Hideki Osaka

Hideki Osaka
toriR Lab.

Doctor of Engineering
EMC consultant, Bird's song annotation Web apprication, Citizen science x IT


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Researching aves (wild birds) vocal communication and providing WEB-based annotation tools. High-Speed Digital, EMC and PCB design.


Publications (65)
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To protect migratory birds, whose populations are significantly declining, it is necessary to conserve their habitats, including the ones along their migration routes. Because many species fly with nocturnal flight calls (NFC) and they can indicate their migration routes, we initiated a project of NFC recording survey in Japan. The challenge is to...
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本研究は、市民科学を活用した鳥類調査の有効性とその実践方法に焦点を当てています。eBird、Galaxy Zoo、環境DNA調査などの事例を通じて、市民科学がどのように広範囲なデータ収集に貢献しているかを示し、特に鳥類研究におけるその重要性を強調しています。我々が実施したスマートフォンを使用したつばめの巣調査や夜間のフライトコール録音など、具体的な市民科学の実践事例を紹介し、チョウゲンボウ調査への適用可能性を探ります。本研究は、市民科学が提供する大規模なデータセットの分析を通じて、一般市民の参加を促すための広報の重要性と、研究成果の社会への還元についても論じます。この研究は、市民科学が生物多様性の保全と科学的知見の拡大にどのように貢献できるかを示す一例として、重要な示唆を提供します。
Research Proposal
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渡り鳥が急激に減っています。昭和30年代には福井でも空を覆うほどのツグミの渡りが見られました(遠藤公男, 1983)。地球上の生物の多様性が危険にさらされている今、地元の自然に目を向け、その中で起こる小さな奇跡に心を寄せることがとても大切でしょう。多くの渡り鳥たちが年2回、体重を大幅に増やす一方で使わない器官、例えば消化器や脳を縮小させ、睡眠パターンを変更し、地形や磁力線、星座や太陽の位置、匂いなど様々な情報を統合して大空を羽ばたき、春には正確に営巣場所に戻って来ます(S.ワイデンソール 2023)。そう思うと、夏、福井県の空を舞うツバメ、イワツバメ、コシアカツバメという3種のつばめが、わずか20グラムほどの軽さで数千キロメートルもの距離を飛び越えてやってくるのは、私たちの暮らしにある奇跡の...
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One of the threats to industrial unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), which require a high level of safety, is the degradation of control wireless communication performance due to electromagnetic interference. Self-jamming caused by unintentional electromagnetic (EM) noises from the multiple electronic devices installed in a UAV, such as the power supp...
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地球温暖化問題を生き物の目線から考える。世界的に見ても鳥類は減少しており、温暖化の影響と懸念は大きいが、今夏の猛暑の身近な鳥への影響は鳥仲間、鳥学会の全国大会(石川)でヒアリングした限り限定的であった。日本でもツバメ達は減少しているが、猛暑以外でも様々な要因が考えられる(農地減少、家構造変化、農薬・水汚染で飛翔性虫の減少、虫の発生タイミングの変化)。保全のためにも継続的なモニタリングが大切で、来年以降も福井のツバメの巣調査を行うので参加&ご協力お願する。 Thinking about global warming from the perspective of living things. Bird species are decreasing worldwide, and there is...
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市民科学の普及には便利なツールの開発と市民への広報が課題である。そこで本研究はスマートホンを用いた地図に連携するデータ登録アプリを開発し、福井でのつばめ3種(ツバメ、イワツバメ、コシアカツバメ)の巣調査に用いた。また、広報メディアの効果を検証した。In order to disseminate citizen science, the challenge is to develop convenient tools and publicize it to citizens. Therefore, in this study, we developed a data registration app that links to maps using smartphones, and used...
Research Proposal
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自然豊かな福井も 山は手が入らず、空き地や田畑はアスファルトに変わり 生物多様性が急速に失われつつあります。 街の自然のシンボル「つばめ」の巣を調べて 「つばめ」が好きな福井の自然を調べませんか? 期間:2023年5月1日ー7月31日
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福井市でのツバメ3種(ツバメHirundo rustica、イワツバメDelichon urbica、コシアカツバメHirundo daurica)の巣の分布をスマホを用いて市民調査した。有効データ378件集まり、ツバメは281巣、イワツバメ33巣、コシアカツバメ64巣の登録があった。3種の営巣でツバメは単独、イワツバメは集団、コシアカツバメは半々であり、コシアカツバメは海岸近くに営巣するが、内陸の河川近くにも選好することがわかった。また他県の同様な調査よりも人口あたりの報告数が多く、スマホ活用が奏功したと考える。
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This study is the first to quantitatively measure the courtship display flights of Latham's snipe (Gallinago hardwickii), which is a "near threatened" species as of 2022 (IUCN red list of threatened species). By using a 16-channel microphone array and 8-channel microphone arrays, we localized the fine-scale movements of courtship flights of one mal...
