Hugo GomesPolytechnic Institute of Tomar - Geosciences Center UC · Quaternary and Prehistory
Hugo Gomes
Researcher in Geosciences Center (uID_73)
Instituto Terra e Memória
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I am engaged in multidisciplinary research projects across Iberian Peninsula, Brazil...
My pH.D field based on chemical-mineralogical analyses for archaeological and conservation science applications. Between 2016-2021 worked on Science and Research issues in Estrela UNESCO Global Geopark, in Portugal.
Actualy i´m Researcher in IPT in Portugal on TURARQ Project.
Additional affiliations
September 2007 - present
Centro de Geociencias
- Investigador associado
August 2016 - November 2021
Associação Geopark Estrela
- Researcher
- Responsable Coordinator Researcher for Science and Education Network for Sustainability of the Estrela UNESCO Global Geopark, composed by tematic research groups from diferent academic institutions.
September 2007 - March 2016
Centro Geociencias Portugal.
- Researcher
Publications (101)
This paper explores the processes involved in the production of prehistoric paintings using inorganic pigmentation. The focus for discussion involves a number of rock-shelter sites that contain rock art within the western part of the Iberian Peninsula, with particular reference to the sites that contain Schematic rock art. A direct date cannot be o...
Um dos aspetos mais interessantes nos variados estudos dos pigmentos utilizados para a realização de pinturas rupestres é a seleção e manipulação das matérias-primas. Para estes estu-dos têm que ser considerados os aspetos relacionados com a disponibilidade dos materiais geoló-gicos, os aspetos culturais e os aspetos relacionados com a preservação...
A importância das matérias-primas para a produção de pigmentos na arte rupestre está testemunhada, por exemplo, pela presença de minas de ocre documentadas na Pré-História (p. ex. LAROCCA 2008). O estudo das matérias-primas na arqueologia é necessariamente interdisciplinar, envolvendo as componentes físicas dos materiais e as componentes culturais...
This paper discusses two projects that revolve around the conceptualization of tourism products within the framework of interpreting and understanding archaeological sites through a sustainable approach as part of TURARQ's initiative. The primary objective was to explore the application of a co-creation model, specifically the Project Based Learnin...
King Arthur’s Cave has been the focus of archaeological attention since 1870, when the Reverend Symondsexcavated much of the [eastern] main chamber to the bedrock. An assemblage of early and later prehistoric flint tools,along with an array of faunal remains was retrieved. The western chamber was investigated by Taylor (1926-27) wherethe famous mam...
Research and development activities of the Geoscu«iences Center 2018-2024
The Ocreza Valley (Lower Tejo River), central Portugal provides evidence for a new Upper Palaeolithic rock art complex in western Iberia. Recently discovered panels, comprising several engraved zoomorphic figures that includes an auroch (Panel OCR20), another with a horse figure (Panel OCR22) and a bolder with another engraved auroch figure (Panel...
The work carried out in Mato Miranda (Golegã) is presented, in the context of depositional architecture indicating the geometry of a river paleochannel in the Lower Tagus, with several prehistoric sites identified in its surroundings.
Cueva de Los Postes is located in the southern part of the Spanish Extremadura region, in the Fuentes de León municipality. This study analyzed pottery found during archaeological excavations in Cueva de Los Postes. The aim was to determine whether the raw materials had common or separate origins and determine whether or not the origin of the potte...
The way in which the past can be presented, simulated, re-enacted, re-lived and experienced in archaeology festivals isexamined here. For this purpose, the “Festival of Prehistory and Traditional Knowledge” in Mação was chosen as a casestudy. It is argued that these festivals are places of learning and knowledge transfer, and heritage-oriented tour...
The caves of Escoural (Portugal) and Maltravieso (Spain) are the target sites of a documentation and sampling campaign that is part of a European Interreg project called “FIRST-ART: Conservation, documentation and management of the first manifestations of Rock Art in the SW Iberian Peninsula: Escoural e Maltravieso caves” directed by Professor Hipó...
The study seeks to unravel the intricate operational sequence involved in preparing prehistoric pigments for rock art within the Puerto Roque rock art shelter. Sixteen pigment samples were meticulously collected from specific figurative representations. Additionally, three ochre samples were sourced from the shelter’s soil. Employing a comprehensiv...
The study seeks to unravel the intricate operational sequence involved in preparing prehistoric pigments for rock art within the Puerto Roque rock art shelter. Sixteen pigment samples, identified as Lab Code Puerto_1 to Puerto_16, were meticulously collected from specific figurative representations. Additionally, three ochre samples (Puerto_17, Pue...
The west of the Iberian Peninsula is an important region for the knowledge of the Lower and Middle Palaeolithic because it was where human dispersal westwards in Eurasia ended. At the same time, it was an ecological refuge whose diversity of resources and landscapes allowed for cultural idiosyncrasies. Although research on the Palaeolithic in Portu...
