Hublester Domínguez-VegaUniversidad Intercultural del Estado de México · Desarrollo Sustentable
Hublester Domínguez-Vega
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My research is focused on the analysis of wildlife in anthropized environments to generate management and conservation strategies
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January 2015 - December 2016
June 2014 - December 2014
August 2002 - January 2007
Publications (49)
La encantadora comunidad matlatzinca de San Francisco Oxtotilpan tiene en marcha una increíble iniciativa de ecoturismo en las zonas de alta montaña del Estado de México: proteger a las aves y ayudar al pueblo a vivir de manera sostenible. Gracias a la maravillosa gente que vive en este municipio, hemos podido observar 91 especies de aves, de las c...
Ambystoma altamirani is a critically endangered, microendemic amphibian species inhabiting the high-altitude rivers and streams of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB), a region experiencing severe ecological disturbances. This study aims to assess the current and future distribution of A. altamirani under different climate and land-use change sc...
Albinism, a genetic condition marked by the absence of pigmentation, is a rare occurrence observed in various animal species, including amphibians; mole salamanders (Ambystoma) are not commonly reported to have albinism in wild populations. This note offers an overview of partial albinism, or leucism, in Mexican endemic Ambystoma species. The occur...
Wildfires are natural phenomena that have shaped ecosystems and maintained biodiversity for millions of years. However, the increased frequency and severity of wildfires in recent decades are predominantly attributed to human activities. These anthropogenic factors, including land use change, climate change, and fire suppression, have disrupted the...
Ambystoma altamirani is a microendemic amphibian limited to central Mexico, specifically the Bosque de Agua region in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, renowned for its endemic amphibian species. Anthropogenic activities such as land use change, water pollution, and the introduction of exotic species such as rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) have...
Linear infrastructures such as agricultural irrigation channels produce physical changes and negative impacts to habitats, wildlife populations, communities, and ecosystems. Open irrigation channels act as a pitfall for wildlife and can affect vertebrates of all sizes. Nonetheless, small channels have received relatively little attention by conserv...
On 21 March 2022, an egg mass of A.altamirani (previously considered A. rivulare) was observed in San Francisco Oxtotilpan,
municipality of Temascaltepec, state of Mexico, (19.161723° N, 99.903279° W at 2633 m a.s.l.). This observation was more than twice as large as previously reported egg masses, where between
1 and 463 eggs were observed, either...
Ambystoma altamirani is a microendemic amphibian limited to central Mexico, speci cally the Bosque de Agua region in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, renowned for its endemic amphibian species. Anthropogenic activities such as land use change, water pollution, and the introduction of exotic species such as rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) have s...
The introduction of exotic species is one of the main leading factors in the decline and extinction of amphibian populations worldwide. Reductions in the abundance and local extinctions of amphibians due to the introduction of exotic fishes in rivers or lakes have been reported worldwide. To help prevent further extinctions, studies are needed in o...
Los humanos, igual que los demás seres vivos, somos dependientes de la naturaleza para sobrevivir. Pero a diferencia de la mayoría de las especies, tenemos la capacidad de modificar el ambiente en busca de satisfacer nuestras necesidades y gustos. En esta búsqueda hemos afectado drásticamente nuestro planeta; el impacto ha sido tan grande que en la...
The Baird's patch-nosed snake (Salvadora bairdi) is a non-venomous species endemic to Mexico, included in the official regulation Nom-059 under the category of special protection (Pr). This species has a relatively wide geographical distribution, which includes the Sierra Madre Occidental and the Transmexican Volcanic Belt. In this report, we prese...
Anthropogenic changes pose a significant threat to global biodiversity, especially in reptiles. Mexico, renowned for its diverse reptile population, is experiencing habitat disturbance and fragmentation, endangering rattlesnakes in particular due to their specific habitat requirements and limited mobility. The loss of structural connectivity furthe...
La biodiversidad es indispensable para la supervivencia humana; podemos evidenciar su importancia prácticamente en todos los aspectos de nuestra vida, por ejemplo: en las ciencias (e.g. como objeto de investigación) y en la cultura (e.g. base de creencias, mitos y prácticas). También nos provee de servicios esenciales como alimentos, medicamentos,...
