Hitesh VyasInstitute of Post Graduate Teaching & Research In Ayurveda · Department of Basic Principles
Hitesh Vyas
M.D.(Ayu), Ph.D.
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Publications (68)
Pugaphala (fruit of Areca catechu Linn.) and Udumbara Twaka (bark of Ficus glomerata Roxb.) are popular for their medicinal properties. Both drugs are used in a variety of compound formulations in Ayurveda. On the basis of their Rasa Panchaka (five factors of substance), pharmacognostical, and pharmaceutical research, Pugaphala and Udumb...
Objective: The Areca catechu L. is a tropical fruit, which is also called betel nut and is widely distributed in different parts of the world. Areca catechu L is used for various treatment aliments in the form of various preparations especially in powdered form and it used extensively in Ayurveda to treat Mukhavikara, Aruchi, Yonishaithilya, Shveta...
Ayurvedic literature has been flowing steadily since the Vedic era. This also includes pretty little books, extending from 100 to 300 verses that described merely the diagnosis of diseases and treatment with simple but experienced remedies. To introduce and assess the text Chikitsanjana, authored by Vidyapati, for its originality and importance in...
Sports science is a discipline that studies how the healthy human body works during exercise, and how sport and physical activity promote health and performance from cellular to whole body perspectives. The study of sports science traditionally incorporates areas of physiology (exercise physiology), psychology (sport psychology), anatomy, biomechan...
A surge in laboratory research into the pharmacological properties of bioactive compounds, as well as their potential to cure a wide range of ailments, has resulted in an influx of new herbal medications and extracts onto the international market in recent years. D. gangaticum (L.) (DG), one of the essential herbs of Indian traditional system of me...
Sattu is a traditional and well known functional food in India. It is consumed as a refreshing drink during summers. In Ayurveda, Sattu has been described as Saktu. According to classical texts of Ayurveda, Powder of roasted and dehusked Yava (barley) is known as Saktu. Liking and disliking for any food article depends on senses of consumer. For de...
According to the Ayurvedic principles, a drug should not be only efficacious, but also easily available and a drug or therapy should not be only having pacifying effect on disease, but also it must not create any adverse effect or complication. [1] Efficacy of formulation depends on their genuineness of herbs used. Authentication of herbs by anatom...
Any physical activity that involves the efforts of the body is termed as 'Vyayama' in ayurvedic literature. Vyayama (physical exercise) is mentioned as a part of the daily regimen, whose practice limit is half the energy level of an individual. Acharya Charaka has emphasized that it is the best one amongst all the factors which attribute firmness t...
In last a few decades, market of herbal and traditional medicines have grown up leap and bound. The main drawback of traditional medicines is a lack of stability. Hence the present Study was carried out to observe the stability of Bhringraj Vati (Eclipta alba Hassk) & Triphala Gugulu with respect to its stability against microbial contamination of...
Background: Since the past decades, there has been increasing acceptance and public interest in herbal products and therapies in both developing and developed countries. So, we cannot assure pharmaceutical industries insulation from adulterations and quality decrement. Therefore, quality control for efficacy and safety of herbal products is at prim...
The present condition of human health around the globe is far from satisfaction. Man is suffering from the diseases which are caused due to stress either mental or physical and premature ageing (Akalaja Jara) is one of them. There are many theory related to ageing among all of them Free Radical Theory is most acceptable, which answers most of the q...
Purpose: Jara is generally venerable to all of us. In today’s era most of the people are suffering from premature aging because of changing life style, unbalanced diet, physical and mental stress etc. Rasa Vagbhata has also mentioned Pantha (excessive walking) and Manas Pratikulata (unfavorable condition to mind) as specific causes of Akalaja Jara...
Srotomula Srotomula
Srotas Mula
Srotas Dhatu
Srotas Srotomula
Dosha Dhatu Mala
Srotomula Srotas
Acharyas Mula's Srotas
Mula Srotas
Mula Srotomula
Srotomula Srotas Mula
is a structural and functional unit of the body through which
Hypertension is a silent killer because it rarely gives symptoms before it damages the heart, brain or kidney. It is an
important public health challenge in both economically developing and developed countries. It has been estimated that
hypertension accounts for 6% of deaths worldwide. Although Ayurvedic classics don’t provide any direct reference...
