I Wayan NurjayaIPB University | IPB · Department of Marine Science and Technology
I Wayan Nurjaya
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October 1997 - April 2001
October 1994 - July 1996
September 1983 - October 1988
Publications (165)
Oil spills (OS) in waters can have major consequences for the ecosystem and adjacent natural resources. Therefore, recognizing the OS spread pattern is crucial for supporting decision-making in disaster management. On 31 March 2018, an OS occurred in Balikpapan Bay, Indonesia, due to a ship’s anchor rupturing a seafloor crude oil petroleum pipe. Th...
Alamsyah R, Zamani NP, Bengen DG, Nurjaya IW. 2024. Morphological variability of Pocillopora damicornis in marine environmental adaptation on Sembilan Island, Sinjai District, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 25: 3116-3124. Pocillopora damicornis (Linnaeus, 1758) is a coral species that is very plastic and allows it to adapt to environmental conditions. Po...
The South Halmahera Islands feature a comprehensive marine coastal ecology. The ecosystems found were seagrass, mangrove and coral reef ecosystems. The components that sustain the existence of this ecosystem are employed equitably because of its geographical location on the equator. Mangrove ecosystems that provide benefits directly and indirectly...
The Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) may affect the distribution pattern of the sea surface temperature (SST) in the Indonesian seas. Understanding this impact is crucial for comprehending the dynamics of marine ecosystems, particularly in Lampung Bay. This study evaluates IOD effects on SST and associated upwelling/downwelling in Lampung Bay. 2014 fish c...
The increase in ocean temperature causes the expansion of seawater volume, resulting in an increase in sea level rise. The phenomenon of land subsidence also exacerbates the occurrence of tidal floods in coastal areas of Indonesia. This has prompted the need for a study of land subsidence and the distribution of tidal floods in Tangerang as a basis...
Benoa Bay is a semi-enclosed water body that includes a shallow estuary area that supports important aquatic ecosystems, including mangrove ecosystems, seagrass beds, and coral reefs. The reclamation of Benoa Harbor and the construction of a toll road in Benoa Bay are suspected to have increased sedimentation. The objective of this study is to mode...
The Citarum River is an important river in West Java, which empties into the Java Sea carrying large suspended sediment concentrations. The purpose of this study is to examine the interaction of current patterns and distribution of total suspended solids (TSS) in the Northwest and Southeast Monsoons using hydrodynamic Modelling. The flow model and...
Understanding the influence and impact of environmental factors on manta ray sightings is critical to understanding the spatial and temporal ecology of a highly mobile species. Therefore, this study aims to determine the influence and impact of environmental factors as indicated by the parameters of wind speed, chlorophyll-a, SST, salinity, pH, dis...
Upwelling adalah proses naiknya massa air laut dari lapisan bawah ke permukaan akibat perbedaan tekanan permukaan. Terjadi proses upwelling akan meningkatkan kesuburan perairan karena massa air di lapisan dalam naik ke permukaan yang kaya nutrisi yang dibutuhkan fitoplankton untuk berkembang. Luas sebaran daerah upwelling (radius deformasi) akan me...
The Halmahera Walking Shark (Hemiscyllium halmahera) is an endemic fish in the Halmahera Sea. This species is distributed and found in the Kao Bay sea. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) data shows that the Halmahera Walking Shark is in the Near Threatened status. Protection is carried out to protect the population, therefore...
The study aims to determine position of the research to be analysed regarding the management of fishing ports with the stakeholder analysis approach that plays a role in management. Ports are one of the industries that have social consequences for stakeholders, necessitating a greater awareness of their social responsibilities. However, the literat...
Many studies use Ocean Health Index (OHI) calculations on global and regional scales. There was still a dearth of research that used a framework to examine the local level. Meanwhile, policies to achieve environmental management objectives for marine ecosystems will be more applicable locally. This study aims to discover the most appropriate benchm...
Morotai Island is under the influence of plates, Indonesian Throughflow, Halmahera Eddy, New Guinea Coastal Undercurrent (NGCUC) and is located in the coral reef triangle. Halmahera walking shark ( Hemiscyllium halmahera ) was found in the Morotai Island Sea. The aim was to study the morphometric and length-weight relationship of H. halmahera on Mo...
The western coast of Sumatra Island is highly susceptible to earthquakes, which have the potential to trigger tsunami hazards. Padang, the largest city along this coast, is particularly vulnerable to these seismic events. Therefore, it is crucial to implement tsunami mitigation measures, specifically coastal ecology-based strategies. This research...
