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Publications (127)
The ongoing trilogue negotiations on the GDPR procedural regulation aim to address significant enforcement shortcomings. From strengthening complainants' rights to harmonising Data Protection Authorities' discretion and improving cross-border cooperation, these discussions carry major implications for data protection in Europe. This analysis highli...
The edited volume presents a multifaceted exploration of the intersection between technological innovation and democratic governance in Europe. It rigorously examines the profound impact of information technologies on rule-making and decision-making processes, emphasizing the preservation of constitutional values within the European Union (EU). Sim...
The edited volume presents a multifaceted exploration of the intersection between technological innovation and democratic governance in Europe. It rigorously examines the profound impact of information technologies on rule-making and decision-making processes, emphasizing the preservation of constitutional values within the European Union (EU). Sim...
The edited volume presents a multifaceted exploration of the intersection between technological innovation and democratic governance in Europe. It rigorously examines the profound impact of information technologies on rule-making and decision-making processes, emphasizing the preservation of constitutional values within the European Union (EU). Sim...
This book explores the complexity and depths of our digital world by providing a selection of analyses and discussions from the 16th annual international conference on Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP): Ideas that Drive Our Digital World.
The first half of the book focuses on issues related to the GDPR and data. These chapters provide a...
The concept of ‘Regulation by Information’ is changing. Past such approaches consisted mainly of signalling regulatory intent and indirectly guiding how and when regulatory discretion should be exercised. We suggest that this conceptual understanding must be reviewed in view of developing regulatory technologies (RegTech) allowing for a far more pr...
General principles of EU law are principles which govern all legal acts of the EU and those of Member States when acting in the scope of EU law. They have become particularly important in terms of administrative implementation of EU law by Union institutions and bodies as well as by Member States. This chapter addresses some of the most important o...
This special issue is the result of a conference organized in cooperation with the University of Luxembourg by SIPE on the very notion of the Rechtsstaatlichkeit in Europa / the rule of law in Europe / l’État de droit en Europe focusing therein on judicial independence and effective remedies. The contributions reflect various perspectives on the no...
In this volume, distinguished experts, and leaders in the field, discuss a wide range of issues in administrative law from a comparative perspective. Administrative law is concerned with the conferral, nature, exercise, and legal control of administrative (or ‘executive’) governmental power. It has close links with other areas of ‘public law’, nota...
This chapter examines the steps which take place after legislation has been passed. It also looks at the principles and rules that exist to ensure the legality and legitimacy of administrative action implementing EU law. It begins with an overview of the key institutions and agencies of the EU and what they do. It then discusses the applicable law...
This article concentrates on the 'duty of care' or 'diligence', a principle that has become ubiquitous in CJEU case law due to its central role in calibrating the intensity of judicial review of EU acts on the legislative, regulatory and single-case decision-making levels. This article explores the development of the principle and critically review...
One of the European Union’s most ambitious policy projects to date is the ‘economic and monetary union whose currency is the euro’ (EMU, Article 3(4) TEU). The EMU’s two polices—the economic union and the monetary union—are an unequal set of twins. On one hand, the monetary union’s central elements are well developed: as an element of substance, th...
Any attempt to survey the sectoral administrative law of the European Union begs a number of fundamental questions. First, how do we understand ‘administrative law’, especially in relation to a supranational structure and system, such as that of the Union? Secondly, what exactly might we understand by ‘sectoral’ or ‘specialized’ administrative law,...
As set out in our introductory chapter, this work has been designed as an examination of the diverse forms and structures of administrative law applicable within various, specific areas of European Union policies. Its intention is to allow insight into the administrative implementation of Union policies in parallel with one another, reviewing and r...
This volume deals with the law governing the administrative implementation of European Union public policy. Much of this law is specific to individual policy sectors. The volume provides a study of such specialized admininstrative law for more than twenty sectors. This cross-sectoral approach allows for detailed comparisons of EU administration in...
This chapter examines the steps which take place after legislation has been passed. It also looks at the principles and rules that exist to ensure the legality and legitimacy of administrative action implementing EU law. It begins with an overview of the key institutions and agencies of the EU and what they do. It then discusses the applicable law...
In the first interdisciplinary work focused on the European Ombudsman, expert observers of EU institutional affairs provide a thorough evaluation of the Ombudsman and its constitutional role, powers, activities and future potential. The book addresses the Ombudsman’s impact on accountability in the EU’s executive branch and offers new suggestions f...