This is a write up for SOUVENIR
Hair is an important anatomical structure of the body which plays protective function as well as adds beauty to the face. Nowadays Khalitya (Hairfall)is a burning issue as large number of population especially young men and women in present times are suffering from this disease.Present study is aimed to highlight the effective role of Ayurveda drug...
Now a days, the world is full of glamour and glory. The concept of beauty is gaining more and more attention globally, which is defined on some factors, amongst them hair is an important one. Hair is a mirror of healthy or unhealthy state of the body. Ayurvedic approach, falling of hair is coined as Khalitya. In Ayurvedic texts management of Khalit...
Objective: The Areca catechu L. is a tropical fruit, which is also called betel nut and is widely distributed in different parts of the world. Areca catechu L is used for various treatment aliments in the form of various preparations especially in powdered form and it used extensively in Ayurveda to treat Mukhavikara, Aruchi, Yonishaithilya, Shveta...
Introduction: The word ‘Nyaya’ (maxim) is defined in Sanskrit dictionaries as a tool to determine the meaning of Vedas. Maxim packs a lot of meaning into a nugget of words. Mainly two types of Nyayas are found viz. Laukika Nyayas and Shastriya Nyayas. Since antiquity, various Sanskrit scholars integrated these maxims in their works to diss...
Ficus glomerata Roxb commonly called as "Fig tree" is traditionally popular for its medicinal properties. It grows abundantly in all parts of India. Udumbara is used since the times of Vedas in spiritual practices. Used extensively in Ayurveda to treat bleeding disorder, Leucorrhoea, Menorrhagia, fractured bones, complexion enhancer and wound heali...
Khadirashtaka Kashaya, a compound Ayurvedic formulation is prescribed mainly in the management of Kushtha Vyadhi( skin diseases), Visarp Roga (erysipelous) and Masoorika (type of measels) and it is mentioned in Sangraha Grantha like, Yogaratnakara, Gadanighraha, Bhaishajya Ratnavali. The era is rising with many of novel dietary habits and lifestyle...
Ayurveda is an ancient science having its roots in Vedic literature which follows a certain pattern of recitation and learning. Over the ages with the advancement of technology, the Manuscripts which were carved on different objects have acquired a digital form. The principles of Ayurveda science are the same but it is a need of the hour to present...
As per the necessity and requirement of individual one may find differences in methodologies which are followed by various streams of science, but one thing which is common to all of them is the reason to find out factors responsible for a particular action. Here the action is termed as effect and the factor responsible for it is called as cause. T...
The scientific paper has been developed over the past three centuries into a tool to communicate the results of scientific inquiry. Scientific writing must have of a high standard because it is related with the process of gaining knowledge for the learned as well as new learners. In ancient era, specific writing methodology was adopted by the scien...
Ayurveda is an ancient science having its roots in Vedic literature which describes certain rules and regulations as a way of living. Over the ages with the advancement of technology, there have been tremendous changes in the lifestyle patterns of the individuals. The Principles of Ayurveda science are the same but it is imperative to match up and...
Role of parents is very crucial as children adopt the behavior and lifestyle which are followed by their parents in pediatrics population. In pediatric age group the world of children is only their parents, so if parents have no time for them, they feel lonely and anxious. Also parents over expectation, careless nature towards their child are the c...
Though Sushruta Samhita is considered as the chief surgical treatise, Maharshi Sushruta has also emphasized on the preventive and curative aspects of diet. Dwadasha Ashana Pravichara is one of the unique concepts of Sushruta Samhita which can be considered as the root of diet therapy. In Dwadasha Ashana Pravichara, diet pattern is descri...
Ayurveda has a novel concept of Vishamashana. Vishamashana means taking food irregularly or without following a particular time.
