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Preventive medicine and cardiology
Additional affiliations
April 2013 - present
- Chairman Scientific Commission EFSMA
- Organisation with regard to prevention, therapy and rehabilitation by physical activity
Publications (348)
Numerous international studies have shown the sad reality that more than one quarter of all adults worldwide lead a sedentary and inactive lifestyle. In contrast, physical activity has a positive or pleiotropic effect on all organs and organ systems. This effect like a “polypill”, prevents or reduces the occurrence of a multitude of chronic disease...
Sports medicine is a medical specialty that supports the performance of professional and amateur athletes while maintaining their health. Sports medicine professionals need to ensure the safe participation of athletes in sports activities achieved through a periodical preparticipation evaluation (PPE) and a regular medical monitoring of the athlete...
Sport is historically designated by the binary categorization of male and female that conflicts with modern society. Sport’s governing bodies should consider reviewing rules determining the eligibility of athletes in the female category as there may be lasting advantages of previously high testosterone concentrations for transwomen athletes and cur...
A correction to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40279-021-01467-0
Die koronare Herzkrankheit ist eine der häufigen Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen. Sie liegt mit an erster Stelle aller Erkrankungen. Die Früherkennung wie auch die Behandlung der akuten und chronischen Form ist Grundlage für eine bessere Überlebensrate und eine Steigerung der Lebensqualität der Erkrankten. Wichtig ist zudem die Rehabilitation nach eine...
"Without rules that are perceived as fair, sport will not engage the younger generation and likely negatively impact future participation rates in the female category, particularly with
self-identification at the elite level."
The aim of this overview was to recommend individual training plans using exercise prescriptions for adults and older adults during home-based rehabilitation. Over the last decade, many regular physical activity studies with large prospective cohorts have been conducted. Taken together, more than a million subjects have been included in these exerc...
In an effort to reduce transmission and number of infections of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19) virus, governments and official bodies around the world have produced guidelines on the use of face masks and face coverings. While there is a growing body of recommendations for healthcare professionals and t...
Please address request by thomas.ruether@dshs-koeln.de
The specific recommendations shown in the present infographic (figure 1) have been generated by a panel of interna- tional experts and represent a compila- tion of the numerous approaches used to inform resumption of regular sports during the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the different regulations around the world and the particular characteristics of...
The study “HI-Herz.BIKE Saar” (August 2017 - September 2019) examined the health benefits and training effect of e-bikes (pedelecs) in patients from ambulatory heart groups with moderate chronic heart failure (CHI).
10 subjects with NYHA stage II-III and a left ventricular ejection fraction LVEF of <=50% were selected. The presen...
In this viewpoint we make specific recommendations that can assist and make the return to sport/exercise as safe as possible for all those impacted – from the recreational athlete to the elite athlete. We acknowledge that there are varying rules and regulations around the world, not to mention the varying philosophies and numerous schools of though...
Exercise testing in athletes is used to (a) evaluate baseline fitness and prescribe an exercise program or training zones, (b) evaluate continued progress after engaging in exercise training over a period of time, (c) diagnose cardiopulmonary conditions affecting exercise performance, and, (d) provoke arrhythmias or evaluate hemodynamic response to...
Regelmäßige körperliche Aktivität wurde in zahlreichen prospektiven Kohortenstudien in den letzten Jahrzehnten untersucht. Übereinstimmend ergaben Studien an insgesamt über einer Million Probanden, dass durch körperliche Aktivität die Gesamtmorbidität und -mortalität im Vergleich zu körperlich Inaktiven um 30–40 % gesenkt werden können. Dies gilt a...
Aim of study This study aims to provide population-based reference values for heart rate-based indicators of cardiorespiratory fitness for adults with physical activity readiness aged 18 to 64 years living in Germany.
Methods Based on data on 2,826 individuals who participated in a submaximal cycle ergometer exercise test as part of the Ge...
