Hudson K TakanoCorteva Agriscience · Mode of Action and Resistance Center of Expertise - CPD&D
Hudson K Takano
Doctor of Philosophy
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June 2020 - present
December 2019 - present
February 2014 - December 2014
Publications (79)
Herbicides are effective tools to manage weeds and enable food production and sustainable agriculture. Corteva Agriscience R&D has recently discovered new diphenyl-ether compounds displaying excellent postemergent efficacy on important weed species along with corn safety. Here, we describe the chemistry, biology, biochemistry, and computational mod...
We report on the development of a novel class of diaryl ether herbicides. After the discovery of a phenoxybenzoic acid with modest herbicidal activity, optimization led to several molecules with improved control of broadleaf and grass weeds. To facilitate this process, we first employed a three-step combinatorial approach, then pivoted to a one-ste...
Herbicide options for selective control of monocot weeds in rice ( Oryza sativa L.) have historically been limited to a few modes of action such as inhibitors of acetolactate synthase (e.g. penoxsulam, imazamox), photosystem II (e.g. propanil), and acetyl-CoA carboxylase (e.g. cyhalofop). Florpyrauxifen-benzyl (Rinskor TM ) is a synthetic auxin mol...
Tall fleabane [ Conyza sumatrensis (Retz.) E. Walker] is commonly invasive in agricultural fields, reducing yield in various infested crops. The current study investigates the genetic diversity within and between a significant number of invasive C. sumatrensis biotypes in soybean fields in southern, southeastern and midwestern Brazil, using microsa...
Glufosinate, a glutamine synthetase (GS) inhibitor, often provides variable weed control depending on environmental conditions such as light, temperature and humidity at the time of application. Midday applications normally provide improved efficacy compared to applications at dawn or dusk. We investigated the biochemical basis for the time-of-day...
Glufosinate, a glutamine synthetase (GS) inhibitor, often provides variable weed control depending on environmental conditions such as light, temperature and humidity at the time of application. Midday applications normally provide improved efficacy compared to applications at dawn or dusk. We investigated the physiological, molecular, and biochemi...
Field trials were conducted to assess the impact of aminocyclopyrachlor on green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall) and honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos L.) trees in an urban environment. Aminocyclopyrachlor is a relatively new, selective, plant-growth-regulator herbicide in the pyrimidine carboxylic acid family. Treatments were applied to Ke...
Sourgrass (Digitaria insularis) is one of the main species causing significant losses in Brazilian soybean production systems. Thus, this paper aimed to evaluate sourgrass interference on soybeans grown under Cerrado conditions. Three field experiments were conducted, of which the first two (E1 and E2) simulated sourgrass after pre-sowing burndown,...
Conyza species are important weeds in global agriculture, especially due to their capacity to evolve resistance to multiple herbicide mechanisms of action. We aimed to evaluate the frequency and distribution of resistance to glyphosate and chlorimuron-ethyl in Conyza spp. populations from Brazil. Seed samples were collected from grain production ar...
The presence of monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous weeds resistant to glyphosate in the same area makes tank mixtures of herbicides necessary. However, mixtures containing latifolicides and graminicides may result in less effectiveness. This study aimed to evaluate the interactions of auxin-mimic herbicides with acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase) inh...
The evolution of glyphosate resistance (GR) in weeds is an increasing problem. Glyphosate has been used intensively on wild poinsettia (Euphorbia heterophylla L.) populations for at least 20 years in GR crops within South America. We investigated the GR mechanisms in a wild poinsettia population from a soybean field in southern Brazil. The GR popul...
Wild poinsettia (Euphorbia heterophylla L.) is an important weed species in southern Brazil, especially due to the evolution of multiple herbicide resistance (e.g., acetolactate synthase (ALS)- inhibitors, protoporphyrinogen oxidase inhibitors, and glyphosate). The mechanism of resistance to imazamox was investigated in two wild poinsettia populati...
More than one herbicide application is usually necessary to manage glyphosate-resistant sourgrass in advanced stages of development efficiently during off-season fallow periods. The objective of this study was to determine the best interval between two sequential applications to control sourgrass, based on the number of days and tiller-height after...
