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Publications (313)
Les systèmes agricoles et alimentaires européens ont un impact négatif sur le climat et la biodiversité, et les régimes alimentaires, trop déséquilibrés, ont des effets délétères sur la santé. Le Pacte vert européen adresse ces enjeux dans le cadre d’une approche holistique. En s’appuyant sur un modèle original d’équilibre partiel, nous montrons qu...
The European Green Deal aims notably to achieve a fair, healthy, and environmentally friendly food system in the European Union. We develop a partial equilibrium economic model to assess the market and non-market impacts of the three main levers of the Green Deal targeting the food chain: reducing the use of chemical inputs in agriculture, decreasi...
A new 5-year Common Agricultural Policy has been in place since January 2023. Like its predecessors, this new policy will fail to deliver significant climatic and environmental benefits. We show how the Green Architecture of the policy relying on the three instruments of conditionality, eco-schemes, and agri-environment and climate measures could h...
Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) direct aids are playing an essential role in supporting the income of many European farmers. This situation, the result of political choices made during successive reforms of the policy since 1992, raises the question of the appropriateness of the CAP as a means of supporting agricultural income. After a brief revie...
The European Union has a high demand for plant proteins for food and feed. Its self-sufficiency rate is about 5% for soya crude proteins. The European Union and its Member States have launched initiatives for reducing soya imports that come mainly from South America and promoting domestic production of protein-rich crops. In the future, climate sui...
The European Union's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has not halted farmland biodiversity loss. The CAP post‐2023 has a new ‘‘Green Architecture,’’ including the new ‘‘Eco‐scheme’’ instrument. How can this new Green Architecture help tackle the biodiversity crisis? Through 13 workshops and an online survey, over 300 experts from 23 European Member...
Cattle are the world’s largest consumers of plant biomass. Digestion of this biomass by ruminants generates high methane emissions that affect global warming. In the last decades, the specialisation of cattle breeds and livestock systems towards either milk or meat has increased the milk production of dairy cows and the carcass weight of slaughtere...
Dans le monde entier, les productions animales sont aujourd’hui confrontées à des défis majeurs en matière de durabilité. Ces derniers sont exacerbés dans l'Union européenne (UE) où les questions relatives au réchauffement climatique, à l’environnement, à la santé humaine et au bien-être animal suscitent de nombreux débats. À côté des impacts négat...
Throughout the world, animal production faces huge sustainability challenges. The latter are exacerbated in the European Union (EU) by consumption issues linked, in particular, to the health and environmental impacts of meat consumption, and by the increasing societal concerns linked to animal welfare. Simultaneously, animal production may also pro...
En utilisant les données du Réseau d’Information Comptable Agricole (RICA), cet article propose, dans un premier temps, un panorama des revenus des exploitations agricoles françaises sur la décennie 2010-2019, et de leur hétérogénéité selon l’orientation productive, la taille et la localisation. Il illustre leur dépendance aux différentes aides dir...
Nous analysons comment la PAC a progressivement intégré des objectifs et des instruments climatiques et environnementaux mais avec un succès trop faible à ce jour au regard des enjeux dans ce domaine. Au-delà des activités de lobbying qui ont œuvré pour qu’il en soit ainsi, il y a une explication plus rationnelle à l’échec climatique et environneme...
La PAC est en réforme permanente depuis 1992. Une nouvelle programmation est actuellement enpréparation pour mise en œuvre au 1er janvier 2023. Cet article propose une brève analyse du processusde réforme de la PAC en centrant l’attention sur l’inclusion progressive d’objectifs et d’instrumentsclimatiques et environnementaux. Dans une deuxième sect...
No one would dispute that agricultural systems and food diets are not sustainable from an environmental and health point of view, and that increasing their sustainability must be a major objective of farm and food policies. Simultaneously, climatic, environmental, and health shocks are likely to increase in the coming years. This note defends the i...
L’agriculture européenne fait face à des défis de grande ampleur au triple titre de l’économie, de l’environnement et du social. Elle doit impérativement et urgemment évoluer. La Politique agricole commune (PAC) doit être mise au service de cette évolution. Dans cette perspective, l’ouvrage dessine les contours d’une PAC ambitieuse, en termes d’obj...
The CAP post 2020: Insights from research
This paper offers a preliminary assessment of some aspects of the legislative proposals for the CAP after 2020, which were presented by the European Commission on June 1, 2018. In the first section, we analyze the objectives of the new CAP and their implementation in the form of national strategic plans. Th...
Cet article propose une analyse de plusieurs aspects des propositions législatives pour la PAC de l’après 2020 présentées par la Commission européenne le 1er juin 2018. La première section, de nature transversale, aborde les questions des objectifs de la future PAC et de leur déclinaison en instruments mis en œuvre dans le cadre de plans stratégiqu...
Cet article propose une analyse portant sur l'évolution des soutiens accordés à l'agriculture européenne. Il aborde, dans une première section, la question de la mesure des différentes formes de soutiens en s'appuyant, d'une part, sur la méthode proposée par l'Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Economique (OCDE), qui permet de tenir co...
In the 2014–20 CAP, environment is targeted through a combination of measures in both Pillar 1, through cross-compliance and green payments, and Pillar 2, mainly through voluntary measures with compensation for cost incurred and income forgone. The European Commission's legislative proposals for the CAP after 2020 would suppress green payments but...
L’Union européenne fait face à une épidémie de surpoids et d’obésité dont le coût social pour le seul territoire français s’élève à plus de 20 milliards d’euros par an. Au-delà de la présentation des politiques nutritionnelles actuellement en place dans les Etats membres, ce travail apporte des éléments de réponse à deux questions : la Politique ag...
Après avoir brossé les grands enjeux de la diversité des systèmes agri-alimentaires, ce chapitre introductif propose une synthèse des éléments de constat sur la diversité et ses drivers dans les différentes filières animales et végétales. La diversité serait plus potentielle que réelle dans de multiples filières et territoires. Celle-ci serait tout...
Winter wheat yield is affected not only by extreme climatic events like long-term drought or large-scale flood, but also by less severe unfavourable weather conditions that are liable to increase with future climate change. In this perspective, the goal of this paper is to assess the impacts of agricultural practices on yield robustness to unfavour...
To face increasing uncertainties, future farming systems must be sustainable not only under average conditions but also in extreme climatic and economic situations. Various concepts such as stability, robustness, vulnerability or resilience have been proposed to analyze the ability of agricultural systems to adapt to changing production conditions....
Fiche détaillée de l'ouvrage : http://www.quae.com/fr/r4975-les-pratiques-agricoles-a-la-loupe.html
Cet ouvrage analyse les impacts des pratiques agricoles sur les performances productives, économiques, environnementales et sociales de l’agriculture française métropolitaine. Des modalités de travail du sol aux pratiques de fertilisation et protect...
Public policies seeking to regulate pesticide use must be based on a clear identification of the factors influencing such use. Since the agricultural use of pesticides is primarily crop-dependent, agricultural land use change is potentially an important driver of the overall level of pesticide use in a given country. In this paper, we investigate t...
Installment 11 of Creating a Sustainable Food Future shows that for people who consume high amounts of meat and dairy, shifting to diets with a greater share of plant-based foods could significantly reduce agriculture’s pressure on the environment. It introduces a protein scorecard ranking foods from lowest (plant-based foods) to highest impact (be...
Installment 11 of Creating a Sustainable Food Future shows that for people who consume high amounts of meat and dairy, shifting to diets with a greater share of plant-based foods could significantly reduce agriculture’s pressure on the environment. It introduces a protein scorecard ranking foods from lowest (plant-based foods) to highest impact (be...
The sustainability of agro-ecosystems depends on their ability to deliver an entire package of multiple ecosystem services, rather than provisioning services alone. New social and ecological dimensions of agricultural management must be explored at territory level, to foster this ability. We propose a social-ecological framework for the service-bas...
In numerous developed countries, public policies are specifically designed for regulating pesticide use in agriculture. In France, the so-called ‘’Ecophyto’’ plan’ launched in 2008 aims at reducing this use by 50 % in 10 years. Over the first 5 years of the plan (2009-2013), the specific indicator elaborated for quantifying this use does not show a...
Following the bidding by the General Commission for Future Strategy of the French government, INRA has analyzed the different evolutions possible in French practices and agriculture systems towards a more sustainable production that manages to combine productive, economic, environmental and social performances. A method to help design and evaluatin...
This paper overviews mitigation perspectives in ruminant farming systems and discusses main obstacles and levers for their adoption. Using dietary lipids or nitrates as feed additives are the two most efficient ways for reducing enteric methane emission without affecting animal performances. However fat use in diets is often expensive and the use o...
Following the bidding by the General Commission for Future Strategy of the French government, INRA has analyzed the different evolutions possible in French practices and agriculture systems towards a more sustainable production that manages to combine productive, economic, environmental and social performances. A method to help design and evaluatin...
Following the bidding by the General Commission for Future Strategy of the French government, INRA has analyzed the different evolutions possible in French practices and agriculture systems towards a more sustainable production that manages to combine productive, economic, environmental and social performances. A method to help design and evaluatin...
Following the bidding by the General Commission for Future Strategy of the French government, INRA has analyzed the different evolutions possible in French practices and agriculture systems towards a more sustainable production that manages to combine productive, economic, environmental and social performances. A method to help design and evaluatin...
Eating patterns are important for building sustainable food and agricultural systems. This paper begins by presenting the main features of eating patterns worldwide. These eating patterns include the relative convergence of diets, more rapid food transition in emerging and developing countries, development of a more complex food chain, and substant...
The Agrimonde foresight study enabled us to address questions that had not yet been formulated as such in mainstream scientific debates. Not that the facts reported or the assumptions put forward were entirely unpredictable or unknown; but they prompted the experts, followed by the various audiences to whom the results were presented, to consider t...
The world’s agricultural system faces a great balancing act. To meet different human needs, by 2050 it must simultaneously produce far more food for a population expected to reach about 9.6 billion, provide economic opportunities for the hundreds of millions of rural poor who depend on agriculture for their livelihoods, and reduce environmental imp...
Synthèse du volume 4 de l'étude "Vers des agricultures à hautes performances"
Cette communication présente, d’une part, une analyse du degré de dépendance des exploitations agricoles françaises aux différents types d’aides directes (premier pilier, dont droit à paiement unique, second pilier et autres) et, d’autre part, discute des effets potentiels de la future réforme de la Politique Agricole Commune (PAC) sur la répartiti...
Heterogeneous simulation results, particularly in terms of signs of effects, are not easily comprehensible for policy makers. It is well known that many factors can have a substantial bearing upon model outcomes. In that context, the objective of this paper is to highlight the key importance of policy instrument modeling as regards to the assessmen...
This paper proposes an assessment of October 2011 legislative proposals for CAP reform. The assessment is essentially qualitative, illustrated by static simulations of income effects for French professional farms. It uses the French case to highlight the diverging opinions between stakeholders on these proposals and argue why they are a step in the...
As western-style food systems extend further around the world, food sustainability is becoming an increasingly important issue. Such systems are not sustainable in terms of their consumption of resources, their impact on ecosystems or their effect on health and social inequality. From 2009 to 2011, the duALIne project, led by INRA and CIRAD, assemb...
(..) le premier objectif de ce chapitre est d’apprécier s’il est possible, sur la base de la revue de la littérature, de dégager des enseignements généraux quant à la rentabilité comparée de l’AB versus de l’AC. Le second objectif est d’analyser les facteurs qui influencent la hiérarchisation de ces deux modes de production en termes de rentabilité...
La troisième partie de ce rapport s’intéresse à la compétitivité de l’AB française relativement à, d’une part, l’AC nationale, et, d’autre part, l’AB en Europe.(...)Cette troisième partie s’intéresse aux différents maillons des filières, du producteur agricole au consommateur final en passant par la collecte, la transformation et la distribution. E...
• The food transition process is now occurring much more quickly in developing countries than in developed nations, where it took over more than a century to achieve it. Two essential consequences of this process are a switch in the domestic utilization of cereals from human consumption to feeding of livestock and a much greater growth rate of meat...
Nourrir le monde aujourd’hui et demain est un défi important pour nos sociétés. Assurer l’accès aux ressources alimentaires, et notamment à l’eau, en quantité et en qualité, relève d’une responsabilité partagée à toutes les échelles, de l’individu aux décideurs politiques. Nourrir tous les habitants de la planète est possible, sous certaines condit...
This paper proposes an assessment of the October 2011 legislative proposals for CAP reform. The assessment is essentially qualitative, illustrated by static simulations of income effects for French professional farms. It uses the French case to highlight the diverging opinions between stakeholders on these proposals and argue why they are a step in...
Ce document a également fait l’objet d’une présentation orale au colloque « PAC 2013 » organisé par l’INRA au Salon International de l’Agriculture, Paris, le 1er mars 2012.
Ce texte a également fait l’objet d’une présentation orale au colloque « PAC 2013 » organisé par l’INRA au Salon International de l’Agriculture, Paris, le 1er mars 2012.
Publié dans le dossier : La PAC marche sur des oeufs
This paper presents an analysis of the consequences for the French agricultural sector of the Common agricultural policy (CAP) Health Check following the measures adopted in France in February 2009. The simulations, conducted with the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN), show a shift of direct payments in favour of sheep and dairy farms, mainly th...
This chapter presents an analysis of the consequences of the implementation, in France, of the Health Check of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The simulations, conducted with the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN), demonstrate a shift of direct payments in favour of extensive grazing farms, mainly those with a high proportion of pasture in...
L'Organisation commune de marché de la banane dans l'Union européenne : impact de la taille du contingent
tarifaire appliqué aux bananes dollar et non traditionnelles ACP par Hervé Guyomard, Nadine Herrard, Catherine Laroche et Chantai Le Mouël
Le 1er Juillet 1993, l'Union européenne (UE) a finalement instauré un marché commun de la banane. L'Organ...
First-generation biofuels produced from food and feed crops have often been criticised for their impacts on world food security and the environment mainly because they can divert land from food production and/or environment protection objectives. Hopes are thus turned to a quick development of second-generation biofuels produced from various source...