Die Ergometrie gehört zur Basisdiagnostik in der Kardiologie. Im Lichte der enormen Fortschritte der kardialen Bildgebung und Risikostratifikation ist eine Neubewertung dieses Untersuchungsverfahrens sinnvoll. In einigen Fragestellungen sind die Empfehlungen zur Anwendung der Ergometrie präzisiert worden. Insbesondere bei der Diagnosestellung der k...
Bicycle and treadmill exercise tests are used in sports medicine and occupational medicine to detect latent disease, to monitor treatment, and to measure patients' physical performance ability and reserve. In this review, we describe the indications, contraindications, and manner of performance of these tests, along with the variables...
Die arterielle Hypertonie ist eine Volkskrankheit. In über 90 % der Fälle liegt eine essenzielle Hypertonie vor. Eine genetische Disposition begünstigt die Krankheit, Übergewicht und kochsalzreiche Ernährung können zur Manifestation führen. Jede Form der Hypertonie ist behandlungsbedürftig. Eine Säule der nichtmedikamentösen Therapie ist die Ernähr...
Ein hohes Alter ist kein Grund, körperlich inaktiv zu werden — im Gegenteil. Selbst wer spät mit regelmäßiger Bewegung anfängt, senkt dadurch Morbidität und Mortalität, steigert seine Lebensqualität und bleibt länger selbstständig. Dabei zahlen sich auch schon kurze Trainingseinheiten mit moderater Intensität aus.
In den letzten Jahren wurde das Mantra: „Sport schützt vor Herzkrankheiten“ durch Studien relativiert, die zu zeigen scheinen, dass zu viel Sport dem Herzen schadet. Zu unrecht, so der Kardiologe und Sportmediziner Prof. Herbert Löllgen. Er befasste sich umfassend mit der Studienlage und beleuchtet Ergebnisse und Methoden kritisch.
Within the last twelve years, many consensus conferences and working groups have reported new recommendations for ECG interpretation in endurance exercise athletes. New data have improved validity and reliability of resting ECG in athletes, reducing especially false positive findings. ››In particular, these new recommendations classify ECG signs of...
Supranational collaborative studies should also be urgently planned to accurately defining the real incidence of PAFIYAMA syndrome in exercising subjects, meant to identifying reliable predictive factors and diagnostic biomarkers, which may help to timely identifying a subset of subjects at increased risk for this condition. This would ultimately a...
Die neuen Leitlinien zur kardiovaskulären Prävention sind erstmals in individualisierte Interventionen zur Reduktion von Risikofaktoren und einen eigenen Abschnitt zu populationsbezogenen Maßnahmen aufgeteilt. Zur individuellen Risikoeinschätzung von Personen werden die SCORE-Charts empfohlen, zudem werden Risikomodifikatoren genannt, wie sozioökon...
We have recently purposed the definition of a new syndrome: strenuous endurance exercise-related AF under the acronym of ‘PAFIYAMA’ (‘paroxysmal AF in young and middle-aged athletes’). This syndrome may be the consequence, at least in part, of atrial fibrotic remodeling (increased left atrial size). Although the management of this syndrome has deep...
Präventionsleitlinien bedürfen einer regelmäßigen Überarbeitung und Aktualisierung. Gerade zum Thema Bewegung und körperlicher Aktivität sind in den letzten Jahren zahlreiche neue Studien mit praktischer Bedeutung publiziert worden. Diese betreffen die Evidenz der körperlichen Aktivität, das Indikationsspektrum wie auch die Trainingsempfehlungen na...
Numerous prospective cohort studies in the last decades established that regular endurance exercise (EE) has benefits for the heart reducing cardiac morbidity and mortality. In contrast, some papers published recently pretend that too much of EE may have adverse cardiac effects and do harm the heart. This systematic review analyses right...
Las declaraciones de conflictos de intereses de los expertos participantes en el desarrollo de esta guía están disponibles en la página web de la ESC: www.escardio.org/guidelines
This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Oxford University Press via http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/eurheartj/ehw106
: ankle–brachial (blood pressure) index
: ambulatory blood pressure monitoring
: Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes
: angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor
: acute coronary syndromes
: Action in Diabetes and Vascular disease: PreterAx
There was a longstanding controversy on the role of resting ECG in the preparticipation examination in athletes, as well as in children and adolescent, in leisure time or top athletes. Besides other arguments, this was due to the limited validity, to the false positive and false negative findings often followed by a thorough clinical examination. H...
Although low- to moderate-intensity exercise has well-known cardiovascular benefits, it has been increasingly suggested that prolonged strenuous endurance exercise (SEE) could have potential deleterious cardiac effects. In effect, the term 'cardiac overuse injury' (or 'over-exercise') has been recently reported to group all the possible deleterious...
In recent years, physical activity and exercise training have increasingly been acknowledged to be important components of the prevention and treatment of cardiac disease. This includes, but is not limited to, the evaluation of cardiovascular risks in competitive and recreational athletes, and the prescription of individualized exercise interventio...
There has been a long standing controversy on the role of a resting electrocardiogram (ECG) in the preparticipation examination of athletes, as well as in children and adolescents, in leisure time and competitive athletes. Besides other arguments, this was due to the limited validity, which led to false positive and false negative findings.
Physical activity at an individual intensity can be used as a treatment of equal value as traditional pharmacological interventions. This has been validated for several diseases. In the US K/DOQI Guidelines (2005) and the KDIGO Guidelines (2012) regular physical activity is being recommended for dialysis patients as well as for all stages of CKD. P...
››Goals of pre-participation examination (PPE) in athletes are primarily to protect health of athletes. This applies for children, adolescents, leisure time and top athletes.To recognise early possible risks, history and clinical examination is agreed to be the basis of PPE. However, there is a long-standing controversy about whether ECG at rest sh...
Der vermehrte und rasant ansteigende Bedarf an sportkardiologischem Wissen hat zur Etablierung der Subspezialität Sportkardiologie geführt, wenngleich dies keine Zusatzbezeichnung ist und folglich auch kein Curriculum dafür existiert. Es gibt lediglich einen Vorschlag der Europäischen Gesellschaft für Kardiologie für ein Curriculum für Sportkardiol...
: While the preparticipation physical evaluation (PPE) is widely accepted, its usage and content are not standardized. Implementation is affected by cost, access, level of participation, participant age/sex, and local/regional/national mandate. Preparticipation physical evaluation screening costs are generally borne by the athlete, family, or club....
Zahlreiche Studien haben negative Folgen von Bewegungsmangel und sitzender Tätigkeit auf Morbidität und Mortalität ergeben. Regelmäßige körperliche Aktivität hat dagegen eindeutig positive Auswirkungen. Inzwischen hat körperliches Training Eingang in die klinische Medizin gefunden und wird heute in vielen Disziplinen als Therapie und Therapieergänz...
While the preparticipation physical evaluation (PPE) is widely accepted, its usage and content are not standardized. Implementation is affected by cost, access, level of participation, participant age/sex, and local/regional/national mandate. PPE screening costs are generally borne by the athlete, family, or club. Screening involves generally agree...
Zahlreiche Studien der letzten Jahre und Jahrzehnte haben gezeigt, dass re-gelmäßige Bewegung und körperliche Aktivität die Häufigkeit von Erkran-kung und Sterblichkeit in einem erheblichen Umfang senken können. Dies gilt für viele kardiovaskuläre Erkrankungen, aber auch Tumorleiden, Diabetes mellitus, metabolische Erkrankungen und verschiedene and...
A sedentary lifestyle has been shown to have negative effects on morbidity and mortality. In contrast, a large number of prospective cohort studies on the effects of regular physical activity demonstrated positive effects. Therefore, physical training is today an essential part of prevention and therapy in internal medicine. This review is based on...
Controversy surrounds the cardiac effects of competitive sports and the athlete's heart. In this review, we present and discuss the main cardiological findings in competitive athletes.
