Hugo M. BallesterosUniversity of Santiago de Compostela | USC · Department of Applied Economics
Hugo M. Ballesteros
PhD. Assistant Professor Applied Economics
Assistant Professor in Applied Economics
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October 2011 - April 2018
October 2008 - September 2010
Publications (59)
Free Access: https://bit.ly/2PTsWbmç
This work is an in-depth look at the acceptance of poaching in Galicia, exploring the role of the community in
tolerating acts of non-compliance with shellfishing regulations in Noia, (Galicia, Northwest of Spain). Tolerated non-compliance attitudes were identified and as a result it was possible to define the...
The poaching of marine resources has been defined as the conscious breaking of fishery regulations, a situation that occurs at serious levels and high frequencies in many socio-ecological contexts around the world. Poaching as a representation of illegal unreported and unregulated fishing (IUU fishing) impacts the management of marine resources and...
The opaque nature of illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing means that the data on catches are scarce or unreliable, making it difficult to estimate the volume of illegal fishing and the number of individuals who practice it. In this work, we develop the use of quantification methods for IUU fishing in data-poor fisheries and provide es...
Title: Superpoachers: Gaps in Anti-Shellfish Poaching Enforcement ● Abstract: Shellfishing in Galicia, Spain, is an essential economic activity that supports more than 80 small-scale fishing communities and is a fundamental part of the region’s cultural identity and seafaring way of life. However, poaching, or the illegal harvesting of shellfish, p...
The World Trade Organization (WTO) and European Union (EU) have both put forward tax reforms that impact fisheries' fuel costs, which are similar in the object of taxation but quite different in the externalities addressed, goals, scope, exemptions or tax rates, creating an opportunity to compare the effects and discuss the alternatives. These prop...
Este documento resume os traballos de Diagnose sobre igualdade de xénero no sector pesqueiro que o Grupo de Investigación en Economía Pesqueira e dos Recursos Naturais da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela realizou, en colaboración coa Confraría San Francisco de Vigo e no marco do Proxecto “Somos Confraría” (GALP7-169), entre xullo e outubro de...
Over the past two decades, enormous progresses have been made in high-throughput sequencing (HTS) method development. This fact unveiled the potential usefulness of HTS methods in a wide range of fields such as fishery assessment and management, for which their application has been extensively discussed. As a consequence of the rapid development, s...
A pesca é un sector altamente masculinizado e se ben as condicións de traballo femininas foron mellorando nas últimas décadas, este segue estando caracterizado por unha alta segmentación vertical e horizontal, con diversos mecanismos que perpetúan a discriminación das mulleres (Frangoudes, 2013; REMSP, 2018). Galicia é un dos territorios da Unión E...
Resumen: Este trabajo profundiza en las condiciones para la aceptación del furtivismo marisquero en Esteiro-Muros, A Coruña. Se identifican variables contextuales que modulan la permisividad del furtivismo marisquero y se analiza cuál es el objetivo de la creación de estas excepciones. A partir de una encuesta se profundiza en cómo las motivaciones...
As sancións son a única fonte de información rexistrada sobre a actuación dos furtivos en Galicia. Porén, só mostran unha parte pequena do furtivismo: o que é detectado, identificado e sancionado.
A revisión das sancións revela tendencias nas actividades furtivas, especies obxectivos, puntos quentes de furtivismo, etc. Permite discuti...
Poaching is the main threat of the Galician Shellfish Industry [1–6].
It is an endemic, widespread phenomenon deeply rooted in coastal communities [2].
In some cases, poaching is tolerated by legal shellfish gathers [1]
Tolerance could happen depending on two variables [1-2]:
Reason for poaching (Why poachers poach?) Shellfish harvesters’ could be...
The aim of the paper is to deepen the knowledge of plagiarism among college students in a Spanish University and to propose measures leading to its reduction. An analytical framework was developed to compare students’ perception of the plagiarism that they perform with data provided by anti-plagiarism software, which provided objective information...
As tarefas do projeto têm vindo a ser todas executadas, no entanto com atrasos em algumas, por motivos diferentes. A tarefa da governança participativa (Tarefa 8) teve início com grande atraso, pelas dificuldades na contratação. Os resultados desta tarefa são essenciais para a capacitação do setor da apanha de bivalves e para dar suporte à elaboraç...
The current European Union has been progressively implementing since January 2014 a discard ban which includes the obligation to land unwanted catch for certain regulated species and sizes. Although a full enforcement of the landing obligation has a direct impact on discard reduction through more responsible and selective fishing, fishers argue tha...
Natural resources management deals with highly complex socioecological systems. This complexity raises a conundrum, since wide-ranging knowledge from different sources and types is needed, but at the same time none of these types of knowledge is able by itself to provide the basis for a viable productive system, and mismatches between the two of th...
