Hosam Bayoumi

Hosam Bayoumi
Obuda University · Institute of Environmental Engineering

C.Sc., Ph.D.


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September 2008 - present
Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungary
  • University Privatum Professor
  • Increasing soil quality and saving it from pollutants, wastewater sludge in agriculture; monitorization of organic matter; soil microbial biomass and enzymatic activities in wastewater sludge amended soils; roles of metal oxide nanoparticles in biosphere.


Publications (49)
Conference Paper
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The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) has published the KNMI’06 climate scenarios in 2006. These scenarios give the possible states of the climate in The Netherlands for the next century. Projections of changes in precipitation were made for a time scale of 1 day. The urban drainage sector is, however, more interested in projections...
Conference Paper
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The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) published the KNMI’06 Climate Scenarios in 2006. These scenarios give the possible states of the climate in The Netherlands for the next century. Projections of changes in precipitation were made for a time scale of 1 day. The urban drainage sector is, however, more interested in projections on...
Conference Paper
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The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) has published the KNMI’06 climate scenarios in 2006. These scenarios give the possible states of the climate in The Netherlands for the next century. Projections of changes in precipitation were made for a time scale of 1 day. The urban drainage sector is, however, more interested in projections...
The “3R” (reduce, reuse and recycle) principle has been significantly employed in processing ELVs (end-of-life vehicles), particularly ELV parts and methods to promote sustainable development. Motivated by legislation such as Directive (2000/53/EC), recently, ELV problems have seriously been treated in developing countries as well. This paper analy...
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Dear colleagues and friends, Greetings from Óbuda University, Hungary! We hereby wish to bring into your kind notice that The Workshop on Environmental Sciences and Engineering (WESE) is part of the 7th International Joint Conference on Environmental and Light Industry Technologies (IJCELIT) held in Budapest, from 21 to 22 of November 2019, at the...
The content and stocks of carbon and the activity of microbiological destruction of organic matter in three types of chernozem soils in Ukraine have been investigated. An imbalance was found in the accumulation of the main components of the soil organic matter, as well as between mineralization processes, humus accumulation and degradation of cellu...
Conference Paper
Rhizobacteria are a heterogeneous group of bacteria that can be found in the rhizosphere of medicinal plants, at root surfaces and in association with roots, which can improve the extent or quality of plant growth directly or indirectly. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of medicinal plants Mentha piperita, Inula helenium, Thymus...
Conference Paper
Abstract The use of agrochemicals such as chemical fertilizers and pesticides has caused tremendous harm to the eco-environment. Organic matter (OM) addition to soil often leads to a rapid increase in the activities of various enzymes and reactivation of biogeochemical cycles in soil. One of the major concerns today in all over the world is the pol...
Conference Paper
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The heavy metals mean serious risk in environmental pollution. Some of them are essential for many organisms in a low concentration, but the others should be toxic at low concentrations, too. The heavy metals are contacted through the food chain with living organisms. Industrial, transport and municipal waste origin effects of contaminants appear m...
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The condition of an ecosystem greatly depends on the different biotic and abiotic factors. As the result of the anthropogenic activity e.g., industrial gas emission, irrigation with polluted water or highly usage of chemical fertilizers and metal -based pesticides causing a significant increase in the concentration of heavy metals in soil. Due t...
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Microbial parameters appear to be very useful in monitoring soil contamination by heavy metals. The toxic heavy metals cause serious threat to the environment, Nowadays, the most an important ecological problem is to correct the toxic effect of heavy metals in contaminated soils. In vitro, two strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (NSS5099 and NSS700...
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Analyzing the effects of compost application on chemical and microbiological soil properties, pot experiment was conducted with mixtures of a sandy-loam soil and compost originated from plant residues, including 0, 2.5, 5 and 10 v/v% compost, in four replicates. Ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) was seeded in the pots, which were set up at 20°C in clima...