Mangrove ecosystem in Semarang City has an important role for survival of the coastal area. This is due to the function of mangroves as a barrier to coastal erosion, wave barrier, carbon producer, as a habitat for biota in coastal areas, as well as improving water quality. However, as time goes by, mangroves condition in coastal of Semarang is decr...
Blue swimming crab (BSC) is a fishery commodity with high economic value and great demand in domestic and foreign markets. P. pelagicus swimming crabs are commonly found in Indonesian sea waters, one of the largest contributors to the country's foreign exchange after shrimp and tuna. The high demand for blue crab resources will trigger an increase...
The Banyuasin Estuary receives much freshwater, which transports low-salinity water from upstream to the sea through the rivers that flow along the area. The interaction between the freshwater mass from the river and the highly saline seawater mass moving toward the estuary will affect the condition of the mangroves in the region. This study aims t...
The waters of Jakarta Bay are one of the waters that are influenced by several fresh water flows that enter from the DKI Jakarta area and its surroundings. Sediment that enters the waters of Jakarta Bay is produced by the activities of the people who live in the Jakarta area and its surroundings. This study aims to analyze the sedimentation and dis...
The geomorphology of small islands in the eastern and western parts of Halmahera Island encompasses diversities of geological processes, island forms and types, and topography. The typology of the small islands to the west of Halmahera Island is volcanic and are categorized as hilly islands. To the east, there are coral islands classified as flat i...
Sendang Biru Tourism Beach and Sempu Island are tourism zones based on East Java Provincial Regulation No. 1 of 2018, which are part of the Sempu Strait, Malang Regency. Tourism activities depend on the quality of natural resources as the main tourism commodity. Activities that do not match or exceed the area's carrying capacity will also pressure...
The geomorphology of small islands in the eastern and western parts of Halmahera Island
encompasses diversities of geological processes, island forms and types, and topography. The typology of
the small islands to the west of Halmahera Island is volcanic and are categorized as hilly islands. To the east,
there are coral islands classified as flat i...
Coastal areas are characterized by complex dynamics between freshwater entering through the estuary from land and seawater from open water. This study aims to calculate the salinity anomaly found on the sandy coast of Mayang, estimate the number of fractions and the volume of mass transport of fresh water entering the waters through the river flow...
Basically, coastline changes include accretion (raised soil) and abrasion. This study aims to analyze coastline changes in the Indramayu Regency between 1989 and 2019, as well as the causing factors. The secondary data were obtained from Landsat 5 Satellite Imagery in 1989, 1999, 2009, and Landsat 8 in 2019. This analysis used BILKO method, which i...
Musi estuary is the mouth of the Telang and Musi rivers directly adjacent to the Bangka Strait. During flood (ebb) we see the distribution of salinity increases (decreases) which is known through the vertical distribution using CTD. The TS diagram is used to see the water mass characteristics the study area. Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis...
Musi estuary is the mouth of the Telang and Musi rivers directly adjacent to the Bangka Strait. During flood (ebb) we see the distribution of salinity increases (decreases) which is known through the vertical distribution using CTD. The TS diagram is used to see the water mass characteristics the study area. Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis...
Perairan Sumatera Barat merupakan tempat bertemunya massa air yang datang dari Samudera Hindia dan daratan. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk melihat distribusi, stratifikasi, kestabilan dan karakteristik massa air di wilayah kajian. Penelitian di perairan Sumatera Barat ini dilakukan menggunakan instrument CTD, berupa kedalaman, temperatur dan salinitas...
Upwelling plays a crucial role in driving cross-shelf circulation between the continental shelf and boundary currents. It is well known that upwelling results in the exchange of heat, nutrients, fish larvae, and other properties. It controls primary productivity, which promotes higher trophic levels and fisheries. Upwelling can be identified by at...
Perairan Selat Bangka banyak mendapat pasokan air tawar dari sungai-sungai di pesisir timur Provinsi
Sumatera Selatan, termasuk estuari Banyuasin. Percampuran air tawar dan air laut menentukan kondisi
lingkungan estuaria, khususnya pola salinitas, termasuk pembentukan habitat yang kompleks untuk
komunitas tumbuhan dan hewan yang khas di dalamnya. T...
This study investigates the effect of river discharge in transport and tidal processes in the Java Sea using the Coastal and Regional Ocean Community (CROCO) hydrodynamic model. The model has 20 vertical layers and a horizontal resolution of 1/18 degrees. The oceanic and atmospheric forcing of this model is taken from the global Copernicus Marine E...
