Hishomudin Ahmad

Hishomudin Ahmad
Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia | usim · Faculty of Major Language Studies

PhD (IIUM), Master (IIUM)


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October 2015 - September 2016
Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
  • Fellow Researcher


Publications (101)
Conference Paper
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Allah has various names depicting His attributes. al-Samī c has been recognized as one of the beautiful names of Allah (Asmaul Husna) and Sami c a is the root word of al-Samī c. Sami c a means to hear. Hearing of Allah and his beings differ in certain aspects. Numerous repetitions of word Sami c a exist in al-Quran and Hadith. Previous research has...
Conference Paper
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Abstrak Asmaul Husna merupakan kumpulan 99 nama-nama Allah. Kesemua nama yang bernaung di bawah Asmaul Husna merupakan nama yang mempunyai keindahan dan kebaikan bertepatan dengan sifat Allah yang Maha Sempurna. Kebanyakan kajian-kajian terdahulu yang berkaitan dengan Asmaul Husna lebih fokus perbahasannya kepada konteks Al-Quran. Justeru, kajian t...
Meaning is a fundamental element in effective text understanding. Ability to decipher the meaning within a text is crucial for ensuring accurate comprehension, especially within religious texts such as the Quran and Prophetic Hadiths. While many studies focus on Quranic semantics, research on word meanings in Hadith texts remains relatively underex...
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This module is a product of the scientific research conducted to develop an elementary Arabic learning module EALM for Ugandan adults Muallaf UAM using samples of elementary Arabic grammar, morphology, and common Arabic vocabularies CAV. The major goal for this module is to simplify the learning of elementary Arabic for UAM using Arabic grammar, mo...
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Stylistics, a sub-discipline of applied linguistics, examines the aesthetic aspects of language style within texts, particularly literary ones. While it is often used to explore the linguistic beauty of the Quran, it is less frequently applied to Prophetic Hadith texts. This study aims to analyse Hadiths that contain conversations between the Proph...
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Malaysia's multiracial society has its cultural heritage of exercising for the health of its practitioners. In Chinese culture, for example, there is Tai Chi, while in Indian culture, Yoga is practiced for general health. Furthermore, in Malay culture, exercise has always been associated with the martial arts called 'Silat Melayu' with one of them...
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The Ugandan adults Muallaf (UAM) faced a problem in learning Arabic for religious purposes. The elementary Arabic learning module (EALM) was developed for UAM using ADDIE procedures to mitigate the said problem. This research evaluated EALM usability for UAM. The purposive sample of UAM (n=44) and a random sample of teachers (n=5) were used. UAM st...
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This book is based on USIM Research Code: (USIM/HZWU/FPBU/ANTARABANGSA/41222) which was conducted to develop an "elementary Arabic learning module EALM for Ugandan adults muallaf (UAM ) using elementary Arabic grammar (EAG), Arabic derivative morphology (ADM), and common Arabic vocabularies (CAV). UAM wanted to achieve a favorable Arabic command fo...
Pembelajaran bahasa Arab di Malaysia lebih menumpukan sudut kemahiran bahasa yang mempunyai sukatan berhubung dengan komunikasi. Buku teks mengemukakan tajuk-tajuk berhubung dengan komunikasi semasa. Petikan sastera kurang mendapat tempat di dalam sukatan tersebut yang menyebabkan pelajar tidak berminat dengan sastera Arab dan juga menganggapnya su...
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Abstrak Kosa kata merupakan elemen utama dalam penguasaan bahasa. Melalui kosa kata, frasa akan dapat dibina. Begitu juga kefahaman frasa akan dapat dicapai melalui kefahaman makna kosa kata. Tanpa saiz kosa kata yang mencukupi, penguasaan bahasa tidak dapat dicapai. Kajian ini bertujuan melihat tahap penguasaan kosa kata bidang sastera Arab dalam...
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This research aims to determine the Arabic curriculum model at the Markaz Arabiyah Center Foundation, Pare, Kediri. In this study, researchers used a qualitative research approach with field research methods. The subjects of this study are all lecturers and students in this institution, where researchers present data obtained from observations and...