The effect of compost application on the chemical soil properties, which are important for soil fertility, was analysed. Pot experiments were set up before and after incubation of soil mixed with compost. Four treatments include 0, 2.5, 5 and 10 m/m % compost mixed to soil were used; each treatment was repeated four times. Compost was from plant re...
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Problem statement: Serious health problems and other economic costs related to water treatment, remediation and locating a new water supply, become an evidence of water pollution caused by human activities. The main problems of the Danube River basin are associated with nutrients, organic pollution and hazardous pollutants. The aim of the study is...
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The application of municipal sewage sludge (MSS) increases soil organic matter (SOM) and improves soil structure. MSS of high heavy metal (HHM) content significantly decreased soil bioproductivity, reduced its biochemical properties, and lowered the microbial contents in comparison with MSS of low heavy metal (LHM) content. Total alfalfa dry matter...
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The use of plants for heavy metal-polluted soil rehabilitation is an emerging ecologically sound and safe technique. An in vitro laboratory experiment was conducted for 15 days in Petri dishes containing 3 layers of Whatman filter papers wetted by 50 ml of heavy metals Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn, separately at 0, 10, 20, 40, 80 to 160 μM to determine th...
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Aluminium (Al) toxicity is one of the most widespread agronomic problems in world. Selection of pH and Al tolerant strains of Rhizobium leguminosarum as well as Vicia faba was carried out in vitro and in vivo. Developing Al-tolerant faba bean cultivar is one approach to overcome this constraint. The growth of the strains was evaluated in term of op...
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If soils are to be successfully treated with sewage sludge it is necessary to study the biological properties of the soil, which are closely correlated with soil quality. In general the biocomponents of the soil respond more rapidly to changes in soil conditions than the physical and chemical properties, so the microbe populations in the soil and t...
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Biological monitoring of Zagyva river, Hungary, using basicly zooplankton analisis.Gödöllő University Press.
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Water is affected by several diffuse and pointwise of contamination sources, which causes variation in water quality. The observation of the biological components in an aquatic ecosystem is one of the best applied method to follow such, changes, because the biological components often regenerate slower than the contaminated material, in the water....
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Az utobbi evekben egyre tobb tanulmany szuletett a mikroorganizmusok nehezfem akkumulaciojarol. A mikroszervezetek nehezfemekkel szembeni tűrőkepessegere es nehezfem felvetelere a bioremediacios hasznosithatosaguk miatt egyre nagyobb figyelmet forditanak. A mikroorganizmusok tulajdonsagai nagyon jol hasznosithatoak a talajszennyezes monitorozasanal...
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A szennyviziszappal kezelt talajok minősegenek meghatarozasahoz elengedhetetlen a biologiai mutatok jellemzese. Jelen tanulmany celja az volt, hogy modellkiserlet segitsegevel megvizsgaljuk a talajokhoz (barna erdőtalaj es reti csernozjom) kulonboző aranyban (0, 20, 40, 60 es 100% iszap:talaj) hozzaadott szennyviziszap hatasat a talaj pH-ertekere,...
Kadmiummal (Cd) és ólommal (Pb) szennyezett talaj gázkibocsátását vizsgáltuk gázkromatográfiás és kemilumineszcenciás módszerrel zárt rendszerű, különböző hőmérsékleten inkubált (15 és 37 SYMBOL 176 \f "Symbol" \s 11_
Conference Paper
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Heavy metal release to the environment has been increasing continuously as a result of industrial activities and technological development and poses a significant threat to the environment, public and soil health (Cerbasi and Yetis, 2001). Contamination of agricultural soil with heavy metals is a major problem on industrial and defense related site...
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Ph.D subprogram, Szent Istvan University, Godolli, Hungary Introduction Bacteria with well-known properties for the biological nitrogen-fixation are important components of the various soil-plant ecosystems and for the arable lands (Biro 2005). Interrelations between the macro-symbiont hosts and the micro-symbiont Rhizobium bacteria are highly infl...