This study examines the accuracy of the sea surface height anomaly (SSHA) altimetry data products of Copernicus, Colorado University (CU), and X-TRACK-Centre for Topographic studies of the Ocean and Hydrosphere (X-TRACk-CTOH). The SSHA derived from altimetry accuracy was tested by comparison with tide gauge (TG) observations. Taking measurements al...
Sayung coast is experienced very high coastal erosion and has a huge impact on the lives of the surrounding communities. One of the efforts in handling coastal erosion is the rehabilitation of the mangrove ecosystem.The purpose of this study was to prioritize mangrove ecosystem management strategies in rehabilitation areas. Data were collected from...
The modeling uses a software-based numerical model DHI MIKE user interface developed by The Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI) Water and Environment, Denmark. Simulation of current uses a 2-dimensional model (averaging to depth) with a finite element approach. Modeling of currents was conducted to know current dynamics by tidal cycle and seasonal var...
Stranded marine debris (MD) has become a hot topic on Bali Island because it threatens coastal tourism sustainability. This study aims to investigate the spatiotemporal abundance and characteristics of MD on 14 touristic beaches in Bali Island. Sampling is carried out twice every season by adapting methods from NOAA's MD program. We found that the...
The wind and current are two physical forces that strongly influence the biogeochemistry in coastal waters. Both of these forces could enhance the Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentration through the upwelling process. Here we examine the contribution of the wind and current to the Chl-a variability in the South Java upwelling system in terms of wind st...
The modeling uses a software-based numerical model DHI MIKE user interface developed by The Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI) Water and Environment, Denmark. Simulation of current uses a 2-dimensional model (averaging to depth) with a finite element approach. Modeling of currents was conducted to know current dynamics by tidal cycle and seasonal var...
Data gelombang laut penting dikaji karena dapat mengakibat abrasi ataupun sedimentasi pada suatu pantai. Paramater gelombang laut juga dapat berperan secara tidak langsung terhadap bentuk lifeform karang. Kajian bertujuan untuk melakukan peramalan gelombang laut dangkal dari perhitungan data kecepatan dan arah angin permukaan, kemudian menghubungka...
The mangrove ecosystem in Subang Coastal is potentially effected due to oil spills. The oil spill in this area can be caused by an accident of petroleum exploitation. Therefore, it needs to anticipate and plan comprehensively for environmental protection from oil spills. Environmental sensitivity index (ESI) analysis can be used to classify the lev...
Sesar Flores merupakan pemicu gempabumi pada tanggal 5 Agustus 2018 di pulau Lombok. Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika (BMKG) melaporkan bahwa gempabumi dengan kekuatan 7 SR saat itu, telah menyebabkan tsunami kecil (13.5 cm) di desa Carik, Lombok Utara. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis potensi tsunami yang berasal dari aktivitas...
This study investigates the coherency of volume transport between Halmahera throughflow and current major system in the western equatorial Pacific Ocean (Mindanao Current – MC, New Guinea Coastal/Under Current – NGCC/NGCUC, and North Equatorial Counter Current – NECC). The validated daily ocean general circulation model datasets of INDESO (2010-201...
Wilayah pesisir sangat unik, dinamis, dan kompleks karena merupakan zona interaksi antara daratan, lautan, dan atmosfer. Hal ini menjadikan wilayah pesisir sebagai wilayah yang paling rentan di Bumi. Untuk mengetahui seberapa besar kerentanan di suatu wilayah pesisir, perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui tingkat kerentanan wilayah pesisir da...
The objective of this research was to collect the comprehensive information about the characteristics of sea waves in the northern and eastern of Bintan Island Sea based on differentiation in oceanographic conditions between the north and east coast of Bintan Island. The north coast of Bintan Island faces the open seas directly with a potential hig...
Although researchers have investigated the impact of Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) phases on human lives, only a few have examined such impacts on fisheries. In this study, we analyzed the influence of negative (positive) IOD phases on chlorophyll a (Chl-a) concentrations as an indicator of phytoplankton biomass and small pelagic fish production in the...
In 2010, Indonesia estimated as the second-largest country in the world that donates plastic to the sea. This study aims to investigate the spatial and temporal distribution of microplastics in tropical estuaries. The sampling was carried out in Benoa Bay with four repetitions representing the wet and dry seasons. Spatially it was found that the hi...
Rivers bring organic and non-organic materials into the estuary, causing changes in the turbidity of the water. The hydrodynamic processes cause fresh water with different turbidity to be distributed towards the estuary, where it is trapped due to differences in the density of freshwater and seawater, forming a turbidity front (TF). The TF can be a...