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This research is based on the problems of students learning Arabic. Some students do not pay much attention to the subject matter delivered by the teacher, and they do not understand the Arabic text they read. This leads to their low Arabic language skills. Looking at student learning outcomes, only 30% get scores above the Minimum Completeness Cri...
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This research investigated Arabic needs for Ugandan-adults muallaf UAM using the first phase of ADDIE; (analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluate) in favor of developing the elementary Arabic learning module EALM for UAM. This research marked the Step (One) out of ADDIE (Five) steps of academic module development. It was meant to explore Ar...
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This research investigated Arabic needs for Ugandan adults muallaf UAM using the first phase of ADDIE; (analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluate) in favor of developing the elementary Arabic learning module EALM for UAM. This research marked Step (One) out of ADDIE (Five) steps of academic module development. It was meant to explore Arabic...
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Ilmu balaghah al-Quran merupakan salah satu bidang bahasa dan sastera Arab yang mengkaji aspek kesenian dan keindahan al-Quran dari perspektif retorik. Hakikatnya bahasa Arab sebagai bahasa pengantar al-Quran membuktikan keistimewaan bahasa ini. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji aplikasi seni akustik dan retorik (balaghah al-Badi’) dalam dua asp...
Technical Report
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The purpose of this research is to introduce the feasibility of the Encyclopedia of Luganda-Arabic Wordlist The research focuses on the Arabic and Luganda combination at the lexical and morphological levels. The major problem investigated here is that the Luganda language suffers from unlimited morphological structures inherent in Luganda Language...
Conference Paper
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Kertas kerja ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis mekanisme mereka bentuk kandungan linguistik Arab (ALC) untuk orang dewasa Uganda (UAB). Kertas kerja ini bersifat deskriptif dan analitikal. Ia menerangkan reka bentuk konvensional ALC yang diteruskan oleh analisis fungsi terperinci untuk UAB. Tumpuan tertumpu pada dua komponen reka bentuk ALC utama: r...
Technical Report
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Mufradati Al-‘Arabiyah adalah satu sistem pengurusan pengkalan data yang komprehensif bertujuan untuk perekodan kosa kata bahasa Arab secara sistematik. Produk inovasi ini mempunyai LIMA (5) keunikan utama, iaitu: 1. Trilingual Database - Setiap kosa kata Arab perlu disertakan bersama dengan padanan makna dalam dua bahasa lain, iaitu bahasa Melayu...
Technical Report
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Pangkalan Data Korpus Quran Tribahasa ini merupakan satu projek rintis yang dijalankan bagi meneroka satu model kamus Quran menggunakankan tiga bahasa utama yang sesuai dengan konteks Malaysia. Produk inovasi ini mempunyai EMPAT (4) keunikan utama, iaitu: 1. Trilingual Quranic Database – Setiap perkataan al-Quran itu disediakan padanan makna dal...
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The COVID-19 pandemic that struck the world has changed the landscape of human life post-21st century. The existence of such epidemic diseases has also been recorded in the world history of human civilization. Interestingly, the Quran, which was revealed fifteen centuries ago, also touches on the issue of pandemic or epidemic diseases that occurred...
Research Proposal
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The Problem The major problem investigated here is that Luganda language suffers from unlimited morphological structures inherent in Luganda Language morphology itself that hinders practical control of Luganda word meanings. The author observes that most of Luganda lexical concepts are limited to traditional expressions other than scientific and up...
Conference Paper
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Pendidikan di Malaysia adalah suatu usaha berterusan ke arah memperkembangkan lagi potensi individu secara menyeluruh dan bersepadu untuk mewujudkan insan yang seimbang dan harmonis dari segi intelek, rohani, emosi dan jasmani berdasarkan kepercayaan dan kepatuhan kepada Tuhan. Usaha ini adalah bagi melahirkan rakyat Malaysia yang berilmu pengetahu...
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Unlike (with words that exist in Luganda language with Arabic origin and never changed), the (Arabic words that exist in Luganda with Arabic origin but changed) have common characteristics among which are: 1) They are clustered with Luganda names of nature; 2) they are common with adjectives and attributes; 3) Their structural changes are centered...
