Howard Baer

Howard Baer
University of Oklahoma | ou · Homer L. Dodge Department of Physics and Astronomy



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August 2008 - April 2016
University of Oklahoma
  • Professor


Publications (361)
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Supersymmetric models accompanied by certain anomaly-free discrete R-symmetries Z_n^R are attractive in that 1. the R-symmetry (which can arise from compactified string theory as a remnant of the broken 10-d Lorentz symmetry) forbids unwanted superpotential terms while allowing for the generation of an accidental, approximate global U(1)_{PQ} symme...
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While the minimal anomaly-mediated SUSY breaking model (mAMSB) seems ruled out by constraints on Higgs mass, naturalness and wino dark matter, a slightly generalized version dubbed natural AMSB (nAMSB) remains both viable and compelling. Like mAMSB, nAMSB features winos as the lightest gauginos, but unlike mAMSB, nAMSB allows a small μ parameter so...
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Hidden sector SUSY breaking where charged hidden sector fields obtain SUSY breaking vevs once seemed common in dynamical SUSY breaking (DSB). In such a case, scalars can obtain large masses but gauginos and A-terms gain loop-suppressed anomaly-mediated contributions which may be smaller by factors of 1/16\pi^2 ~1/160. This situation leads to models...
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The string landscape statistical draw to large scalar soft masses leads to a mixed quasi-degeneracy/decoupling solution to the SUSY flavor and CP problems where first/second generation matter scalars lie in the 20-40 TeV range. With increasing first/second generation scalars, SUSY models actually become more natural due to two-loop RG effects which...
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Natural supersymmetry with light higgsinos is most favored to emerge from the string landscape, since the volume of a scan parameter space shrinks to tiny volumes for electroweak unnatural models. Rather general arguments favor a landscape selection of soft SUSY breaking terms tilted to large values, but they are tempered by the atomic principle th...
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While the minimal anomaly-mediated SUSY breaking model (mAMSB) seems ruled out by constraints on Higgs mass, naturalness and wino dark matter, a slightly generalized version dubbed natural AMSB (nAMSB) remains both viable and compelling. Like mAMSB, nAMSB features winos as the lightest gauginos, but unlike mAMSB, nAMSB allows a small mu parameter s...
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Natural supersymmetry with light higgsinos is most likely to emerge from the string landscape since the volume of scan parameter space shrinks to tiny volumes for electroweak unnatural models. Rather general arguments favor a landscape selection of soft SUSY breaking terms tilted to large values, but tempered by the atomic principle: that the deriv...
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The summarizes much of particle physics and cosmology. Using data from previous editions, plus 2,717 new measurements from 869 papers, we list, evaluate, and average measured properties of gauge bosons and the recently discovered Higgs boson, leptons, quarks, mesons, and baryons. We summarize searches for hypothetical particles such as supersymmetr...
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Natural supersymmetry (SUSY) with light Higgsinos is perhaps the most plausible of all weak scale SUSY models while a variety of motivations point to (right) tau sleptons as the lightest of all the sleptons. We examine a SUSY model line with rather light right staus embedded within natural SUSY. For light τ ˜ 1 of a few hundred GeV, the decays τ ˜...
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Supersymmetric models with a strongly interacting superconformal hidden sector (HS) may drive soft supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking scalar masses, bilinear soft term B μ and Higgs combinations m H u , d 2 + μ 2 to small values at some intermediate scale, leading to unique sparticle mass spectra along with possibly diminished fine-tuning in spite of a...
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Superstring flux compactifications can stabilize all moduli while leading to an enormous number of vacua solutions, each leading to different 4−d laws of physics. While the string landscape provides at present the only plausible explanation for the size of the cosmological constant, it may also predict the form of weak scale supersymmetry which is...
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Supersymmetric models with the anomaly-mediated supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking (AMSB) form for soft SUSY breaking terms arise in two different settings: (1) extra-dimensional models where SUSY breaking occurs in a sequestered sector, and (2) 4 − d models with dynamical SUSY breaking in a hidden sector where scalars gain masses of order the gravitino...
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In natural supersymmetric models defined by no worse than a part in thirty electroweak fine-tuning, winos and binos are generically expected to be much heavier than Higgsinos. Moreover, the splitting between the Higgsinos is expected to be small, so that the visible decay products of the heavier Higgsinos are soft, rendering the Higgsinos quasi-inv...
