Hongbiao Yin

Hongbiao Yin
Chinese University of Hong Kong | CUHK · Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Doctor of Philosophy


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My research interests include: Curriculum reform and implementation; Paradigms of curriculum inquiry; Teachers’ emotions, emotion regulation and emotional labor; Professional learning communities; Learning environments; Student motivation; Learning and teaching in higher education.


Publications (226)
Employing the concepts of emotional labour and emotional rules, the present study explored the emotional rules governing teachers’ work in the context of Mainland China. This showed that teachers can be seen as emotional workers in teaching and there are four emotional rules for Chinese teachers’ feelings and emotional expressions. For Chinese teac...
This study attempts to bring together two lines of enquiry into teacher emotion, emotional labor and emotion regulation, arguing that the process of teachers’ emotional labor is their regulation of feelings and expressions to achieve professional goals. Through the analysis of qualitative data collected from two projects concerning teacher emotion...
Following Grandey's integrative model of emotional labor, this study examined the relationships between teachers' emotional labor strategies, the emotional job demands of teaching, trust in colleagues, and teacher efficacy. The results from a sample of 1115 Hong Kong primary school teachers showed that surface acting played a dysfunctional role, bu...
Teaching is an emotional endeavor. Unlike mass service employees, teachers enjoy considerable autonomy in their teaching and maintain relatively stable relationships with students, parents, and colleagues. This study is a meta-analytic review of the associations between teachers’ emotional labor strategies (i.e., surface acting, deep acting, and th...
Understanding teachers’ self-efficacy and affective well-being is crucial, particularly in the Chinese context where teachers face unique cultural and professional expectations. Adopting a social cognitive perspective, this study used latent profile analysis on 1264 Chinese teachers to explore teacher self-efficacy profiles and their relationship w...
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Disciplinary difference is an important issue for the research on student learning in higher education. Based on responses from 2104 Chinese undergraduates, the study utilized a quantitative research approach to examinng the disciplinary differences in terms of course experience and its relations to two desirable learning outcomes (overall satisfac...
In graduate education, research supervisors' regulation of graduate students' emotions significantly affects their research productivity and well-being. This study explored the distinct strategies and underlying motives behind supervisors' extrinsic emotion regulation during their interactions with students. Data were collected through semi-structu...
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This paper aims to review and conceptualize how researchers with different human interests understand and approach self-regulated learning (SRL) for their specific purposes. In this narrative literature review, three paradigms of inquiry into SRL guided by Habermas's three human interests (i.e., technical interests, practical interests, and critica...
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Using multigroup structural equation modelling, this study investigated the relationships between paternalistic leadership, emotional labour and teacher efficacy, as well as the moderating roles of gender and region among a group of Chinese primary school teachers. The overall results revealed that both authoritarianism and benevolence dimensions o...
Although the measurement and evaluation of students' mathematics achievement emotions have attracted global attention, the relationship between junior secondary students' mathematics achievement emotions and their impact on mathematics performance remains to be explored. This study examined the characteristics of junior secondary students' mathemat...
(50 days' free access: https://kwnsfk27.r.eu-west-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Fauthors.elsevier.com%2Fc%2F1kM2V1HucdZu6-/1/0102019417f0b0dc-82be7daa-6829-4241-8340-416213586dc2-000000/TLPIrSreLuc5eOQE7abG2peQUBc=406) Exploring whether students are motivated and engaged in the context of online learning has become increasingly important given the p...
Autonomy is a fundamental psychosocial need of individuals, and its fulfillment can lead to positive teacher outcomes, including increased motivation, well-being, and teaching quality.This meta-analysis synthesized 81 studies exploring the relationships between teachers’ job and personal characteristics, autonomy satisfaction, and workplace outcome...
While play-based learning is important for a high quality early education, only when teachers are confident and competent in enacting play-based learning in their everyday practice are expected benefits of play-based learning for whole-child development realized. A sample of 592 early childhood educators who assumed different job titles in Hong Kon...