In the present era, due to the competitiveness in each and every field of life, today's individual does not get sufficient time for taking food and to maintain its quantity and quality. Vishamashana bec...
Non-communicable diseases are expected to kill more people in the 21(st) century which are the resultant of deranged lifestyle such as unhealthy dietary habits and wrong behavioral pattern. In Ayurveda, Ahara Vidhi (dietary rules) and Vihara (conducts) are described in detail which can be included under the heading of lifestyle. Agnima...
The Drosophila melanogaster is one of the most extensively studied animal models for understanding the process of aging and longevity. This fly is being used for genetic studies since almost a century. Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia [Wild.] Miers.) is an Ayurvedic drug used as Rasayana (rejuvenation) due to its antiaging effect.
India being a tropical country experiences very strong summer season for April to July in different regions of the country, there are numerous deaths are reported every year due to heat wave across the country. Nature has consistent influence on health of human beings; the body exerts its constant effort to acclimatize to varying climatic condition...
Since time immemorial manas has been the subject of curiosity for scholars, scientists and
philosophers. Vedic, Philosophical and Āyurvedic literatures have a vast and deep description of manas.
Philosophers either ‘āstika’ or ‘nāstika’ have described manas siddhāñta vividly. Though these kinds of
difference of opinions are there, all the darśana a...
Going through individual peculiarities of all the subjects is the prime requirement for carrying out any research in the field of Ayurveda. For practical accomplishment of this need and to fulfill the aim of individualized mass, Standardization of research materials has become essential. If it's a case of healthy volunteers, categorization becomes...
Since time immemorial manas has been the subject of curiosity for scholars, scientists and philosophers. Vedic, Philosophical and Āyurvedic literatures have a vast and deep description of manas. Philosophers either 'āstika' or 'nāstika' have described manas siddhāñta vividly. Though these kinds of difference of opinions are there, all the darśana a...
Tinosporacordifolia (willd) Miers. belongs to the family-Menispermacae commonly known as Guduchi, Chakralakshanika or Amruta is important drug of Indian medicine. It is perennial climber found throughout tropical India, used in form of Swarasa, decoction, Vati, Sattva etc. The Guduchi is useful in fever, diabetes, dyspepsia, skin disease, jaundice,...
Nootropic (medhya) potential of śaṅkhapuṣpī (Convolvulus pluricaulis Choisy.) is reported in Ayurvedic literature and modern studies are now validating the same. In spite of plentiful preclinical researches already carried out during the past decades, only meager clinical efforts exploring its nootropic activity have been reported. Present clinical...
Since time immemorial ‘Manas’ has been the subject of curiosity for scholars, scientists and philosophers. The reason behind this curiosity is its importance in the development of mankind. Human being is superior to other creatures in the series of development. This supremacy of man remains in his quality to work after thinking, which is the functi...
Studying a single Shāstra (treatise) is not enough to grab the true import of any concept. For a truly inter-disciplinary approach, knowledge of as many allied branches, be it from science or philosophy, is desirable. Nyāya philosophy is a system of logic or rules, whereas Āyurveda is the science of life. The relationship of Manas (~mind) to the bo...
In Vimanasthana, Acharya Charaka has mentioned 3 different modes of gaining knowledge (Trividha Jnanopaya) - learning (Adhyayana), teaching (Adhyapana) & debating with masters of the subject (Sambhasha). This debating may be of two types: friendly & hostile. Vaadamargapadas (VMPs) are the steps of doing a hostile debate. There are total 44 Vaadamar...
The Rakta has vital role in the maintenance of health. If Rakta is in proper quantity and having desirable qualities too, it promotes health, improves complexion, strength and vigor. Raktadushtihara Yoga was formulated to assess its role in the management of Raktadushti. The present study deals with the standardization of Raktadushtihara Yoga throu...
Rakta is considered to be the cause of the origin, maintenance and the destruction of the body. It may be correlated with blood tissue of modern science on the basis of similarities described in both the sciences and so, Raktakshaya can be correlated with anemia. The statistical figure shows that more than 50% of Indian population is affected by an...
