Herlina Agustin

Herlina Agustin
Padjadjaran University | UNPAD · Faculty of Communication Sciences (Fikom)



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Herlina Agustin currently works at the Faculty of Communication Sciences (Fikom), Universitas Padjadjaran. Herlina does research in Environmental Science and Communication and Media. She's also an activist for Schizophrenia Community in Bandung


Publications (54)
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This study uses a mixed-methods approach to examine the perspectives of snake owners in Indonesia regarding snakes, venomous species, and snakebite management. A survey was distributed to 1,109 respondents, with 109 participants) forming the core group for analysis. The research aims to assess snake owners’ knowledge about venomous snakes, handling...
Digital traces of mental health conversations on social media X have become a new culture, especially for the young generation. This study aimed to explain the network, themes and comment of social media discussion posts about mental health in Indonesia. This study has focused on each conversation in the form of tweets using big data analysis from...
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This research aims to determine the factors, impacts, and solutions for health literacy in the Outer Baduy hamlets of Kanekes Village, Indonesia. The method used in this research is qualitative, which produces an in-depth explanation of the existing problems. Data were collected through interviews and documentation. Interviews were conducted with k...
Kebakaran hutan dan lahan merupakan masalah serius yang terus berulang setiap tahun di Provinsi Riau. Upaya terus dilakukan untuk mencegah terulangnya bencana ini. Salah satunya dengan membangun dan mengembangkan Satuan Tugas Pengendalian (satgas karhutla) yang dapat memberikan respons cepat dan terkoordinasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis...
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Purpose: The purpose of this research is to Explaining the process of environmental communication dynamics in the Ciletuh Palabuhanratu Geopark area, explaining the dynamics of environmental communication in the Ciletuh Palabuhanratu Geopark area, formulating follow-up actions to environmental communication dynamics in the Ciletuh Palabuhanratu Geo...
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Objective: The objective of this study is to explore the construction of jihad through redefining jihad within the context of da’wah (religious outreach) against radicalism among female ulama (clerics) in West Java. The study aims to understand the meaning, motives, and experiences associated with this construction of jihad, particularly in the con...
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The purpose of this case study was to determine how migration affected Afghan culture and cultural relations among Afghan immigrants who lived in Germany. It examined the problems faced by Afghan immigrants, their coping mechanisms, and the preservation of their cultural identity. A qualitative study methodology was utilized, and in-depth interview...
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The current reality is showing that the communities surrounding Cibodas Biosphere Reserve (CBC) are still doing horrible things, as evidenced by the fact that they are still taking the resources from the forest or illegally entering the area. In this case, the Forest Police (Polhut) who have responsibility for maintaining forest security, need to a...
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Soenting Melajoe Newspaper (1912-1921) was Indonesia’s first indigenous women’s newspaper during the Dutch colonial period. Its readers considered this newspaper as a command in the women’s movement in the Minangkabau society. Editors were deemed as generals, readers as soldiers. The articles in Soenting Melajoe were submitted by women from various...
Peran hubungan masyarakat terhadap pengelolaan dan pengembangan café inklusi menjadi sangat krusial. Melalui konsep postur strategis dan analisis SWOT, public relations dapat menentukan langkah-langkah dan strategi yang akan digunakan dalam jangka panjang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif; paradigma intepretatif; dan menggunakan met...
Kelangkaan minyak goreng yang terjadi di Indonesia telah berdampak secara merata kepada seluruh lapisan masyarakat, terutama ibu rumah tangga yang menjadikan minyak goreng sebagai kebutuhan sehari-hari. Krisis ini kemudian menimbulkan berbagai tanggapan dan memunculkan banyak pemberitaan di media, salah satunya pemberitaan mengenai pernyataan Ibu M...
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The human-crocodile conflict frequently happens in Indonesia. Based on the data from http://www.crocodile-attack.info/, it is claimed that Indonesia is a country with the most cases of crocodile attacks. Mostly the attacks involved the saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus). On the other hand, this conflict is worsened by the spread of inaccurate...
Pangandaran Beach, one of holiday destinations in West Java, was closed for three months in the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. After the government decided to reopen the area in June 2020, Pangandaran restarted the business with a new normal condition, in a strict protocol. The managers had gradually lessened the strictness of th...