This research examines the dynamics of 3-dimensional flow and the placement of floating cages in the Semak Daun Lagoon (SDL). The research was carried out using 3-dimensional current modeling process, which is designed in four tidal conditions model in accordance with the wind and tidal pressure generation. Furthermore, this research used the discr...
Over the last few decades the Sayung Coast has undergone significant and severe coastal erosion. Coastal erosion is affecting the decline of residential property, rice fields, and ponds. Damage to rice fields and ponds has contributed to loss of livelihoods and declining profits. The aim of this study was to identify alternative livelihoods and sol...
Although researchers have investigated widely the impact of IOD phases on human lives, only a few have examined such impacts on fisheries. In this study, we analyzed the influence of negative (positive) of IOD on a chlorophyll a (Chl-a) concentration as an indicator of phytoplankton biomass and small pelagic fish production in the eastern Indian Oc...
The mangrove ecosystems on the coast of Sayung Sub-District provide huge benefits to the community. However, this region experienced a very severe coastal erosion during the last few decades. Also, information about mangrove ecosystem services is still very limited in this region. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to map the balance of mang...
Abstrak Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang sebaran salinitas perairan laut Kabupaten Bengkayang pada musim kemarau. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan melalukan pengambilan data salinitas, suhu dan konduktivitas massa air berdasarkan kedalaman di 23 stasiun pengukuran. Lokasi penelitian berada pada koordinat 107,68 s.d 108,93 BT dan 0,69 LS s.d 0,87 L...
Habitat bentik perairan dangkal Pulau Sebaru dan Pulau Lancang memiliki karakteristik perairan yang berbeda dari letak geografisnya. Keperluan data dan informasi tentang habitat bentik sangat di perlukan untuk menjaga dan melestarikan ekosistem yang ada di perairan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan resolusi citra satelit...
Perubahan garis pantai merupakan proses yang terjadi akibat adanya pengaruh dari kondisi pantai dalam mencapai keseimbangan terhadap dampak yang terjadi dari faktor alami dan kegiatan manusia. Secara geografis, wilayah pesisir pantai Kabupaten Tanah Laut Kalimantan Selatan mencakup dua wilayah yang berada di tepi barat dan tepi selatan. Secara fisi...
At low tide condition, the Semak Daun Lagoon (SDL) barrier reef is drowned during high tide and appeared to the surface during low tide. How are hydrodynamics in low tide and tidal conditions? This study aims to examine the pattern and current velocity in the SDL under four tidal conditions. The two-dimension model is built based on two motion gene...
Indonesian seas have not been used as a source of electricity yet. One of the potential
and abundant sources of energy from the sea is ocean waves. This study describes the
measurement of the wave characteristics and calculates its spatial and temporal energy in Pari
Island which can be utilized as electrical energy using overtopping ocean wave pow...
This study aims to investigate a depth-latitude spatial and temporal variability of ITF
front at 115°E, using 15-years (2004–2018) of monthly gridded CTD Argo float dataset in the
Indo–Australia Basin. The Empirical Orthogonal Function method was performed to analysis
these time-series data. It is shown that mean meridional extent of ITF front is e...
The Balikpapan Bay waters is influenced by freshwater discharge from many rivers and its distribution is affected by tidal current. This study aims to estimate seawater intrusion during flood and ebb tides, using the box model and freshwater fraction methods. The data used in this study for calculating freshwater fraction and its transport volume w...
Phosphate is one indicator of water fertility and is needed to support the life of organisms, especially phytoplankton. The main source of phosphate in the waters naturally originates from the processes of decomposition, weathering or decomposition of plants and comes from the remains of dead organisms. Besides this phosphates in coastal areas are...
Necessity electricity in the society especially in industrial activities every year there is an increase in demand. The technology that used in production electricity is one of the Steam Power Plant (PLTU), where Paiton Power Plant is one of the largest power plant in Indonesia and can distribute electricity to Java and Bali. The purpose of this re...
Study about water mass transport within Balikpapan Bay (BB) is crucial since many watersheds discharge from this bay which directly flows into Makassar Strait. To understand transport of water mass within BB, INDESO data was made monthly in 2015. The annual volume, heat, salt and freshwater transport are estimated to be 18.02 mSv, 2.14 PW, 0.64 x 1...
This study aimed to analyze the sustainability status of the mangrove ecosystem management in the Sayung District coastal area, by integrating all the stakeholders' interests in a multidimensional analysis (ecological, economic, social, and institutional) and determining sensitive indicators in the sustainable management of mangrove ecosystems. The...