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Hussein A Mustafa

Hussein A Mustafa
Salahaddin University-Erbil

Studes PhDBSc. MSc. Business Administration Salahaddin University-Erbil
Studies PhD in Business Administration


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Hussein A Mustafa currently works at the Department of Business Administration, Salahaddin University - Erbil. Hussein researches in Strategic Management, Organizational Studies, Human Resources, Business Administration, Tourism Management, and Tourism Industries.
Additional affiliations
June 2016 - present
Salahaddin University-Erbil
  • Lecturer
October 2013 - present
Salahaddin University-Erbil
  • Assistant Researcher
December 2013 - August 2016
Salahaddin University-Erbil
Field of study
  • Business Administration


Publications (37)
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Abstract Purpose: the present study aims to analysis the relationship of intellectual capital (i.e. human capital, structural capital, customers capital) and organizational learning through its components (strategic component, organizational component, cultural component) then knowing the impact of this relationship on the achieving business entrep...
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التعلم المنظمي يعد موضوع التعلم المنظمي من المواضيع الحديثة والهامة في الفكر الإداري المعاصر، اذ زاد الاهتمام بمفهوم التعلم المنظمي في الوقت الحاضر نتيجة تطور وتغير البيئي وحركتها، اذ ان التعلم المنظمي يؤدي إلى تحقيق القدرة الريادية لمواجهة التغيرات المفاجئة وتحسين أداء الأفراد العاملين من خلال المعرفة والفهم لضمان استمرارها وتكيفها مع الظروف البي...
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ريادة الأعمال يهدف هذا المبحث إلى بناء قاعدة معلوماتية لريادة الأعمال من خلال استنباط مفاهيمها الرئيسية وتشخيص أهميتها وتحديد خصائصها ومكوناتها، سوف يتم توزيع محاور هذا المبحث ضمن السياق الآتى: المحور الأول: إطار مفاهيمي لريادة الأعمال المحور الثاني: مفهوم ريادة الأعمال وأهميتها وخصائصها ومكوناتها
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Critical thinking is a general term that covers all thinking processes that strive to get below the surface of something: questioning, probing, analyzing, testing and exploring. It is not a negative term as such, although it can sound it. Critical thinking requires detective-like skills of persistence to examine and re-examine an argument, in orde...
Conference Paper
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Currently, the tourism sector is a significant source of income in most countries; it is the primary source of job creating and revenue-that why countries are concerned about tourism. The process of tourist attraction also has become a top priority in its movement, administration, and economic activities. The primary goal of this research, therefor...
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المستخلص يهدف البحث إلى تقييم دور الجامعات الخاصة في تحقيق ثقافة ريادة الأعمال، والمنهجية التي تنتهجها البحث تتمثل في تحديد مشكلة البحث من خلال طرح تساؤلات عدة تمحورت حول التباين بين تقديرات عينة البحث لتقييم دور الجامعات الخاصة في مدينة اربيل في تحقيق ثقافة ريادة الاعمال من وجهة نظر اعضاء الهيئة التدريسية، ولأجل التحقق من صحة الفرضيات تم اخضاعها ل...
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The main purpose of this research is to examine students' perceptions regarding university education outcomes and labor market requirements, empirical study in the college of administration and economics, Salahuddin University-Erbil. To collect data, the researchers used a self-designed questionnaire. The samples comprised (335) four-stage students...
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Due to the increasing importance of cultural diversity in organizations with globalization, the management of cultural diversity and the effect of this management on organizational performance are the subject of the study. The survey method was used to collect the data, and the related survey was applied to the employees of the telecommunication co...
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This research's primary purpose is to examine the academic members' perceptions of ethical leadership practices and their role in organizational commitment, based on empirical data obtained from academic members at Charmo University. The researchers employed the quantitative method and used a survey questionnaire as a data collection instrument, wh...
Conference Paper
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Tour guides are considered a significant part of the critical player in tourism development and experience. The tour guide's role in the tourism sector differs according to its type, importance, characteristics, and location. Besides, the person who is guiding a group of people (tourists) may significantly impact attracting tourists and developing...
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The ultimate purpose of research is to analyze the mediating role of banking technology applications (BTA) in the relationship between intellectual capital (IC) components such as human сaрital (HC), ѕtruсtural сaрital )SC), customer capital )CC) and bank service quality (BSQ) dimensions: empirical evidence from commercial banks in Erbil city. The...
Conference Paper
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This research is carried out to investigate employees' perceptions of the relationship between employee job satisfaction and organizational change. A survey instrument comprised five constructs, such as employee job satisfaction: management and leadership style, incentive system, internal work environment, job's nature, and content, and organizatio...
Conference Paper
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Tour guides are considered a significant part of the critical player in tourism development and experience. The tour guide's role in the tourism sector differs according to its type, importance, characteristics, and location. Besides, the person who is guiding a group of people (tourists) may significantly impact attracting tourists and developing...
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The purpose of this research is to examine the attitudes of bank managers towards the effect of cultural intelligence on organizational climate and the process of strategy activation. A survey instrument comprising six constructs (cultural intelligence capabilities: metacognitive, cognitive, motivational, behavioral capabilities, organizational cli...