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Setiap warga negara berhak mendapatkan informasi dan akses informasi termasuk disabilitas tunarungu, sebagaimana dijamin pasal 18 F UUD 1945, yang menyatakan bahwa setiap orang berhak berkomunikasi dan memperoleh informasi. Informasi dapat diperoleh dari beragam sumber, termasuk televisi dan film. Bagi disabilitas tunarungu, keterbatasan yang merek...
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The control towards Indonesian forest and land fires in 2020 is deemed more complicated due to the Covid-19 outbreak. Its rapid dissemination encourages the central and regional government officials to focus the Covid-19 risk reduction through some policies, such as health protocol, social activity and large-scale meeting restrictions as well as in...
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After the 2015 Paris Agreement, the world agreed to prevent the process of increasing global warming by not burning fossil reserves. The world energy development trend driven by the issue of climate change to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) points to the world's imperative to reduce the use of fossil fuels, and on the other hand increase the u...
The purpose of this research is to identify the communication dialectics regarding the conflicts that occur between the government and environmental activists in the Indonesian Conservation Area. The activists refused the government's policy on changing the function of Kamojang nature reserve that has reserved it into a nature tourism park. The tra...
On May 11, 2018, Mount Merapi in Indonesia erupted suddenly and then followed by three eruptions on May 21, 2018. The Department of Research and Development on Technology for Geological Disaster (BPPTKG), a governmental body for disaster and geological research, calls it as a phreatic or minor eruption. BPPTKG the announced the warning status of Mo...
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Seven, out of ten disasters in Indonesia are hydrometeorological disasters or climate change-related. This is a challenge for SDGs implementation in Indonesia. Government has thus been making efforts to reconcile sustainable development and mitigation policy to reduce Green House Gas Emission (GHG) in various sectors. This study attempts to explore...
Consciousness about conservation and environment-friendly activity need to be learned comprehensively in any level of formal education, especially in a vocational high school that related to the tourism industry. One of the potential areas for developing smart tourism is Pangandaran, a popular coast in the south of West Java. This region possesses...
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Industri pariwisata kini tengah dihadapkan dengan tantangan zaman dengan hadirnya konsep Tourism 4.0 yang mengharuskan Indonesia berbenah diri dalam menghadapi konsep tersebut. Lahirnya tren Tourism 4.0 telah mengubah keseluruhan siklus ekosistem kepariwisataan, termasuk menjadi penyebab bergesernya budaya siber wisatawan yang salah satu contohnya...
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Berkembang pesatnya media sosial telah memberikan ruang bagi para penggunanya untuk melakukan sekaligus mendapatkan kekerasan komunikasi. Kekerasan komunikasi melalui media sosial dapat terjadi pada berbagai kalangan, termasuk di lingkungan kerja dosen. Perilaku ini terjadi baik disengaja ataupun tidak, serta hadir dalam beragam bentuk bukan semata...
Indonesia's environmental policy in the conservation area is carried out by establishing the nature reserve as the highest conservation area in addition to wildlife reserves. The high level of damage in the nature reserve area requires collaboration integrated multi-party. Therefore, preservation activities of nature reserves require stakeholder in...
This article highlights the dynamics of geothermal energy in the Kamojang nature reserve in Indonesia. A nature reserve is a conservation area that must be protected and preserved, because it has unique flora and fauna, and rare ecosystems whose existence is threatened with extinction. After going through a long study process by an integrated team,...
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Cyberbullying exists not only among kids and teenagers but also adults. It takes place in many work sectors, including education. This research qualitatively investigated the victims of cyberbullying among lecturers. Thirty lecturers in West Java and Banten, fifteen males and fifteen females, were in-depth interviewed in this phenomenological resea...
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Berdasarkan temuan dilapangan, penulis menemukan sebuah fenomena dimana netizen Indonesia saat ini sering terlibat dalam praktek cyberbullying yaitu merundung secara beramai-ramai akun media sosial seseorang atau public figure yang dianggap terlibat dalam sebuah skandal tertentu. Melihat fenomena tersebut, tulisan ini dibuat dengan tujuan untuk me...
Media sosial telah bertransformasi menjadi instrumen publikasi iklan “gratis”. Dengan menggunakan teknologi User-Generated Contents (UGC), publikasi seseorang tentang pengalaman menarik di suatu tempat secara alamiah akan mendorong minat orang lain untuk mencoba mengalaminya sendiri. Namun demikian, kemampuan promosi secara efektif ini ternyata mem...
