I. De Vlieger

I. De Vlieger
Flemish Institute for Technological Research | VITO · Research Group for Transition Energy and the Environment


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Publications (49)
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Shipping emissions are currently increasing and will most likely continue to do so in the future due to the increase of global-scale trade. Ship emissions have the potential to contribute to air quality degradation in coastal areas, in addition to contributing to global air pollution. With the aim to quantify the impacts of shipping emissions on ur...
This paper quantifies the effect of a number of input parameters on the emission levels of road transport emissions calculated by means of a bottom-up methodology. The input parameters considered cover small diesel cars, calculation of additional fuel consumption due to the use of mobile air conditioning in passenger cars and light commercial vehic...
Conference Paper
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One of the measures that is promoted in order to improve the air quality is the decrease of vehicle mileage. However, there are different reasons to assume that not every kilometer driven by car yields the same impact on air pollution nor on the exposure of people. For instance, some trips are driven at high speeds on highways, while others are dri...
Emissions from the marine transport sector contribute significantly to air pollution globally (Corbett & Fischbeck, 1997). Around 15% of global NOx and 5- 8% of global SOx emissions are attributable to oceangoing ships (Eyring et al., 2005). Because nearly 70% of ship emissions are estimated to occur within 400 km of land, ships have the potential...
Purpose: There are different reasons to assume that not every vehicle kilometre yields the same environmental impact. For instance, some vehicle kilometres are driven at high speeds on highways, while others are driven at low speeds in urban environments. This will have an impact on the resulting exhaust missions. Furthermore, the timing of a trip...
There is often a large discrepancy between the questions raised by policy makers and the responses offered by scientists. Current modeling approaches do not answer some of the typical questions that decision-makers face, as they do not provide solutions to policy-makers dealing with concrete political negotiation and decisions. In this paper, we tr...
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Traffic management solutions are increasingly called for to address problems of transport and mobility. In particular, coordinated traffic lights that create green waves along major arterials are an increasingly used strategy to reduce travel times. Although it is usually assumed that an improved traffic flow will result in lower vehicle emissions,...
The E313 motorway between Liege and Antwerp is one of the busiest links in the Belgian road network. In the direction of Antwerp, traffic jams and accidents are frequent. Many accidents occur at the tail of traffic jams. To warn drivers, variable speed limit gantries and detector loops were installed every 750 metres. When a traffic jam is detected...
The ability of a complex model chain to simulate elemental carbon (EC) concentrations was examined. The results of the model chain were compared to EC concentration measurements made at several locations, every sixth day. Two measurement campaigns were taken into account, one in 2006–2007 and one in 2008–2009. The model results compare very well fo...
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This paper examines the effects of two traffic management measures, speed limit reduction and coordinated traffic lights, in an area of Antwerp, Belgium. An integrated model is deployed that combines the microscopic traffic simulation model Paramics with the CO(2) and NO emission model VERSIT+. On the one hand, reductions in CO(2) and NO emissions...
Biodiesel and bio-ethanol are expected to be the most applied biofuels in Europe in the short- to mid-term, especially in blended form with diesel and gasoline, respectively. There is a clear need to see what impact this blending will have on emissions and fuel consumption of current vehicles. Public information on this topic is mostly based on old...
Speed reduction measures rank among the most common schemes to improve traffic safety. Recently many urban streets or entire districts were converted into 30 kph zones and in many European countries the maximum permissible speed of trucks on motorways is under discussion. However, besides contributing to traffic safety, reducing the maximum speed i...
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Speed reduction measures have become an increasingly popular way to increase traffic safety especially in urban areas. Recently many cities have converted entire districts into 30 km/h zones. In many European countries the maximum speed of haulage trucks is under discussion or review sometimes in combination with a ban on overtaking. Reducing the m...
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During smog episodes Flemish legislation imposes a 90 km/h speed limit on certain stretches of the highway network. In this contribution to TAC-2 we present the results of a study in which we assess the effects of this measure on air quality and compare the effect to other more stringent measures such as banning heavy duty vehicles or cars older th...