In recent years, light isotope analysis in sediments has been used to reconstruct climatic variations in continental contexts. The aim of this study is to verify the usefulness of this analytical methodology in archaeological
deposits, especially in the absence of other proxies. Sediments from different contexts (fluvial, colluvial and
This paper investigates Prehistoric rock art painted figures attributed to the post-palaeolithic schematic style. Through SEM-EDS, Raman spectroscopy and X-microfluorescence analysis, a chemical-mineralogical characterisation is made, and natural alteration products (biological, by lichen and chemical, through the formation of patina) are investiga...
Although archaeological tourism celebrates the cultural richness of
a country or a region’s history, a question rises – how can one
design and communicate an archaeological brand with success
for rural areas? Our ongoing project called TURARQ is trying to
answer this question. This project seeks to address an observed
gap in the literature – h...
Apresentação do projeto TURARQ, que tem como objetivo principal promover o turismo científi co e cultural em territórios de baixa densidade do Médio Tejo português (municípios de Abrantes, Constância, Mação, Tomar e Vila Nova da Barquinha), gerando riqueza e novos empregos, apostando no usufruto presencial do património arqueológico e nos meios de...
Nos últimos anos, a análise de isótopos leves tem sido utilizada para reconstruir variações ambientais em contextos continentais. O nosso objetivo é verificar a possibilidade de aplicar esta metodologia analítica em depósitos de grutas que têm vestígios arqueológicos de ocupação humana.
expressões artísticas na Península Ibérica. O projeto FIRST-A...
The evaluation and characterization of the Holocene deposits at the archaeological site of Amoreira by analysing their stratigraphies from a micro-morphological perspective.
Western Iberia is one of the richest areas for open air rock art in Europe. Panels with figurative and abstract engravings have been diachronically created in various rock formations next to major rivers and their tributaries. The origins of this pattern of behaviour can be traced back to the Upper Palaeolithic, with distinctive themes that include...
Maltravieso cave (Estremadura, Spain) was recently the subject of ATR-FTIR spectroscopy of 8 figures (four hand stencils, a red horse figure, a black bull figure, a pair of black lines, and a pair of brown lines). These artistic representations are composed of different colors including red, brown, and black figures. The analyses showed that differ...
El objetivo de esta investigación ha sido caracterizar la naturaleza química y mineralógica del pigmento empleado en los motivos esquemáticos prehistóricos de la cueva de Los Buitres 1 (Capilla, Badajoz), y tratar de identificar la presencia de materia orgánica en su composición. Para ello se han realizado análisis de espectroscopia Micro-Raman y A...
Microscopic observation correlated with chemical–mineralogical characterization was performed on pigment samples from “Abrigo del Lince” rock art site (V-IV millennium BC), in order to provide contributions to the study of prehistoric schematic art on granite in the province of Badajoz (Spain). The research objectives include the understanding of t...
A core problem of contemporary society is rooted in the educational system and the divides created between the humanities and sciences that have prevented integrated reasoning. This problem affects society at large and has severely impacted the mindset of leadership, precluding in-depth debates involving citizens that lack an understanding of the b...
Painted rock art figures from the Boqueirão da Pedra Furada and Toca do Paraguaio shelters (Serra da Capivara, Piauí, Brazil) have been recently analysed using various recognised scientific techniques. After the geochemical results, the samples that revealed carbonate were used for the dating process. Uranium-series disequilibrium dating (U/Th) met...
UNESCO Global Geoparks, created by UNESCO’s latest programme, are territories where science, education, tourism and communication support a territorial development strategy that aims to be holistic and sustainable. In this context, the Estrela Geopark is one of the biggest development strategies for the Estrela Mountain in the twenty-first century,...
The Estrela UNESCO Global Geopark, which encompasses the highest mountain in mainland Portugal, is a geographically defined territory with resources of notorious geological interest, with precious ecosystems, identity, and ways of life. Its geodiversity, associated with traces of glacial origin, the richness of its natural and cultural heritage, ma...
Community composting is an essential facet of circular economy and sustainable food production. Our contribution based on design science research presents the development of a regional composting network in Estrela UNESCO Global Geopark. The community composting model uses mobile technologies and geographic information systems. This paper details t...
Community composting is a key pillar of circular economy and sustainable food production. This paper presents the development of a regional composting network in Estrela UNESCO Global Geopark, using mobile technologies and geographic information systems. This design science research project presents the community composting model and the instantiat...
Daniel Arsenault initially came to Mação in Portugal for our annual ‘Rock Art Expedition – understanding the painted form’ programme which was organized by the Prehistoric Rock Art Museum and the Earth and Memory Institute (ITM) in Mação. The programme was headed by Sara Garcês and George Nash and ran between 24th July and 30th July 2015. It includ...
The development of non-formal educational strategies and the promotion of territory Serra da Estrela as a didactic resource constitute, at present, a stimulating action model for learning and qualification of human resources, promoting knowledge, and developing competence of value for sustainability. Knowledge of endogenous resources, heritage, and...
The purpose of this study is to address the importance of water resources in tourism and leisure activities, to establish a framework of activities in inland waters and their meaning in the territory of the Serra da Estrela, namely within the scope of Estrela Geopark. Recognizing tourism as one of the pillars of a UNESCO world geopark, the image an...