Wild poinsettia ( Euphorbia heterophylla L.) is a troublesome broadleaf weed in grain production areas from South America. Herbicide resistance to multiple sites of action has been documented in this species, including protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO) inhibitors. We investigated the physiological and molecular bases for PPO resistance in a E. heter...
Glufosinate targets glutamine synthetase (GS), but its fast herbicidal action is triggered by reactive oxygen species (ROS). The relationship between GS inhibition and ROS accumulation was investigated in Amaranthus palmeri. Glufosinate’s fast action is light-dependent with no visual symptoms or ROS formation in the dark. Inhibition of GS leads to...
Glufosinate is a key herbicide to manage glyphosate‐resistant weeds mainly because it is a broad‐spectrum herbicide, and transgenic glufosinate‐resistant crops are available. Although glufosinate use has increased exponentially over the past decade, the treated area with this herbicide is far less than that with glyphosate. This is because glufosin...
Glufosinate inhibits glutamine synthetase (GS), a key enzyme for amino acid metabolism and photorespiration. Protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO) inhibitors block chlorophyll biosynthesis and cause protoporphyrin accumulation, a highly photodynamic intermediate. Both herbicides ultimately lead to plant death by a massive accumulation of reactive oxygen...
We previously identified a glyphosate‐resistant A. trifida phenotype from Wisconsin USA that showed a non‐rapid response to glyphosate. The mechanism of glyphosate resistance in this phenotype has yet to be elucidated. We conducted experiments to investigate non‐target‐site resistance and target‐site resistance mechanisms. The roles of g...
Herbicides play an important role in preventing crop yield losses due to both their weed interference ability and their capacity for increasing soil conservation in no-till systems. Group A herbicides or acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase) are essential tools the selective management of glyphosate resistance in grass weed species. In this review, we de...
Bidens subalternans (greater beggarticks) is a tetraploid and troublesome weed infesting annual crops in most tropical regions of the world. A glyphosate‐resistant (GR) B. subalternans biotype was detected in a soybean field from Paraguay. A series of physiological and molecular analyses were conducted to elucidate its resistance mechani...
Sourgrass (Digitaria insularis) is one of the most problematic weeds in South America because glyphosate resistance is widespread across most crop production regions. Acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase (ACCase)-inhibiting herbicides have been intensively used to manage D. insularis, which substantially increased selection pressure for this class of herb...
Glufosinate is considered a contact herbicide due to its fast activity and limited translocation in plants. We used Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri S. Watson) as a model species to study plant-related factors affecting glufosinate uptake and translocation. Glufosinate uptake increased rapidly during the initial 24 h, achieving maximum uptake fr...
Glyphosate has been widely used to control greater beggarticks populations that are resistant to acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitors in South America. However, herbicide control failures has been observed over the last three growing seasons in grain production areas of Paraguay. In this research, we report the first case of multiple resistance t...
The evolution of glyphosate-resistant and -tolerant weeds has caused changes in weed management around the world. Residual herbicides are crucial tools for weed management, but the rate of adoption by soybean growers remains very low in Brazil. In this research, we used glyphosate tolerant Ipomoea triloba as a model weed species to evaluate the adv...
Main conclusion
Glufosinate is primarily toxic to plants due to a massive light-dependent generation of reactive oxygen species rather than ammonia accumulation or carbon assimilation inhibition.
Glutamine synthetase (GS) plays a key role in plant nitrogen metabolism and photorespiration. Glufosinate (C5H12NO4P) targets GS and causes catastrophic c...
Glufosinate-resistant Lolium perenne L. spp. multiflorum biotypes from Oregon exhibited resistance levels up to 2.8-fold the field rate. One resistant biotype (MG) had an amino acid substitution in the glutamine synthetase 2 (GS2), whereas the other (OR) exhibited the wild-type genotype. We hypothesized that the amino acid substitution in GS2 is in...
Herbicide resistance in Amaranthus genus occurs frequently around the word and has become a big problem in cotton producing areas. The objective of this work was to evaluate cross-and multiple-resistance of redroot pigweed (A. retroflexus) to herbicides used in preemergence in cotton fields in Brazil. Seven dose-response experiments were conducted...