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This Encyclopedia uses Arabic morphology system to expand Luganda lexical application so that Luganda can reach global linguistic levels. The encyclopedia functionally uses English language to clarify all Luganda meanings prior to the provision of their equivalents in Arabic language. While using Arabic morphology to expand Luganda lexical applicat...
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Kajian ini bertujuan mengkaji terjemahan salah satu sifat Allah dalam Al-Quran, Baseer untuk melihat sama ada terjemahannya mencapai kerelevanan optimum atau sebaliknya. Kajian ini bersifat kualitatif dan menggunakan kaedah analisis kandungan berlandaskan Teori Relevan (TR) yang lazimnya diaplikasi dalam bidang komunikasi untuk menganalisis terjema...
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This dictionary is composed of 13992 commonly used Luganda words. It is consisted of three important sections i) General Introduction to the Conceptual Framework, Techniques and guidelines of using this dictionary; ii) Main Section of the Dictionary; iii) Conclusion and Two Appendixes. This dictionary uses three categories of words origins; 1) Wo...
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The Advanced Luganda-English-Arabic Dictionary is intended to make the learning of Arabic Language easy for Luganda-English speakers at advanced level. It consists of 13992 entries of Luganda words. The linguistic descriptions of all entries are differentiated with black, blue and red colours. This dictionary provides learners with opportunities to...
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The Elementary Dictionary; Luganda-English-Arabic املعجم اللوغندي - اإلجنليزي - العريب للناشئني Kirembwe Rashid Abdul Hamed Mohammad Najib Bin Jaffar Hishomudin Bin Ahmad Kirembwe R.A.H et.al (2014) e-ISBN: 978-967-440-089-7. Publisher: Faculty of Major Language Studies (FPBU), Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) http://mybookstore.usim.edu.my/...
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The relationship between language and religion is complex and past studies have shown the importance of language and religion. In Islam, the most fundamental religious text that Muslims refer to is the Qur’an. Appreciating and understanding the Qur’an are fundamental for the believers of Islam to understand their religion. The Qur’an was revealed i...
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Hadith refers to the speeches, actions, tacit approval and characteristics of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. It contains many aspects of Islam and life such as creed, ibadah, ethics and others. Ibadah (Act of Worship) is pivotal for Muslims as it depicts the ritual of devotion to Allah. The word samica which defines hearing is well-known in the world of ha...
Conference Paper
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Senaman Tua Melayu (ST) merupakan ringkasan daripada senaman dan petua Melayu. Ia adalah himpunan senaman dan petua untuk kesihatan dalam dunia Melayu. Senaman Tua yang kini mula mendapat tempat dalam kalangan masyarakat di Malaysia, dipercayai turut berkesan dalam proses rehablitasi pelbagai penyakit. Senaman Tua telah diperkenalkan oleh pengasasn...
The lost kingdom of Andalusia has a great impact on the Muslim world. This tragedy is portrayed by Muslim poets throughout centuries. Malay’s literature also shared the lost, indicating their interaction with Islamic civilization in various dimensions including cultural and literary. However, these literary texts have not studied thoroughly. Theref...
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Quran is a scripture that was revealed in the last 15 centuries. Each letter, word, verse, and sura contains a perfect and beautiful pattern. Each pattern in the Quran has significant meaning to be studied. Generally, the study of the Quranic pattern has been carried out. However, there is no specific study of the word-based pattern in the Quran es...
Conference Paper
HAMOODY is a brand name synonymous with Arabic language games. It is dedicated to boost the speaking skills of non-native speakers of Arabic. Combining data from research and highlighting the importance of learning styles, HAMOODY comes in two versions - HAMOODY Flashcards and HAMOODY Smartphone Application. The former is made up of a board with fl...
The current knowledge of Arabic grammar was not structurally studied in Jāhiliyyah period and early Islamic periods by companions of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. The Arab spoke their language fluently without any linguistic barriers in their tongue. The Arabic grammar was introduced after Islam was being spread among non-Arab in neighboring countries. Mu...