Esta obra inova por oferecer ao leitor diversos olhares sobre o tema ambiental unindo o direito ambiental às ciências da Terra. Destaca-se por incorporar a multi, a inter e a transdisciplinaridade necessárias para efetivação da legislação ambiental, a qual deve ser elaborada a partir do conhecimento e da assimilação dos conceitos das ciências da Te...
The Estrela Geopark rises to 1993 m asl and occupies an area over 2000 km² in the western sector of the Iberian Central System, the mountain range that extends from Guadarrama in Spain to Montejunto in the north-west of Lisbon. The Estrela is located in the Central Iberian Zone showing various types of granites and the turbiditic metasediments of t...
The caves of Escoural and Maltravieso are the only caves with Palaeolithic rock art in the Southwest Peninsula. These two contexts are similar in their geological characteristics, circumstances of their discoveries, state of conservation, location outside the preferential territorial scope of Palaeolithic art and in the absence of a tradition of sc...
Pigments from several preHistoric rock art painting samples were analysed through a multiproxy archaeometric approach. Sampling occurred in two rockshelters within the National Park of Serra da Capivara National Park area (a UNESCO World Heritage Site): Toca do Paraguaio and Toca do Boqueirão da Pedra Furada. Five complementary techniques x-ray mic...
La Serena region is a large plateau with open landscapes bounded in the south by a mountain chain formed by the Benquerencia, Tiros and La Rinconada Sierras. There are more than 300 painted and engraved sites in the region. Cueva Grande, Cueva de En medio and Cueva Pequeña are three Schematic rock art shelters located in the municipality of Benquer...
In this study, a collection of 29 samples of possible pigments, binders and carrying agents were selected based on artistic considerations and analysed with ATR Fourier-trans- form infrared spectroscopy in order to determine usable marker bands for each ingredient. It was decided to establish a preliminary and specific database for ATR-FTIR applied...
O Geopark Estrela, com um território de 2216km 2 e dividido administrativamente em 9 municípios, apresenta enormes desafios associados à sua gestão. O facto de quase 50% da área estar classificada como protegida, constitui uma oportunidade, mas também coloca questões, relacionadas com a ocupação do espaço e com a sua conservação, distintas do resta...
The session will take into account presentations related to subjects of rock-art imagery from all chronological periods or cultural traditions. Likewise, papers will be accepted from any rock art site of the world. Since rock-art Archaeometry and Conservation is closely related with other disciplines (Geology or Biology, for example), papers will b...
The Ndalambiri rock shelter in the Ebo region of Angola is a key site for assessing human occupation there given its potential association between stratigraphic contexts and rock art panels. Focusing on the Iron Age and European contact periods, this study characterised the site’s rock paintings using Raman spectroscopy, while also obtaining AMS ra...
Micro-Raman spectroscopic technique allowed the characterization of organic and inorganic pigments of different colours sampled from a rock-art shelter named Abrigo del Aguila, located in the district of Badajoz, Cabeza del Buey (Extremadura-Spain). Micro-Raman analyses has been coupled with SEM observation and elemental analyses (EDS). The white a...
Resumo: O Geopark Estrela, situado na mais alta montanha de Portugal Continental (1993m), é uma referência no que concerne às marcas da última glaciação, apresentando as mais importantes formas glaciárias e fluvioglaciárias em Portugal, bem como os mais relevantes exemplos de processos periglaciários observados no nosso país. Geologicamente é const...
Este trabalho apresenta uma abordagem multidisciplinar à monitorização do estado de conservação do sí‐ tio de arte rupestre de Cobragança, em Mação, Portugal. Este apresenta um estado grave de conservação, compreendendo‐se, hoje em dia, uma perda bastante acentuada do conjunto de gravuras devido a fatores na‐ turais e, essencialmente, fogos florest...
The current volume of issue 3 of Techné results from the contributions to the 4th ASP Conference of advanced research students in Prehistoric Art, held in Mação in 2016, with the organisation of the Museum of Prehistoric Art of Mação and the support of ITM (Land and Memory Institute) and CGEO (Geosciences Centre of Coimbra University). The volume i...
The serra da Estrela (1,993 m asl) is the highest mountain range in mainland Portugal. Bounded by two main fault scarps, a granite massif occupies the central area forming a summit plateau between ci. 1,500 and 2,000 m. To the north and south, schists and greywackes dominate the landscape, also with granite presence. During the Last Glacial a plate...
The current volume of issue 3 of Techné results from the contributions to the 4th ASP Conference of advanced research students in Prehistoric Art, held in Mação in 2016, with the organisation of the Museum of Prehistoric Art of Mação and the support of ITM (Land and Memory Institute) and CGEO (Geosciences Centre of Coimbra University). The volume i...
Os estudos arqueológicos sugerem padrões tecnológicos e de liquidação de recorrências e/ou convergências durante a transição do Pleistoceno-Holoceno. A fim de compreender melhor a sequência de ocupações humanas na região do Alto Ribatejo do Tejo inferior, um estudo geoarqueológico foi realizado, incluindo a caracterização sedimentológica de depósit...