Kasus korban gigitan ular terjadi hampir di seluruh dunia. Menurut World Health Organization (WHO), setiap tahun ditemukan sekitar 150.000 orang meninggal karena gigitan ular. Sekitar 400.000 orang lainnya mengalami kecacatan, kelumpuhan, dan amputasi akibat penanganan yang salah terhadap gigitan ular baik berbisa maupun tidak. Di Indonesia, inform...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui cara Tirto.idmembingkai citra-citra tertentu untuk merepresentasikan kekerasan seksual terhadap perempuan. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis pembingkaian (framing) model William A. Gamson dan Andre Modigliani. Model ini menggunakan perangkat pembingkaian berupa perumpamaan dan pengandaian (metaphors), f...
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The management of conflict and negotiation play an important role in solving a dispute. Both actions are not simple tasks in resolving conflicts since different points of view usually involve. This is what happened in the dispute of animal welfare issue between the Bandung Zoo and Scorpion Wildlife Foundation. The dispute that becomes the focus of...
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This paper was retracted by IOP Publishing on 12 December 2018. This paper was published due to a technical error and was not intended to be included in this journal. Retraction published: 8 February 2019
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The technology of digital information distribution has encouraged people to share or build particular myths easily. One of them is about consuming wildlife resources. Particularly in Indonesia, online media and social media accounts have been used to promote wildlife hunting. This inclination has created myths about the favorable social status of e...
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Visiting turtle's breeding sites is often regarded as good natural tourism to show concern about endangered species. Not all of the sites in Indonesia is run by authorized institutions such as the Natural Resources Conservation Agency or the Fisheries Office. Many local communities also try to take benefit by running the breeding sites independentl...
Conference Paper
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Mount Merapi located on Java island, is once of active mountain in Indonesia. Mount Merapi have been eruption periodic than other mountains in Indonesia. In 2010, Merapi eruption is the biggest after eruption 1961. More than 200 die in Mount Merapi eruption 2010. As tourism destination long time ago, post eruption Mount Merapi 2010 became new touri...
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The purpose of this study is to apply the α-Sutte Indicator in forecasting data. α-Sutte Indicator is a new forecasting method that was developed in 2017 by Ansari Saleh Ahmar. To see the accuracy of these methods, the forecasting results of the α-Sutte Indicator will be forecasting methods compared to other items, namely: ARIMA and HoltWinters. Ba...
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Humor is an important part of workplace communication. Among lecturers, an online chatting group, such as WhatsApp group, is a scene of humor. As well as real-world humor, gender relations also shape humor in this virtual world. This study investigated gender differences in workplace humor among lecturers on WhatsApp group(s), including the topics,...
Communication media is a source of power, a control tool that can be utilized as a substitute for poweror other resources, besides the media is a vehicle that plays a role to socialize the events of communitylife both individually and collectively. To provide food availability independently and sustainably itneeds a breakthrough program through the...
This study focuses on human rights discourse on the 2014 presidential and vice presidential campaign in Koran Sindo and Media Indonesia newspapers. Both media are building discourse because of alignment to certain presidential and vice presidential candidates. Sindo newspaper sided with Prabowo Subianto-Hatta Rajasa couples while Media Indonesia su...
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The environmental conservation in Indonesia is in critical condition. Arguably, the issue has not been a major concern for most people. Even though various policies have been instigated by the authorities, either directly from the Ministry of Environment of Indonesia or through agencies under it, destruction and over-exploitation of natural resourc...
Indonesia presidential election campaign, June 5-July 5 2014 was very crucial for Indonesia journalism. The history documented that all media outlets were involved in supporting the candidates, Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla and Prabowo-Hatta Rajasa. Political support towards a particular candidates who ran presidential candidateships is media owners who...
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Ini adalah artikel ilmiah yang membahas kualitas dan sistem seleksi jurnalis pemula di media massa Indonesia saat ini. Artikel ini ditulis berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilatarbelakangi kenyataan bahwa banyak jurnalis muda yang melakukan pelanggaran etika maupun teknis ketika sedang meliput. Penelitian yang mendasari artikel ini dilakukan terha...
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Ini adalah artikel ilmiah yang membahas kualitas dan sistem seleksi jurnalis pemula di media massa Indonesia saat ini. Artikel ini ditulis berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilatarbelakangi kenyataan bahwa banyak jurnalis muda yang melakukan pelanggaran etika maupun teknis ketika sedang meliput. Penelitian yang mendasari artikel ini dilakukan terha...


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