This article presents and discusses the concepts, ideas and results of the Research Network on European Administrative Law (ReNEUAL) Project on EU administrative procedure. One of the central objectives of this project was to study means of achieving a double objective: Improving the
realisation of constitutional principles in the de-centralised im...
Mit der Onlineversion 2014 der ReNEUAL Model Rules on EU Administrative Procedure fand ein 2009 begonnenes wissenschaftliches Projekt zur Kodifizierung des EU-Verwaltungsverfahrensrechts seinen vorläufigen Abschluss. Der erarbeitete Musterentwurf umfasst mit der administrativen
Normsetzung, Einzelfallentscheidungen, Verträgen, der Amtshilfe und dem...
This chapter looks at the effects of the exercise of judicial review on the development of the European administrative space and, more specifically, at the conditions of implementation of EU policies by administrative action in the EU. The chapter outlines some long-term trends and effects of holding administrative action to account by means of jud...
The current times of constitutional transformation in the EU place the following question on the agenda: Is the ongoing economic crisis demarcating the end of the original conception of a ‘European Economic Constitution’ as it has developed since the early days of the EEC? Or are we witnessing simply a shift towards a new more encompassing model of...
This Article discusses the reality of executive rule-making procedures with trans-territorial effect, with other words, the creation of non-legislative rules which have an effect outside the territorial limits of the jurisdiction of origin. It maps the phenomenon, discusses some of its central challenges for the realization of general principles of...
Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU – Multiple sources of fundamental rights in the EU legal system – Non-hierarchical, pluralistic understanding of their interrelationship – Case study: the right to good administration – Difficulties in defining the scope of the right to good administration under the Charter and that of the right to good admin...
The existence or non‐existence of procedural rules for executive rule‐making in the EU is not merely a ‘technical’ question free of constitutional value choices. This article argues that constitutional principles, such as transparency, openness and participatory democracy, highlighted by the Treaty of Lisbon constitute decisive normative standards...
One of the key principles of law allowing for the development and consequent enforcement of EU law in the past decades is the right to an effective judicial remedy. This working paper summarises its effects, outlines its main sources, its scope of protection, its limits and some future challenges to its application within the EU’s complex system of...
The Treaty of Lisbon has put emphasis on a more strict separation of executive functions between the EU and the Member States. At the same time it attempts to concentrate more executive powers on the Union level in the hands of the Commission. This article argues that the Treaty of Lisbon’s innovations have some paradoxical effects. In reality they...
Agencies have become a ubiquitous part of the administrative structure of the EU. They fulfil diverse and important roles in implementing EU policies. As diverse as the tasks of EU agencies are their forms of organization. Few have been established by the Treaties themselves; most have been created on the basis of secondary legal acts. Agency desig...
This book provides an analysis of the administration of the European Union and the legal framework within which that administration operates. It examines the multifarious approaches, techniques, and structures of public administration in order to systematize and assess the solutions they offer to political, social, and economic problems. The legal...
This book provides an analysis of the administration of the European Union and the legal framework within which that administration operates. It examines the multifarious approaches, techniques, and structures of public administration in order to systematize and assess the solutions they offer to political, social, and economic problems. The legal...
This book provides an analysis of the administration of the European Union and the legal framework within which that administration operates. It examines the multifarious approaches, techniques, and structures of public administration in order to systematize and assess the solutions they offer to political, social, and economic problems. The legal...
This book provides an analysis of the administration of the European Union and the legal framework within which that administration operates. It examines the multifarious approaches, techniques, and structures of public administration in order to systematize and assess the solutions they offer to political, social, and economic problems. The legal...
This book provides an analysis of the administration of the European Union and the legal framework within which that administration operates. It examines the multifarious approaches, techniques, and structures of public administration in order to systematize and assess the solutions they offer to political, social, and economic problems. The legal...
This book provides an analysis of the administration of the European Union and the legal framework within which that administration operates. It examines the multifarious approaches, techniques, and structures of public administration in order to systematize and assess the solutions they offer to political, social, and economic problems. The legal...
This book provides an analysis of the administration of the European Union and the legal framework within which that administration operates. It examines the multifarious approaches, techniques, and structures of public administration in order to systematize and assess the solutions they offer to political, social, and economic problems. The legal...
This book provides an analysis of the administration of the European Union and the legal framework within which that administration operates. It examines the multifarious approaches, techniques, and structures of public administration in order to systematize and assess the solutions they offer to political, social, and economic problems. The legal...
This book provides an analysis of the administration of the European Union and the legal framework within which that administration operates. It examines the multifarious approaches, techniques, and structures of public administration in order to systematize and assess the solutions they offer to political, social, and economic problems. The legal...