El monitoreo comunitario es una aproximación de trabajo que, a través de la colaboración entre diferentes actores permite generar conocimiento sobre los recursos naturales. Esta estrategia busca formar vínculos con los recursos naturales, más allá de la documentación del valor de uso, promueve la exploración, reconocimiento e investigación. Para su...
Globally, the regions of the planet that contain the greatest biodiversity, are actually places where the hand of human culture mediates directly or indirectly through habitat management. These places are mostly run by indigenous people and local communities, which have been recognized as central subjects in the conservation of biodiversity and sus...
Anthropogenic land use and climate change are the greatest threats to biodiversity, especially for many globally endangered reptile species. Earth snakes (Conopsis spp.) are a poorly studied group endemic to Mexico. They have limited dispersal abilities and specialized niches, making them particularly vulnerable to anthropogenic threats. Species di...
México ocupa el primer lugar a nivel mundial en diversidad de serpientes. Su gran diversidad, morfología e historia natural las
han posicionado entre los vertebrados más importantes dentro de la cosmovisión mesoamericana; sin embargo, actualmente constituyen uno de los grupos con mayor vulnerabilidad debido a la percepción negativa que se ha genera...
Urbanization has changed the world's natural ecosystems. Therefore, the study of plants and animals in urbanized landscapes is of interest for the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Birds have been used as surrogates to study the effects of urbanization on the ecosystem services they provide (e.g., pollination, biological control,...
The implementation of the biocultural landscapes model at a local scale in indigenous communities of Mexico could lead to the resignification of such biocultural landscapes, since it allows the integration of practices and knowledge for its sustainable management. The objective of this study was to identify the dimensions that characterize the aspe...
Anthropogenic changes, such as land use and climate change, are the greatest threats to biodiversity, especially for reptiles, the second most endangered vertebrate class worldwide. Species distribution modelling was applied to assess how expected scenarios of future climate and land cover change might influence the geographic distribution and habi...
Anthropogenic changes, such as land use and climate change, are the greatest threats to biodiversity, especially for reptiles, the second most endangered vertebrate class worldwide. Species distribution modelling was applied to assess how expected scenarios of future climate and land cover change might influence the geographic distribution and habi...
Resumen: Las lagartijas al igual que el resto de los reptiles representan una parte significativa de la biodiversidad mexicana. El aumento de la población humana ha ocasionado que los hábitats de estos animales estén invadidos por actividades antropogénicas. Si bien la perturbación del hábitat es una amenaza, las especies suelen adaptarse a estos a...
Crotalus ravus es una serpiente de cascabel considerada especie prioritaria. Sin embargo, la zona donde se registró por primera vez en Hidalgo, México, tiene un bajo esfuerzo de muestreo, por lo que actualizar la información sobre su distribución en Hidalgo tiene relevancia biológica y para su conservación. En el presente trabajo se documentan nuev...
Due to its topographic and climatic diversity, the state of Querétaro presents high levels of amphibian and reptile richness, abundance, and endemism. However, this information must be updated constantly as regions with previously little to no information are further explored, using sampling methods that allow efficient recording of biological dive...
La actividad humana modifica el funcionamiento de los ecosistemas a nivel
global. La sociedad necesita transitar hacia un modelo de desarrollo rural integral,
concebido desde el bienestar social, en las actividades económicas y en
la conservación del patrimonio biocultural. El objetivo del presente capítulo
es presentar avances del análisis territo...
Published by the British Herpetological Society Human activities have caused several changes in biotic communities all over the world. Some species maintain viable populations in altered environments through different adaptations, however, knowledge in this regard is scarce for certain taxa, including reptiles. We analysed the detectability and hab...
Roberts' False Brook Salamander (Pseudoeurycea robertsi) is a critically endangered plethodontid salamander, endemic to the Ne-vado de Toluca Volcano (NTV), Mexico. Little is known about the biology and ecology of this species, including its microhabitats. Thus, this study aimed to collect basic information about P. robertsi. We sampled fourteen fo...