La Revista de Actualidad Económica (RAE) publica un ranking de las cien empresas más destacadas para trabajar en España a través de la medición de seis factores tales como Gestión del Talento, la Retribución, Ambiente de Trabajo, la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC), Formación y Percepción de los Empleados y el total de valoración. Este artí...
Shellfish poaching is an act of noncompliance with the laws that regulate fisheries governance. In this paper we explored if compliance with shellfishing laws among Galician licensed shellfish-gatherers (NW Spain) is voluntary or motivated by coercive factors. The results reveal that in those communities with a greater degree of compliance, license...
Shellfish poaching is an act of noncompliance with the laws that regulate fisheries governance. In this paper we explored if compliance with shellfishing laws among Galician licensed shellfish-gatherers (NW Spain) is voluntary or motivated by coercive factors. The results reveal that in those communities with a greater degree of compliance, license...
Evidence of the irreversibility of certain social changes has been accumulating in recent years, but both the processes by which perceptions of irreversibility are formed and the relationships between those elements that feed them remain largely unexplo- red. This work deals with the contribution of land uses to the creation of liveable rural areas...
The aim of this work is to prove the significant relationship between the economic crisis and the increase of the shellfish poaching in Galicia (NW Spain) during the period 2008-2012. A relationship was observed between the “necessity” causes and the economic incentives as an explanation for shellfish poaching. The results achieved pointing out the...
Esta investigación tiene por objetivo analizar si existe un perfil determinado en las personas ganadoras del premio extraordinario de la educación secundaria obligatoria (ESO). Para ello, se compararán los resultados de la totalidad de las postulaciones a este premio con los ganadores y ganadoras en función del género, hábitat, titularidad y formac...
To assess the likely economic outcomes to fishing fleets of the Landing Obligation (LO), bioeconomic models covering seven European fisheries, ranging from the North East Atlantic to the Mediterranean, have been applied to estimate the economic performance of fleets before and after implementing the LO. It is shown that for most of the analysed fis...
The Landing Obligation (L.O.) will demand extra workload to manage all the bycatch that formerly were dumped into the sea.
The new landing protocol, in some cases, will generate a massive amount of regulated catches which must be handled and landed. In this situation, additional extra work will be required to manipulate, conserve and stock appropri...
O furtivismo foi definido como o principal problema do sector marisqueiro galego (Sequeiros 1995; González Arias et al., 2011; Alló and Loureiro 2017). Nesta tese desenvolveuse unha liña de investigación sobre o furtivismo marisqueiro en Galicia, o cal foi entendido como a falta de adhesión voluntaria á ordenación marisqueira e as leis de pe...
During the Action A.1 of the Life-iSeas Project developed in 2015, we explored the legitimacy of the imposition of the Landing Obligation (L.O) legislation on a Galician coastal trawlers fleet. The main conclusions of that study found a lack of perceived legitimacy among the fishermen and a low expected compliance of the L.O. into the target fleet....
The main objective of this work is assessing the extra workload associated with the handling of catches subject to the Landing Obligation in a trawlers fleet in Galicia (NW Spain).
The European Commission has recognized discards as one of the most important problems of the Community fishing fleet. The landing obligation of all regulated catches has been proposed to minimize discarding practices. In this work, the perception of legitimacy that fishermen have of the landing obligation is explored, according to the expected resu...
The actions of illegal appropriators of renewable resources and/or wildlife represent one of the main threats for natural resources preservation (Muth & Bowe, 1998).The suitable classification of natural resources poachers will be important to define policies to rule the resources under specific management circumstances, and will be particularly im...
El objetivo de este informe es analizar, desde el punto de vista socioeconómico, el fenómeno de los descartes en una flota de arrastreros de litoral gallega. Durante este estudio se explorará la percepción de los pescadores sobre las capturas no intencionadas y sobre la obligación de desembarque de las especies sujetas a regulación, con el fin de v...
Este artigo fai unha revisión dos procesos de cambio institucional ligados á miticultura ga-lega atendendo á importancia reguladora dos dereitos de propiedade conceptualizados como unha carteira de dereitos favorecedores da ordenación da actividade. En tres etapas diferenciadas a defi-nición e o perfeccionamento dos dereitos de propiedade xeraron a...
Este artículo hace una revisión de los procesos de cambio institucional ligados a la miticultura gallega atendiendo a la importancia reguladora de los derechos de propiedad conceptualizados como una cartera de derechos favorecedores de la ordenación de la actividad. En tres etapas diferenciadas la definición y el perfeccionamiento de los derechos d...