This book provides an analysis of the administration of the European Union and the legal framework within which that administration operates. It examines the multifarious approaches, techniques, and structures of public administration in order to systematize and assess the solutions they offer to political, social, and economic problems. The legal...
This book provides an analysis of the administration of the European Union and the legal framework within which that administration operates. It examines the multifarious approaches, techniques, and structures of public administration in order to systematize and assess the solutions they offer to political, social, and economic problems. The legal...
This book provides an analysis of the administration of the European Union and the legal framework within which that administration operates. It examines the multifarious approaches, techniques, and structures of public administration in order to systematize and assess the solutions they offer to political, social, and economic problems. The legal...
This book provides an analysis of the administration of the European Union and the legal framework within which that administration operates. It examines the multifarious approaches, techniques, and structures of public administration in order to systematize and assess the solutions they offer to political, social, and economic problems. The legal...
This book provides an analysis of the administration of the European Union and the legal framework within which that administration operates. It examines the multifarious approaches, techniques, and structures of public administration in order to systematize and assess the solutions they offer to political, social, and economic problems. The legal...
This book provides an analysis of the administration of the European Union and the legal framework within which that administration operates. It examines the multifarious approaches, techniques, and structures of public administration in order to systematize and assess the solutions they offer to political, social, and economic problems. The legal...
This book provides an analysis of the administration of the European Union and the legal framework within which that administration operates. It examines the multifarious approaches, techniques, and structures of public administration in order to systematize and assess the solutions they offer to political, social, and economic problems. The legal...
This book provides an analysis of the administration of the European Union and the legal framework within which that administration operates. It examines the multifarious approaches, techniques, and structures of public administration in order to systematize and assess the solutions they offer to political, social, and economic problems. The legal...
This book provides an analysis of the administration of the European Union and the legal framework within which that administration operates. It examines the multifarious approaches, techniques, and structures of public administration in order to systematize and assess the solutions they offer to political, social, and economic problems. The legal...
This book provides an analysis of the administration of the European Union and the legal framework within which that administration operates. It examines the multifarious approaches, techniques, and structures of public administration in order to systematize and assess the solutions they offer to political, social, and economic problems. The legal...
This book provides an analysis of the administration of the European Union and the legal framework within which that administration operates. It examines the multifarious approaches, techniques, and structures of public administration in order to systematize and assess the solutions they offer to political, social, and economic problems. The legal...
This book provides an analysis of the administration of the European Union and the legal framework within which that administration operates. It examines the multifarious approaches, techniques, and structures of public administration in order to systematize and assess the solutions they offer to political, social, and economic problems. The legal...
This book provides an analysis of the administration of the European Union and the legal framework within which that administration operates. It examines the multifarious approaches, techniques, and structures of public administration in order to systematize and assess the solutions they offer to political, social, and economic problems. The legal...
This book provides an analysis of the administration of the European Union and the legal framework within which that administration operates. It examines the multifarious approaches, techniques, and structures of public administration in order to systematize and assess the solutions they offer to political, social, and economic problems. The legal...
This book provides an analysis of the administration of the European Union and the legal framework within which that administration operates. It examines the multifarious approaches, techniques, and structures of public administration in order to systematize and assess the solutions they offer to political, social, and economic problems. The legal...
This book provides an analysis of the administration of the European Union and the legal framework within which that administration operates. It examines the multifarious approaches, techniques, and structures of public administration in order to systematize and assess the solutions they offer to political, social, and economic problems. The legal...
This book provides an analysis of the administration of the European Union and the legal framework within which that administration operates. It examines the multifarious approaches, techniques, and structures of public administration in order to systematize and assess the solutions they offer to political, social, and economic problems. The legal...
This article gives a brief overview of the main features, functions and future perspectives of agencies in the European Union [EU]. It highlights the specific notion of the EU’s highly integrated, multi-level legal system as an explanatory factor for the specificities of agency design. The article looks at agencies in the EU through the lens of the...
This contribution has the objective to reflect on existing and impending challenges to EU public law from an administrative perspective. This will be undertaken against the fast-paced developments of the past 50 years linking various levels of government and administration in the Member States and the EU to administrative networks which are active...
The Treaty of Lisbon has introduced a complex new typology of acts, distinguishing between legislative, delegated and implementing acts. This reform, the first since the Treaty of Rome, will have an impact on some of the most contested topics of EU law, touching several central questions of a constitutional nature. This article critically analyse...