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Supersymmetric models with low electroweak fine-tuning are expected to be more prevalent on the string landscape than fine-tuned models. We assume a fertile patch of landscape vacua containing the minimal supersymmetric standard model as low energy/weak scale effective field theory. Then, a statistical pull by the landscape to large soft terms is b...
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We revisit the various measures of practical naturalness for models of weak-scale supersymmetry (SUSY) including: 1. electroweak (EW) naturalness; 2. naturalness via sensitivity to high-scale (HS) parameters [Ellis-Enquist-Nanopoulos-Zwirner/Barbieri-Giudice (EENZ/BG)]; 3. sensitivity of Higgs soft terms due to high-scale radiative corrections; and...
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We continue our examination of prospects for the discovery of heavy Higgs bosons of natural SUSY (natSUSY) models at the high luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), this time focusing on charged Higgs bosons. In natSUSY, higgsinos are expected at the few hundred GeV scale whilst electroweak gauginos inhabit the TeV scale and the heavy Higgs bosons, H, A and H± c...
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Supersymmetric models with low electroweak finetuning are expected to be more prevalent on the string landscape than finetuned models. We assume a fertile patch of landscape vacua containing the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) as low energy/weak scale effective field theory (LE-EFT). Then, a statistical pull by the landscape to large s...
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A bstract The supersymmetrized DFSZ axion model is especially compelling in that it contains 1. the SUSY solution to the gauge hierarchy problem, 2. the Peccei-Quinn (PQ) solution to the strong CP problem and 3. the Kim-Nilles solution to the SUSY μ problem. In a string setting, where a discrete R -symmetry ( $$ {\textbf{Z}}_{24}^R $$ Z 24 R for ex...
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We continue our examination of prospects for discovery of heavy Higgs bosons of natural SUSY (natSUSY) models at the high luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), this time focussing on charged Higgs bosons. In natSUSY, higgsinos are expected at the few hundred GeV scale whilst electroweak gauginos inhabit the TeV scale and the heavy Higgs bosons, H, A and H^\pm c...
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We revisit the various measures of naturalness for models of weak scale supersymmetry including 1. electroweak (EW) naturalness, 2. naturalness via sensitivity to high scale parameters (EENZ/BG), 3. sensitivity of Higgs soft term due to high scale (HS) radiative corrections and 4. stringy naturalness (SN) from the landscape. The EW measure is most...
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In supersymmetry (SUSY) models with low electroweak naturalness (natSUSY), which have been suggested to be the most likely version of SUSY to emerge from the string landscape, higgsinos are expected at the few hundred GeV scale, whilst electroweak gauginos inhabit the TeV scale. For TeV-scale heavy neutral SUSY Higgs bosons H and A, as currently re...
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The supersymmetrized DFSZ axion model is especially compelling in that it contains 1. the SUSY solution to the gauge hierarchy problem, 2. the Peccei-Quinn (PQ) solution to the strong CP problem and 3. the Kim-Nilles solution to the SUSY mu problem. In a string setting, where a discrete R-symmetry ({\bf Z}_{24}^R for example) may emerge from the co...
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In supersymmetry (SUSY) models with low electroweak naturalness (natSUSY), which have been suggested to be the most likely version of SUSY to emerge from the string landscape, higgsinos are expected at the few hundred GeV scale whilst electroweak gauginos inhabit the TeV scale. For TeV-scale heavy neutral SUSY Higgs bosons H and A, as currently req...
Supersymmetric models of particle physics predict new superpartner matter states for each particle in the Standard Model. These superpartners will have wide ranging implications, from cosmology to observations at high energy accelerators, such as CERN's LHC. In this 2006 text, the authors develop the basic concepts of supersymmetry and show how it...
Supersymmetric models of particle physics predict new superpartner matter states for each particle in the Standard Model. These superpartners will have wide ranging implications, from cosmology to observations at high energy accelerators, such as CERN's LHC. In this 2006 text, the authors develop the basic concepts of supersymmetry and show how it...
Supersymmetric models of particle physics predict new superpartner matter states for each particle in the Standard Model. These superpartners will have wide ranging implications, from cosmology to observations at high energy accelerators, such as CERN's LHC. In this 2006 text, the authors develop the basic concepts of supersymmetry and show how it...