Hypertension is called a silent killer because it rarely provides symptoms before it damages the heart, brain or kidney. It is an important public health challenge in both economically developing and developed countries. Ayurvedic texts don’t provide any direct reference regarding essential hypertension (EHT), but the disease can be explained on th...
According to Ayurveda food is the cause for both health and diseases i.e. wholesome and unwholesome food is responsible for happiness and misery respectively. Also it is one among the three tripods of life. Beside the quality and quantity of the food it is also very much important that how it is taken because food taken in improper way can...
Ghrita (ghee) is the foremost substance of Indian cuisine from centuries. Ayurvedic classics described eight kinds of ghee from eight different animal milk, among them ghee made from cow milk is said to be the superior and ghee of ewe milk is said to be the inferior and also detrimental to heart. The present study was undertaken to evaluate chronic...
Jara Avastha (stage of old age) is the later phase of life in which maximum decline of bodily elements is observed. Paramanuvibhaga (cell division) takes place at every moment; particularly in old age, it will be fast in comparison with other phases of life. Some organ related changes also take place during this period, which are the decades of Bal...
The disease Amlapitta has been selected for the clinical trials because it presents two type of manifestations depending upon the involvement of Agni (Ushnagunadhikya) and Jala (Dravagunadhikya) Mahabhuta. The present research work was focused at Drava Guna, with an aim to assess the efficacy of a drug with quality of Ruksha and Ushna predominance...
Adhyashana is a technical term of Ayurveda, which means eating before digestion of previous food. All the ancient classics describe the ill effects of Adhyashana. Charaka mentioned it as a prime causative factor for Grahani dosha. It is also said that Adhyashana can cause severe and incurable diseases or even death. All these references indicate th...
The classification of Dravya has been undertaken in many ways, but according to the medicinal value, they are mainly divided into two - Bheshaja and Abheshaja. No study has been documented on Abheshaja to date as per the scholar's knowledge. Therefore, the present study was carried out to understand the concept of Abheshaja by a practical study. Th...
Ayurvedic management is not only concerned with the cure of the diseased person, but is also meant to maintain the health of the healthy person because it is used for Dhatusamya. Langhana is the prime tool in the process of Dhatusamya. In this research study, Upavasa plus Pachana and Upavasa (among ten types of Langhanas) are applied in two differe...
The present study has been conducted to evaluate selected yogic procedures on individuals with low back pain. The understanding of back pain as one of the commonest clinical presentations during clinical practice made the path to the present study. It has also been calculated that more than three-quarters of the world's population experience back p...
There are very few works done on the concept of Medhâ and Manas till today. So, the present study was carried out to describe the applied concept of Âyurvedîya Mano-Vijñâna, to assess Medhâ in classical direction and to assess the efficacy of Yashtîmadhu Curna (Medhya Aushadha) and effect of Sattvâvajaya Chikitsâ on Medhâ. The subjects of the study...
Obesity is the most hazardous factor found in modern sedentary society. It is the main underlying cause of life threatening diseases like Coronary Heart Disease, Diabetes Mellitus, Atherosclerosis etc.Therefore it is important to control the increasing weight. The alternative therapies like Ayurveda, Yoga are being increasingly popular due to the l...
The present study has been undertaken to unfold the hidden facts about the concept of Varna, to apply this concept in practical field and to assess the efficacy of Kanakatailam Cream (Varnaprasadana drug) and Manjishthadi Ghanavati in Tvakvaivarnya. Patients from OPD of Basic Principles, Dept. of IPGT & RA were selected and randomly divided into tw...
A randomized Survey study was done on healthy volunteers to evaluate effect of Ritu on Bala, as mentioned in Charaka-Sutrasthâna-6/8. According to which, the beginning of the Visarga kâla i.e Varshâ and the end of the Âdâna Kâla i.e. Grîshma Ritu mark the Daurbalya (Decreased Bala) of the Human being. While the end of Visarga Kâla i.e. Hemanta and...