Este bloque temático sobre Innovación y desarrollo en la acuicultura de Ibe-roamérica se compone de catro artículos a través de los que se ha tratado de cu-brir un doble objetivo. En primer lugar, se ha buscado identificar nuevas ideas acerca de cómo gestionar la innovación y el cambio en la acuicultura. En segundo lugar, se ha tratado de ofrecer u...
This paper reviews the processes of institutional change linked to the Galician Mussel activity. In particular, it focused on the regulatory role of property rights, which are conceptualized as a bundle of rights that favors mussel farming management. It is argued that along three distinct stages the definition and perfection of property rights gen...
A indefinição ou inapropriada definição dos direitos de propriedade associados aos recursos marinhos é uma das fontes das principais ameaças do setor pesqueiro mundial:
-Livre acesso à pesca (Tragédia dos Comuns)
-Sobre capitalização do sector (Excesso de investimento exploração predatória procurando retorno econômico. Race for fish.)
-Sobre pesc...
O pôster apresenta dados e conclusões preliminares sobre pesquisa em andamento sobre a mariscagem ilegal em Galicia (Espanha).
Most of the world’s fisheries are at least fully exploited. The main causal factor of this situation is the lack of a regulative institutional ambient in the fishing industry that, without well defined rules of the game, followed in recent decades a combined trend of marine resources overexploitation and inefficient economic results. The
aim of thi...
La mayor parte de las pesquerías del mundo están, al menos, plenamente explotadas. El principal elemento causal de esa situación es la falta de un ambiente institucional regulador de una actividad pesquera que, sin reglas de juego definidas, ha seguido en las últimas décadas una tendencia combinada de sobreexplotación de los recursos del mar y de r...
Most of the world's fisheries are at least fully exploited. The main causal factor of this situation is the lack of a regulative institutional ambient in the fishing industry that, without well defined rules of the game, followed in recent decades a combined trend of marine resources overexploitation and inefficient economic results. The aim of thi...
Trabajo de Investigación Tutelado (TIT) para la consecución del Diploma de Estudios Avanzados (DEA). Programa de Doctorado en Economía Aplicada de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.
Resumen Aceptada la existencia de externalidades negativas provocadas por las relaciones entre agentes económicos en el mercado, este artículo hace una revisión de los fundamentos de la Economía del Bienestar (E.B.) y de la Nueva Economía Institucional (N.E.I.) como escuelas emblemáticas en el estudio de la problemática de las externalidades. Obser...
Aceptada la existencia de externalidades negativas provocadas por las relaciones
entre agentes económicos en el mercado, este artículo hace una revisión de los
fundamentos de la Economía del Bienestar (EB) y de la Nueva Economía
Institucional (NEI) como escuelas emblemáticas en el estudio de la problemática de
las externalidades. Observaremos la pe...
O propósito deste artigo é mostrar a relevância dos diferentes regimes de propriedade no modo de gerir os recursos naturais renováveis, e nesse sentido entrar no debate sobre os regimes de propriedade que influenciam a exploração de ditos recursos. O ponto de partida é a caraterização do frame que Hardin propôs em Tragedy of the Commons (1968), a p...
Questions (4)
En algunos lugares, las personas que pescan o recolectan mariscos contra las normas locales reciben diferentes nombres. Esa diversidad ligada a la terminología puede mostrar connotaciones que expliquen diferentes niveles de non-compliance, drivers para la pesca ilegal etc. Al mismo tiempo esos nombres pueden ofrecer información valiosa sobre los matices de tradiciones locales o sobre la comprensión de las comunidades de mar sobre las prácticas de pesca ilegal. Estos detalles pueden abrir el debate sobre lo que es realmente considerado como aceptable o inaceptable, "legal" o "ilegal" en entornos donde las normas de facto son relevantes.
Estamos tratando de explorar esta diversidad de nombres y sus matices, en diferentes regiones e idiomas. Nos interesan especialmente las pesquerías de pequeña escala.
Le agradeceríamos que nos explique los nombres que reciben esos pescadores que actuan en contra de las normas locales, formales e informales, en su región o país. Si es posible, agregue también una breve explicación del uso del término.
In some places, the individuals who fish or gather shellfish against the law have different names. Those terms enclose connotations that may explain different levels of dishonesty, diverse types of non-compliance attitudes. But those names also may bring up valuable information about nuances of local traditions on fisheries or the understanding of the locals about illegal fishing practices.
Besides, these nuances can open the debate on what is legal or illegal in environments where de facto norms are relevant.
We are trying to explore this diversity of names given to those who fish illegally, especially in Small scale fisheries and in different languages.
We would be grateful if you explained what names those fishers receive in your region or country. If possible, add a brief explanation of the use of the term as well.
Thank you
Hi everyone, I created this point to share information about congress focus in fisheries management issues in 2015 & 2016. Some suggestions?