The aim of present project was to develop a microcosm experimental method for estimation of NOx and CO2 emission of microbial origin from cultivated soil. The effect of different factors (such as temperature, water supply, mineral-N source and organic matter addition, role of soil organisms and heavy metal contamination) that controlling the accumu...
Uveghazi korulmenyek kozott, a Godollői-dombsagbol szarmazo Ramann-fele barna erdőtalajon (Dystri-Chromic Cambisol; WRB, 1998) nevelt etkezesi szarazbab (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) noveny harom, Magyarorszag elterő okologiai adottsagu teruletein is biztonsaggal termeszthető, azonos tenyeszidejű fajtaja (Diana, Albamax es Perle) rizoszferajanak NaCl-kez...
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Tenyeszedeny-kiserletet folytattunk egy kommunalis szennyviziszap noveny-talaj rendszerben valo alkalmazasi lehetősegeinek modellezesere egy Magyarorszagon koztermesztesben levő, ellenallo etkezesi szarazbabfajtaval, mivel a szennyviziszapok nagy tapelemtartalmuk miatt a novenytaplalashoz kedvezően jarulhatnak hozza. Uveghazi modellkiserletben neve...
Plant development depends on a number of inorganic ecological factors, such as soil moisture, nutrient availability, humidity and temperature. Among the biological factors, the pathogenic microorganisms present in the vicinity of the plants are of great importance, especially the composition of the symbiotic microorganisms in the rhizosphere. The b...
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Uveghazi modellkiserletben neveltunk buzanovenyeket szennyviziszapot kulonboző aranyban tartalmazo talajkulturakban, es 50 napi tenyeszidő utan a talajmikrobiota allapotjelzőit elemeztuk tavaszi buza jelzőnovennyel. Megallapitottuk, hogy az iszapadagolas minden esetben novelte a kontrollhoz kepest az osszes csiraszamot, kulonosen 30% iszaptartalom...
Üvegházi körülmények között savanyú barna erdotalajban nevelt fehér here ( Trifolium repens L.) növények rizoszférájának sókezelés hatására bekövetkezo változását ellenoriztük. Megvizsgáltuk a különbözo sókoncentrációknak (0, 0,2, 0,4, 0,6 és 0,8 tömeg %) a baktériumnépesség összetételére és a különbözo talajenzimek aktivitására gyakorolt hatását....
A rizoszféra-kezelés olyan mikrobiológiai, talaj-biotechnológiai módszer, amely - a takarmánynövények között jelentős szerepet betöltő - kukorica termesztése során is sikerrel alkalmazható. A módszer széleskörű nagyüzemi alkalmazása nehézkes lehet, a kukoricanemesítés során történő felhasználása azonban eredményesnek ígérkezik. Szántóföldi növényte...
Munkank soran a disznovenytermesztesben jelentos szerepet jatszo szegfu produkcios kepessegenek valtozasat mertuk a Pseudomonas fluorescens bakteriumtorzsekkel tortent rizoszferakezeles hatasara. Celunk volt a rizoszfera-kezeles modszertani vizsgalata is, ezen okbol a beoltott novenyeket kulonbozo modokon - steril, valamint nem steril talajban - ne...
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In vitro addition of different concentrations of nitrification inhibitor nitrapyrin and respiratory inhibitor sodium azide to the growth media of seven Rhizobium strains representing the four Rhizobium species (R. leguminosarum, R. phaseoli, R. trifolii and R. loti) influenced the growth of these strains within 48 h at 28 °C incubation on a rotary...
An investigation was carried out to determine the sensitivity of different soil microbes (Rhizobium, Bradyrhizobium and Pseudomonas) to various metals (Cu2+, Zn2+, Co2+, Mn2+, Mo2+ and Fe2+) in vitro. Sulphate and chloride forms of these microelements were used (except Mo2+ as Na2Mo04) in 0.1, 1.0 and 10 micrograms/ml concentrations in modified YEM...
Investigations were carried out to monitor the sensitivity of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viceae strains to various environmental stress-factors (salinity, pH, Al3+, Ca2+, Mg2+) and select them as potential candidates for Vicia faba inoculation. In the range between pH 5.0 and 10.0, the salt effect of 10-500 mM NaCl, Ca2+, Mg2+ (as chlorides and su...
Effects of different abiotic factors (acidity, salinity, nitrate and temperature) on growth rate of root-nodule bacteria (Rhizobium and Bradyrhizobium) strains were investigated in vitro. Strains isolated from Vicia faba L., Coronilla varia L. and Lupinus albus L. exhibited a large variation in tolerance of the above-mentioned factors. These bacter...
An investigation was conducted in vitro to establish the Cu2+ and Zn2+ (sulphate and chloride) sensitivity of various bacteria (N2-fixing Rhizobium, Azospirillum and fluorescent Pseudomonas sp.), which were candidate strains of biofertilizers for some important agricultural crops (e. g. Triticum aestivum, Zea mays and Vicia faba). The growth rate (...
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The antibacterial effect of Ag, Hg, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Ni, Mo, Mn, Pb, Zn and Se mineral salts and two fungicides Cineb and Mancozeb were investigated on Sinorhizobium meliloti, Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii, R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli, R. leguminosarum bv. viciae, Bradyrhizobium japonicum, Bradyrhizobium sp. (Acacia) and Escherichia coli st...


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