Heri SusantoUniversitas Lambung Mangkurat | UNLAM · Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
Heri Susanto
Master of Education
Research and development in history education.
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Heri Susanto currently works at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat. Heri does research in Teaching Methods and History of Education. Their current project is 'ICET'.
Skills and Expertise
Additional affiliations
December 2008 - June 2016
August 2010 - December 2011
Publications (45)
The behavior of tourists in throwing rubbish in the Sombs Opu fort area is the cause of the decline in the aesthetic value of the environment. This research aims to analyze tourist behavior in throwing away rubbish in the Somba Opu fort area with the hope that tourists can better understand the problem of environmental pollution. This research uses...
Historical empathy is an aspect that is relevant to the student profile of Pancasila. The achievement of historical empathy can be a way to achieve a student profile of Pancasila. This study aims to: 1) analyze the correlation of students' historical empathy preferences with elements of the student profile of Pancasila; 2) formulate a historical em...
Ilmu sejarah dan pembelajaran sejarah merupakan dua aspek yang sangat berkaitan akan tetapi diwujudkan dalam dua struktur berbeda, baik struktur keilmuan maupun struktur lembaga pendidikan. Secara praktis unsur-unsur ilmu sejarah menjadi bahan dalam pembelajaran sejarah baik di sekolah maupun di perguruan tinggi. Dari unsur-unsur keilmuan tersebut...
Various cases of violence, harassment, abuse and other criminal cases are happening and are in the spotlight today. This happens because of the lack of attitude, moral and religious character education or character education. Seeing this situation, the existence of an Integrated Islamic School is one of the answers in guiding, educating and improvi...
The national history textbook is one of the most controversial textbooks. In books, historical events are presented in the form of narratives that can be used as lessons for the present and future challenges. Narratives can be studied from the point of view of critical discourse analysis that provides awareness. A literature study method with a clo...
Film dengan setting sejarah selain sebagai media hiburan juga memiliki potensi untuk pembelajaran sejarah, akan tetapi belum banyak pengajar sejarah yang memanfaatkan film untuk media pembelajaran sejarah. Telaah ini bertujuan menganalisis kelayakan film Perang Banjar sebagai media edutainment. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dimana sub...
The history material books generally describe facts, such as the number of years, the actors' names, where it happened, and a basic description of the flow of events. The history material books can provide character value strengthening for students, seen from how the teacher can collaborate using the history material books and how to package the de...
The use of history textbooks is one of the keys to achieving the goals of historical education. Textbooks play an essential role in building students' historical empathy. A textbook present a reflective narrative that historical empathy. This study analyzes its narration in history textbooks has represented the aspect of historical empathy. The lit...
Strengthening historical thinking skills is needed in History subjects. This skill is eductive so that students can describe the chronology of events based on historical facts. Observations on subjects are needed to improve historical thinking skills, namely by implementing lesson study (ls) activities. This article aims to describe the strengtheni...
This study is conducted based on the view that the curriculum as a product of the times and a reflection of the values that live in the community should be able to accommodate national and regional interests. Regional interests in this concern are character values and local excellence in Tabalong Regency. One of the ways that can be used to accommo...
The Indonesian government has declared a health development paradigm based on a healthy paradigm, which means that health development must prioritize promotive and preventive efforts, without neglecting curative and rehabilitative efforts. The purpose of this residency is to find out how the process of providing health promotion services is, the ty...
Tradisi Manopeng di Jalan Banyiur, Kelurahan Basirih, Kecamatan Banjarmasin Barat, Kota Banjarmasin. Merupakan satu-satunya tradisi topeng yang masih dilaksanakan sampai sekarang di Kota Banjarmasin. Tradisi ini dilaksanakan setiap satu tahun sekali. Tetapi, yang menjadi pertanyaan apakah keluarga zuriat Datu Mahbud dan masyarakat mengetahui nilai...
The Banjar people recognize various kinds of terms related to watershed management. One of them is an anjir. Anjir is a kind of primary channel that generally connects rivers with functions focused on transportation and agriculture. The existence of the Anjir had existed before the era of colonial rule. Still, during the colonial period, the govern...
Kusan Hilir, Tanah Bumbu Regency, has music that is produced from the social order of the Bugis Pagatan. The existence of Islamic values and sticking to customs and culture in the community, then created Islamic nuanced music called Masukkiri. This study aims to find out how the Masukkiri art was born, when the art performance was held, and what va...
Konsep utama materi pembelajaran IPS ini berkaitan dengan waktu, perubahan dan keberlanjutan. Ilmu sejarah memberikan ruang kisah kehidupan manusia di masa lampau, masa sekarang dan di masa yang akan datang yang hanya terjadi satu kali tanpa terulang kembali. Terbukti keadaan masa sekarang merupakan hasil dari proses perjalanan di masa lampau untuk...
Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) was found to have entered Indonesia on March 2, 2020. This is because there were Indonesian citizens who were confirmed to be affected by the virus. Various aspects of human life have changed, including in the world of education. The central government then decided to take a policy to transfer face-to-face learning t...
The development of basic education (TK, SD, SMP) with the name "Sabilal Muhtadin" has a close relationship with the existence of the Masjid Raya Sabilal Muhtadin Banjarmasin. The people of Banjarmasin seem interested in this Islamic-based education. The existence of Sabilal Muhtadin's education becomes important when people have a high enough inter...
The 2013 curriculum as a complement to the previous curriculum has been running for almost seven years in education in Indonesia. The view of most teacher still does not heed the system according to the assessment in the 2013 Curriculum (K-13) guidebook. Teachers still think that the assessment is only on cognitive assessment, especially in history...
Penelitian dilakukan bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh media film dokumenter terhadap keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa. Penelitian eksperimen ini mengadopsi d esain posstest-only control dengan dua sampel kelas, yaitu kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Populasi penelitian terdiri dari siswa kelas X MIA dengan sampel kelas X MIA 1 dan kelas X MIA 3,...
Scientific works are essays containing scientific ideas that are presented scientifically and use scientific forms and language. Scientific writing brings up scientific problems that are focused on one particular discipline. This article aims to describe the implementation of scientific paper writing training for students in MAN 2 Model Banjarmasin...
Adaptasi masyarakat terhadap kondisi geografis melahirkan pola budaya yang khas. Aktivitas ekonomi yang erat kaitannya dengan mata pencaharian masyarakat dengan karakteristik lahan gambut yang terletak di bantaran sungai. Budaya khas ini dapat diintegrasikan sebagai sumber belajar IPS untuk menunjang pemahaman konsep budaya dan nilai yang terkandun...
Daftar bibliografi sesuai bidang kajian utama dan bidang kajian lainnya
Nasionalisme merupakan tujuan penting dari pendidikan sejarah. Untuk mencapai hal tersebut banyak cara dilakukan, antara lain dengan melakukan perubahan kurikulum. Perubahan kurikulum adalah sebuah keharusan, dan sebagai konsekuensinya semua pihak harus mengikuti ketentuan yang berlaku terkait perubahan kurikulum. Sejumlah persoalan baru yang menye...
Sosialisme muncul di akhir abad ke-18 dan awal abad ke-19 sebagai reaksi dari perubahan ekonomi dan sosial yang diakibatkan oleh revolusi industri. Revolusi industri ini memang memberikan keberkahan buat para pemilik pabrik pada saat itu, tetapi di lain pihak para pekerja justru malah semakin miskin. Semakin menyebar ide sistem industri kapitalis i...
Anotasi bibliografi bertema pedagogi sejarah, karakter, dan nasionalisme.
Buku ini merupakan hasil penelitian dosen dan mahasiswa
dengan tema media pembelajaran sejarah. Sebagai sebuah produk
penelitian panduan pembuatan media pembelajaran sejarah dalam buku
ini sangat aplikatif dan spesifik sesuai dengan media yang dirancang
dalam proses penelitian. Media yang dihasilkan dari perancangan media
dalam penelitian ters...
Buku ini merupakan hasil penelitian dosen dan mahasiswa dengan tema media pembelajaran sejarah. Sebagai sebuah produk penelitian panduan pembuatan media pembelajaran sejarah dalam buku ini sangat aplikatif dan spesifik sesuai dengan media yang dirancang dalam proses penelitian. Media yang dihasilkan dari perancangan media dalam penelitian tersebut...
This study aims to examine the effectiveness of a learning application that is accessed through mobile smartphones as a medium of introduction of local history during the physical revolution in South Kalimantan. Quantitative method was used with pre-experimental one-group pretest-posttest design in which the researchers tested the effectiveness of...
Buku ajar ini merupakan produk dari penelitian dengan judul
KUALA KALIMANTAN SELATAN” yang merupakan penelitian multi years, dengan
skema Penelitian Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi, Development and Grading of Seven
Universities in I...
Food security is a very important factor in the development of humankind from antiquity to modern times. Along with the increasing world population, the need for food is increasing. Insufficient food can have a positive impact in various sectors, particularly the political, economic and health of a country. Increasing the number of residents not ac...
This study is meant to analyze the potential of the education funding sourced from the local resources, especially organizations / non-governmental agencies (NGOs) and the society. Along with the policy of decentralization of government, education was handed over to the local (provincial and district) in the form of education decentralization. In a...
This paper is a research article that aims to determine: 1) whether there is a relationship between the understanding of the history of the area and the attitude of nationalism, 2) the relationship between the perception between the cultural diversity and the attitude of nationalism, and 3) the relationship between the understanding and perception...
Question (1)
Referensi terkait pembelajaran sejarah, media pembelajaran sejarah