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يقدّم هذا الكتاب دراسة عن علم من أعلام العربية، وإمام من أئمتها، هو إبراهيم بن موسى بن محمد الإمام الشاطبي، وخير شاهد على إمامته في العربية هو كتاب المقاصد الشافية في شرح الخلاصة الكافية حيث يشهد هذا الكتاب بتمكن الرجل من علوم اللغة والنحو والتصريف، وتبحّره فيها، وإحاطته بأوابدها، وبصره بشواردها. فقد أدار حول كثير من أبيات ألفية ابن مالك وأساليبها...
The appointment of a mufti amongst the women is a new issue to be discussed. Throughout the history of the institution of fatwa in Malaysia, woman has never been appointed as mufti even though there is no prohibition either in Islamic law and the laws of Malaysia which states that women cannot be appointed as mufti. This article aims to seek the vi...
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Hadith understanding refers to the process of interpreting Islamic teaching that could be derived from the text of hadith. It is known to be a challenging part in the study of hadith. Thus, hadith scholars have paid their attention to provide a guideline by introducing principles in hadith understanding. However, the researcher found that there are...
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Reading the major works of hadith, one might come to realise that the use of Quranic references within the work of hadith is occasionally obscure or even, at times, inconsistent. Moreover, the frequency of references taken directly from the Quran itself fluctuates considerably. Observations on the use of Quranic references in the early hadith sourc...
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Al-Razi, a philosopher, theologian, and exegetist in the history Islamic thought, was one prominent Muslim scholar that had contributed in interpreting the al-Quran. Numerous studies have been conducted on this remarkable scholar and his outstanding works in Middle East and European countries, however, Indonesian studies have not been extensively h...
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The inimitability of the Quran has been regarded by Muslim as a vindication of the prophethood of Muhammad. The conventions of its miraculous nature are divided into few dimensions including scientific miracle, mathematical, legal, revealing the Ghaybiyyat (unseen world) and acoustical elements. While each elements has its general emblem and charac...
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This paper aims to analyze the application of Balaghah al-Badi (embellishments) in the following aspects. First, the aspect of motivation or encouragement in conducting good dealings in surah
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ABSTRAK Kebolehpasaran siswazah telah menjadi isu global kerana melibatkan isu pendidikan yang menjadi tonggak hidup masyarakat sesebuah negara. Isu ini turut diberi perhatian oleh kerajaan Malaysia untuk memastikan kualiti dan mutu sistem pendidikan semasa. Justeru, usaha pelbagai pihak digembleng untuk menanganinya. Selain itu, kajian turut dilak...
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Asmaul Husna is a compilation of 99 names of Allah mentioned repeatedly in the Quran. All the names under the Asmaul Husna describes the beauty and greatness of the virtues of Allah the All Perfect. Many previous researches debated that Asmaul Husna gives more emphasis on the context of the Quran compared to researh on pattern extraction. Research...
Asmaul Husna is a compilation of 99 names of Allah mentioned repeatedly in the Quran. All the names under the Asmaul Husna describes the beauty and greatness of the virtues of Allah the All Perfect. Many previous researches debated that Asmaul Husna gives more emphasis on the context of the Quran compared to researh on pattern extraction. Research...
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Kemahiran insaniah merupakan elemen penting yang perlu dipupuk di kalangan pelajar-pelajar bermula dari sekolah menengah dan seterusnya institusi pengajian tinggi melalui aktiviti-aktiviti kokurikulum. Ia penting dalam membantu mereka melangkah ke alam pekerjaan kelak. Justeru itu, kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengkaji penjajaran aktiviti kokurikulu...
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The Quran, the holy scripture of Islam, is the most comprehensive source of reference for humankind to understand the teachings of Islam. Undeniably, understanding the Quran is a principal and an important aspect in the life of an individual Muslim regardless of their differences. In reality, understanding the teaching of the Quran and applying it...
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In order to renurture students' interest in learning Ibadah, it is imperative that Teacher of Islamic Education (Tie) utilize the right and suitable teacing technique and model. Past studies have shown that exposure to various teaching models and techniques may assist in enhancing students' interest in learning that results in them excelling their...
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communication is highly needed in order to ensure that a message can be conveyed with clarity. In the education context, a good communication between a teacher and students will generally influence students' understanding. Effective communication by teachers will result in students becoming more focused and more interested in what they are going to...