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Currently, colleges and academic institutes are continually updating their information systems to keep up with the ever-changing job market requirements and, more significantly, to stay competitive. Such changes do have a positive or negative impact on the performance of the academic staff. Information systems can also make planning simpler, partic...
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Higher education output is one of the most significant influences in achieving any country's development goals. However, in recent years higher education in the Kurdistan region realized rapid growth, perhaps as a result of e-governance implementation in the education system. Initiatives related to information and communication technologies help to...
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This research purpose is to examine the influence of total quality management on competitive advantage in some banks operating in the Erbil/Iraq, the research starts from a conceptual outline that takes into account the nature of the relationship between total quality management and competitive advantage. Accordingly, the research hypotheses develo...
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The ultimate goal of this research was to examine the impact of tourism service quality in improving the mental imagery from the managers’ perspectives working for tourism companies in Erbil. Also, understand the concept of tourism service quality and its various dimensions. However, to collect empirical data, the researchers used a self-designed s...
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Currently, colleges and academic institutes are continually updating their information systems to keep up with the ever-changing job market requirements and, more significantly, to stay competitive. Such changes do have a positive or negative impact on the performance of the academic staff. Information systems can also make planning simpler, partic...
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You may be familiar with this technique already, but have you tried doing it with Mind Mapping? The outward radiating branches of a Mind Map encourage your mind to make associations and generate more ideas from each thought you add. Having a clear and visual overview of your ideas for a solution means you are also able to spot the gaps in your ana...
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Growth in yourself eventually leads you to new opportunities, opportunities that don’t come about until you grow into the person who is ready for them. All you have to do is focus on self-improvement—start by reading personal development articles, books, blogs—and implement the things you learn into your own life. However, self-confidence is ultim...
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An essay (one of the most common types of assignment at university) is a piece of academic writing generally between 500 and 5000 words long. The word ‘essay’ originally meant a first attempt or practice, which perhaps suggests some kind of provisional exploration. Essays are an intellectual exploration of a topic, involving looking at different ar...
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We negotiate a great deal, more than we realize. Sometimes it goes smoothly, sometimes it seems difficult. While there is much advice about how to negotiate and be a ‘winning negotiator’, the actual experience does not seem as straightforward as books suggest. Why? Because negotiation is a complex process. What is Negotiation? Negotiation is a proc...
Conference Paper
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Why Debates? When debating, teams explore arguments for and against a specific proposition. Debating can be an effective and practical learning tool. Debating allows several different qualities to emerge, including: collecting and organizing ideas, evaluating ideas, seeing logical connections between ideas, adapting to new situations quickly and...
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SPSS interface: data view and variable view How to enter data in SPSS How to import external data into SPSS
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How Endnote Will Help All of your references in one place All of the articles can be attached to those references A searchable database, Create groups or categories. Spend less time learning the rules of APA or other styles Can be used to format your paper in any referencing style
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The SWOT analysis is a business analysis technique that your organization can perform for each of its products, services, and markets when deciding on the best way to achieve future growth. The process involves identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, and opportunities and threats present in the market that it operates in.
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رأس المال الفكري ينصرف هذا المبحث إلى توضيح المفاهيم الأساسية والمرتكزات الفكرية لموضوع رأس المال الفكري، حيث أصبحت الأصول غير الملموسة ذات قيمة للمنظمة، وقد ازداد الوعي بأهمية هذا المورد المنظمي الذي يمثل المعرفة الموجودة في المنظمة والتي لها التأثير الكبير في إعطائها قيمة حقيقية وميزة تنافسية عالية، وأدركت الكثير من المنظمات حقيقة مهمة وهي ان ري...
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المقدمة منذ ظهور الإنسان على سطح الأرض و التطور البشري لم يتوقف فقد استطاع الإنسان أن يتدرج بنجاح في مدارج التطور المختلفة كما أن تمكنه من السيطرة على الطاقة أحدث تغييراً في وجه كوكب الأرض و سبر أغوار البحار و المحيطات و الشروع في غزو الفضاء بل و حتى اختراق أسرار المادة بعبقرية في العلوم البيولوجية. إلا أن تأثير نشاط الإنسان أصبح اليوم من الضخامة و...


Questions (15)
Dear colleagues, I have a project on Cultural Intelligence, the Organizational Climate and Strategy Activation, I will be grateful for your sharing.
Thanks in advance
Dear RG colleagues, I interesting to do a paper on leadership and green supply chain management, so I will be grateful for your sharing.
Thanks in advance


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