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Language assessment literacy, an evolving and dynamic research field, assumes a critical role in applied linguistics. This narrative review analyzes different epistemological understandings regarding language assessment literacy. Guided by the three cognitive interests as defined by Jürgen Habermas, the article illustrates the characteristics of th...
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Identity serves as a valuable lens through which to investigate, understand, and facilitate teacher learning during curriculum reform. Identity learning is the core process of educational change, with teacher emotion at the heart of professional learning processes. In this study, we traced the one-year journeys of four Chinese EFL teachers during a...
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Purpose: This study aimed to identify different profiles of foreign language learners' motivation and engagement (ME) and examine their relationships with university-level learning environments (i.e. supportive facilities, academic freedom, and learning resources) and students' generic learning outcomes (i.e. academic efficacy and overall satisfact...
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Early childhood teachers' emotions have increasingly received the attention of researchers in the past decades. The present study conducted a systematic review of the research on early childhood teachers' emotions published in English up to 2022. Based on evidence from 103 empirical studies, the results presented the significant roles of early chil...
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This study investigated language teachers' emotion regulation motives (ERMs) and their identity construction in cross-cultural contexts. Drawing upon qualitative data about eight Chinese as a second language teachers for international students through semi-structured interviews, classroom observation, and document collection, the study identified t...
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With a sample of 470 kindergarten teachers in Hong Kong, this study first examined these teachers' emotion regulation strategies assessed by a newly adapted scale, the Kindergarten Teacher Emotion Regulation Scale. Then, the study adopted a person-centred approach and conducted the latent profile analysis, identifying different profiles of teachers...
Teacher motivation is pivotal in creating engaging teaching and learning environments, enhancing students' learning outcomes, and is fundamental to teachers' professional commitment, psychological well-being, and resilience. Despite the increasing interest in EFL teacher motivation, there remains a considerable lack of in-depth exploration into the...
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Given the complexity and high demands of research supervision and the intricate emotional experiences of supervisors, there is a need to explore how they regulate their emotions, particularly across various disciplinary backgrounds. The current study explored the emotion regulation strategies employed by research supervisors during the process of s...
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This special issue strives to deepen an interpersonal and relational understanding of teachers' emotion regulation. It also echoes the recent calls for more studies on the collaborative aspect of teaching and teachers' emotion regulation in the literature. Special issue information: Existing studies have demonstrated the importance of investigation...
Class teachers in China have to take care of many student issues, such as academic achievement, morality cultivation, and class management. Drawing upon Margaret Archer’s social morphogenesis approach, this study scrutinizes the dimensions of class teacher’s professionalism and the general trajectories of class teacher’s professional growth. The fi...
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Purpose Guided by Habermas’s three cognitive interests, this paper reviews the studies on school leaders’ emotional labor. It seeks to provide a typology of how researchers inquire about school leaders’ emotional labor by focusing on different understandings, topics and characteristics. Design/methodology/approach This is a narrative review with 3...
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Purpose This study examines the Action Plan for the Development and Improvement of Special Education (hereinafter, the Action Plan) of the 14th Five-Year Plan, a national blueprint for special education forwarded by the General Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China in December 2021. Design/Approach/Methods This is an analyt...
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Benevolence, morality, and authoritarianism are the three critical dimensions of paternalistic leadership rooted in Chinese cultures and may represent the relation-oriented, values-oriented, and task-oriented leadership styles under the western research framework. Using the person-centered latent profile analysis, this study investigated the profil...
教师专业学习社群是当前教师专业发展与教师学习研究领域的一个主要议题。历经三十余 年的演进,建立和发展教师专业学习社群以促进教师学习、提升学校效能已成为各主要国家教育政策与学校改革的共识。与之相应,研究者对不同情境中的教师专业学习社群也已开展了广泛且深入的探究,然而已有研究都未能系统检视教师专业学习社群研究与实践所持的价值立场、求知兴趣与研究意图。借鉴哈贝马斯所界定的认知旨趣,我们归纳了已有教师专业学习社群研究所遵循的三种研究范式(技术性、实践性与批判性研究范式)及其衍生的六种研究论述(重构论述、效能论述、社群论述、文化论述、批判论述与转变论述),总结了不同研究范式下研究者对教师专业学习社群所持的基本主张、研究重点与发展概况。基于本文所做的范式性分析,我们讨论了研究者应该如何看待三种研究范式之...