Selective review of pertinent literature retrieved by a search with the keywords "athlete's heart," "ECG," "echocardiography," "endurance exercise," "longevity," and...
The health and physical fitness of adolescents and young adults are important not just to the individuals concerned, but also to society as a whole. Many studies from many different countries have dealt with the prevalence of overweight, the risk factors for it, and the morbidity it causes, but no more than a few have addressed the effects of unhea...
The authors did not give any search criteria for the selective literature search (key words, databases). The listing is not based on recommendations from international medical specialty societies (1). Altitude headache is not “migraine-like” but diffuse and thudding. Categorically advising against travel to altitudes higher than 2000 meters in vari...
The number of sedentary young adults has dramatically increased in past decades, and sedentary lifestyles are adopted at an increasingly earlier age. Little is known about barriers or predictors to (re)initiate regular physical activity in this group. The purpose of the study is to (a) identify subgroups in nonathletes differing in their amenabilit...
There is a major trade-off between improvements in longevity, general health, fitness and quality of life due to regular intense physical activity on the one hand and possible cardiac risks on the other hand, whether for participants in leisure time sports activities or for highly trained athletes. Cardiac complications and sudden death in sports,...
Regular physical activity is now recognized as an important and very effective step to prevent many diseases, especially those of the cardiovascular system. Many studies within the last 20 years have also shown that exercise capacity or fitness is an important prognostic factor in healthy subjects and patients with cardiovascular diseases for both...
Regelmäßige körperliche Belastung hat sich etabliert und besitzt einen festen Stellenwert in der Reduktion von Risikofaktoren. Sie ist in der Lage, die Leistungsfähigkeit, Lebensdauer und Lebensqualität zu verbessern. Große Studien haben zeigen können, dass dies sowohl für die Primär- wie auch für die Sekundärprävention und Rehabilitationsmaßnahmen...
A sedentary lifestyle or physical inactivity is recognized as an important risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Regular physical activity improves muscular function, cardiac function, and metabolic syndrome-related disorders. Leisure time physical activity reduces all-cause mortality by 22-34% and cardiovascular mortality by 27-35%. These data...
Ihre Patienten werden viele Gründe vortragen, warum sie noch immer lieber auf dem Sofa sitzen, als abends eine Runde zu joggen. Unser Autor gibt Ihnen nicht nur gute Gegenargumente an die Hand, sondern auch handfeste Trainingsprogramme für Gesunde und Kranke.
The clinical manifestations of acute inhalation of toxic substances vary according to the particular injurious agents, concentration,
length of exposure, and underlying pre-existing diseases in the subjects. Responses of lung and heart on acute and chronic
irritant gases are discussed. The data mainly stem from occupational and environmental exposu...
Physical performance often declines in middle age, but it is unclear to what extent this is due to biological aging. It can be difficult to determine whether such physical changes are truly age-related, as they might alternatively be explained as the negative consequences of a sedentary lifestyle.
We assessed the endurance of a physically active su...
There is current debate on the appropriate type and extent of medical testing for amateur and hobby athletes before they engage in sports. In particular, views diverge on the value of an ECG at rest.
We selectively searched the Medline and Embase databases for relevant publications that appeared from 1990 to 2008. The most pertinent ones are discus...
Unter Ergometrie versteht man die quantitative Messung und Beurteilung der körperlichen Leistungsfähigkeit und Belastbarkeit
von Gesunden und Kranken. Die Ergometrie erfolgt mit einer definierten Belastung, sie soll reproduzierbar sein, dosierbar,
vergleichbar und objektiv. Die Ergometrie setzt, wie eine vergleichbare Labormethode, ein standardisie...
Die Belastungsuntersuchung ist hilfreich bei der Differenzialdiagnose. Grundsätzlich folgt die Differenzialdiagnose der verschiedenen Krankheitsbilder dem klassischen Vorgehen [2–4, 8, 9, 14]:
Diagnostik mit EKG,
Herzultraschall in Ruhe und unter Belastung, ggf. weiter apparative Diagnostik.
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