Hermann KlugUniversity of Salzburg · Department of Geoinformatics
Hermann Klug
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Hermann Klug currently works at the Department of Geoinformatics, University of Salzburg. Hermann does research in Agricultural Economics, Environmental Science and Water Science. Their current project is 'ESMERALDA – Enhancing ecosystem services mapping for policy and decision making'.
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December 2015 - present
October 1995 - February 2001
Publications (77)
Identifying the potential of ecotourism sustainability is one of the priorities of many countries, it is a goal for effective and efficient resource use on earth. Analyzing the growth of the economy and conservation methods for sustainable developing countries can be achieved by determining the possibility of ecotourism sustainability. And, it is e...
With new technological advancements and increasing demands of open data in environmental sciences, the requirements for data are increasing in a variety of ways. Having machine and human readable documentation about environmental research and monitoring sites available online is one of them. The Dynamic Ecological Information Management System – Si...
The challenges posed by climate and land use change are increasingly complex, with rising and accelerating impacts on the global environmental system. Novel environmental and ecosystem research needs to properly interpret system changes and derive management recommendations across scales. This largely depends on advances in the establishment of an...
Information related to research sites is essential when describing the context of observations. It is a key element of site-based research infrastructures (RIs) and their catalogues. This paper is dedicated to the comparison of (meta)data models describing research sites in the ecosystem domain. A special focus is on sites in terrestrial and freshw...
In the past decades climate change impacts have become more pronounced, especially in the European Alps. There has been a spatio-temporal diversity of these impacts ranging from east to west, north to south, and with consideration of the orography, from low to high altitudes. The impacts of the present weather conditions and climate change on the e...
This chapter introduces the concepts of ‘Leitbilder’ and scenarios in landscape planning. Leitbilder can be understood as descriptions of target states that diverse stakeholders can agree on. Scenarios represent plausible descriptions of pathways of change that can help explore resulting future land use changes (alternative futures) and their respe...
Geographical Information Science (GIScience), also Geographical Information Science and Systems, is a multi-faceted research discipline and comprises a wide variety of topics. Investigation into data management and interoperability of geographical data and environmental data sets for scientific analysis, visualisation and modelling is an important...
Geographical Information Science (GIScience), also Geographical Information Science and Systems, is a multi-faceted research discipline and comprises a wide variety of topics. Investigation into data management and interoperability of geographical data and environmental data sets for scientific analysis, visualisation and modelling is an important...
Since the foundation of the ecosystem services concept in the ninetieth of the last century (Costanza et al. 1998, Costanza et al. 1997, de Groot 1992), many methods to map and assess ecosystem services have been developed and applied to policy and business questions worldwide. While many flexible methods exist at different spatial scale...
Ecosystem services and biodiversity are critical to ensure sustainable development of agricultural activities. Based on available scientific knowledge, high shares of biodiversity are followed by more carbon sequestration, reduced soil erosion risk, improved production and food security. This review aims to detect biodiversity services in three asp...
The European Union (EU) Horizon 2020 Coordination and Support Action ESMERALDA aimed at developing guidance and a flexible methodology for Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services (MAES) to support the EU member states in the implementation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy’s Target 2 Action 5. ESMERALDA’s key tasks included network cr...
We analyzed the corpus of three geoscientific journals to investigate if there are enough locational references in research articles to apply a geographical search method, such as the example of New Zealand. Based on all available abstracts and all freely available papers of the "New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics", the "New Zealand Jour...
Analysis of long-term hydrometeorological data in the Alps shows an increasing number of rainfall and flood related natural hazards. Beside decreasing return periods of high-flow events, the intensity of hydro-meteorological disasters has been increasing. Weather risks of this type may result in higher material and economic losses, thus prevention...
1) Background: We analyzed the corpus of three geoscientific journals to investigate if there are enough locational references in research articles to apply a geographical search method, on the example of New Zealand. 2) Methods: Based on all available abstracts and all freely available papers of the New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, t...
Climate change may result in reduced water supply from the Alps – an important water resource for Europe. This paper presents a multilingual platform that combines spatial and multi-criteria decision-support tools to facilitate stakeholder collaboration in the analysis of water management adaptation options. The platform has an interactive map inte...
Ecosystem services (ES) are the contributions of ecosystem structure and function (in combination with other inputs) to human well-being. This implies that mankind is strongly dependent on well-functioning ecosystems and natural capital that are the basis for a constant flow of ES from nature to society. Therefore, ES have the potential to become a...
Integrating Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and spatial data web services is becoming common in ecological applications. However,
WSNs were developed in application domains with different sensor and user types, and often with their own low-level metadata semantics, data format and communication protocols. The sensor web enablement initiative (SWE)...
The future information needs of stakeholders for hydrogeological and hydro-climate data management and assessment in New Zealand may be met with an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards-compliant publicly accessible web services framework which aims to provide integrated use of groundwater information and environmental observation data in gene...
Extreme weather events are likely to increase in the future, and thus damage to the environment and infrastructure will likely increase during this time, too. To adapt to these weather impacts, forecasting, now-casting, and in situ monitoring installations have increased during the last years. Even though monitoring stations deliver frequent measur...
In the course of climate change, extreme weather events and their consequences are likely to increase in the next decades. To enable publicly available predictions preceding an event, we operate an Advanced Research Weather Research & Forecasting (WRF-ARW) limited area model to ensure pro-active mitigation strategies before the start of a storm eve...
Ecosystems provide life-sustaining services upon which human civilization depends, but their degradation largely continues unabated. Spatially explicit information on ecosystem services (ES) provision is required to better guide decision making, particularly for mountain systems, which are characterized by vertical gradients and isolation with high...
New Zealand's groundwater resources are inadequately understood to effectively support an integrated and sustainable freshwater management. To appropriately characterise the groundwater aquifers many environmental information are required; among them (hydro-)geological datasets. Usually, proprietary software products are used to establish, visualis...
Very shallow geothermal energy resources are amongst the RES (renewable energy sources). They can be expressed as TC (thermal conductivity) (W/m*K) and VHC (volumetric heat capacity) (MJ/m(3)*K) of unconsolidated ground, and can be obtained from a depth of 10 m below the Earth's surface. Utilising horizontal and vertical heat collector systems, the...
DOI: 10.1553/giscience2014s57
Zusammenfassung Klimatische Extremereignisse wirken sich stark auf terrestrische und aquatische Land-schaftsökosysteme aus und werden wissenschaftlichen Prognosen zufolge in Zukunft zu-nehmen. In dieser Arbeit stehen die Schneeschmelze und Starkregenereignisse im Vorder-grund, da sie zu 80 % der Gesamt-Jahresfracht des limitierenden Nährstoffs beit...
Due to climate change and new political reasons to use more sustainable energy forms (turning away from nuclear, coal and other non-renewable resources), alternative energy sources are needed. Therefore, the geothermal energy sector can become one of the important energy resources in the future. Geothermal energy (heat) is CO 2-neutral, quasi-inexh...
The increase of the near surface air temperature within the last decades clearly indicates a climate change in the European Alps. Both the snow availability as well as the snow pattern changed causing the snow line to rise up to higher altitudes. This put stress on the popular skiing areas in the Alps, which were forced to produce large amounts of...
New Zealand has 16 regional councils responsible for freshwater management working under a common national legal framework. However, management of water quality, water consents and water quantity measurement is a regional responsibility and so is data collection and storage. In order to provide a seamless spatial view of collected groundwater relat...
In the Alps, regional water balances are stressed by an imbalance between the distribution of naturally available water and the anthropogenic water demand. Due to the growing request for freshwater, water resources will have a tendency to decline in future which may cause impacts on water-related ecosystem services for the society. We use European-...
Population growth and increasing land use intensity lead to growing
demands and exploitation of natural resources. Soils are among
the most important and most endangered natural resource entities. In
order to plan and implement sustainable soil management practices
and to facilitate the rational exploitation of the resource, more detailed
Groundwater resources account for about half of New Zealand's
abstractive water needs and supplies about eighty per cent of all water
used in the agricultural sector. Despite the importance of New Zealand's
groundwater resources, we still lack essential information related to
their basic properties such as volume, hydraulic properties, interaction...
Publisher: Paris-Lodron University of Salzburg, Austria
Die vorliegende Untersuchung widmet sich der Quantifizierung und Visualisierung des Wasserverbrauchs durch die lokale Bevölkerung und durch den übernachtenden Tourismus im Alpenraum. Während es bereits zahlreiche Untersuchungen zur Wasserverfügbarkeit in den Alpen gibt, verfolgen nur wenige Ansätze eine Modellierung der Höhe des Wasserverbrauchs in...
Water scarcity problems require a meta-disciplinary approach. Therefore, meta-disciplinary education
activities are needed to tackle the likely future challenge of water resources management. To start the
process meta-disciplinary education the Centre for Geoinformatics (Z_ GIS) at the Paris-Lodron University
Salzburg (PLUS) hosted a Winter School...
The only constant in landscapes is change. Among other influences, such as climate change, these changes are driven by political decisions affecting ecosystem services. The overall research objective is to define how the European Union's political strategies implemented through Rural Development Programmes and the Common Agricultural Policy might i...
Reviewing landscape developments in the last decades evidently shows that in the future most pressing changes can be expected for the land surface. This indispensably calls for strategic approaches based on visions and transdisciplinary creativity. Hence, this paper critically reviews the Leitbild concept, an idea on spatial planning which has been...
Understanding the complexity of landscapes is an essential prerequisite to propose strategies for landscape development in the mid future, to predict long-term effects of landscape change, and assess future demands on landscape resources. In order to be able to direct today's landscapes to a possible future state (German: Leitbild), landscape plann...
Die Verdunstung ist ein entscheidender Parameter im Zusammenhang mit der Wasserhaushaltsbilanzierung. Subtrahiert vom Niederschlag ergibt sich die tatsächlich auf der Erdoberfläche nutzbare Wassermenge, welche für Analysen der Nährstoffverbreitung oder der Wasserverfügbarkeit herangezogen werden kann. Für die raum-zeitliche Modellierung der Verduns...
This chapter provides an overview of the development, the potential and some limitations of landscape metrics in the context of historical landscape analysis and landscape planning. Starting with a review of the background and motivation of landscape structure assessment, followed by a brief overview of major concepts of this approach, the chapter...
Surface drainage contains nutrients and pollutants of diver's origin. While point sources are in most cases easily identified, the diffuse inflow via different channels is difficult to account for. Analysing annual land-use and water balance changes using GIS and remote sensing techniques can contribute to a spatial quantification of the impact on...
Within the research project BRAHMATWINN an interpolation of daily temperature values for European and Asian test-areas (grid cell size of 0.5°) has been conducted. The methodology applied follows the approach of HUNTER & MEENTEMEYER (2005) which integrates, next to daily temperature values, long-term-temperature maps to reconstruct spatially explic...
Over thousands of years, humans affect landscapes in a way we cannot comprehend, expect, or control. Nowadays, the strong increase on human action since the middle of the last century and the increasing pressures on landscape resources from different parties mostly involve conflicting interests among stakeholders. In recognition to these environmen...
The paper presents an overview of the objectives and exemplary results of the FP 5 project “Spatial Indicators for European Nature Conservation” (SPIN). The SPIN project is focused on the development and testing of advanced classification methods and spatial indicators based on multisensor satellite data and GIS to accomplish monitoring and managem...
This investigation was carried out to demontrate the usefulness of landscape metrics as information source to inform in a quantified way on the diverse shaped landscape of Waldviertel's (A) and Trebon Basin's (CZ) transboundary EUROREGION Silva Nortica (German: Nordwald). Landscape has been shaped over centuries by different political systems with...
Dieser Beitrag wurde nach Begutachtung durch das Programmkomitee als "reviewed paper" angenommen. Zusammenfassung Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Modellierung der Auswirkungen internationaler, nationaler und ländergebundenen landwirtschaftlicher Subventionen auf die Zustände und Qualitäten von Landschaften am Beispiel des Einzugsgebiets Mondsee, Öst...
Zusammenfassung Web-Mapping ist einer von mehreren Wegen, spezifische Nutzerinhalte kartographisch in einer Internet basierten Plattform bereitzustellen, mit der besonderen Herausforderung, diese in einer klaren, einfachen, schnell zu erfassenden und visuell ansprechenden Art zu präsentieren. Im Gegensatz zu klassischen analogen Karten eröffnen sic...