This multilevel analysis investigated the mediating effects of emotional labor strategies between paternalistic leadership and teacher outcomes. With a sample of 1384 teachers, we found stronger and positive relationships between benevolence and deep acting/expression of naturally felt emotions, and between authoritarianism and surface acting. The...
The production-oriented approach (POA) is a nascent language-teaching approach that considers the aptitudes of Chinese learners. This study compared POA with task-based language teaching (TBLT) and presentation-practice-production (PPP) theoretically and empirically. A four-quadrant model and a theoretical comparison table are proposed to clarify t...
Drawing on the control-value theory, this cross-cultural research inspected the association between positive activating emotions, namely pride, hope, and enjoyment, and academic engagement among Chinese and Iranian EFL students. This study also looked into the role of these positive emotions in predicting Chinese and Iranian students’ academic enga...
This study examines the effects of paternalistic leadership on teachers’ emotional labor strategies and absorption, and it explores the mediating role played by leader-member exchange. A sample of 2974 primary and secondary school teachers in China participated in the study. The results showed that paternalistic leadership had a dual effect on teac...
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For abstract submission or any queries regarding the call for papers or the submission process, please contact Hongbiao Yin by email (yinhb@cuhk.edu.hk). We look forward to receiving your contributions and advance the investigations into Teachers’ Emotion Regulation: Interpersonal and Multidisciplinary Perspectives together.
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The appraisal theories of emotions and existing studies have indicated the relationships between emotions and goals. However, little research has investigated the role of teachers' student-oriented goals for their emotions. This study examined how teachers' teaching-related emotions relate to their student-oriented goals directly or indirectly thro...
This narrative literature review conceptualizes how professional learning communities (PLCs) have been researched via the three paradigms of inquiry proposed by Jürgen Habermas. We first briefly introduce the existing PLC research and then discuss the need for a narrative review through a paradigmatic lens. Next, we outline the characteristics and...
This study examined the mediating roles of collective teacher efficacy and cognitive activation in the relationship between professional learning communities (PLCs) and students' mathematics achievement at the school level, using responses from both teachers and students. A total of 5458 teachers and 11,324 students from 227 junior high schools par...
Adopting a mixed methods approach, this study examined the relationships between undergraduate students’ motivation, engagement and learning outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic. An online questionnaire survey was administered to collect quantitative and qualitative data. A sample of 10,060 undergraduates from 23 universities in China participated...
Drawing upon social cognitive theory, we theorize teacher self-efficacy as a motivational explanation for the relationship between professional learning communities (PLCs) and teacher work engagement, and further posit school power distance as a boundary condition for this mechanism. With a sample of 3417 teachers in 61 schools in China, we tested...
Research on language teacher emotion has gained attention inspired by the “affective turn” since the 1990s, calling for a comprehensive understanding of the extant literature. The current study sought to trace the characteristics of existing empirical studies on language teacher emotion in terms of research foci, methods, and theoretical perspectiv...
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Using Habermas’s three human interests as a philosophical lens, a typology of emotion regulation was developed based on previous work. There are three theoretical perspectives on emotion regulation. The first perspective, emotion regulation as steps, considers emotion regulation as an individual phenomenon and detachable entity. The second perspect...
The interpersonal emotion regulation of principals has rarely been examined as an independent issue, although it has been widely recognized that educational leadership is an emotional endeavour situated in an interpersonal context. This study aimed to understand how kindergarten principals engage in interpersonal emotion regulation by examining the...
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Echoing the call for improving the definition and measurement of online student engagement, this study examined the association between students' engagement and their online course experiences in emergency online learning during COVID‐19. A sample of 5672 undergraduate students from eight higher education institutions in China participated in the s...
With a sample of 4,646 undergraduate students from four universities in China, this study examined the psychometric qualities of a newly-adapted measurement, namely, the Online Motivation and Engagement Scale for university and college students, and investigated the characteristics of and differences in Chinese students’ motivation and engagement i...