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Songbirds are one of the study targets for both bioacoustic and ecoacoustic research. In this paper, we discuss the applicability of robot audition techniques to understand the dynamics of forest bird vocalizations in a soundscape measured in azimuth and elevation angles with a single 16-channel microphone array, using HARK and HARKBird. First, we...
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福井市内で繁殖するツバメに、ツバメ、イワツバメ、コシアカツバメがいます.ツバメは人工物にしか営巣せず、イワツバメとコシアカツバメは崖や軒下、橋桁などで集団営巣すると考えられています.特にコシアカツバメは古いコンクリートの建物を好み、建物が無くなると居なくならないか心配です.市内のツバル類はどこにどのくらい巣があるのでしょうか?保全の基礎データとなる”ツバメ類の巣マップ”を市民の皆様と作ってみたいと思います.ごく簡単に入力できるように、現場でのスマホ撮影で完了できるWebサイトを準備しました.個人情報の入力は不要です.2022年春~夏で予備的に調査したいと思います.多くの方の参加をお待ちしております. Swallows that breed in Fukui City include swal...
1. This study is the first to quantitatively measure of the courtship flights of Latham’s snipe (Gallinago hardwickii), a migratory shorebird on the East Asian-Australasian Flyway, which is nearly threatened in their major breeding ground in Japan. 2. We localised the fine-scale movements of their display flights performed at high altitude and high...
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toriRはwebベースの音声分析アプリである.これを奄美大島のオオトラツグミの鳴き声一斉調査の補助手段としてICレコーダを用いた録音のデータ処理に適用できると考える.録音から設置場所でオオトラツグミなどが何時鳴いたかを特定(アノテーション)でき、生態調査の基礎データとできよう.録音データは膨大になるので市民参加型のアノテーション機能により効率的な分析が可能となる機能も追加予定である.講演では実際の使い方も紹介する.toriR is a web-based voice analysis app. We believe that this can be applied to data processing of recordings using an IC recorder as an aux...
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長時間アノテーションWEBアプリ「トリル(toriR)」の開発状況を報告する(BR調査研究支援2019)。トリルでは録音からスペクトログラムをユーザのブラウザで生成でき好みに調整できるようになった。アノテーションは種名に加え声の違い(地鳴き、囀り、幼鳥など)を入力・表示できるようになった。アノテートされた短音とスペクトログラムはオープンデータとして学名毎に分類表示され、視聴・共有できる(非共有も可)。多くの方に使っていただき、鳥の声のデータベースを構築し機械学習と市民科学の発展に寄与したい。 This report presents the development status of the long-duration annotation web application "toriR" (...
ドローンはインフラ点検・物流・災害対応などで幅広く活用が見込まれるが、ドローンは内部にディジタル処理系、駆動系、5Gなど無線通信系機能を持ち、実用化にはEMCの課題解決が不可欠である。本講演では当社で取り組んできたドローンからのノイズ放射、無線モジュールへの干渉、機体の共振、ノイズ低減PCB設計技法など最新成果を報告する。 Drones are expected to be widely used for infrastructure inspection, logistics, disaster response, etc., but drones have internal digital processing system, drive system, 5G and other wir...
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CAD/CAEで製品設計を進めるのは当たり前となった時代だが、EMCはミステリアスな振る舞いを見せることか ら未だ対処療法的な対応をしがちである。本講演ではシステムのEMC設計として基本的事項をおさらいし、イ ミュニティの観点でSI+PI+EMCがどう結びついているかの事例を通して考える。
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トラツグミ(Zoothera dauma)は夜に盛んに鳴き、その声の高さは一定で、低い声と高い声を一定の間隔で繰り返す。トラツグミの鳴き声生態を明らかにするため18年4月からの半年間、茨城県常陸太田市の同じ場所で毎晩12時間録音した。効率的分析のため声の自動抽出を試みた。それに先立ちCDとネット上の音源から声の高低を区別できる条件を探った。その結果、声の高さは連続的に分布し地域差は認められなかった。またある個体の低い声が別の個体の高い声より高いことがあり、声の高さは地域以外の影響が強いようだ。これを踏まえ声の自動抽出では、鳴けばその周波数で強度変動があることに着目し、一声の周波数変動を加味した領域加算と閾値弁別から全体正解率を90%以上とできた(他の鳥が鳴いていない場合)。分析から観察個体は...
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夜鳴く鳥の生態観察法に自動録音がある。長野市大峰山で2019年4月27日から7月4 日まで70日間、毎晩12時間録音し、その中からどんな鳥が鳴いたかの声抽出を試みた。課題は分析時間の長さである。そこで1時間ごとの声紋(スペクトログラム)を自動生成し、目視で種特有の声紋パターンを見つけ、迷う場合はすぐ音を確認できる環境を構築した。効率化のため表示が早い軽量な声紋画像を準備し、画像上の聞きたい場所をすぐ再生できるよう統計ソフトRと音声処理ソフトsoxを連携させた。これにより1時間分の録音データから2~3分で確認と抽出ができ全部聞く場合と比べ約20倍の効率化がはかれた。分析の結果、トラツグミ、ヨタカやフクロウの声の他、長くさえずるヤブサメの声が記録されていた。ヤブサメは4月後半から1週間、昼の鳴き...
第2節 77GHzミリ波レーダー向けホーン&レンズ型アンテナの設計技術とその最適化 1.ホーン&レンズ型アンテナのコンセプト 2.ホーン&レンズアンテナの動作原理 3.アンテナの設計フローと設計 4.ホーン&レンズ型アンテナの設計と試作 5.アンテナの試作と評価結果 6.結論
Conference Paper
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繁殖期のトラツグミ(Zoothera dauma)は夜に鳴き、調査のため18時から翌朝6時までの毎晩定点録音をしている。効率化には囀りの自動抽出が必要で、その特徴量を見積もった。”ヒー”と鳴く声を句とすると、句の特徴は(イ)周波数に高低があり、(ロ)周波数変位が少なく、(ハ)句は連続で、(ニ)句は区切られ繰り返される。そこで18種の音源(CD、DVD、WEB、個人録音:総時間36分)を入手し周波数分析した。方法は音源を短期間フーリエ変換し、閾値以上のピーク周波数データが0.07秒離れると別句とし、抽出句を声紋に重ね目視確認した。複数ピークからなる句の平均周波数は2つの分布となり、低周波数の句が1.5KHzから3.5KHz(n=360)、高周波数の句は4.5KHzから5.5KHz(n=131)...
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1)神奈川県大磯町丘陵にて 2014 年 07 月から 2016 年 03 月までの期間、メジロ Zosterops japonicus とウ グイス Horornis diphone の鳴き出し時間とそれに続 く鳴き声の頻度を聞き取りにより求めた。また太陽 高度と天気から両種の繁殖期と非繁殖期(冬期)の 鳴き出し水平面照度を推定した。 ・メジロの鳴き出し時間と照度(平均± SD): 繁殖期( 4 月〜 7 月)(n=19): -18.3 ± 4.4 分、59.0 ± 67.5 Lx 冬 期(11 月〜 1 月)(n=22): -24.8 ± 7.9 分、21.7 ± 25.7 Lx ・ウグイスの鳴き出し時間と照度: 繁殖期( 3 月〜 6 月)(n=19): -15.5 ± 4.0 分、...
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神奈川県大磯町丘陵にて2014年07月から2016年03月までの期間、ヒヨドリの鳴き出し時間とそれに続く鳴き声の頻度を聞き取りにより求めた。鳴き声は増幅され、その音をヘッドフォンで聞きながら現地でパソコンに記録した。また自動録音も併用した。 ヒヨドリの日の出に対する鳴き出し時間は市民薄明開始時間に相関するように年2回変動した。鳴き出しから日の出後90分まで、1分刻みで鳴き声の頻度を求めた。頻度は季節で変動し、繁殖期に当たる5月と6月と冬期の11月から2月は80%と高率だが、3月は約40%、7月と8月は約55%と下がった。また他の鳥にみられる鳴き出しから30分で鳴き止むということは周年を通じて無かった。 また、仙台と密陽(韓国)のヒヨドリの日の出に対する鳴き出し時間と比較した結果、大磯のヒ...
Conference Paper
A new type of probe for the differentiation of defective connections from fully functioning ones between metal plates such as the frame ground has been designed, prototyped, and evaluated. The probe utilizes a dual loop near-field antenna to detect the magnetic near-field due to the current at the connecting point, and an oscillation circuit has be...
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To survey the changes in avifauna, I recorded vocalizations at fixed point 30 minutes before and after sunrise almost every week for 1 year (45 weeks from July 2014-June 2015) at Oiso hills in Kanazawa Prefecture. I used only data obtained by bird vocalization for analysis. A total of 55 bird species, including introduced species, were observed (da...
Power supply noise generated by integrated circuits is one of the major sources of electromagnetic radiation from printed circuit boards (PCB). The reduction of power supply noise can be realized by means of devices that bypass the current among power supply planes, such as bypass capacitors and ground vias. In the present work, the effect of curre...
Conference Paper
We investigated a chip-package-PCB co-simulation method for power integrity design at the early design stage. Due to the number of design parameters that need to be surveyed to optimize power integrity at this stage, the method requires fast power integrity analysis and a convenient way to revise design parameters. By applying a PEEC method with di...
Conference Paper
System in package with glass interposers have been proposed to enable continuing improvements in communication performance and computing performance. One issue posed by glass interposers is the plane resonance resulting from low dielectric loss. This paper proposes a ground plane resonance suppression technique suitable for glass interposers using...
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A novel high-resolution electromagnetic-wave-source visualization system is presented. The system can determine the incidence angle and visualize the wave source by combining a Lüneburg lens with an electromagnetic band gap (EBG) absorber. The Lüneburg lens is used to physically separate the incident waves coming from different directions and to fo...
This paper proposes a low-cost packaging configuration for a combined optical and memory system-in-package. The proposed hybrid silicon and glass configuration meets the wiring density required for HBM and high-frequency characteristics required for optical IC wiring. We also built and tested a wiring TEG to evaluate the high-frequency performance...
A new real-time and high resolution electromagnetic wave source visualization system is presented. The system can determine the angle of incidence and visualize the wave source by combining a Lüneburg lens and an electromagnetic band gap (EBG) absorber. The Lüneburg lens is used to physically separate the different direction incident wave and focus...
Power supply noise generated by integrated circuits is one of the major sources of EM radiation from PCBs. The reduction of power supply noise can be realized by means of devices that bypass the current among power supply planes, such as bypass capacitors, ground vias and so on. In the present work the effect of current bypass devices on the far fi...
Conference Paper
Power supply noise generated by integrated circuits is one of the major sources of EM radiation from PCBs. The reduction of power supply noise can be realized by means of devices that bypass the current among power supply planes, such as bypass capacitors, ground vias and so on. In a previous work the effect of current bypass devices on the far fie...
Conference Paper
This paper proposes a PDN design method using frequency-dependent target impedance considering frequency properties of jitter sensitivity of the IO buffer to power supply noise and switching current profile. We confirmed that this design and the resulting jitter of the I/O interface attributable to power supply noise meet the target value of less t...
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To provide a simulation technology of ending multiphysics analysis on heat, vibration, and EMC within a practical time and with a low-price computation process at an early stage of product designing, in a noise analysis designing method for an electric device, such as an inverter for automobile, this electric device includes one or more energy sour...
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An orthogonal array is formed by performing electromagnetic field analysis only once and determining a range by using the mount position and type of a capacitor and the number of capacitors as parameters to perform circuit analysis a small number of times. An estimation equation is formed by using as an index a result of the absolute value of the c...
Conference Paper
To design future high-speed interconnects that operate above 25 Gbps, accurate scattering parameters (s-parameters) of structures, such as through holes, are necessary. We estimated the s-parameters of a differential pair of through holes by using the de-embedding technique to eliminate undesirable loss and delay in the feed lines connected to the...
Conference Paper
This report proposes low power supply noise interposers with two types of structures based on embedding technologies. These structures reduce (i) self-noise and (ii) transfer-noise. We designed and developed these two structures and evaluated them experimentally. Using small chip components (0402) permitted interposer heights of less than 0.6 mm. T...
Conference Paper
The spread spectrum clock (SSC) is known to have the ability to reduce the quasi-peak level of clock harmonics noise. However, SSC may also have an adverse effect on wireless systems. In the present paper, a SSC with optimized parameters is developed that has a beneficial effect on one-segment broadcasting, which is based on orthogonal frequency di...
Analytical approximations for the average transmission cross sections of aperture arrays in thick conducting walls have been calculated, including square arrays of square apertures and rhombic arrays of hexagonal apertures. The equations can be used for estimating the shielding efficiency of practical conducting enclosure at high frequencies. The r...