Road traffic is a major source of noise and air pollution in the urban environment. Hence, traffic management solutions are increasingly called for to address problems of noise and atmospheric pollution. Because changes in traffic flow do not necessarily influence transport mobility, noise and air quality in the same way, there is a clear need for...
Emissions from ships have recently received more attention since they have become a significant concern for air quality in harbours and port cities: This paper presents the methodology for a comprehensive maritime transport database of activity data, specific energy consumption, emission factors, and total emissions that have been developed within...
Air quality policy has focussed on land-based emissions for decades. In recent years, it has become increasingly clear that emissions from sea-going vessels can no longer be ignored. There is a growing need for detailed emission inventories to evaluate the impact of this transport mode on air quality and health.In this paper we present MOPSEA, an a...
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Electric vehicles have the important advantage that pollution resulting from energy conversion is not emitted in the same place where the vehicle is driven. Given that urban PM10 concentrations often overshoot European air quality targets, it may be a good idea to keep these emissions away from busy and populated areas. In this paper we take this c...
Conference Paper
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This paper describes the methodology and data used for building a new “activity based” emission model for merchant, passenger and cruise sea-going ships engaged in the EU27 seaborne trades. The model has been developed within the EX-TREMIS project and it is built upon 3 modules: the fleet module, which defines ship categories, loading capacities an...
Conference Paper
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This study explores the influence of gear changing behaviour on vehicular exhaust emissions and fuel consumption using the emission simulation tool VeTESS (Vehicle Transient Emissions Simulation Software). VeTESS was used to assess the impact of (not) changing gear at certain vehicle speeds on the exhaust of vehicle air pollutants using theoretical...
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Speed reduction measures have become an increasingly popular way to increase traffic safety especially in urban areas. Recently many cities have converted entire districts into 30 km/h zones. In many European countries the maximum speed of haulage trucks is under discussion or review sometimes in combination with a ban on overtaking. Reducing the m...
Speed reduction measures are commonly introduced to increase traffic safety. Recently many urban streets or entire districts were converted into 30 km/h zones and in many European countries the maximum speed of lorries is under discussion. Reducing the maximum speed is seen as beneficial to the environment because of reduced fuel consumption and lo...
This study explores the influence of gear-changing behaviour on vehicular exhaust emissions and fuel consumption using real drive cycles as an input. As many as 235 different drive cycles, recorded from people participating in a survey, were imported in an emission simulation tool called Vehicle Transient Emissions Simulation Software (VeTESS). Emi...
Conference Paper
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In many European countries the speed limit for trucks is under discussion or review. The speed limit for heavy trucks is 80 km h-1 in most countries, but 90 km h-1 in Belgium. We investigated the effect of reducing the speed limit on fuel consumption and emissions of CO2, NOx, and particulate matter (PM). To ensure robust conclusions under a stric...
We demonstrate that accelerated policies beyond the steady improvement of technologies and the fleet turnover are not always justified by assumptions about health benefits. Between the years 2000 and 2010, particulate matter (PM) exhaust emissions from traffic in Flanders, a region of Belgium, will be reduced by about 44% without taking any extra r...
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The goal of the analysis of new energy systems was to estimate the associated external costs, by combining detailed life cycle inventories covering the complete energy chains and the full lifetime of all associated processes with damage factors from airborne emissions based on the impact-pathway approach. The cumulative inventories do not contain e...
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A survey on fuel consumption was held among independent operators of inland ships on Flemish canals. The goal of making a better and up to date assessment of the environmental impact of freight transport by inland ship relative to other transport modes. The fuel economy of inland ships is much better than for other modes. Despite a delay in the int...
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The objective for Flanders, Belgium, is to bring greenhouse gas emissions from transport in 2010 to the same level as in 1990. Under unchanged policy (Trend scenario) the CO2 emissions from freight transport would increase by 57% by 2010, compared to 1990, indicating that effective policy measures are needed. There has recently been much debate on...
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Spijts de Kyoto-verbintenissen blijft de uitstoot van CO2 stijgen. De grootste boosdoener is hierbij de transportsector. In België is die verantwoordelijk voor ongeveer 24 miljoen ton CO2 per jaar, of een vijfde van de totale CO2-emissies. Een vrijwillige verbintenis met de EU 'verplicht' de autoconstructeurs om de CO2-uitstoot van hun wagens te re...