Herbicide efficacy depends on herbicides crossing cell and organelle membranes. We evaluated an artificial membrane system to understand how herbicides cross biological membranes. This understanding aids in predicting herbicide behavior in planta and, consequently, efficacy, mode of action, and whether active transporter-based herbicide resistance...
The literature of biological activity of herbicides is vast. Thus, this short review contains only what we consider to the most important aspects of the topic. We divide the herbicides into three main groups: 1) herbicides that target biochemical pathways
and physiological processes involved with photosynthesis, 2) herbicides that inhibit the forma...
Glyphosate-resistant (GR) goosegrass [ Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn.] was recently identified in Brazil, but its resistance mechanism was unknown. This study elucidated the resistance mechanism in this species and developed a molecular marker for rapid detection of this target-site resistance trait. The resistance factor for the resistant biotype wa...
Grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) is one cereal crop that faces huge problems with weed interference mostly because the lack of selective herbicides. This study aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of herbicide alternatives for weed control in grain sorghum as well as the selectivity of atrazine + s-metolachlor to different hybrids. Three field tr...
Products with physiological effects on plants to optimize agricultural production is increasingly used; they can change the development of plants and the chemical characteristics of seeds. The objective of this work was to evaluate the development of soybean cultivars and the protein and oil contents of soybean grains after treatment with pyraclost...
Herbicide resistance has become a major concern for agricultural systems, and integrating weed management practices seem to be the most promise way for its mitigation. The effects of cropping systems including ruzigrass (Urochloa ruziziensis) associated with herbicide rotation programs were evaluated for the management of glyphosate resistant conyz...
The use of mixtures and rotation of herbicide modes of action are essential for herbicide resistance management. The purpose of this research was to evaluate different pre- and post-emergence herbicides to control goosegrass in soybean and corn. Four greenhouse experiments were conducted, one in pre-emergence and the three others in post-emergence....
The first reports of glyphosate-resistant (GR) sourgrass (Digitaria insularis) came from Paraguay (2005) and from South and Southeast Brazil, in Paraná (2008), and São Paulo state (2009). The hypothesis of this research is that the evolution of these resistant populations might have occurred independently. To test this hypothesis, a dose–response e...
The possibility of using auxin mimics herbicides in culture postemergence applications contributes to weed management. This study aimed at evaluating and comparing the effectiveness of 2,4-D and dicamba herbicides on glyphosate resistant or tolerant weeds. The treatments were dicamba and 2,4-D doses with or without glyphosate. The evaluated weeds i...
The distinction among Conyza canadensis, C. bonariensis, and C. sumatrensis is a challenge for weed science. In the current study, primers for microsatellite (SSR) loci were used to investigate the molecular divergence among the three species, the genetic structure of the populations at the molecular level and the level of genetic admixture among C...
Com a inserção da crotalária como planta antagonista em áreas com histórico de infestação de fitonematoides, a ocorrência de plantas voluntárias desta espécie passou a ser comum, tornando-se necessária a adoção de medidas para o seu manejo. Assim, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar alternativas herbicidas aplicadas em diferentes modalida...
o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a seletividade do clomazone isolado ou em associação com herbicidas aplicados em pré-emergência e/ou “over the top” na cultura do algodoeiro por meio de testemunhas duplas. O delineamento experimental utilizado em todos os experimentos foi blocos ao acaso, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com quatr...
Due to the limited availability of selective herbicides to control Sumatran fleabane after soybean emergence, it is essential to develop new options that provide effective control prior to planting. A new herbicide formulation containing diclosulam+halauxifen-methyl was evaluated for effectiveness at two Sumatran fleabane plant heights (5 to 10 cm,...
Several cases of herbicide resistance in goosegrass have been confirmed worldwide. Reports of control failures after glyphosate application have been observed, especially in the Midwest region of Paraná State. The objective of this study was to evaluate the existence of goosegrass populations resistant to glyphosate. For this, 25 populations collec...
The rapid spread of glyphosate-resistant sourgrass populations generates concern in the agricultural production sector in Brazil. Nonetheless, there is not much information related to the frequency and dispersion of sourgrass throughout recent years. We investigated the frequency and dispersion of glyphosate-resistant sourgrass populations in Brazi...