Supersymmetric models of particle physics predict new superpartner matter states for each particle in the Standard Model. These superpartners will have wide ranging implications, from cosmology to observations at high energy accelerators, such as CERN's LHC. In this 2006 text, the authors develop the basic concepts of supersymmetry and show how it...
Supersymmetric models of particle physics predict new superpartner matter states for each particle in the Standard Model. These superpartners will have wide ranging implications, from cosmology to observations at high energy accelerators, such as CERN's LHC. In this 2006 text, the authors develop the basic concepts of supersymmetry and show how it...
Supersymmetric models of particle physics predict new superpartner matter states for each particle in the Standard Model. These superpartners will have wide ranging implications, from cosmology to observations at high energy accelerators, such as CERN's LHC. In this 2006 text, the authors develop the basic concepts of supersymmetry and show how it...
Supersymmetric models of particle physics predict new superpartner matter states for each particle in the Standard Model. These superpartners will have wide ranging implications, from cosmology to observations at high energy accelerators, such as CERN's LHC. In this 2006 text, the authors develop the basic concepts of supersymmetry and show how it...
Supersymmetric models of particle physics predict new superpartner matter states for each particle in the Standard Model. These superpartners will have wide ranging implications, from cosmology to observations at high energy accelerators, such as CERN's LHC. In this 2006 text, the authors develop the basic concepts of supersymmetry and show how it...
Supersymmetric models of particle physics predict new superpartner matter states for each particle in the Standard Model. These superpartners will have wide ranging implications, from cosmology to observations at high energy accelerators, such as CERN's LHC. In this 2006 text, the authors develop the basic concepts of supersymmetry and show how it...
Supersymmetric models of particle physics predict new superpartner matter states for each particle in the Standard Model. These superpartners will have wide ranging implications, from cosmology to observations at high energy accelerators, such as CERN's LHC. In this 2006 text, the authors develop the basic concepts of supersymmetry and show how it...
Supersymmetric models of particle physics predict new superpartner matter states for each particle in the Standard Model. These superpartners will have wide ranging implications, from cosmology to observations at high energy accelerators, such as CERN's LHC. In this 2006 text, the authors develop the basic concepts of supersymmetry and show how it...
Supersymmetric models of particle physics predict new superpartner matter states for each particle in the Standard Model. These superpartners will have wide ranging implications, from cosmology to observations at high energy accelerators, such as CERN's LHC. In this 2006 text, the authors develop the basic concepts of supersymmetry and show how it...
Supersymmetric models of particle physics predict new superpartner matter states for each particle in the Standard Model. These superpartners will have wide ranging implications, from cosmology to observations at high energy accelerators, such as CERN's LHC. In this 2006 text, the authors develop the basic concepts of supersymmetry and show how it...
Supersymmetric models of particle physics predict new superpartner matter states for each particle in the Standard Model. These superpartners will have wide ranging implications, from cosmology to observations at high energy accelerators, such as CERN's LHC. In this 2006 text, the authors develop the basic concepts of supersymmetry and show how it...
Supersymmetric models of particle physics predict new superpartner matter states for each particle in the Standard Model. These superpartners will have wide ranging implications, from cosmology to observations at high energy accelerators, such as CERN's LHC. In this 2006 text, the authors develop the basic concepts of supersymmetry and show how it...
Supersymmetric models of particle physics predict new superpartner matter states for each particle in the Standard Model. These superpartners will have wide ranging implications, from cosmology to observations at high energy accelerators, such as CERN's LHC. In this 2006 text, the authors develop the basic concepts of supersymmetry and show how it...
Supersymmetric models of particle physics predict new superpartner matter states for each particle in the Standard Model. These superpartners will have wide ranging implications, from cosmology to observations at high energy accelerators, such as CERN's LHC. In this 2006 text, the authors develop the basic concepts of supersymmetry and show how it...
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We summarize the state of Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) model building in particle physics for Snowmass 2021, focusing mainly on several whitepaper contributions to BSM model building (TF08) and closely related areas.
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We examine production and decay of heavy neutral SUSY Higgs bosons pp→H,A→ττ¯ within the hMSSM and compare against a perhaps more plausible natural supersymmetry scenario dubbed mh125(nat) which allows for a natural explanation for mweak≃mW,Z,h∼100 GeV while maintaining mh≃125 GeV. We evaluate signal against various Standard Model backgrounds from...