Following social cognitive theory, this study examined the longitudinal relationships between kindergarten teachers' psychological well-being, self-efficacy, and commitment to children via a two-wave longitudinal design. Based on a sample of 782 Hong Kong kindergarten teachers, the results of the half-longitudinal mediation analysis showed that tea...
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【New Issue Alert from ROE】The February issue of ECNU Review of Education is now available online! Check it out for free here: https://journals.sagepub.com/toc/roea/6/1
This study examined the relationships between kindergartens teachers’ emotional labour strategies and their relations to instructional leadership, trust in colleagues, teaching experiences, and teaching satisfaction. With a sample of 491 kindergarten teachers in Hong Kong, this study found that surface acting negatively predicted while deep acting...
This study tested a moderated-mediation model of the processes linking principal ethical leadership and professional learning communities in China, in which teacher obligation is included as a mediator, and teacher participation in school decision making is considered as a moderator. The results from 3374 teachers revealed significant direct and in...
This study explored the effects of professional learning communities (PLCs) on teachers’ self-efficacy and job satisfaction in Shanghai, China. Nine hundred and eighty-two school teachers participated in a survey. The results showed that PLCs in Shanghai China were characterised by both the teacher-centric and organisation-centric components. Two t...
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分析家长教育卷入的类型特征及其与中学生学科素养之间的关系具有重要意义。基于PISA 2018 中国香港和澳门的数据,本研究采用潜在类别分析(LCA)识别出家长教育卷入类型的四个潜在类别,并探讨人口学变量对潜在类别的影响、潜在类别与中学生学科素养(数学、阅读、科学和跨文化素养)的关系。结果表明,地区、学生性别、年级、家庭经济社会文化地位和家长对孩子的学业期望对潜在类别有不同程度的显著影响;不同潜在类别的中学生学科素养表现存在显著差异。家长低度卷入组(C1, 39.1%)的数学、阅读、科学素养优于其他组别,但跨文化素养表现一般。家长繁忙高度卷入组(C2, 33.3%)的阅读素养略优于家长广泛高度卷入组(C3, 23.1%),但其他三方面的素养均弱于家长广泛高度卷入组。家长限制中度卷入组(C4,...
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented as one of the largest educational disruptions in recent times. It has wrought significant challenges to not only teaching and learning but also well-being. Students have experienced significant learning loss during the pandemic (Engzell et al., 2021; Skar et al., 2021; Storey & Zhang, 2021) and a decline in well-...
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Introduction Understanding the sources and the effects of collective teacher efficacy has been one of the central interests to many educational researchers and practitioners, because it is critical to understand how teachers can shape, and are shaped by, the educational processes in schools. Following the social cognitive perspective on the sources...
This paper reports two consecutive studies investigating Chinese students’ course experiences of the online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. With a sample of 2,894 undergraduate students from 12 universities, Study 1 adapted the Course Experience Questionnaire in the context of online teaching and learning, and provided some evidence supporti...
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Student motivation and engagement have been complex issues in basic mathematics education. Based on the theory of Motivation and Engagement Wheel, this study examined the relationships among student motivation, engagement, and mathematics achievement. A sample of 1,538 Chinese primary school students participated in the survey, and motivation and e...
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Based on the Mingde Project, a national college student learning (CSL) assessment program, this study investigated the behavioral patterns of college-level project managers (PMs) in promoting the project’s impact on the quality of undergraduate education in the institutions. The grounded theory approach was used to generate the middle-range theory...
近20 年来,受情境与社会文化观的影响,教师学习研究强调教师所处的文化与情境的影响,教师学习发生于复杂的共同体或系统之中。由于中国学生在多个国际项目中的优异表现,我国多级多类的教师学习系统越来越受到国际关注,被称为中国版本的专业学习共同体。有鉴于此,三项关于中国教师学习共同体的实证研究,试图回应以下三个核心问题:在中国文化与社会情境中如何建设高效的教师专业学习共同体?中国式教师专业学习共同体是否以及如何有益于教师发展?中国教师学习研究如何为国际社会提供借鉴?研究结果表明,我国集体性、协作式的教师专业学习由于所处的不同的历史、制度和文化情境而表现出独特性,有别于英美等西方学者讨论的专业学习共同体。在当今的全球化时代,与“他者”的不断对照和借鉴可以帮助我们反思本土教师学习的问题,进而不断改进实践...
