in sociolin...
SchröderS.: Geschichte und Theorie der Gattung Paian. Eine kritische Untersuchung mit einem Ausblick auf Behandlung und Auffassung der lyrischen Gattungen bei den alexandrinischen Philologen. Pp. xv + 172. Stuttgart and Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1999. Cased, DM 68. ISBN: 3-519-07670-5. - Volume 51 Issue 2 - Ian Rutherford
NeriC.: Studi sulle testimonianze di Erinna. Pp. 234. Bologna: Pàtron Editore. Paper. ISBN: 88-555-2398-8. - Volume 51 Issue 2 - Ian Rutherford
GlauK.: Rezitation griechischer Chorlyrik. Die Parodoi aus Aischylos’ Agamemnon und Euripides’ Bakchen als Tonbeispiel auf CD mit Text und Begleitheft. Pp. 40, CD. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag C. Winter, 1998. Paper, Sw. frs. 25. ISBN: 3-82530753-0. - Volume 51 Issue 2 - Ian Rutherford
The subject of this paper is the relationship between the Demotic Egyptian Inaros-Petubastis Cycle and the Greek novel. I will not argue that the Greek novel as a whole arose from Egyptian literature; that theory has been rightly laid to rest by scholars working in the area, most recently by Susan Stephens and the late Jack Winkler in their edition...
The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between literature and stylistic theory in the Antonine Age. The literature is the prose literature of the Second Sophistic and the stylistic theory is the so-called idea-theory set out in the Peri Ideon of Hermogenes of Tarsus, as well as two anonymous works: the Peri Politikou Logou and the...
AndersonM. J.: The Fall of Troy in Early Greek Poetry and Art (Oxford Classical Monographs). Pp. xii + 283, 23 ills. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997. Cased, £40. ISBN: 0-19-815064-4. - Volume 50 Issue 2 - Ian Rutherford
THEORIA IN GREEK RELIGION What was the Greek for pilgrim? If there is no simple answer, the explanation is the great diversity of ancient pilgrimages and pilgrimage-related phenomena. People went to sanctuaries for all sorts of reasons: consulting oracles, attending festivals, making sacrifices, watching the Panhellenic games, or seeking a cure for...
GerberD. E. (ed.): A Companion to the Greek Lyric Poets. (Mnemosyne Supplement 173.) Pp. viii + 291. Leiden, etc.: E. J. Brill, 1997. Cased, $100. ISBN: 90-04-09944-1. - Volume 50 Issue 1 - Ian Rutherford
AchardGuy (ed., tr.): Rhétorique à Herennius: Texte établi et traduit. (Collection des Universités de France, Budé.) Pp. lxxxiv + 259 (text double). Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1989. - Volume 42 Issue 1 - Ian Rutherford
RussellD. A., WinterbottomM.: Classical Literary Criticism. (The World's Classics, Oxford Paperbacks.) Pp. xvii + 251. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1989 (revised edition of Ancient Literary Criticism, 1972). Paper, £3.95. - Volume 42 Issue 1 - Ian Rutherford
Hermogenes and Linguistics - PatillonM.: La Théorie du discours chez Hermogène le rhéteur: essai sur les structures linguistiques de la rhétorique ancienne. (Collection d'Etudes Anciennes, 117.) Pp. 412. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1988. Paper, frs. 240. - Volume 40 Issue 2 - Ian Rutherford
MainbergerGonsalv K.: Rhetorica I: Reden mit Vernunft, Aristoteles, Cicero, Augustinus; Rhetorica II: Spiegelungen des Geistes, Sprachfiguren bei Vico und Lévi-Strauss. (Problemata, 116 and 117.) 2 vols. Pp. 384, 336. Stuttgart: Frommann-Holzboog, 1987 and 1988.1, DM 68 (Paper, DM 48); II, Paper, DM 48. - Volume 40 Issue 2 - Ian Rutherford
Sopatros the Rhetor - InnesDoreen, WinterbottomMichael: Sopatros the Rhetor: Studies in the Text of the Διαཷρεσις Ζητημ⋯των. (Bulletin Suppl., 48.) Pp. xii + 330. London: Institute of Classical Studies, 1989. Paper, £30. - Volume 40 Issue 1 - Ian Rutherford
KazazisJ. N.: Φιλιπικν Ῥητορικαὶ Λέξεις, editio princeps. (Ἑλληνικα, Περιοδικον Συγγραμμα, 27.) Pp. 116. Thessalonica: Ἑταιρεια Μακεδονικων Σπονδων, 1986. Paper. - Volume 39 Issue 1 - Ian Rutherford
Pindar must have narrated the myth of the birth of Apollo in many poems. We know of at least three, perhaps four versions: his only extant account of the birth itself is in Pa. XII; the latter of the two surviving sections of Pa. VIIb describes the flight of Asteria from Zeus, her transformation into an island and (probably) Zeus' desire to have Ap...
Aristotle's Poetics - HuttonJ. (tr.): Aristotle's Poetics. Preface by Gordon M. Kirkwood. Pp. x + 115. New York & London: W. W. Norton, 1982. Paper, £3.50. - Volume 34 Issue 2 - Ian Rutherford


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