This paper discusses accurate PCB modeling methods for 10 Gbps differential signal traces. We added two approaches to the conventional modeling method: (1) We simulated the glass cloth and epoxy distribution in the PCB dielectric to simulate common/differential mode conversion noise (SCD21). (2) We applied a frequency-dependent dielectric constant...
An equivalent circuit of a single conductor line (Sommerfeld wave) is proposed. The circuit is based on physical quantities, such as the electric current and on the power of the traveling wave, while the line voltage is only indirectly obtained. The characteristic impedance and the per-unit-length parameters are calculated in closed form as functio...
This paper presents a method for modeling chip-package resonance using impulse response and for measuring waveforms under varying conditions. We evaluated chip-package resonance with the following variations in conditions: (i) with and without on-package capacitors; (ii) differing positions on the chip; (iii) differing points of observation outside...
This paper proposes a method for modeling chip-package resonance using impulse response. To extract chip and package electrical circuit parameters, we assume a circuit equivalent to the loop from the chip to the package decoupling capacitor as the RL-RC parallel circuit and convert it into an RLC parallel circuit. We apply this method to devise an...
Conference Paper
To evaluate an on-chip power supply noise waveforms for power integrity design, we have developed a technique for measuring on-chip voltage waveforms. To overcome trade-offs in voltage resolution and the measurable frequency band, we designed inverter chain circuits that change the lengths of series inverters: a short chain provides low frequency a...
Conference Paper
Aiming to achieve double data rate-synchronous DRAM (DDR-SDRAM) at low-cost and with high noise tolerance by setting adequate Vref target impedance, we have established a measurement setup for Vref noise tolerance of DDR2-SDRAM on test board simulating actual memory module and measured various properties. The measured Vref noise tolerance has stron...
Conference Paper
We measured the differential insertion loss and the deterministic jitter for three types of differential transmission lines on a motherboard in a serial backplane bus at 2 Gbps in order to prioritize the design specifications for transmission lines. We tested three line widths having different common impedances of the lines while keeping the differ...
A high-speed bus is proposed for digital data transfer in which signals enter and exit the main bus via crosstalk between transmission lines. We refer to this type of signal transfer as “crosstalk transfer logic,” or XTL. In XTL, because signals are conveyed by crosstalk coupling in transmission lines with distributed constants circuit (a direction...
This paper discusses new Vref designs for high-speed memory modules. Our designs include chip resistors in series with Vref traces that reduce the total noise. We confirmed reduced noise of half the original through experiments
Conference Paper
To make a 1 Gbps 4-module memory bus at low cost, we designed a ceramic directional coupler (CDC) in the frequency domain and confirmed the performance of the bus in the time domain. The specification for the CDC was designed by translating the time domain properties to the S-parameters. We have fabricated the CDCs and verified the design validity...
In this paper, we describe how we modeled EMI noise from the power-pin current of an LSI that has two ports: a power-ground port and a driver output port. We called this the “Linear Equivalent Circuit and Current Source for I/O (LECCS-I/O) ” model, and have evaluated it using the measured power current and power-ground impedance of a small-scale IC...
Conference Paper
In this paper, we describe how we modeled EMI noise from the power-pin current of an LSI that has two ports: a power-ground port and a driver output port. We named this modeling the "Linear Equivalent Circuit and Current Source for I/O (LECCS-I/O)" model and with it measured power current and power-ground impedance for various combinations of loadi...
Conference Paper
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Some recent results from research conducted in the EMC group at Okayama University are reviewed. A scheme for power-bus modeling with an analytical method is introduced. A linear macro-model for ICs/LSIs, called the LECCS model, has been developed for EMI and EMS simulation. This model has a very simple structure and is sufficiently accurate. Combi...
Crosstalk Transfer Logic (XTL) is a digital-signal interface that uses directional couplers to form parallel lines within a circuit board. An advantage of the XTL is that it provides a multi-drop and high-speed system that is a one-to-many connection that can be used as a memory bus. To evaluate the signal integrity of an XTL to be applied to a DRA...
Conference Paper
Crosstalk Transfer Logic (XTL) is a digital-signal interface that uses directional couplers to form parallel lines within a circuit board. An advantage of the XTL is that it provides a multi-drop and high-speed system that is a one-to-many connection that can be used as a memory bus. To evaluate the signal integrity of an XTL to be applied to a DRA...
Some recent results from research conducted in the EMC group at Okayama University are reviewed. A scheme for power-bus modeling with an analytical method is introduced. A linear macro-model for ICs/LSIs, called the LECCS model, has been developed for EMI and EMS simulation. This model has a very simple structure and is sufficiently accurate. Combi...


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