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This study takes a college student learning assessment project named Mingde project in China as an example. Based on the qualitative research of 25 interview data, it explores the dynamic mechanism of the project's impact on the quality of undergraduate education in colleges and universities. Using grounded theory, the research has produced the Het...
In China, the ancient higher education system, known as taixue (Imperial Academy), has a long history that can be traced back to the Han dynasty in 124 BCE. Following a socialist ideology, while learning from both Western and Soviet Union practices, contemporary higher education in China gradually developed into a system featuring Chinese character...
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In the global competition of higher education, an increasing emphasis has been placed on university research excellence. Accordingly, academics have to engage in both research and teaching activities. The multiple and fragmented identities of academics can sometimes be contested, leading to identity tensions, and impeding their professional develop...
This study examines the effects of kindergarten teachers' self-efficacy on their perceived teacher-child relationships , and explores the associations between self-efficacy and two types of positive affective states (i.e., flow experience and psychological well-being) as the antecedents of efficacy beliefs. A sample of 796 kindergarten teachers in...
This study explored the notion of emotion work as teacher engagement by transforming dark emotions into emotional capital. We traced the one-year journeys of four Chinese EFL teachers’ engagement in the curriculum reform, and collected a variety of data (e.g., interviews, documents, and observations). Thematic data analysis yielded three types of e...
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Purpose: This paper attempts to review and conceptualize how different scholars approach the research on teacher identity through the lens of three human interests defined by Jürgen Habermas. Design/Approach/Methods: This literature review, guided by Habermas’s three human interests, illustrates the characteristics of three different approaches to...
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This study investigated the effects of school-related factors (i.e., transformational leadership) and teacher-related factors (i.e., teachers’ growth mindset and self-efficacy) in teachers’ sustainable professional development, as indicated by their reported desirable professional attitudes and their adoption of teaching strategies using the method...
Conference Paper
This study examines the effects of kindergarten teachers' self-efficacy on their perceived teacher-child relationships, and explores the associations between self-efficacy and two types of emotional states (i.e., flow and psychological well-being) as the sources of efficacy beliefs. A sample of 796 kindergarten teachers in Hong Kong participated in...
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During the COVID-19 pandemic, university teachers need to spend time and energy getting used to the online teaching system and adapting their teaching materials to the new teaching mode. According to the social cognitive theory, teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) and their work engagement, both of which can be important s...
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This study examined kindergarten teachers’ behavioural intentions to implement play-based learning and its relations to two types of facilitating factors: organisational (i.e., instructional leadership and trust in colleagues) and individual (i.e., teacher self-efficacy). Structural equation modelling examining the direct and mediating effects was...
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The latest issue Empowering Student Learning in Higher Education: Pathways to Possibility has been online! This time, we have researchers from five different countries (China, Chile, Finland, New Zealand and the UK).The special issue breaks down geographical and cultural barriers to take a comprehensive look at how higher education affect student l...
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Purpose. This study attempts to explore how Chinese college students engage in face-to-face synchronous and online asynchronous interactions, and examine how the two different interaction types are associated with their academic learning (learning achievement and the development of research skills), satisfaction, and their perceptions of learning e...
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With the increasing emphasis on accountability in the public sector, the concept of quality of higher education has been one of the most globally dominating and influential "meta-ideas" over the past three decades (Stensaker, 2007). Facilitating student learning and development is one of the core missions of higher education. Hence, universities ar...
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Designing reflective activities for online video learning could enhance learning outcomes and, to some extent, influence learning processes (ie, attentional processes and emotional experiences). It is necessary to select different levels of reflective activities in online video learning according to learning processes and outcomes. This study exami...