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This is the Snowmass2021 Energy Frontier (EF) Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) report. It combines the EF topical group reports of EF08 (Model-specific explorations), EF09 (More general explorations), and EF10 (Dark Matter at Colliders). The report includes a general introduction to BSM motivations and the comparative prospects for proposed future e...
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A bstract A vast array of (metastable) vacuum solutions arise from string compactifications, each leading to different 4-d laws of physics. The space of these solutions, known as the string landscape, allows for an environmental solution to the cosmological constant problem. We examine the possibility of an environmental solution to the gauge hiera...
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We examine production and decay of heavy neutral SUSY Higgs bosons pp-> H,\ A -> \tau\bar{\tau} within the hMSSM and compare against a perhaps more plausible natural supersymmetry scenario dubbed m_h^{125}({\rm nat}) which allows for a natural explanation for m_{weak}\simeq m_{W,Z,h}\sim 100 GeV while maintaining m_h\simeq 125 GeV. We evaluate sign...
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The Review summarizes much of particle physics and cosmology. Using data from previous editions, plus 2,143 new measurements from 709 papers, we list, evaluate, and average measured properties of gauge bosons and the recently discovered Higgs boson, leptons, quarks, mesons, and baryons. We summarize searches for hypothetical particles such as super...
A vast array of (metastable) vacuum solutions arise from string compactifications, each leading to different 4-d laws of physics. The space of these solutions, known as the string landscape, allows for an environmental solution to the cosmological constant problem. We examine the possibility of an environmental solution to the gauge hierarchy probl...
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Supersymmetric models with radiatively driven naturalness enjoy low electroweak fine tuning whilst respecting LHC search limits on gluinos and top squarks and allowing for mh≃125 GeV. While the heavier Higgs bosons H and A may have TeV-scale masses, the supersymmetry (SUSY)-conserving μ parameter must lie in the few hundred GeV range. Thus, in natu...
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Motivated by the fact that naturalness arguments strongly suggest that the supersymmetry (SUSY)-preserving Higgsino mass parameter μ cannot be too far above the weak scale, we reexamine Higgsino pair production in association with a hard QCD jet at the High Luminosity LHC. We focus on ℓ+ℓ−+ET+j events from the production and subsequent decay, χ˜20→...
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We examine the issue of dark radiation (DR) from string moduli decay into axion-like particles (ALPs). In KKLT-type models of moduli stabilization, the axionlike phases of moduli fields are expected to decouple whilst in LVS-type moduli stabilization some can remain light and may constitute dark radiation. We evaluate modulus decay to Minimal Super...
Light moduli fields, gravitationally coupled scalar fields with no classical potential and which are expected to emerge as remnants from string theory compactification, are dangerous to cosmology in that 1. their late-time decays may disrupt successful Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN), 2. they may decay into gravitino pairs which result in violation...
We examine the issue of dark radiation (DR) from string moduli decay into axion-like particles (ALPs). In KKLT-type models of moduli stabilization, the axionlike phases of moduli fields are expected to decouple whilst in LVS-type moduli stabilization some can remain light and may constitute dark radiation. We evaluate modulus decay to Minimal Super...
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We re-examine higgsino pair production in association with a hard QCD jet at the LHC. We focus on \ell^+\ell^- +MET +jet events from the production and subsequent decay, \tchi_2^0\to\tchi_1^0\ell^+\ell^-, of the heavier neutral higgsino. The novel feature of our analysis is that we propose angular cuts to reduce the irreducible background from Z(->...
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A bstract In string theory with flux compactifications, anthropic selection for structure formation from a discretuum of vacuum energy values provides at present our only understanding of the tiny yet positive value of the cosmological constant. We apply similar reasoning to a toy model of the multiverse restricted to vacua with the MSSM as the low...
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In this mini-review, we summarize a variety of findings pertaining to consequences of the landscape of string theory for supersymmetry (SUSY) phenomenology. The idea is to adopt the MSSM as the most parsimonious 4-d low energy EFT after string compactification but where the scale of SUSY breaking is as yet undetermined. A power-law landscape draw t...
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In string theory with flux compactifications, anthropic selection for structure formation from a discretuum of vacuum energy values provides at present our only understanding of the tiny yet positive value of the cosmological constant. We apply similar reasoning to a toy model of the multiverse restricted to vacua with the MSSM as the low energy ef...
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A bstract Nowadays, the cosmological moduli problem (CMP) comes in three parts: 1. potential violation of Big-Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) constraints from late decaying moduli fields, 2. the moduli-induced gravitino problem wherein gravitinos are overproduced and their decays violate BBN or dark matter overproduction bounds and 3. the moduli-induced...