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Sahih al-Bukhari is considered as the most authentic book of hadith. One of the important aspects in the hadith study is the hadith understanding. Contextual approach is one of the approaches in the hadith understanding. The Islamic scholars have written several books of commentaries in order to explain the hadith content based on its context. Howe...
Communication is important in building a harmonious household and in strengthening the relationship between a husband and wife. However, the lack of communication could cause confusion, misunderstanding, and even arguments and divorce (Khalili, 2011; Enrichment, 1914; Atika Widayanti and Puji Lestari, 2014). According to statistics, in the first th...
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Discussions on the appointment of woman as mufti in Malaysia are new and uncommon. In the history of the institutions of fatwa in Malaysia, woman has never been appointed as mufti, however there aren’t any, neither in the Islamic nor Malaysia laws prohibiting women from issuing fatwas and being a mufti. This study was aim at finding the views of Fa...
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Hadith which defined as the speeches, actions, tacit approvals and characteristics of Prophet Muhammad PBUH requires thorough attention in understanding. One of the principles in comprehending hadith is by understanding the content contextually, and it could be done by gathering related hadith under a certain concept. Ontology could play the role i...
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In order to enhance the understanding of Quran, efforts to understand Muslim’s understanding of the content of the Quran should be of high concern. Thus, this study aims; (1) to explore the Muslims’ understanding of the content of the Quran based on Surah Al-Ikhlas and (2) to classify the understanding features based on their level of understanding...
Antonym is one of semantic parts that determine the opposite meaning of words. Meaning is an important element in communication as it will be the bridge between the speaker and listener; hence the accurate meaning of a word is vital to avoid miscommunication. This study will discuss about meaning ofbasar and its antonyms; amiya and kamaha in Arabic...
Conference Paper
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This article was initiated to develop a new model for the understanding of Quran. Due to time and modernity, the study of Quran and its interpretation methods are evolved tremendously. Among the approaches are Semantic analysis and socio-linguistic approach. However, the combination of these two approaches has not been extensively explored. This st...
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Kajian korpus merupakan salah satu sub-bidang dalam pengajian linguistik yang banyak digunakan dalam pelbagai bahasa dunia termasuk bahasa Arab. Namun begitu, kajian korpus bahasa Arab mempunyai cabarannya tersendiri. Ini kerana Bahasa Arab terbahagi kepada tiga jenis utama, iaitu bahasa Arab moden, bahasa Arab klasik dan juga dialek-dialek yang te...
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Abstrak Dalam ilmu linguistik moden, Teori Medan Makna diperkenalkan oleh Jost Trier pada 1930-an seterusnya berkembang dalam kalangan sarjana Barat yang lain. Ia melibatkan pengkategorian perkataan-perkataan yang mempunyai makna yang hampir sama dalam satu kumpulan. Namun, sumbangan sarjana Islam kurang diketengahkan dalam perbincangan teori ini b...
Segala bentuk percakapan, perbuatan, pengakuan, sikap serta sifat fizikal Rasulullah SAW dirakamkan di dalam hadis. Baginda SAW merupakan contoh terbaik kepada sekalian umat manusia.Terdapat banyak kajian berkaitan hadis yang mengupas tentang keistimewaan baginda SAW ini, namun ia masih bersifat umum dan tidak mengaitkannya dengan jenis hadis mahup...
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Asmaul Husna merupakan kumpulan 99 nama-nama Allah. Kesemua nama yang bernaung di bawah Asmaul Husna merupakan nama yang menzahirkan keindahan dan kehebatan sifat Allah yang Maha Sempurna. Ia kerap diulang di dalam al-Quran. Malah, kebanyakan perbahasan kajian terdahulu berkaitan Asmaul Husna lebih memfokuskan kepada konteks al-Quran. Walaubagaiman...
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Semiotik bermaksud tanda atau tanda, dan Al-Quran menyebut istilah ini dalam beberapa surah dan ayat Ia menunjukkan penggunaan gerak isyarat untuk berkomunikasi antara orang dan bukannya bercakap. Kemudian para pengulas dan ahli retorik kuno menawarkan, Al-Jahiz dan Qudama bin Jaafar mewakili istilah tentera pertama selama berabad-abad, sebelum ia...