This study developed and tested a multilevel moderated mediation model to examine teacher creative self-efficacy as a mediator and innovative climate as a moderator in the relationship between professional learning communities (PLCs) and teacher innovation. Using a sample of 3419 senior high school teachers in mainland China, we found that teacher...
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To reveal the cultural effect in the job demands-resources model, this study examined how Confucian familism, emotional labor, and work-family conflict (WFC) explain the variance in teachers’ emotional exhaustion, with a focus on the mediating roles of emotional labor and WFC. With a sample of 3,312 teachers in China, the results of this study reve...
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众所周知,教学(人才培养)、科研与社会服务是现代大学的三项基本职能。其中,人才培养是高等院校之所在存在并得以维系的第一要务。在各级各类人才的培养中,本科教学又是重中之重。因此,世界各国高校、特别是一流大学无不高度重视本科教学,从高校到教育管理部门乃至各国政府均想法设法保障和提升本科教学质量。近二十年来国际国内高等教育研究成果与实践经验表明,改善大学生学习投入(student engagement)是推动高校本科教学高质量发展的关键所在。
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Following Grandey's integrative model of emotional labor and emotion regulation, this study examined the relationships between university teachers' reported use of various emotional labor strategies and some antecedents (i. e., perceived emotional job demands and teaching support) and teaching efficacy. A sample of 643 university teachers from 50 p...
An increasing number of studies applying structural equation modelling have been witnessed to the research on teaching and teacher education. This paper reviews 15 of 132 articles that use structural equation modelling as the main strategy of data analysis published in Teaching and Teacher Education from 1985 to 2020. The 15 articles touch on three...
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The study examined how emotion regulation strategies were utilised by kindergarten principals to fulfil their leading roles. In-depth interviews and document analysis were conducted with five kindergarten principals in Hong Kong. The principals linked their emotions to the psychosocial climate of the kindergartens, highlighting that emotion regulat...
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This research adopted a typological approach to explore international students' academic engagement in China. Using data generated by a survey study involving 801 international undergraduate students at 34 full-time Chinese universities, this research developed an international student engagement typology, and examined important individual and lear...
This study explores EFL teachers' identity and emotion interaction across their career span from an integrative perspective. Based on the Dynamic System Model of Role Identity, qualitative interviews with three EFL teachers working in Chinese universities reveal a pattern of surviving, striving, and thriving career stages. Teachers develop from an...
The current study reports the learning process of a group of teachers as they move across the school context and a research-oriented professional learning community (PLC). Using the framework of cultural-historical activity theory, this study analyzes the contradictions that teachers encounter among different activity systems and how these contradi...
This study examined the relationships between school-level professional learning communities (PLCs) and individual teachers' self-efficacy and commitment based on questionnaire responses from 1,203 teachers from 39 primary schools in mainland China. Multilevel analysis indicated that reflective dialogue significantly predicted self-efficacy. Shared...
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加强和改进新时代基础教育教研工作,需要认清教研工作在全国各地的开展情况与存在的 问题,以评价促发展。教师是教研工作的主要服务对象之一,对教研工作过程和结果的评价应该包括教师视角。基于全国30 个省(区、市)5532 位教研员、47620 位教师的分层抽样调查数据。本研究构建并计算了各省级行政区的教研工作质量指数和教研发展均衡指数。结果表明:第一,教研工作质量评价较高的省份来自东部和东北地区,西北、西南、华南地区省份则有较多提升空间;第二,教研发展较均衡的有东北三省、江浙沪、以及中部4 省(晋、湘、皖、豫),其他省份则均在低均衡组;第三,从机构设置、队伍建设、经费保障、工作方式4 方面分析影响教研工作质量与发展均衡的因素,发现教研工作的领导方式对教研工作质量与发展均衡程度皆有重要影响,即专业领...
In response to the needs for kindergarten principals to foster teachers’ capacities and commitment, this study examined the relationships between professional learning communities, principal leadership practices, and teacher commitment to kindergartens among 2106 teachers from 153 Hong Kong kindergartens, analyzing by using multilevel structural eq...


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