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Models of natural supersymmetry give rise to a weak scale $$m_{weak}\sim m_{W,Z,h}\sim 100$$ m weak ∼ m W , Z , h ∼ 100 GeV without any (implausible) finetuning of independent contributions to the weak scale. These models, which exhibit radiatively driven naturalness (RNS), are expected to arise from statistical analysis of the string landscape whe...
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The cosmological moduli problem (CMP) comes in three parts: 1. potential violation of BBN constraints from late decaying moduli fields, 2. the moduli-induced gravitino problem wherein gravitinos are overproduced and 3. the moduli-induced lightest SUSY particle (LSP) overproduction problem. We examine the cosmological moduli problem and its connecti...
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Perturbative supersymmetry breaking on the landscape of string vacua is expected to favor large soft terms as a power-law or log distribution, but tempered by an anthropic veto of inappropriate vacua or vacua leading to too large a value for the derived weak scale, which is a violation of the atomic principle. Indeed, scans of such vacua yield a st...
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Supersymmetric models with radiatively-driven naturalness (RNS) enjoy low electroweak fine-tuning whilst respecting LHC search limits on gluinos and top squarks and allowing for $m_h\simeq 125$ GeV. While the heavier Higgs bosons $H,\ A$ may have TeV-scale masses, the SUSY conserving $\mu$ parameter must lie in the few hundred GeV range. Thus, in n...
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Light moduli fields, gravitationally coupled scalar fields with no classical potential and which are expected to emerge as remnants from string theory compactification, are dangerous to cosmology in that 1. their late-time decays may disrupt successful Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN), 2. they may decay into gravitino pairs which result in violation...
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Models of natural supersymmetry give rise to a weak scale m_{weak}~m_{W,Z,h}~ 100 GeV without any (implausible) finetuning of independent contributions to the weak scale. These models, which exhibit radiatively driven naturalness (RNS), are expected to arise from statistical analysis of the string landscape wherein large soft terms are favored, but...
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Motivated by the fact that naturalness arguments strongly suggest that the SUSY-preserving higgsino mass parameter mu cannot be too far above the weak scale, we re-examine higgsino pair production in association with a hard QCD jet at the HL-LHC. We focus on \ell^+\ell^-+\eslt+j events from the production and subsequent decay, \tchi_2^0\to\tchi_1^0...
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A scan of soft supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking parameters within the string theory landscape with the minimal supersymmetric standard model assumed as the low energy effective field theory—using a power-law draw to large soft terms coupled with an anthropic selection of a derived weak scale to be within a factor of 4 of our measured value—predicts a...
The recent measurement of the muon anomalous magnetic moment aμ≡(g−2)μ/2 by the Fermilab Muon g−2 experiment sharpens an earlier discrepancy between theory and the BNL E821 experiment. We examine the predicted Δaμ≡aμ(exp)−aμ(th) in the context of supersymmetry with low electroweak naturalness (restricting to models which give a plausible explanatio...
The recent measurement of the muon anomalous magnetic moment a_\mu\equiv (g-2)_\mu/2 by the Fermilab Muon g-2 experiment sharpens an earlier discrepancy between theory and the BNL E821 experiment. We examine the predicted \Delta a_\mu\equiv a_\mu(exp)-a_\mu(th) in the context of supersymmetry with low electroweak naturalness (restricting to models...
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A scan of soft SUSY breaking parameters within the string theory landscape with the MSSM assumed as the low energy effective field theory-- using a power-law draw to large soft terms coupled with an anthropic selection of a derived weak scale to be within a factor four of our measured value-- predicts a peak probability of m_h~125 GeV with sparticl...
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Perturbative supersymmetry breaking on the landscape of string vacua is expected to favor large soft terms as a power-law or log distribution, but tempered by an anthropic veto of inappropriate vacua or vacua leading to too large a value for the derived weak scale -- a violation of the atomic principle. Indeed, scans of such vacua yield a statistic...
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Recent work on calculating string theory landscape statistical predictions for the Higgs boson and sparticle mass spectrum from an assumed power-law soft term distribution yields an expectation for mh≃125 GeV with sparticles (save light Higgsinos) somewhat beyond the reach of the high-luminosity LHC. A recent examination of the statistics of supers...