Conference Paper
Over the last years, a myriad of road transportation problems have been subjected to an analysis of emissions and environmental external costs. Other modes of transportation have been studied with much less diligence despite overt interest of policy makers. In this paper we present the results of two case-studies from Belgium where inland shipping...
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Diesels maken een steeds groter deel uit van de nieuwe personenwagens die in Europa worden verkocht. In België heeft nu meer dan één op twee nieuwe personenwagens een dieselmotor. Naast de sterk verbeterde technologie, is dat vooral te danken aan de Belgische fiscale politiek met erg lage accijnzen op diesel brandstof. Deze evolutie heeft in versch...
Conference Paper
In this paper we report our estimates for the total emission of CO, NOx, VOC and CO2 of mopeds and motorcycles in Belgium and indicate confidence intervals. Data on the fleet of motorcycles are readily available from registration records, but the number of mopeds had to be estimated. Different sources were evaluated to obtain a best estimate for th...
The main objective of this paper is to track the changing importance of air pollution impacts by Belgian passenger cars. Our assessment of environmental impacts is based on the calculation of external costs with the ExternE methodology. Our results show that the decline of air pollution impacts from Belgian passenger cars between 1993 and 1998 was...
Conference Paper
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Within the national programme 'Sustainable Mobility' (1999-2001) Vito is working on the project 'measures in transport to reduce CO] and tropospheric ozone'. Measures are evaluated on their effectivity to reduce CC>2, ozone precursors (NO* and VOC) and ozone concentrations, their techno-economic and social feasibility and their subsidiarity. A meth...
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We present a detailed modelling approach which provides hourly emissions of CO, NOx, VOC, PM, SO2 and Pb for individual streets and road segments in the Antwerp area (20km×20km). The hourly emissions are computed as a function of road type, vehicle type, fuel type, traffic volume, vehicle age, trip length distribution and the actual ambient tempera...
Using Vito's on-board measuring system the influence of track, driving behaviour and traffic conditions on fuel consumption and emissions were studied for a small test fleet of passenger cars. City traffic resulted in the highest fuel consumption and emissions. Fuel consumption was about two times higher than for ring roads, which generally gave th...
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Externe kosten zijn alle kosten verbonden aan een product die niet in de marktprijs zijn ingerekend. Als typische voorbeelden van externe kosten gelden de schadelijke effecten van verkeersemissies op mens en milieu. De resultaten van het recente Europese ExternE (externalities of energy) Transport project tonen aan dat deze externe kosten belangrij...
The role of road transport emissions in regional scale air pollution and acidification has been evaluated, using the Operational Priority Substances (OPS) model as implemented and applied for modelling acidification in Flanders, Belgium. Details concerning road transport emissions are discussed and model results are presented, focusing on the relat...
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Realistic emission and fuel consumption rates of petrol-driven cars were determined by on-the-road experiments in 1995. A validated, in-house developed, on-board measuring system was used. Six three-way catalyst (TWC) cars and one carburetted non-catalyst car were measured. The effects of road type, driving behaviour and cold start on CO, HC and NO...
Emissions of petrol cars and diesel city buses were determined using an on-board measuring system. Six three-way catalyst (TWC) cars and one carburetted non-catalyst car were measured. In real traffic situations, TWC cars emitted more than expected from laboratory measurements. Aggressive driving in urban and rural traffic increased the CO, HC and...
New vehicle and fuel technologies become necessary to minimize energy consumption and air pollution. VITO's research objective is the evaluation of these new realizations in terms of costs, emissions and fuel consumption. This paper presents a methodology of cost-effectiveness study in which the estimation or calculation of vehicle emissions is ver...
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Despite the stringent air quality standards, urban traffic has been a major source of atmospheric pollution. It is therefore useful to investigate the potential effect of traffic management on emissions. Micro-simulation traffic models shall aid in developing traffic management systems and in urban planning practice. This study presents one such tr...


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