The chemical weed control in sugarcane during the wet season is more effective than the control carried out during the dry season. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of herbicides in the rainy season and in the dry season in sugarcane crop, and in different soil textural classes. The experiments simulated dry season and rainy...
Weed control is essential to reduce or eliminate the interference of weeds on crops. Chemical control with the application of herbicides consists of the most used method, with this aim in grain producing areas. Information about the selectivity of herbicides to C. spectabilis (showy crotalaria) are scarce, which are critical for the management of t...
Resistance to herbicides is a serious threat to crop production worldwide, especially in agronomic crops and cereals. This research evaluated the possible occurrence of Bidens pilosa resistant to imazethapyr and atrazine in Brazil. The resistant biotype was collected from an area with a history of repeated application of photosystem II (PSII) and A...
A resistência de plantas daninhas a herbicidas atingiu
níveis que causaram danos econômicos bastante
representativos na ultima década. A 3ª edição deste livro foi
divulgada em 2008 com o intuito de fornecer informações
sobre a problemática da resistência e cumpriu seu papel no
sentido de abordar o tema e disponibilizar o assunto de forma
One of the indirect actions of weeds in interfering in cultivated species is their potential to host causative agents of diseases. The root-lesion nematode (Pratylenchus brachyurus) has caused a series of damages to several crops in Brazil. For the management of this plant parasite, cultivation of different Crotalaria species has been used. The aim...
The sorghum crop in Brazil has expanded substantially. Among the factors that interfere in sorghum yield is the interference imposed by the presence of weeds. The objective of this study was to assess the potential of different herbicide treatments applied in pre-emergence or post-emergence of sorghum in terms of selectivity and weed control. Two e...
E. indica is one of the most problematic weeds in the world because it is present in almost every continent, and there are reports of multiple resistance to herbicides by some biotypes. The objective of this paper was to analyze the growth, the development and the production of this plant’s seeds, in order to generate information about its biology...
Enhanced selectivity can be achieved for some herbicide treatments through the application of chemicals that reduce or protect plants from injuries. The objective of this work was to evaluate the potential to prevent herbicide yield losses in glyphosate-resistant soybean by the use of the biostimulant Fertiactyl PÓS. Based on results from two field...
Herbicides with high persistence in soil can cause problems for crops sown in succession to their application. Thus, the aim of this study was to estimate, in greenhouse conditions, the safe period of time after application of preemergent herbicides used on cotton crops (isolated or in mixtures) for the crops grown in succession (bean, corn, and so...
Devido às suas características intrínsecas, o fedegoso (Senna obtusifolia) tem ganhado importância em canaviais, principalmente onde há predomínio de palhada após a colheita mecânica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficácia de herbicidas pré-emergentes utilizados na cultura da cana-de-açúcar no controle de fedegoso em solos de diferentes t...
Um experimento de campo foi realizado em Santa Helena de Goiás para avaliar a seletividade dos herbicidas fomesafen e clomazone e outras associações ao algodoeiro, quando aplicados em pré-emergência. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento de blocos casualizados em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos herbicid...
The increase in the area planted with Crotalaria spectabilis has occurred by several factors, highlighting the potential to reduce the nematodes, nitrogen fixation and the high production of biomass. By becoming a species sown as a crop, it is necessary to control the weeds that coexist with showy crotalaria. This change in the use of this crop cre...
O controle químico consiste no principal método de controle de plantas daninhas no algodoeiro, especialmente em áreas de produção de larga escala. Em função do longo ciclo que a cultura possui, aplicações consecutivas de herbicidas são necessárias, sendo estas normalmente realizadas em diferentes modalidades. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a...
O amonio-glufosinate é um herbicida de amplo espectro de controle de plantas daninhas,
porém não apresenta controle residual no solo, o que limita sua utilidade quando usado
isoladamente na cultura do algodão, havendo a necessidade de combinar diferentes
herbicidas em mais de uma modalidade de aplicação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a
RESUMO-O amonio-glufosinate é um herbicida de amplo espectro de controle de plantas daninhas, porém não apresenta controle residual no solo, o que limita sua utilidade quando usado isoladamente na cultura do algodão, havendo a necessidade de combinar diferentes herbicidas em mais de uma modalidade de aplicação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar...