Hilde Van Keer

Hilde Van Keer
Ghent University | UGhent · Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences



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Publications (235)
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Background Providing a rich home literacy environment (HLE) is considered to contribute to the development of students’ reading comprehension. However, less research attention has been given to the underlying mechanisms that influence this relationship, including potential mediating characteristics. The present study aims to assess whether students...
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Nederlands: Deze inspiratiegids is gebaseerd op een systematische literatuurstudie van recent, wetenschappelijk onderzoek. De onderzoekers lazen 24 zorgvuldig geselecteerde reviews over taalstimulering in de kleuterklas. Daarnaast namen ze 9 succesvolle taalinterventies door op zoek naar gemeenschappelijke bouwstenen die in minstens de helft van d...
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Background Reading and reading comprehension are crucial skills, yet many students in grade 4 struggle with them. To address this, several instructional practices have gained popularity. For one, explicit reading strategy instruction (ERSI) is deemed useful, given the finding that successful readers tend to employ reading strategies. As a second ex...
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Interactive book reading (IBR) as a context for vocabulary learning is studied widely in preschool children and kindergarteners. In the present study, we elaborate on this prior research by investigating the effects of a five-week IBR intervention on first graders’ expressive target vocabulary growth. A repeated measures design with two experimenta...
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University students are frequently required to collaborate, often in the form of collaborative writing tasks. The process as well as the outcomes of the collaboration depend on choices made during the group formation phase. Studies on why students select partners for collaborative writing tasks are, however, lacking. Therefore, the present study ai...
Teachers play a key role in supporting students with self-regulated learning (SRL) at all school levels. Yet, research shows that teachers, like students, struggle with SRL and its implementation. Moreover there are differences in how students regulate their learning at different ages. Due to this development of SRL by age and the crucial role of t...
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A strong vocabulary is crucial for language acquisition and can profoundly influence academic and societal success. Interactive book reading (IBR) offers an effective approach for vocabulary instruction as it provides a dynamic and engaging word-learning context. However, as children progress from preschool to primary grades, the emphasis on IBR de...
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In the past years, comparative assessment approaches have gained ground as a viable method to assess text quality. Instead of providing absolute scores to a text as in holistic or analytic scoring methods, raters in comparative assessments rate text quality by comparing texts either to pre-selected benchmarks representing different levels of writin...
Interactive book reading (IBR) is an effective method to foster children’s language development. Previous studies pointed at smaller gains for children at risk for language and literacy impairments due to socio-economic, ethnic, or minority background or due to home language. However, possible differences in interaction patterns with children at ri...
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This paper has investigated the importance of explicit instruction and collaborative writing on (a) argumentative writing performance and (b) self-efficacy for writing of secondary school students. This intervention study additionally aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of alternating between individual and collaborative writing throughout the writ...
The present study aimed to explore whether reading strategy intervention directed by the principle of gradual release of responsibility (GRR) improves students' Chinese reading comprehension and autonomous reading motivation (ARM) and whether the intervention effectiveness varies for low, average, and high levels of com-prehenders in secondary scho...
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It is well established that students’ motivation for writing is a key predictor of their writing performance. The aim of the current study is to study and map the relations underlying different motivational constructs (i.e., implicit theories, achievement goals, self-efficacy, and writing motives) and to investigate how these contribute to students...
Prior research has consistently shown that motivation is a catalyst for students' writing performance, with important implications for writing instruction. However, this body of research has mainly relied on a variable-centered approach that does not acknowledge the similarities and differences between and within groups of students. In the current...
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Notwithstanding reading comprehension is a key competence in today’s society, many late elementary students struggle with it. In this respect, effective instructional incentives are required to foster students’ reading comprehension. However, appropriate assessment instruments to monitor students’ reading comprehension on a regular basis and to mak...
Because reading comprehension is an important skill that many students struggle with, there is an urgent need to foster it. Few studies have investigated effective comprehension practices within a response-to-intervention design. Therefore, this study investigated the impact of a Tier 1 intervention implemented for 10 weeks on 491 fifth and sixth g...
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Late elementary education constitutes a critical period in the development of reading comprehension strategies, a key competence in today’s society. However, to date, appropriate measurements to map late elementary students’ reading strategies are lacking. In this respect, the present article first describes the development and validation of the 26...
Implicit theories have important implications for students' achievement goals and academic achievement. The Writer(s)-within-community model by Graham (2018) postulates that motivational beliefs stored in the long-term memory, such as implicit theories and achievement goals, influence how one approaches a writing task. Notwithstanding, few empirica...
The aim of this study is twofold: (1) to distinguish writer profiles on the basis of students’ cognitive processes and motives for argumentative writing and (2) to study differences in the distribution of students’ background characteristics and in students’ writing outcomes across writer profiles. Participants were students who are enrolled in the...
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Assessing argumentative writing skills is not a straightforward task, as multiple elements need to be considered. In function of providing feedback to students and keeping track of their progress, evaluating argumentative texts in a suitable, valid and efficient way is important. In this state-of-the-art exploratory study, 130 argumentative texts w...
Conference Paper
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Writing is a particularly demanding activity, which poses unique motivational challenges for students. This study sought to examine the contribution of writing motivation and writing frequency (an understudied variable in writing research) to students’ writing performance. The objectives were twofold: a) examining structural relations among two mot...
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Net zoals vaardige chauffeurs niet stilstaan bij de volgorde waarin ze de koppeling van hun auto induwen, de versnellingspook verzetten, remmen en aan het stuur draaien, merken vaardige lezers vaak niet meer wat ze precies doen om een tekst te begrijpen. Begrijpend lezen wordt daarom ook wel aangeduid als een geautomatiseerde vaardigheid. Omdat het...
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In this study, 44 late elementary students’ visual behavior patterns when reading mind maps were investigated, more particularly, the intuitive processing nature of their visual characteristics, reading sequence and presentation mode (i.e., mind map before or after text). Eye-tracked data were investigated by means of static early attention and dyn...
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Om tot een leesscan te komen, werd vertrokken van een literatuuronderzoek en een ruime bevraging bij zowel experts als leraren in het werkveld. Zo ontstond een lijst van een vijftigtal vragen over het leesonderwijs, waarop scholen zichzelf kunnen inschatten. Voor elke stelling kunnen scho-len zich situeren op een vijfpuntenschaal gaande van 'he-lem...
The present study unravels profiles of regulators, based on online measures of collaborative learners' adoption of individual-oriented and socially shared metacognitive regulation (SSMR) during asynchronous computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL). Additionally, it investigates how the regulation profiles are related to students' conceptual...
Background Considering (1) that reading proficiency is fundamental for educational success, (2) the reciprocal relationship between affective aspects of reading (e.g., reading attitude and motivation) and reading behaviour and ability, (3) the alarming decline in students' reading attitude throughout primary and secondary education and (4) the rath...
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Reading strategies have been documented as beneficial facilitators for readers to understand text; their potential efficacy, however, has not yet adequately assessed among struggling readers in the context of a large number of students below grade level at secondary schools internationally. Using a pretest–posttest control group experimental design...
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Interactive book reading is an effective method to foster children's language development. Both the frequency and the quality of children's contributions during reading are important attributes to add to the quality of an interactive reading session and thus increase literacy and vocabulary acquisition. Previous studies pointed out that children's...
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Within the context of our information society, reading comprehension is a key competence. However, many students experience difficulties with it. This is especially true in upper primary education, which is a critical period in the development of this competence. In this respect, the reading literature increasingly emphasizes the importance of moni...
By taking into account the functions of socially shared metacognitive regulation (SSMR) (i.e. the role that SSMR plays in the (dis)continuation of ongoing interaction), the present study sheds light on the differential effectiveness of SSMR. The study more particularly investigates how individual students' involvement in SSMR that confirms, changes...
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Symposiumbijdrage ORD 2021 waarin interactief voorlezen als specifieke voorleesmethode wordt toegelicht gekoppeld aan een verscheidenheid aan media en de onderzoeksresultaten inzake de positieve effecten die deze voorleesmethode oplevert.
Background: Writing is a particularly demanding activity, which poses unique motivational challenges for students. Despite the wealth of research on the relation between writing motivation and writing performance, little is known about the role of students' writing frequency in writing motivation and writing performance. Aims: We aimed to: (1) e...
Notwithstanding the value of self-regulation, different studies evidence that self-regulated learning (SRL) is still insufficiently ingrained in schools and that teachers only rarely promote it among their students. Therefore, the current study reports on a one-year school-wide professional development programme (PDP). A quasi-experimental pre-test...
Background: A significant number of secondary school students struggle with comprehending texts proficiently. Enhancing their reading comprehension requires knowledge about how this ability is related to various motivational and behavioural characteristics. The central aim of this study was therefore to investigate the (in)direct relationships betw...
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Mind maps are often used to help readers process texts, but their effectiveness is empirically under-investigated. This study explores whether the use of mind maps presented either before or after the text can prime successful selective processing strategies related to the text topic structure. Differences in performance outcomes (i.e., memory and...
This study examined the effectiveness of explicit strategy instruction (ESI) to foster seventh-grade secondary school students’ text-learning strategy use and text-learning performance. A large-scale experiment in an authentic educational setting with a switching replication design, with two groups and three measurement occasions was set up, in whi...
The study investigates whether individual learner characteristics relate to differences in university students’ engagement in socially shared metacognitive regulation (SSMR) when tutoring peers. Students’ motivation for learning, self-efficacy for learning and regulation, feeling of relatedness to peers, and individual repertoire of metacognitive r...
As teachers’ reading motivation and self-efficacy for promoting reading motivation can be considered vital for their reading-oriented promotive teaching practices and students’ reading motivation, this study evaluated the impact of a year-long CPD program for beginning primary school teachers. A convergent parallel mixed-methods design with repeate...
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This study investigates (1) the impact of structuring versus reflection-provoking support on university students’ adoption of socially shared metacognitive regulation (SSMR) during face-to-face peer tutoring (PT) and (2) the relation between SSMR and group performance. A quasi-experimental design was adopted, involving 72 educational sciences stude...
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The present study aims at investigating whether events of socially shared metacognitive regulation (SSMR) differ from each other when comparing their characteristics. These differences are labelled “variations in SSMR”. The study is conducted in a peer tutoring setting at university and includes video data (70 h of video recordings) on the regulati...
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The present study investigates primary school students’ self-regulated learning (SRL) process by exploring the sequence in which SRL activities are conducted during learning. The aims of this study are twofold: investigating the presence of the theoretically hypothesized cyclical nature in students’ SRL process, as well as potential differences her...
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Notwithstanding the importance of self-regulated learning (SRL), several studies have shown that schools and teachers struggle to promote SRL. Also, many students encounter difficulties with effectively regulating their learning. Therefore, the present study explores potential hampering and supporting factors for SRL implementation by investigating...
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The twofold aim of this study was to substantiate the validity of the Self-Regulation Questionnaire-Reading Motivation and Self-Regulation Questionnaire-Writing Motivation for third to eight graders and to map motivational trends in elementary and secondary education students’ academic and recreational reading and writing. More specifically, we ado...
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While self-report measures are ubiquitous in the educational research literature, the benefits of self-report are often maligned. Rather than discarding or ignoring data generated from self-report measures of cognitive processing and motivation, research is needed to determine when and if self-report measures can contribute to our collective unders...
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Er is vandaag opmerkelijk veel aandacht voor begrijpend lezen. Dat is ook niet verwonderlijk, want in de huidige kennismaatschappij moet je voldoende geletterd zijn om actief aan de samenleving te kunnen participeren. Helaas bereiken we dat niet bij al onze leerlingen. Zo tonen de Peiling Nederlands 2018 en het internationaal vergelijkende PIRLS-on...
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Handbook of Strategies and Strategic Processing provides a state-of-the-art synthesis of conceptual, measurement, and analytical issues regarding learning strategies and strategic processing. Contributions by educational psychology experts present the clearest-yet definition of this essential and quickly evolving component of numerous theoretical f...
This chapter aims to elaborate on a developmental orientation of strategic processing. The presented developmental framework illuminates essential characteristics throughout the distinct stages of strategic processing for diverse individuals who are learning in markedly different contexts. The chapter focuses on the developmental stages of strategi...
High-quality writing instruction is vital to supporting developing writers as they learn to plan, compose, and revise text. It is equally important that such instruction enhances students’ self-efficacy for writing as well as their motivation to write. The main aim of the present study was to investigate the incremental effect of peer-assisted writ...
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Begrijpend lezen bij 15-jarige leerlingen: is er een verband met leerling-, leraar-en/ of schoolgerelateerde factoren? 1. Inleiding Het voorbije jaar kon je er niet omheen in de media: het niveau van begrijpend lezen van onze Vlaamse leerlingen is dramatisch gedaald. Vele redenen voor deze achteruit-gang passeerden de revue. Hieronder een korte sam...
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Student’s individual, family, and teacher factors play a significant role in children’s reading development. However, the mechanisms by which these critical factors jointly contribute to children’s reading comprehension achievement are poorly understood. The present research aimed at developing a multilevel comprehensive model which shows critical...
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Teachers play a key role in the implementation of self-regulated learning (SRL). Nevertheless, research has found that SRL implementation in primary schools remains limited. This qualitative study investigates the role of school climate, the SRL implementation history, and the role of the principal school leader in the school-wide development of SR...
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Conference Paper
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Students need effective strategies for text-based learning to deal with the emergent information flow in our current society. Prior research has shown the beneficial effect of mind maps to support learners in this text-based learning. However, not all learners are alike in their need for instruction in this respect, making differentiated instructio...
Conference Paper
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Research indicates that reading motivation is a central aspect in fostering reading comprehension. The relationship between reading comprehension and reading motivation can have important implications, especially during the adolescence, where the reading motivation of students tends to decline. The present study aims to analyze the relation among 9...
Conference Paper
Developing proficient reading comprehension skills is indispensable throughout students’ entire school career and remains essential in daily life. Developing these skills starts in primary education, but requires further development and refinement during secondary education, where students are confronted with a wide variety of text genres. Therefor...
Conference Paper
Studies show that teachers’ continuous professional development (CPD) is essential for educational quality. Moreover, when it comes to reading, CPD is key for students’ success in education and participation in our 21st century society. Most of the research investigating professional development programs on improving teachers’ self-efficacy for tea...
Conference Paper
Several studies already indicated that continuous professional development (CPD) of teachers is crucial for quality education and the society. Teachers indeed play a key role in the learning of their students and this not only when it comes to their academic success, but also regarding their role in view of active participation in our 21st century...
Studies show that teachers' continuing professional development (CPD) is essential for educational quality, and moreover, when it comes to reading, key for students' success in education and participation in our 21st-century society. Most of the research investigating professional development programs on improving teachers' self-efficacy for teachi...
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Being proficiently literate is essential to participate successfully in today’s information society. Interactive book reading (IBR) has been proven to be one of the most enduring and effective methods to foster children’s language and literacy development. Both the frequency and the quality of children’s contributions during IBR-activities are expe...
This study investigates the association between three data gathering methods for uncovering differences in secondary school students’ text-learning strategy use. In total, 56 secondary school students’ text-learning strategies were assessed with (a) a task-specific self-report questionnaire, (b) think-aloud protocols and (c) study traces. Correlati...
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The authors explore the occurrence of different learner profiles in secondary education, as well as their relationship with test performance and student characteristics. Based on a cluster analysis of 1,931 secondary school students’ self-reported text-learning strategy use and study traces, the authors identified and validated four distinct learne...
This study explores the occurrence of different self-regulated learning (SRL) profiles in upper primary school children by means of a general self-report questionnaire and think-aloud protocol analysis. Further, it investigates the relation of students' SRL profile with their general achievement level and gender on the one hand and with their test...
Leerstrategieën effectief inzetten en strategisch combineren blijkt voor veel leerlingen nog erg moeilijk. Promotieonderzoek van Emmelien Merchie van de Universiteit van Gent toont aan dat expliciete strategie-instructie met aangereikte mindmaps in de onderwijspraktijk veelbelovend is om leerlingen te helpen studeren. Op lange termijn gaan zij meer...
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This study examined the stability and change in secondary school students’ learner profiles after receiving an explicit strategy instruction (ESI) to foster their text-learning strategy use. A randomized quasi-experimental repeated measures design was set up with one experimental condition – receiving an eight-lesson-teacher delivered instructional...
This study focuses on the relationship between 15-year-olds’ reading enjoyment and reading comprehension on the one hand and the relationship between these two variables and students’ gender, socio-economic status (SES), and language background on the other. Based on the PISA 2009 literacy test, it includes a secondary analysis of data collected fr...
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The current study uncovers secondary school students’ actual use of text-learning strategies during an individual learning task by means of a concurrent self-reported thinking aloud procedure. Think-aloud data of 51 participants with different learner profiles, distinguished based on a retrospective self-report questionnaire (i.e., 15 integrated st...