Resumen Vivimos en un mundo dominado por las creencias; los mitos y las leyendas son parte esencial de nuestra forma de percibir y entender la realidad. Algunos animales, como los murciélagos son víctimas de una percepción social negativa; han sido satanizados dejando de lado el papel que juegan en la provisión de los servicios ecosistémicos como:...
La distribución potencial del gran grisón, Galictis vittata, llega al centro y este de México, incluida la parte sur del estado de Tamaulipas. Sin embargo, no hay registros geográficos que confirmen este límite. El presente estudio documenta el primer registro del gran grisón fotografiado por trampas cámara en la Reserva de la Biosfera “El Cielo”,...
La diversidad de anfibios y reptiles de México destaca debido a la riqueza de especies y endemismos. Sin embargo, el conocimiento sobre estos grupos en las zonas urbanas es incipiente. Este capítulo presenta un análisis de la literatura científica sobre anfibios y reptiles en zonas urbanas y áreas adyacentes para: 1) evidenciar la importancia y el...
There are few studies about parasitic infections in Crotalus triseriatus (Wagler, 1830), an endemic rattlesnake from the highlands of central Mexico. This species occupies several habitats, from conserved forested regions to heavily impacted landscapes. To increase the parasitological knowledge of this reptile species without impacting populations,...
México es un país rico en diversidad de especies de saurópsidos (sin incluir a las aves), hasta hace poco conocidos como reptiles; ocupa el segundo lugar en el mundo con 936 de las 10 885 especies existentes que se han descrito. Sin embargo, la mayoría de estas son poco conocidas por la generalidad de las personas, y entre ellas se encuentran, por...
Heloderma horridum is one of the few known venomous lizards in the world. Their populations are in decline due to habitat destruction and capture for the pet trade. In México, many zoos have decided to take care of this species, most of them at altitudes greater than the natural altitudinal distribution. However, we know little about the capacity o...
Although being one of the most elusive reptiles in Mexico, Beaded Lizards are also one of the most famous, due to some biological
peculiarities as the presence of venom glands and its colorful aspect. In this paper we gathered scientific literature about one
of the mythic species inhabiting Mexico to favor its protection through scientific knowledg...
Salamanders are usually seen as typical inhabitants of temperate and humid habitats. Among Plethodontids, Isthmura bellii has the broadest altitudinal range of any salamander in the world and it is considered a habitat generalist. Nonetheless, even for this species, dry environments are thought unsuitable. We report the first records of I. bellii i...
The multi-dimensional analysis of biodiversity addresses several components,
including the number of species, as well as their ecological and evolutionary identities.
This approach can lead to key biodiversity patterns that remain covered when only
species richness is studied. The convergence of the Nearctic and Neotropical
biogeographic regions in...
Hunting is one of the main threats to biodiversity due to its synergistic effect with other anthropogenic activities. Aversive hunting is a radical measure aimed at species considered threats to human health or goods. This practice has proved high impacts on wildlife. We quantified sighting and hunting of Beaded lizards and analyzed its relation wi...
En México existen registros de lagartijas de la familia Eublepharidae en las costas del Atlántico y del Pacífico y son consideradas como amenazadas. El género Coleonyx muestra una distribución amplia pero se desconoce el límite de su distribución. En este estudio se presenta el primer registro de Coleonyx elegans nemoralis en el Estado de México, q...
Color and color patterns in animals are important characteristics that bring protection, by dampening the ability of predators that depend on their sight to detect their preys. In lizards, the dorsal coloration plays a key role in communication of intraspecific signals such as social cues. In this study, we evaluated the seasonal changes in the dor...
En lagartijas la coloración corporal es importanteen la comunicación así como en la protección contra los depredadores. Con el uso de una guía Pantone®, se analizó el cambio estacional en la coloración dorsal y los microhábitats de Aspidoscelis costata costata, una lagartija de amplio forrajeo que habita un ambiente (en el Estado de México, México)...