Horváth Lajos

Horváth Lajos
University of Debrecen · Department of Philosophy

Doctor of Philosophy


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Lajos Horvath’s research interest examines the relationship between phenomenology and psychoanalysis. The actual research compares the Freudian afterwardsness (Nachträglichkeit) and the phenomenological idea of the retroactive constitution of the past. Another research investigates the problem of the self. A monography under review discusses the different notions of the self and tries to integrate phenomenological and psychoanalytical ideas concerning the constitution of the self.


Publications (28)
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In this paper, we compare two main paradigms of the examination of altered states of consciousness, and we propose a new horizon of interpretation. On the one hand, we review the complicated matters of psychedelics in the context of psychology (and especially in that of transpersonal psychology); on the other hand we use some of the basic concepts...
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In this paper we discuss the definitional problems of altered states of consciousness and their potential relevance in phenomenological investigation. We suggest that visionary states or visionary phantasy working induced by psychedelics (VSs), as extraordinary types of altered states, are appropriate subjects for phenomenological analysis. Natural...
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A tanulmány célja a poszttraumás stressz zavarban tapasztalható bevillanó emlékek fenomenológiai elemzése. A kortárs fenomenológia párbeszédet folytat a pszichiátriával és néhány szerző az intruzív tünetek fenomenológiai megközelítésére tett kísérletet. A testemlékezet és a szokatlan intencionális állapot fenomenológiai koncepciói arra próbálnak rá...
The aim of the current work is to introduce the phenomenological idea of traumatic retroactivity with the help of Freud’s retroactive trauma theory that relies on the afterwardsness of trauma (Nacthräglichkeit) and incorporates progressive and retrospective movements in time. To accomplish this task, the paper examines the Freudian problem of after...
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Ebben a tanulmányban a retroaktivitás fenomenológiájának és a freudi utólagosság (Nachträglichkeit) problémájának részleges szintézisére vállalkozom. A tanulmánynak nem célja, hogy kimerítően elemezze a retroaktivitás szerepét a fenomenológia történetében, továbbá az sem kitüntetett célja, hogy a freudi utólagosság-problémát végigkövesse az egész é...
The aim of the chapter is to introduce two complementary types of retroactive constitution of sense, namely the implicit or bodily and the conscious or narrative ways of retroactive self-understanding. Drawing on psychoanalytical and phenomenological insights, the chapter argues that an affective identity is constituted by the underlying processes...
This chapter is devoted to the comparative analysis of the phenomenological and the psychoanalytic unconscious. The aim of the chapter is to examine the convergences and divergences between these two forms of the unconscious and to extend the Husserlian concept of affective relief. The chapter compares the role of repression in the Freudian unconsc...
This chapter combines the problems of the affective unconscious and affective identity with the minimal self, more precisely, with the notion of the (less) minimal self. In order to accomplish this theoretical step, the following discussions take into account the dilemma of the retroactive constitution of the near and distant past. Retroactive cons...
This chapter is the direct continuation of the previous chapter in which the problem of the affective identity and affective relief was discussed. The current chapter argues that body memory can flesh out and expand the concept of the affective relief structure. According to Fuchs, body memory constitutes the horizontal unconscious of a person in t...
The aim of the chapter is to provide a detailed introduction to the multidimensional analysis of the self. The chapter examines the contrast between the narrative self and the minimal self and compares Peter Goldie’s and Maria Schechtman’s views on the constitution and the nature of the narrative self. The chapter also examines the developmental pe...
This study provided a comparative analysis of the minimal self and the unconscious. At first sight, such a comparison is a nonstarter, since the formal definition of the minimal self alludes to the self-givenness of experiences and the phenomenal character of what-it-is-like-for-me-ness. That is, the minimal self is restricted to self-illuminating...
This chapter provides an indirect approach to the problems of the minimal self and self-affection. The chapter examines the disintegration process of the minimal self in schizophrenia. Recently, considerable work has been directed at the ipseity-disturbance model of schizophrenia, which facilitated a thought-provoking dialogue between clinical neur...
The first chapter is dedicated to the problem of consciousness and its relationship to the self. The aim of the chapter is to illustrate the shift from the problem of phenomenal consciousness to the self in contemporary consciousness studies. The chapter will also show how the problems of the non-conscious and the unconscious infiltrated the study...
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A new interest in space emerged in contemporary studies of body memory. According to Merleau-Ponty, the lived body constitutes a close connection between place and memory. The real or even imagined movements of the body contribute to the recollection of places. Recently, Edward S. Casey and Thomas Fuchs highlighted the constitutive role of the body...
A tanulmány elsődleges célja a retroaktivitás fenomenológiai elemzésének és Freud retroaktív trauma koncepciójának összehasonlítása. A komparatív elemzést kiegészíti az a kérdésfelvetés, hogy vajon a testemlékezettel kapcsolatos kortárs kutatások hozzájárulnak-e a retroaktív trauma időszerkezetének fenomenológiai analíziséhez. A passzív szintézisek...
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The aim of the paper is, on the one hand, to examine the ipseity-hiperreflexivity model ofschizophrenia popularized in contemporary phenomenological psychiatry. On the other hand, itaims to compare the model with R. D. Laing’s earlier observations about the self. Owning to theworks of the co-authors, Sass and Parnas, the divergent symptoms of schiz...
In this paper my aim is to investigate the relationship between psychoanalysis and phenomenology by means of the concepts of phenomenal unconscious and body memory. In the first part of the paper I will highlight the crucial role of the phenomenological unconscious then the concept of body memory will be introduced that can be interpreted as a spec...
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Purpose In contemporary phenomenology, Dieter Lohmar has suggested that the new task of phenomenological research is to analyze the “alternative representational systems” of fantasy. In line with this program, we propose that psychedelic experience could also be suitable subject to this project subsumed under the wider category of fantasy activity....
The aim of this paper is to give a short introduction to the so called ipseity-hyperreflexivity model of schizophrenia in light of the philosophical thesis of minimal selfconsciousness. According to the notion of minimal self-consciousness there is no experience without the self-reference to the experiential subject. Dan Zahavi and Uriah Kriegel ar...
A tanulmány reflexió Horgász Csaba Összeegyeztethető-e a pszichoanalitikus identitás a vallásos világnézettel istenhittel? című írására. Filozófiai-mélylélektani vizsgálódásunk során a Kohuti és jungi iskolák összemérhetőségének rövid bemutatása után megkísérlünk olyan konvergencia pontokat találni az analitikus pszichológia és a szelfpszichológia...
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A posztstrukturalizmus és a dekonstrukció mozgalmai visszhangra találtak a poszt-Jungiánus lélektanban, különösképpen James Hillman és napjainkban Stanton Marlan írásaiban. A következő tanulmányban amellett érvelünk, hogy Jung Selbst (mély-én) koncepciójának dekonstrukciójába végül mégis csak visszaszivárognak a metafizika – pontosabban egy termész...
In this interdisciplinary paper we will characterise the phenomenology of ayahuasca visions from two main viewpoints. On the one hand, we scrutinise the complicated matters of psychedelics in context of consciousness studies. On the other, we will mobilise some of the basic conceptions of the phenomenological tradition - relying on Merleau-Ponty's...


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